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FB Velocities
New England Scout Team Aidan Weaver R94
Ascent 2022 Gold Gavin Lill R93
New England Scout Team Carson Applegate R92
Bronx Bombers 17u Yulian Batista R92
CBB Bombers 17U Boston Flannery R92
Baseball Performance Center Dennis (Duke) McCarron R92
Ascent 2022 Gold Robby Porco R92
5 Star National Northeast 2023s Kayden Faulcon R91
Ascent 2022 Gold Rueben Livingston R91
Diamond Jacks Super 18's Kyle McCoy L91
Northeast Supreme 17U White Ryan Sprock R91
CBB Bombers 17U Ryan Vandewater R91
Northeast Pride National Nick Biasi L90
Clubhouse 2023 Chandler Coe R90
Baseball Performance Center Christian Coppola R90
East Coast Lumberjacks 2022s Colin Dowlen R90
Northeast Pride National Nick Finarelli R90
Baseball Performance Center Kai Leckszas R90
CBB Bombers 17U Nick Martinez R90
Bronx Bombers 17u Mario Pesca R90
Time To Sign Scout James Raidt R90
East Coast Lumberjacks 2022s Billy Steele R90
East Coast Lumberjacks 2022s Jude Abbadessa R89
Elite Squad NY Erwin Branche R89
New England Scout Team Jake Brink R89
Sportika Baseball Academy 18U National Aiden Cody R89
Bronx Bombers 17u Carter Cowburn R89
CBB Bombers 17U Xavier De Los Santos Peralta R89
New England Scout Team Ryan Egan R89
Baseball Performance Center Cameron Flukey R89
5 Star National Northeast 2023s Matthew Goldenbaum R89
Diamond Jacks Super 18's Jared Greenzang R89
Northeast Pride National J.J. Hood R89
MVP Beast 2023 National Justin Leguernic L89
East Coast Lumberjacks 2022s Connor McCreery R89
Next Level Titans Jake Moss R89
CBB Bombers 17U Matthew Shumate R89
CBB Bombers 17U Simon Sobellia L89
New England Scout Team Davis Wallon R89
Clubhouse 2023 James Fahan R88
Next Level Titans Jj Gatti R88
Complete Performance Baseball Academy Michael Gillen R88
MVP Beast 2022 Matt Hannon R88
FTB Mid Atlantic Beau Haslinger R88
Next Level Titans Joseph Hauser R88
East Coast Ghost Charlie Jones R88
East Coast Ghost Collin Kratzer R88
Northeast Pride National James Lordi L88
CBB Bombers 17U Evan Maloney R88
Bronx Bombers 17u Angel Miranda R88
CBB Bombers 17U Royer Stanley Moreno-Cedeno L88
Northeast Pride National Tyler Mullen R88
Team Citius Baseball Rodney Pena R88
Northeast Pride National Kyle Peters R88
Team Citius Baseball Santiago Ramirez R88
Northeast Supreme 17U Black Delvison Reyes R88
Team Citius Baseball Jacob Ruiz R88
Northeast Pride Scout Team Cooper Ryan R88
Next Level Titans Tyler Sausville L88
Complete Game Colonials Kevin Scully R88
Bronx Bombers 17u Mike Anderson R87
East Coast Lumberjacks 2022s Chris Batuyios R87
Next Level Titans Dominic Crema R87
Elite Squad NY Player Crosby R87
FTB Mid Atlantic Ryan Demartin R87
.9ers Baseball Club 17u Nicolas Galvan R87
Next Level Titans Michael Gatti R87
Real Ballers 2023 National Team Calder Glassman R87
Next Level Titans Taeg Gollert R87
East Coast Ghost Anthony Gubitosi L87
Northeast Supreme 17U White Allen Hernandez R87
Diamond Jacks Super 17's Ian Kaiser L87
Time To Sign Scout Jonny Lintell R87
Next Level Titans Danny Macchiarola R87
New England Scout Team Cameron Maldonado R87
Team Steel National Showcase Dylan McCall R87
