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Banditos Scout Team 17U Mason Marriott R95
Stix 2021 Black AJ Smith-Shawver R95
Banditos Scout Team 17U Khristian Curtis R94
5 Star Performance 17U National Austin Green R94
TEXAS PRIME - DN Logan Whitfield L93
Ok Fuel 17U Carson Benge R92
Dallas Patriots 17U Stout Rylan Byrd R92
Dallas Patriots 17U Stout Tyson Neighbors R92
Canes Southwest - Clementz Trey Ates R91
Banditos Scout Team 17U Alec Grossman R91
Banditos Scout Team 17U Cody Howard R91
Canes Southwest - Premier 2021 Kyler Kirkpatrick R91
Stix 2022 Black Christian Smith-Johnson R91
Prospects National Team Drew Blake L90
Ok Fuel 17U Bode Brooks R90
Hardball 17U Hoefler Rhett Bynum R90
Stix 2021 Black Zachary Cawyer R90
Banditos Scout Team 17U Walker Janek R90
Prospects National Team Edward Mendoza R90
Dallas Tigers Ahearne Colton Shaw R90
Sandlot Mitzner Devin Bennett R89
Dallas Tigers West 2021 - Beavan Robert Cranz R89
Dallas Patriots 17U Stout Jack Deapen R89
Ok Fuel 17U Cameron Ebert R89
Canes Southwest - Clementz Nick Moore R89
Ok Fuel 17U John Keaton Ruthardt R89
Stix 2021 Red Austin Scheets R89
Stix 2021 Black Tyler Schott L89
Prospects National Team Taylor Seay R89
Canes Southwest - Clementz Chase Spencer R89
Dallas Patriots 17U Stout Bryson Adair R88
Dulins Dodgers - Texas Owen Archer R88
Stix 2021 Black Griffin Binkley R88
Skills Baseball 17u Cal Birchfield R88
Dallas Patriots 17U Senato Camden Byrd L88
Stix 2021 Black Caden Copeland L88
Stix 2021 Red Dylan Crooks R88
D-BAT Elite Daniel Cunningham R88
Skills Baseball 17u Ezra Gustafson R88
17U Banditos Black Jaxon Hansen R88
Canes Southwest - Premier 2021 Ryan Leary R88
Canes Southwest - Premier 2021 David Lopez R88
Stix 2021 Red Timothy Malone R88
Dallas Patriots 17U Stout Jax Ortiz R88
Dallas Patriots 17U Stout Blake Paradis R88
Sandlot Scout Team 2022 Brennan Phillips L88
Sandlot Mitzner Caden Powell R88
Canes Southwest Cowser Tanner Reaves R88
Sandlot Scout Team 2022 Kade Shatwell R88
Dulins Dodgers - Texas Jeremy Slate R88
Stix 2021 Black Ben Smedshammer R88
Sandlot Scout Team 2022 Bauer Brittain R87
Canes Southwest Cowser David Carr L87
Sandlot Mitzner Noah Duplantis R87
Sandlot Scout Team 2022 Jordan Huskey L87
D-BAT Elite Ryan Lindsey R87
Banditos Scout Team 17U Victor Loa L87
Banditos Scout Team 17U Michael Ramos R87
Dulins Dodgers - Texas Christopher Serna L87
17U Banditos Black Matthew Tippie R87
Prime Parra 17u Aidan Wagley L87
AB National Team 17u-Brewer Tyler Ward R87
Banditos Scout Team 17U Kobe Andrade L86
17U Banditos Black Tyce Armstrong R86
Canes Southwest - Premier 2021 Brayden Buchanan R86
Stix 2021 Red Caleb Bunch R86
Banditos Scout Team 17U Brandon Burckel R86
Dallas Tigers Nester Jake Carvajal R86
Canes Southwest - Premier 2021 Caden Crouch R86
Canes Southwest - Premier 2021 Daniel Farrow R86
Banditos Scout Team 17U Heriberto Emmanuel Garza R86
Dulins Dodgers - Texas Brady Gilmore R86
Sandlot Mitzner Jaxon Gless R86
Canes Southwest - Clementz Nick Greaney R86
USA Prime Brewer Walker Hickey R86
