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Beaumont Gladiators Joshua Hranicky L91
SA Angels Blue Nicholas O'Donnell R91
Banditos 2018 Black Marcelo Perez R91
Premier Baseball Futures - Evans Ryan Segner R91
Premier Baseball Futures - Evans Adam Kloffenstein R90
Premier Baseball Futures - Evans Owen Meaney R90
Beaumont Gladiators Braydon Credeur R89
Houston Heat Silver-Rupp Nick Barnes R88
Premier Baseball Futures - Nixon Blake Brogdon R88
TSL - Texas Showcase League - Allstar Team Alex DeLeon R88
Banditos 2018 Black Trey Faltine R88
SA Angels 2018 Carlos Flores Jr R88
Banditos White Blake Holub R88
Nola Monsters Ian Landreneau R88
PNT TiTan Bats Bryce Miller R88
Banditos 2018 Black Oscar Moralez R88
Banditos White Jordan Powell R88
Texas Sun Devils Andrew Sheridan R88
Austin Elite Baseball Hunter Taylor R88
Dallas Patriots Brooks Ty Bowring R87
Nola Monsters Garrett Crochet L87
Dallas Patriots Brooks Peter Delkus R87
Dallas Patriots Sherard Cesar Eguia R87
Banditos 2018 Black Michael Fitzpatrick R87
TSL - Texas Showcase League - Allstar Team Mateo Gil R87
South Texas Sliders Drake Greenwood R87
Beaumont Gladiators Holden Lane R87
Action 18u Garcia Luke Malone R87
Banditos 2018 Black Drew Minter R87
TSL - Texas Showcase League - Allstar Team Josiah Ortiz R87
Premier Baseball Futures - Nixon Connor Phillips R87
South Texas Sliders Ryan Rickett R87
Houston Heat 17u Bay Justin Ruble R87
Diaz Baseball Bryant Salgado R87
Banditos 2018 Black Blake Schultz R87
Mizuno Baseball Usa Javan Smitherman R87
Beaumont Gladiators Trevis Sundgren R87
Alex Cintron Baseball Dawson Abernethy R86
Team Citius Roland Walker Bordovsky R86
SA Angels 2018 Kevin Crusius R86
SA Kings 18u Zachary Deleon R86
PNT TiTan Bats Cameron Foster R86
Team Citius Roland Chezzare Gonzalez R86
Mizuno Baseball Usa Jake Johnson R86
Team Citius Roland Chandler Joswiak L86
PNT TiTan Bats Jessie Lawrence L86
TSL - Texas Showcase League - Allstar Team Carlos Tavera R86
South Texas Sliders Jake Zatopek R86
South Texas Sliders Brad Armstrong R85
Beaumont Gladiators Daniel Bean R85
Texas Trappers Beau Billings R85
Texas Stix Baseball Club 2017 Brayden Dragoo R85
Team Citius Jordan William Duncan R85
SA Angels Blue Chandler Eaton R85
Bengals Damon Fernandez R85
Houston Heat 17u Bay James Kirkpatrick R85
SA Angels 2018 Calvin Marks L85
TSL - Texas Showcase League - Allstar Team Nick Mendivil R85
Diaz Baseball Brandon Mitchell L85
Mizuno Baseball Usa Garrett Mullican R85
Beaumont Gladiators Brett Payne R85
Texas Fire Dalton Porter L85
Hunter Pence Baseball-Danielson Reed Smith R85
SA Angels Blue Maddux Solomon R85
Texas Stix Baseball Club 2017 Kyler Strode R85
Premier Baseball Futures - Nixon Matthew Swick R85
Banditos White Ryan Tackett R85
Texas Fire Hayden Thomas R85
PNT TiTan Bats Brett Williams R85
Hill Country Baseball 18U Alex Gregory Ayala L84
PNT TiTan Bats Trey Becerra R84
NTX Banditos - Turner Zachery Carrion L84
Dallas Patriots Brooks Spencer Cochran R84
Hunter Pence Baseball-Cunningham Jake Combs R84
PNT TiTan Bats Tyler Dean R84
Texas Stix Baseball Club 2017 Ryan Drake R84
Dallas Patriots Sherard Kaden Dydalewicz R84
Houston Heat 17u Bay Aaron Michael Galvan L84
Austin Elite Baseball Grant Gaspard R84
Hunter Pence Baseball-Danielson Evan Godwin L84
Texas Sun Devils Chris Haggard R84
Diaz Baseball Lorenzo Hardit R84
South Texas Sliders Orange Chase Hendrix R84
Houston Heat Silver-Rupp Bo Hoeffken R84
Austin Elite Baseball Grant Hurn R84
South Texas Sliders Jackson Kiddy R84