Stars Baseball Sisk Robert McDonough R87
MVP Beast 2022 Drew Munn R87
Clubhouse 2023 Aj Preisano R87
East Coast Sandhogs 17u - McGloin Karl Ralamb R87
Brooklawn Baseball Brady Roberts R87
.9ers Baseball Club 18U Toby Smith R87
Clubhouse 2023 Matthew Spenner R87
Elite National 17U Carson Wehner R87
Long Island Body Armor Titans Charles West L87
.9ers Baseball Club '23 Derek Bartek R86
East Coast Lumberjacks 2022s Nic Benhardt R86
Real Ballers 2023 National Team Gregory Bruno R86
Bronx Bombers 17u Gregory Bruno R86
New England Scout Team Nicholas Buchman R86
Diamond Jacks Super 18's John Cerwinski R86
Wladyka Baseball Red Matt Chapman R86
US Elite NJ 17u Cal Chase R86
East Coast Ghost PJ Craig R86
Clubhouse 2023 Trey Deitelbaum R86
Baseball Performance Center Enzo Descalzi R86
5 Star National Northeast 2023s Tristan Dietrich L86
New England Scout Team Ryan Dimaggio L86
East Coast Sandhogs 17u - McGloin John Fitzpatrick R86
Northeast Pride National Chris Killian R86
East Coast Sandhogs - Woytach Brandon Laubach R86
Mid-Atlantic Ghost Marcello Mastroianni L86
Bluerock Baseball Nicholas Christopher Noga R86
Brooklawn Baseball Tanner Nolan L86
Next Level Titans Palmer O'Beirne L86
Team Steel National Showcase Dominick Persichilli R86
Ny Nighthawks Showcase Justin Polanco R86
Long Island Body Armor Titans Matt Queen R86
CSB Baseball Cameron Saleh R86
Real Ballers 2023 National Team Joey Tonnotti R86
Elite Squad NY Harby Valera R86
Real Ballers 2023 National Team Casey Vaughn R86
Team Citius Baseball Michael Yeager R86
New England Scout Team Martin Zhang L86
Brooklawn Baseball Gavin Alloway R85
Farrah Scout Adolfo Alexander Arias Batista R85
Diamond Jacks Super 17's Noah Baird R85
Next Level Titans Dylan Banner R85
Northeast Pride Scout Team Alex Bucolo R85
Northeast Supreme 17U Black Christian Charalambous L85
Northeast Pride Scout Team Addison Clymer R85
Northeast Pride National Giovanni Conte R85
East Coast Lumberjacks 2022s Giovanni Conte R85
New England Scout Team Cole Fehrman L85
Wladyka Baseball White Drake Flower R85
Wladyka Baseball Blue Drake Flower R85
Team Citius Baseball Julian Herbert R85
Stars Baseball Sisk Aaron Kanefsky R85
Team Steel National Showcase Matthew Leiterman R85
Mid-Atlantic Ghost Chris Levonas R85
Team Steel National Showcase Braden Lowe R85
.9ers Baseball Club '23 Anthony Marano R85
Northeast Pride Scout Team Luke Matta R85
Northeast Pride National Josh McCombs R85
MVP Beast 2023 National Eric Mohr R85
Northeast Supreme 17U White Marcus Monroe R85
MVP Beast 2022 Nolan Nawrocki R85
Team Beast 2022 Nolan Nawrocki R85
FTB Mid Atlantic Maika Niu R85
Locked In Baseball Expos 18U 2022's Shane O'Neill R85
Elite National 16 Bobby Osburn R85
East Coast Lumberjacks 2022s Brandon Peterson R85
Vendetta Baseball David Ramirez L85
Diamond Jacks Super 18's Andrew Rubayo R85
Vendetta Baseball Jeral Jose Columna Sanchez R85
East Coast Sandhogs 17u - McGloin Gavin Schrader L85
Wladyka Baseball Blue Gregory Shaw R85
Long Island Body Armor Titans Jadon Tang L85
East Coast Sandhogs 17u - McGloin Dominic Williams R85
Northeast Supreme 17U White Derek Woods R85
Bronx Bombers 17u Christopher Zupito R85