17U Banditos Black Carson Hill R86
Canes Southwest Cowser Brayden Hodges R86
5 Star Performance 17U National Tyler Lee R86
5 Star Performance 17U National Colin Martin R86
Prospects National Team Ryan McAffrey R86
Vendetta Baseball - 2021 Brayden Murphy R86
Banditos Scout Team 17U Casen Neumann L86
17U Banditos Black Matthew Padilla R86
Dallas Tigers Ahearne Ridge Parker R86
Dallas Patriots 17U Stout Ryan Pehrson R86
Stix 2022 Black Owen Proksch L86
Stix 2021 Black Tristan Thurman R86
Stix 2022 Black Kayden Voelkel R86
Stix 2021 Black Kayden Voelkel R86
Skills Baseball 17u Aaron Weber R86
AB National Team 17u-Brewer Tate Yardley R86
Dallas Patriots 17U Stout Riley Bauman R85
Dallas Tigers Ahearne Sergio Benitez R85
5 Star Performance 17U National Reid Boyett R85
Dallas Patriots 17U Stout Connor Carson R85
Prospects National Team Jack Clark R85
Canes Southwest Cowser Mathew Crawford R85
Ok Fuel 17U Kyler Denton R85
Canes Southwest - Premier 2021 Chase Donovan R85
Prospects National Team Christian Eberhard L85
Stix 2021 Red Preston Etter R85
Canes Southwest - Premier 2021 Matthew Fitzharris R85
Canes Southwest Cowser Cameron Harpole R85
Skills Baseball 17u Brylen Janda R85
Dulins Dodgers - Texas James Laird R85
AB National Team 17u-Brewer Braden Leonard R85
Dallas Tigers West 2021 - Beavan Emerson Lott R85
TEXAS PRIME - DN Andrew Nick R85
AB National Team 17u-Brewer Kyle Roosa R85
Canes Southwest - Clementz Jagger Schattle L85
Prospects National Team Ryan Schuelke R85
Stix 2021 Red Ben Stevenson R85
Dallas Tigers West 2021 - Beavan Preston Tabor L85
5 Star Performance 17U National Fletcher Whitley L85
Vendetta Baseball - 2021 Caiden Wilson R85
Sandlot Scout Team 2022 Preston Berg R84
Hardball 17U Hoefler Samuel Connevey L84
ZT Elite 17U NTX Kevin Daniel Cox R84
Dulin's Dodgers - Dykes Keegan Daniels R84
5 Star Performance 17U National Jeb Drewery L84
Ok Fuel 17U William Edmunson R84
Hardball 17U Hoefler Levi Ewert R84
Sandlot Scout Team 2022 Jaiden Graves R84
Dulins Dodgers - Texas Chris Hartley R84
Dulin's Dodgers - Dykes Bryan Jones R84
Stix 2021 Red Casey Kelly R84
AB National Team 17u-Brewer Perry Kyles R84
Skills Baseball 17u Ethan Louthan R84
Canes Southwest Cowser Jeffrey Martz R84
AB National Team 17u-Brewer Caleb Matthews R84
Stix 2021 Black Camron Montz R84
USA Prime Brewer Jack Newman L84
D-BAT Elite Tobin Oler R84
Prospects National Team Dawson Overby R84
Dallas Tigers Ahearne Jackson Peters R84
5 Star Performance 17U National Matthew Randall R84
Sandlot Mitzner Devin Reyna R84
Banditos Scout Team 17U Michael Saumell R84
Stix 2022 Black Cooper Schneider R84
Prime Parra 17u Spencer Tepedino L84
Dulins Dodgers - Texas Cade Vestal R84
Sandlot Scout Team 2022 Kaden Wright R84
D-BAT Elite Dash Albus L83
Tx Trappers National Scout Team Black Elian Balmaceda L83
Dallas Patriots 17U Stout Alan Benhardt L83
Dulin's Dodgers - Dykes Cameron Bonds R83
Sandlot Scout Team 2022 Jack Bucholz R83
Dallas Patriots 17U Senato Apollo Cassimatis R83
TEXAS PRIME - DN Zachary Conde R83