SA Kings 18u Jaydan Martinez L84
Texas Fire Dathon McGrath R84
SA Angels Blue Matt Moran R84
Texas Stix Baseball Club 2017 Devin Paz R84
Hunter Pence Baseball-Danielson Armani Sanchez R84
Action 18u Garcia Dylan Savino R84
South Texas Sliders Orange Matt Scott R84
PNT TiTan Bats Tristan Stivors R84
Action 18u Garcia Bradley Tuttle R84
Team Citius Jordan Cory Vollmer R84
HPBA-Crew Cole Wesneski R84
Banditos TX Bryce Yosko R84
Premier Baseball Futures - Nixon Garret Zaskoda R84
PNT TiTan Bats Rowan Arrant R83
Hunter Pence Baseball-Danielson Michael Cervantes R83
Texas Sun Devils Hayden Collins R83
Mizuno Baseball Usa Ty Cook R83
Team Citius Roland Ryan Day L83
HPBA-Crew Ty Michael Dragos R83
Premier Baseball Futures - Nixon Connor Elliott L83
Nola Monsters Damon Fountain R83
Diaz Baseball Jorge Luis Galindez R83
Action 18u Garcia Michael Garza R83
Houston Heat Silver-Rupp Cole Godkin R83
Beaumont Gladiators Logan Hamm R83
Dallas Patriots Brooks Brooks Helmer R83
PrimeTime Baseball NST Cameron Limbrick R83
Austin Elite Baseball Aaron Little R83
Texas Fire Preston Ludwick R83
Hill Country Baseball 17U Grant McCall R83
Houston Heat 17u Bay Joseph Munoz L83
Alex Cintron Baseball Dillon Nesbit R83
RTG Baseball- Fisher Nick Petro R83
Nola Monsters Cristian Poche L83
Hill Country Baseball 18U Jason Porter L83
Houston Heat Silver-Rupp Brandon Pruitt R83
Austin Elite Baseball Kevin Rosengren R83
Premier Baseball Futures - Nixon Ryan Rusinovich R83
Batter's Box Kent Smith R83
Team Citius Roland Alec Soliz R83
Houston Banditos Anthony Thomas R83
Texas Sun Devils Austin Vaughan R83
TSL - Texas Showcase League - Allstar Team Steven Vejil L83
Banditos White Eric Yarbro R83
Houston Banditos Alec Atkinson R82
South Texas Sliders Navy Fernando Benavides R82
Premier Baseball Futures - Evans Benjamin Content R82
Houston Heat Silver-Rupp Alec Cruz R82
Dallas Patriots Brooks Nick Davis R82
PNT TiTan Bats Zach Davis R82
Hunter Pence Baseball-Danielson Jacob De La Cerda L82
Alex Cintron Baseball Abraham Deleon R82
Austin Elite Baseball Patrick Dilullo R82
Action 18u Garcia Jacob Flores R82
Houston C2 Select White Isaac Garcia R82
South Texas Sliders Bo Gonzales R82
HP Baseball- Allen Joe Kibbe R82
Premier Baseball Futures - Evans Kameron Levis R82
Hill Country Baseball 18U Dakota Limon L82
HPBA-Crew Garret Monroe L82
SA Kings 18u Remington Neffendorf R82
Hill Country Baseball 18U Ethan O'Riley R82
RTG Baseball- Fisher Lance Peña R82
Mizuno Baseball Usa Tyler Randick R82
Banditos White Tyler Rosplock R82
Fort Bend Texans Jeff Rotz R82
Texas Fire Brandt Sobczak R82
Austin Elite Baseball Dontae Woodard L82
Mizuno Baseball Usa Joseph Akers R81
PrimeTime Baseball NST Riley Backs L81
Team Citius Jordan Brandon Baier R81
South Texas Sliders Navy Dalton Brieger R81
Houston Banditos Jonathan Brown R81
Nola Monsters Rene Brupbacher R81
Texas Sun Devils Carlos Cisneros L81
Team Citius Jordan Bryce Crow R81
Texas Trappers Tyler Ferguson R81
Hunter Pence Baseball-Cunningham Kaden Fikac R81
South Texas Sliders Navy Boedy Flores R81
Texas Fire Brandon Hampton L81
Texas Stix Baseball Club 2017 Joseph Huff R81
Dallas Patriots Brooks Isaac Maes R81
Hunter Pence Baseball-Cunningham Rhett McCaffety L81
Beaumont Gladiators Cole McConnell L81
PNT TiTan Bats Mason Muras R81
SA Angels 2018 Jason Palmer L81
Alex Cintron Baseball Tommy Patrick Jr. R81
Hunter Pence Baseball-Cunningham Cole Payne R81
Hill Country Baseball 17U Nathaniel Robles L81
HP Baseball- Allen Matthew Sandoval R81