.9ers Baseball Club Jason Basilicata R84
Fairfield county captains David Braun R84
Fairfield County Captains David Braun R84
MVP Beast 2023 American Jackson Bullaro R84
Time To Sign Scout Luke Burden R84
Locked In Baseball Expos 17U Blue 2023's Connor Byrne R84
.9ers Baseball Club 17u Ryan Cole R84
Jersey Shore Wildcats 16U Cullen Condon R84
East Coast Ghost Nick Coniglio R84
FTB Mid Atlantic Trystan Crawford R84
Long Island Body Armor Titans Anthony Dejohn R84
Mid-Atlantic Ghost Aiden Denton R84
Real Ballers 2023 National Team Chad Falcon L84
CBB Bombers 17U Joshua Feldman R84
FTB Mid Atlantic Luke Frezza R84
Mid-Atlantic Ghost Cole Frye R84
Bronx Bombers 17u Samuel Gil R84
Northeast Supreme 17U Black Jonny Gilligan R84
.9ers Baseball Club John Goodes R84
Colossal Baseball 2022 Lucas Hampel R84
Jersey Shore Wildcats 16U Matt Johnson R84
Wladyka Baseball Blue Adam Juchnik R84
Wladyka Baseball White Adam Juchnik R84
MVP Beast 2022 Cole Lindquist R84
Mid-Atlantic Ghost Harrison Lollin R84
Dirtbags NY Titanium Thomas Maher L84
Diamond Jacks Super 18's Mihir Patel R84
Dirtbags NY Titanium Michael Piccininni R84
RCBC Marucci 17U Nationals Nicholas Pomponio L84
Clubhouse 2023 Ryan Preisano R84
.9ers Baseball Club 18U Ryan Prior R84
.9ers Baseball Club 16U Ryan Prior R84
.9ers Baseball Club 18U Luke Ronayne R84
Taconic Rangers John Ryder R84
FTB Mid Atlantic Eddie Sargent L84
Diamond Jacks Super 17's James Scott L84
FTB Mid Atlantic Maximo Scurti R84
East Coast Sandhogs 17u - McGloin Jesse Specter R84
Elite National 17U Hunter Thompson R84
Next Level Titans Nicholas Ungania R84
Ascent 2022 Gold Ryan Wootten R84
Northeast Pride Scout Team Joseph Curreri R83
Northeast Pride National Joseph Curreri R83
Vendetta Baseball Michael D'Ambrosio R83
The North Jersey Cardinals Tommy Desarno L83
Long Island Titans Cepeda Jaiden Dunlop R83
Team Steel National Showcase Kade Foulke L83
Long Island Body Armor Titans Johan Franco R83
Taconic Rangers Vincent Fusco L83
5star Ny 17u Vincent Fusco L83
Vendetta Baseball Derick Garcia L83
Bronx Bombers 17u James Garcia R83
Complete Performance Baseball Academy 17u Joseph Giordano L83
East Coast Sandhogs 17u - McGloin Louie Kegerreis R83
5star Ny 17u Kevin Kirk R83
MVP Beast 2022 Alex Larson R83
MVP Beast 2023 National Alex Larson R83
East Coast Lumberjacks 2022s Bobby Loper R83
Farrah Scout Joe Lopinto R83
Real Ballers 2023 National Team Aiden Milburn R83
NJ Rising Rebels Aidan Murray R83
Brooklawn Baseball Jack Norton R83
Next Level Titans Ben Nosovitch R83
Long Island Body Armor Titans Erik Paulsen Jr. L83
Locked In Baseball Expos 18U 2022's James Pazdera R83
Northeast Supreme 17U Black Jonathan Rosario L83
Brooklawn Baseball Jack Sambogna L83
East Coast Ghost Antonio Sansone L83
5star Ny 17u Joseph Sorge R83
Elite National 16 Gavin Wang R83
5star Ny 17u Michael Youngman R83
Northeast Supreme 17U Black Chris Accardo R82
Team Beast 2022 Christian Antonopoulos R82
Elite Squad NY Kyle Bednarski R82
Stars Baseball Sisk Evan Blanchard R82
Santos Baseball 18U Kevin Blum R82
Hit & Run Outlaws Joey Bonfiglio R82
.9ers Baseball Club 18U Jake Burt R82
Locked In Baseball Expos 17U Blue 2023's Brendan Callanan R82