Stix 2022 Black Drake Dowd L83
TEXAS PRIME - DN Braden Frisby R83
Canes Southwest - Clementz Cole Hebel L83
Ok Fuel 17U Cooper Jenson L83
17U Banditos Black James Lee R83
Sandlot Mitzner Jaylon Lee L83
ZT Elite 17U NTX James Martinez L83
TEXAS PRIME - DN William Randall R83
Stix 2022 Black Aidan Rojas R83
Prospects National Team Jacob Ruiz R83
Tx Trappers National Scout Team Black Cesar Sanchez Iii R83
Stix 2021 Black Coleman Schmidt R83
Dallas Patriots 17U Stout Luke Sheppard R83
Canes Southwest - Clementz Dylan Stephens L83
Dallas Tigers Nester Landon Stocks R83
Hardball 17U Hoefler Carson Wagner R83
Canes Southwest - Clementz Casey Workman R83
ZT Elite 17U NTX Dylan Bryant R82
Canes Southwest Cowser Trenton Bush R82
Dallas Tigers West 2021 - Beavan Jonah Cortina R82
Dulins Dodgers - Texas Kaden Doan R82
5 Star Performance 17U National Wade Fell R82
D-BAT Elite Jacob Hood R82
Dulins Dodgers - Texas Alex Johnson R82
Canes Southwest - Premier 2021 Graham Kiemsteadt R82
17U Banditos Black Pierce Levinthal L82
Prospects National Team Connor Massimini L82
17U Banditos Black Cage McCloud R82
Canes Southwest Cowser Ryan Medeiros R82
D-BAT Elite Trent Nickerson L82
Stix 2022 Black Ryne Rodriguez L82
Skills Baseball 17u Houston Russell R82
TEXAS PRIME - DN Ethan Smith R82
Dallas Tigers West 2021 - Beavan Kevin Taylor R82
Vendetta Baseball - 2021 Jacob Vasquez R82
Vendetta Baseball - 2021 Alex Aleman R81
TEXAS PRIME - DN Bryce Blackwell L81
5 Star Performance 17U National Alex Brown L81
Stix 2021 Red Daniel Calabrese R81
Dallas Tigers Nester Ethan Connell R81
Prime Parra 17u Gauge Elliott R81
Canes Southwest - Premier 2021 John Estrada R81
Sandlot Mitzner Kenney Fabian R81
Hardball 17U Hoefler William Kuebler L81
Vendetta Baseball - 2021 Salvador Lopez R81
17U Banditos Black Tyson Luna L81
Skills Baseball 17u Jonah Mahen R81
Dallas Tigers Nester Nick Miller R81
D-BAT Elite Shun Mizuno R81
Dallas Tigers Ahearne Gavin Perotti R81
Dallas Patriots 17U Senato Jaxon Rees R81
Dulins Dodgers - Texas Owen Roth R81
Sandlot Scout Team 2022 Cole San Nicolas L81
Dulin's Dodgers - Dykes Jacob Tumey R81
Prime Parra 17u Nate Uglialoro R81
D-BAT Elite Balin Valentine R81
Dallas Tigers Ahearne Hunter Watson R81
Dallas Tigers Ahearne Patrick Wheelis R81
USA Prime Brewer Chase Acker R80
Vendetta Baseball - 2021 Dalton Alford R80
AB National Team 17u-Brewer Dylan Anderson R80
Vendetta Baseball - 2021 Ryan Bazan R80
D-BAT Elite Kaeleb Carrillo L80
Stix 2021 Red Hagan Clower R80
Stix 2022 Black Trevor Duck R80
USA Prime Brewer Dean Evans R80
Dallas Tigers Ahearne Adrian Figueroa L80
Dallas Tigers Ahearne Gaston Galvan R80
Dallas Tigers West 2021 - Beavan Tristan Gonzalez L80
5 Star Performance 17U National John Grider L80
Prime Parra 17u Dane Haehn R80
Stix 2022 Black Landen Harless L80
ZT Elite 17U NTX Jalen Jones R80
Stix 2022 Black Christopher Kelley R80
Ok Fuel 17U Jackson Kennedy R80
Stix 2021 Red Matthew Kevlin R80
USA Prime Brewer Christian Key R80
Canes Southwest Cowser Luke Leaumont R80