HP Baseball- Allen Tripp Sealy R81
Texas Trappers Cameron Sheets L81
Texas Trappers Adrian Stover R81
Team Citius Jordan Jared Tipton R81
Austin Elite Baseball Miguel Torres R81
Austin Elite Baseball Pepper Wagner R81
Nola Monsters Garrett Watson L81
South Texas Sliders Orange Nick Wolff R81
TSL - Texas Showcase League - Allstar Team Colin Wyman R81
Hill Country Baseball 17U Damien Acosta R80
HPBA-Crew Scott Bacon R80
Team Citius Jordan Austin Bain R80
Batter's Box Shelby Becker R80
Hunter Pence Baseball Academy-Clark Dylan Blevins R80
Batter's Box Ethan Blinka R80
HP Baseball- Allen Clayton Canion R80
Team Citius Jordan Kasey Cannaday R80
Houston Heat 17u Bay Cristian Cienfuegos R80
ABA Houston Braden Clifton R80
Batter's Box Seth Diggs R80
Texas Trappers Orion Drymond R80
Bengals Braxton Gerek L80
RTG Baseball- Fisher Ryan Harris R80
Dallas Patriots Sherard Kamren Harrison L80
Team Citius Jordan Ryan Jeffers L80
Alex Cintron Baseball Santiago Jimenez R80
South Texas Sliders Orange Kolby Johnson L80
Texas Sun Devils Chase Kemp L80
RTG Baseball- Fisher Nicholas Meineke R80
PrimeTime Baseball NST Cody Morgan L80
HPBA-Crew Mason Moszkowicz L80
Nola Monsters Jacob Mouriz R80
Houston Heat 17u Bay Brendan Nuemann R80
Banditos 2018 Black Roberto Pena R80
Premier Baseball Futures - Evans Rane Pfeifer R80
ABA Houston Miguel Rodriguez R80
Alex Cintron Baseball Andrew Saenz R80
Fort Bend Texans Brandon Setliff L80
TSL - Texas Showcase League - Allstar Team Walker Sigman R80
Fort Bend Texans Joshua Skokan R80
Mizuno Baseball Usa Matthew Stary R80
Alex Cintron Baseball Joseph Vazquez R80
Bengals Ryan Vera L80
Texas Stix Baseball Club 2017 Dalton Wason R80
Dallas Patriots Sherard Braden Webb R80
Houston C2 Select White Brody Wilson R80
SA Angels Blue John Wisniewski R80
CBA Baseball Seth Barber L79
South Texas Sliders Navy Alex Barner R79
Beaumont Gladiators Bryan Bergeron L79
Diaz Baseball Andrés Carrillo R79
Team Citius Roland Robert Wesley Casey R79
Bengals Justin Tanner Deitrich R79
Hill Country Baseball 17U Phillip Figueroa R79
Nola Monsters Brandon Foncree R79
PrimeTime Baseball NST Parker Gregg R79
SA Angels Blue Nick Hamel R79
HPBA-Crew Benjamin Hegedus R79
SA Kings 17u Brandon Jenkins R79
Houston Banditos Ryan Kasper R79
Fort Bend Texans Connor Lee L79
Hill Country Baseball 17U Tyler Lusher L79
CBA Baseball Isaiah Martinez R79
PNT TiTan Bats Cole Mayes R79
RTG Baseball- Fisher Kyle Purdy R79
Alex Cintron Baseball Jake Rohde R79
Texas Trappers Richard Scott IV R79
Houston Heat Silver-Rupp Josh Seale R79
HP Baseball- Allen Arian Tabibian L79
HPBA-Crew Garrett Veit R79
Hill Country Baseball 17U Michael Verdoorn R79
South Texas Sliders Orange Eric Wellmann L79
PrimeTime Baseball NST Andrew (Blake) Winebrenner L79
Nola Monsters Zachary Alexis L78
SA Angels 2018 Decatur Aycock R78
Hunter Pence Baseball-Cunningham Justin Barnes R78
Team Citius Roland Adrian Castillo R78
RTG Baseball- Fisher Chandler Christofferson R78
Hunter Pence Baseball Academy-Clark Adrian Cruz R78
Batter's Box Kyle Cunningham R78
Batter's Box Austin Derkowski L78
Austin Elite Baseball Cohen Dillman R78
South Texas Sliders Wesley Faison R78
Action 18u Garcia Nathan Flake L78
Hill Country Baseball 17U Matthew Fotovich R78
Team Citius Jordan Mychal "Mickey" Fry R78
Houston C2 Select White Ben Gottfried R78
Texas Trappers Ben Griffin R78
Bengals Garrison Hargrave R78
PrimeTime Baseball NST Brandon Holdren L78
Mizuno Baseball Usa Adam Houghtaling L78
Dallas Patriots Brooks Conner Jackson L78