Elite National 16 Andrew Capizzi R82
Elite Squad NY Kaleb Castillo L82
Fairfield county captains Spencer Chard R82
Fairfield County Captains Spencer Chard R82
Colossal Baseball 2022 Anthony Charles L82
The BASE Dante Christie L82
Team Steel National Showcase Aidan Colagrande L82
MVP Beast 2023 National Jack Dickinson R82
MVP Beast 2022 Nate Dudeck R82
Team Steel National Showcase Patrick Engskov R82
Northeast Supreme 17U White Matthew Fais R82
Fairfield County Captains Justin Feinstein R82
.9ers Baseball Club 18U Jackson Gallagher L82
.9ers Baseball Club 16U Jackson Gallagher L82
5 Star National Northeast 2023s Zach Genovesi R82
MVP Beast 2023 American Robert Gregory R82
Ny Nighthawks Showcase Jacob Guzman R82
Next Level Showcase Andrew Heiderstadt R82
Team Steel National Showcase Tyler Hodella R82
Locked In Baseball Expos 18U 2022's David Horvath R82
Diamond Jacks 18u Gold Aj Johnson R82
Diamond Jacks Super 18's Aj Johnson R82
Langan Baseball Brandon Kobryn R82
5 Star National Northeast 2023s Jacob Kope R82
Real Ballers 2023 National Team Carlo Lalomia R82
.9ers Baseball Club 16U Brady Leach R82
.9ers Baseball Club Brady Leach R82
Team Beast 2022 Tyler Litts R82
Complete Game Colonials Niko Logothetis R82
Bluerock Baseball Ethan Lytle L82
Northeast Pride '22 Prime Nick Mahar R82
Dirtbags NY Titanium Dylan O'Malley L82
Northeast Supreme 17U Black Elan Ofeck R82
CBB Bombers 17U Dariel Osoria R82
Northeast Supreme 17U White Dariel Osoria R82
.9ers Baseball Club Brian Padilla R82
Team Steel National Showcase Aj Petraitis R82
East Coast Lumberjacks 2022s Max Reichenbach R82
Baseball Performance Center Dominic Romani R82
5star Ny 17u Joe Scarfone R82
Wladyka Baseball White Walter Schwartz R82
Santos Baseball 18U Nick Scura R82
Dirtbags NY Titanium Jake Sekinski R82
5star Ny 17u Jeylem Sepulveda R82
The North Jersey Cardinals Tyler Shannon R82
Rip City National Sam Sherman R82
Taconic Rangers Andrew Speranza L82
Long Island Body Armor Titans Liam Stemmler R82
Diamond Jacks Super 18's Tyler Stone R82
Brooklawn Baseball Nick Tomasetto R82
Brooklawn Baseball Joseph Vaccarella R82
South Troy Dodgers Mason Veronezi R82
Stars Baseball Sisk Ashton Armour R81
Locked In Baseball Expos 17U Blue 2023's Joseph Barlovic L81
East Coast Ghost Brevin Bezick L81
Rip City National Jack Cangelosi L81
Mid-Atlantic Ghost Chris Collina R81
Diamond Jacks Super 17's Jason Cozzi L81
Locked In Baseball Expos 18U 2022's John Cunningham R81
Stars Baseball Sisk Logan Darrow R81
Diamond Jacks 18u Gold Nathan Do R81
2022 Batting 1.000 Seminoles (Okon) Tim Dorman L81
Team Phenom Ny KJ Dow R81
NJ Rising Rebels Amir Eltaki R81
Diamond Jacks Super 18's Nick Ferri R81
Roberto Clemente Pirates Isaiah Figueroa R81
Elite Squad NY Gialdri Gomez R81
Taconic Rangers Will Hanna R81
Next Level Showcase Patrick Heber L81
Fairfield County Captains Zander Kasbarian R81
Mid-Atlantic Ghost Frankie Kern R81
Diamond Jacks 17u Gold Jack Kopera R81
Rip City National Adam Lazits R81
CBB Bombers 17U William Marmol R81
Diamond Jacks Super 17's Beckham McNally R81
Complete Performance Baseball Academy 17u Cooper Montelbano R81
Colossal Baseball 2022 Matt Murphy R81