Tx Trappers National Scout Team Black Dominic Lopez R80
Vendetta Baseball - 2021 Jacob Marroquin R80
ZT Elite 17U NTX David Martinez R80
USA Prime Brewer Clayton McCaleb R80
USA Prime Brewer Tate McKown R80
Canes Southwest - Clementz Daniel Paz L80
ZT Elite 17U NTX Hayden Schafer R80
Dallas Patriots 17U Senato Landon Seutter L80
5 Star Performance 17U National Brodie Shankle R80
Canes Southwest - Premier 2021 Ellis Taylor R80
Dallas Tigers Nester Lucas Terilli L80
Vendetta Baseball - 2021 Justyn Valdez L80
Sandlot Mitzner Chris Wall L80
Tx Trappers National Scout Team Black Ethan Bowen L79
Dulin's Dodgers - Dykes Braxton Brown L79
Tx Trappers National Scout Team Black David Brown R79
AB National Team 17u-Brewer Turner Bubeck L79
Skills Baseball 17u Tanner Christian R79
Hardball 17U Hoefler Caleb Low R79
AB National Team 17u-Brewer Nash McMahon R79
Canes Southwest Cowser Kenneth Scheetz L79
Canes Southwest - Clementz Dawson Schumann R79
Dulin's Dodgers - Dykes Keaton Taguwa L79
Dallas Tigers West 2021 - Beavan Blaine Vaughan R79
USA Prime Brewer Bryce Warnack R79
Dallas Tigers Nester Ken Yamakoshi R79
Dulin's Dodgers - Dykes Blake Young R79
Tx Trappers National Scout Team Black Everett Bates R78
Tx Trappers National Scout Team Black Connor Fulbright R78
USA Prime Brewer Tyler Hartwell R78
Dallas Patriots 17U Senato Devin Hinojosa R78
Sandlot Mitzner Pryce Holloway L78
Prime Parra 17u Quincy McGraw Jr. R78
ZT Elite 17U NTX Macklin Moreland L78
Vendetta Baseball - 2021 Eduardo Moreno R78
Banditos Scout Team 17U Mason Swidersky R78
Dulins Dodgers - Texas Ryan Ward L78
Tx Trappers National Scout Team Black Alejandro Zozaya R78
Canes Southwest Cowser Gabriel Colina R77
Stix 2021 Red Preston Keltner L77
Hardball 17U Hoefler Chase Mann L77
Sandlot Mitzner Hunter Nunn R77
Canes Southwest Cowser Rene Perez Jr. R77
Dallas Tigers West 2021 - Beavan Jacob Perry L77
ZT Elite 17U NTX Landon Turner R77
Prime Parra 17u Brooks Bishop R76
Hardball 17U Hoefler Cole Blake R76
Stix 2021 Red Jackson Cox L76
Dallas Patriots 17U Senato Holden Drew R76
Prime Parra 17u Cameron Hartman R76
AB National Team 17u-Brewer Brady Hughes L76
Tx Trappers National Scout Team Black Sloan Laird R76
Dallas Patriots 17U Senato Max Milligan L76
Prime Parra 17u Nic Bennett L75
Prospects National Team Adam Decker R75
Sandlot Mitzner Jarrett Flaggert R75
Dulin's Dodgers - Dykes Aidan Kuntz R75
Prospects National Team Jace Mitscherling R75
Dallas Tigers Nester Austin Todd L75
Hardball 17U Hoefler Justin Warrender R75
Dallas Tigers Ahearne Edbarry Guzman-Ithier R74
TEXAS PRIME - DN Ariel Lluberes R74
Dallas Patriots 17U Senato Trevor Sutton R74
Dallas Tigers West 2021 - Beavan Antonio Vallejo R74
USA Prime Brewer Nolan Vogel R74
Tx Trappers National Scout Team Black Omar Balmaceda R73
Dallas Patriots 17U Senato Hunter Helton R73
Dallas Tigers Nester Jack Scoggin L73
Dallas Tigers Nester William Stroman R72
Prime Parra 17u Caedmon Thomas L71
Stix 2022 Black Beau Distel L69
Tx Trappers National Scout Team Black Salvador Flores R62