SA Angels 2018 Joe Jimenez R78
South Texas Sliders Orange Stuart Johnson R78
Texas Fire Kyle Lemke L78
Alex Cintron Baseball Taylor Meaux L78
CBA Baseball Noah Morales R78
Houston Banditos Cullen Paradowski R78
Dallas Patriots Brooks Cesar Paz R78
Team Citius Roland Abel AJ Pena L78
Houston Banditos Michael Pena L78
Mizuno Baseball Usa Eli Riechmann L78
Hunter Pence Baseball-Cunningham Caleb Schulz R78
Dallas Patriots Sherard Ben Shepherd R78
Bengals Myles Simmons R78
Houston C2 Select White Jarrett Tadlock R78
Team Citius Roland Jarius Taylor R78
Batter's Box Trevor Williams R78
SA Kings 17u Clayton Davis R77
HPBA-Crew Billy Decker R77
Banditos White Jackson Dietel L77
ABA Houston Josh Gatewood R77
SA Kings 17u Reagan Meuret L77
Fort Bend Texans Oghosa Osemwota R77
Alex Cintron Baseball Mason Oxsheer R77
Houston C2 Select White Arnaldo Perez Jr. R77
SA Kings 18u Ethan Rivera R77
Texas Sun Devils Westley Schields R77
RTG Baseball- Fisher Connor Taylor R77
Texas Fire Jacob Wilson L77
Premier Baseball Futures - Evans Seth Wilson R77
Houston Heat 17u Bay Clayton Young L77
PrimeTime Baseball NST Joseph Aust L76
Nola Monsters Bryce Barrilleaux R76
Texas Trappers Alston Brashear R76
Dallas Patriots Sherard Caden Carlson R76
Nola Monsters Austin Cates R76
PrimeTime Baseball NST Joshua Chacon R76
Nola Monsters Kedrick Edwards L76
Texas Fire Cameron Frost R76
CBA Baseball Jorge Garza R76
Diaz Baseball Kyle Higgins R76
Batter's Box Aaron Kohring L76
Batter's Box Brett Linseisen R76
Nola Monsters Trace Messina R76
South Texas Sliders Navy Darren Mourer R76
Dallas Patriots Sherard Chandler Odom R76
Hill Country Baseball 17U Rudy Reyna III R76
Premier Baseball Futures - Nixon Blake Wilson L76
CBA Baseball Jonathan Acosta R75
ABA Houston Miguel Almanza R75
PrimeTime Baseball NST Nathan Alvarado R75
SA Kings 17u Noah Berry R75
ABA Houston Elias Cantu R75
Dallas Patriots Brooks Braden Carmichael L75
Hunter Pence Baseball-Danielson Peyton Chatagnier R75
Banditos TX Kyle Frame R75
SA Kings 17u Jake Gahan R75
Premier Baseball Futures - Nixon Baldemar Guerra L75
HP Baseball- Allen Bobby Lada R75
SA Kings 17u Kenny Lemmon L75
Houston Heat Silver-Rupp Evan Pauley L75
ABA Houston Pierce Taylor R75
Houston C2 Select White Caden Vance R75
SA Angels 2018 Jameson Amaya R74
Houston C2 Select White Ryan Farmer R74
Bengals Faraon Gonzales R74
ABA Houston Martin Marchan R74
HP Baseball- Allen Cade Nevot R74
South Texas Sliders Navy Tristan Ordeneaux R74
Fort Bend Texans Matthew Riley R74
Team Lights Out-Black Grayson Rutherford R74
Houston C2 Select White Alexander Skoruppa R74
Dallas Patriots Sherard Connor Jackson R73
CBA Baseball Jan Lara R73
Hunter Pence Baseball Academy-Clark Gregory Main R73
Action 18u Garcia Phillip Maldonado R73
Team Citius Roland Clyde Mordica V R73
SA Kings 17u Mark Moreno R73
ABA Houston Chase Morris R73
South Texas Sliders Navy Matt Scannell L73
Hunter Pence Baseball-Danielson Nathan Silva L73
Texas Fire C. J. Speer L73
South Texas Sliders Orange Jacob Flores L72
ABA Houston Jonavich Garcia  72
Houston C2 Select White Tyler Holley R72
SA Kings 17u Cody Rutherford R72
South Texas Sliders Navy Andres Santos R72
Houston Heat Silver-Rupp Michael Ryan Scofield R72
South Texas Sliders Navy Travis Sthele R72
CBA Baseball Nathan Arredondo R71
Houston C2 Select White Ty Preston L71
Houston C2 Select White Lloyd Richards III R71
CBA Baseball Michael Villarreal R71
Houston C2 Select White Jeb Beam R69
CBA Baseball Ivan Rodriguez R69
HPBA-Crew Aaron Wisnieski L68