Jersey Shore Wildcats 16U Jack Norkus R81
Sportika Baseball Academy 18U National Josh Raeter R81
East Coast Lumberjacks 2022s Colin Ruddy R81
Northeast Pride Scout Team Michael Russo R81
Locked In Baseball Expos 17U Blue 2023's Nick Shuhet R81
Diamond Jacks Super 17's Kolbie Stellpflug R81
Colossal Baseball 2022 Jack Tinkelenberg R81
Next Level Showcase Michael Vilardi R81
Taconic Rangers Jordan Baskind R80
.9ers Baseball Club 18U Anthony Bubba R80
.9ers Baseball Club Anthony Bubba R80
Locked In Baseball Expos 17U Blue 2023's Dax Bush R80
South Troy Dodgers Adrian Caron L80
Stars Baseball Sisk Andrew Cheripka R80
Bluerock Baseball Brad Coley L80
Taconic Rangers Derek Constance R80
Locked In Baseball Expos 17U Black Brandon Cooper R80
Wladyka Baseball Red Matt Corwin R80
.9ers Baseball Club 16U Aaron Del Tin R80
2022 Batting 1.000 Seminoles (Okon) Damian DiGiuseppe R80
The BASE Nanfer Duarte R80
Taconic Rangers Chris Echols R80
FTB Mid Atlantic Max Ehrhardt R80
Team Phenom Ny Troy Emmanuel R80
Northeast Pride Scout Team Joseph Gleason R80
Team Steel National Showcase Nick Grajeda L80
Elite National 16 Gavin Hardee R80
.9ers Baseball Club Jackson Killian R80
The North Jersey Cardinals Mike Labisi R80
Next Level Showcase Jacob Lee R80
Next Level Showcase Shane Linett R80
Ny Nighthawks Showcase Saul Mata L80
Langan Baseball Justin Matamoros R80
Diamond Jacks Super 17's Jimmy Mulvaney R80
Locked In Baseball Expos 18U 2022's Ryan Nieskens R80
US Elite NJ 17u Luke Nomura R80
Clubhouse 2023 Will O'Connor L80
Complete Performance Baseball Academy Connor O'Hara L80
Time To Sign Scout Jack Passeck L80
Next Level Showcase Olivia Pichardo R80
The BASE Joshua Pozo L80
Bronx Bombers 17u Emanuel Ramos R80
The BASE Carlos Roquez R80
Complete Performance Baseball Academy Zach Simon R80
Team Beast 2022 Adam Sorel R80
2022 Batting 1.000 Seminoles (Okon) Brendan Trotta R80
Sportika Baseball Academy 18U National Aidan Tumbleson R80
Ascent 2022 Gold Jim Wigo L80
Northeast Pride National Mark Yanac L80
South Troy Dodgers Andrew Alexander R79
2022 Batting 1.000 Seminoles (Okon) Aidan Amato R79
Diamond Jacks Super 18's Nick Bergamotto R79
The BASE Samir Bienaime R79
.9ers Baseball Club 17u Cal Champeau R79
.9ers Baseball Club 16U Cal Champeau R79
MVP Beast 2023 American Peter Davies R79
RCBC Marucci 17U Nationals Leo Doyle R79
Diamond Jacks 18u Gold Michael Fattore R79
Complete Performance Baseball Academy Michael Featherstone R79
.9ers Baseball Club 18U Jack Frankovic R79
Team Steel National Showcase Greg Friedman R79
NJ Rising Rebels Jack Harley R79
East Coast Sandhogs 17u - McGloin Harold Ivery lll L79
.9ers Baseball Club '23 Carter Klein R79
South Troy Dodgers Tim Koval L79
CSB Baseball Jordan Oberg R79
Roberto Clemente Pirates Waldy Perez R79
.9ers Baseball Club 17u Ryan Rogers L79
MVP Beast 2023 National Dylan Rorech L79
Complete Game Colonials Joshua Schulman R79
US Elite NJ 17u Patrick Shamieh R79
RCBC Marucci 17U Nationals Nicholas Silvestro L79
South Troy Dodgers Jacob Skarlis R79
Wladyka Baseball Blue Malcolm Solomon R79
Wladyka Baseball Red Malcolm Solomon R79
Wladyka Baseball White Malcolm Solomon R79
Elite National 16 Lucas Staniszewski R79
Long Island Titans Cepeda Declan Sullivan L79
Jersey Shore Wildcats 16U Zach Szatkowski R79
Diamond Jacks 18u Gold Matthew Warzeniak R79
Rip City National Ozzie Weber R79
Wladyka Baseball Red Sam Aguilar R78
.9ers Baseball Club 16U Richie Alderiso R78
MVP Beast 2023 American Ryan Annunziato R78
Team Phenom Ny Aiden Bisson R78
Dirtbags NY Titanium Daniel Callaghan R78
Locked In Baseball Expos 17U Blue 2023's Trey Davis R78
South Troy Dodgers Brian Dengler R78
Diamond Jacks Super 18's Conner Dreyer R78
Team Phenom Ny John Dwyer R78
FTB Mid Atlantic Brady Ebbert R78
Wladyka Baseball Blue Will Figundio R78
US Elite NJ 17u Gabriel Francisco R78
CSB Baseball Cole Garcia R78
Fairfield County Captains Myles Gythfeldt R78
Bluerock Baseball Gavin Hawkes R78
Complete Game Colonials Ty Higby R78
Long Island Titans Cepeda Sean Jost R78
Complete Game Colonials Joshua Kaplan R78
Diamond Jacks 17u Gold Brayden Keller L78
Colossal Baseball 2022 Dimitri Laoutaris R78
.9ers Baseball Club 17u Jake Layton L78
.9ers Baseball Club '23 Christopher Manco R78
NJ Rising Rebels Zachary Marceau R78
Taconic Rangers Linus Oudom R78
Northeast Supreme 17U White Jonathan Rodriguez L78
Team Beast 2022 Russell Silverman L78
Team Beast 2022 Mateo Sucre R78
Diamond Jacks 17u Gold Matthew Westcott L78
East Coast Sandhogs 17u - McGloin Kydreece Burks R77
RCBC Marucci 17U Nationals Owen Callahan R77
Baseball Performance Center Owen Davenport R77
Vendetta Baseball Luis Deleon R77
NJ Rising Rebels Aiden Dill L77
Jersey Shore Wildcats 16U Jack Donahue L77
Langan Baseball Nik Gomolka R77
Wladyka Baseball Red Shea Grady R77
.9ers Baseball Club 16U Jovani Hallihan R77
Long Island Titans Cepeda John Hucke R77
Elite National 16 Calvin Hurty R77
Wladyka Baseball White Chris Lamond R77
Wladyka Baseball Blue Spencer Lazarus L77
Wladyka Baseball White Spencer Lazarus L77
Taconic Rangers Harry Leipold R77
Complete Performance Baseball Academy Connor Maloney L77
.9ers Baseball Club Thomas Mazzella R77
.9ers Baseball Club 16U Thomas Mazzella R77
Team Steel National Showcase Devan McGivern R77
Hit & Run Outlaws Alex Pedone R77
Farrah Scout Jose Reves R77
South Troy Dodgers Nolan Romanowski R77
East Coast Sandhogs - Woytach Rj Santarsiero L77
MVP Beast 2023 American Carmine Scardina R77
Wladyka Baseball White Tommy Sica R77
Wladyka Baseball Blue Tommy Sica R77
Team Citius Baseball William Smyth L77
Complete Game Colonials Joe Vernaglia L77
Wladyka Baseball Blue Sean Woodruff R77
Wladyka Baseball White Sean Woodruff R77
MVP Beast 2022 Michael Andrew L76
Elite National 17U Gregory Capetanakis R76
Ny Nighthawks Showcase Nathan Dass L76
Wladyka Baseball White Lukas Egenhauser R76
Bluerock Baseball Grant Fitzgerald L76
Long Island Titans Cepeda Jack Flood R76
Northeast Supreme 17U Black Logan Kapusinsky R76
Diamond Jacks 18u Gold Johnny King R76
Santos Baseball 18U Logan Kral R76
Northeast Pride '22 Prime James Labombard R76
.9ers Baseball Club 16U Declan Leary R76
Wladyka Baseball Red Anthony Lettini R76
East Coast Sandhogs - Woytach Patrick McNamara R76
Taconic Rangers John Pagano R76
Locked In Baseball Expos 18U 2022's Nick Park R76
Elite National 17U Kyle Sanger R76
Elite National 17U Anthony Schieble L76
Elite National 17U Andrew Susino R76
.9ers Baseball Club 17u Derek Baksh R75
Complete Game Colonials Xavier Buttacavoli R75
Locked In Baseball Expos 17U Black Ryan Christel R75
Complete Performance Baseball Academy Davis Gannon R75
Long Island Titans Cepeda Garrett Grathwohl R75
CSB Baseball Joshua Hart R75
Elite National 17U Clay Hartje R75
Northeast Pride '22 Prime Joseph Haugh L75
CSB Baseball Dennis Hollingsworth R75
Diamond Jacks 18u Gold Mike Lekas R75
Roberto Clemente Pirates Randy Leonardo R75
Wladyka Baseball Red Max Nussbaum R75
RCBC Marucci 17U Nationals Michael Palermo L75
Roberto Clemente Pirates Rodrigo Rodríguez L75
Wladyka Baseball Blue Luis Ruiz R75
Fairfield County Captains Griffin Turner R75
East Coast Sandhogs - Woytach Anthony Alesi R74
Diamond Jacks 17u Gold Dean Beardsley R74
CSB Baseball Caden Carpenter L74
Complete Performance Baseball Academy Nick Giannantonio R74
Rip City National Connor Lavinio R74
Complete Performance Baseball Academy 17u Thomas Maceira R74
Wladyka Baseball Blue James Marino L74
Northeast Pride '22 Prime Ronan Mattson L74
Hit & Run Outlaws Aiden Mitchell R74
Clubhouse 2023 Michael Porzio L74
Northeast Supreme 17U Black Kevin Reiner R74
Complete Performance Baseball Academy 17u Lucas Rodriguez R74
East Coast Sandhogs - Woytach Andrew Roxby R74
Next Level Showcase Chris Sais R74
NJ Rising Rebels Michael Sciarra L74
RCBC Marucci 17U Nationals Nick Walsh R74
Diamond Jacks 18u Gold Dominic Yarson R74
Complete Performance Baseball Academy 17u Sean Busanic L73
.9ers Baseball Club 17u Gio Gagliano R73
Long Island Titans Cepeda Matt Guido L73
Locked In Baseball Expos 17U Blue 2023's Chris Kay R73
Northeast Pride '22 Prime James McManus R73
Vendetta Baseball Daniel O'Donnell R73
Langan Baseball Jeffery Osborne L73
Next Level Showcase Joey Patane R73
Taconic Rangers Luke Picone R73
Wladyka Baseball White Jt Psirogianes R73
Taconic Rangers Troy Repaci R73
Diamond Jacks 17u Gold Shane Sullivan R73
.9ers Baseball Club 17u Nate Watson R73
Dirtbags NY Titanium Corey Bannerman R72
2022 Batting 1.000 Seminoles (Okon) Max Breiter R72
Langan Baseball Tyler Charzewski R72
Diamond Jacks 17u Gold Benny Fonseca L72
Fairfield County Captains Justin Heinsohn R72
Hit & Run Outlaws David Oostdyk R72
.9ers Baseball Club '23 Bobby Portman R72
Team Beast 2022 Austin Saji R72
Vendetta Baseball Michael Brocco R71
Farrah Scout Noah Quinn R71
Locked In Baseball Expos 17U Black Rishab Bamzai R70
Hit & Run Outlaws Henry Bysshe R70
Colossal Baseball 2022 Kyle Catanzaro R70
Fairfield County Captains Nick Forgione L70
Langan Baseball Anthony Fraser R70
RCBC Marucci 17U Nationals Joseph Jenkusky R70
Elite National 16 Devin Kobasa R70
.9ers Baseball Club '23 Brian McKenna R70
Colossal Baseball 2022 Ashton Myers L70
Complete Performance Baseball Academy 17u Cameron Schwartz R70
Locked In Baseball Expos 17U Black Jordan Axler L69
CSB Baseball Timothy Giacopelli R69
The North Jersey Cardinals Robert Grasso R69
Wladyka Baseball Red Sam Kelly L69
Hit & Run Outlaws Dillon Samek R69
CSB Baseball Ryan Jaslow R67
Santos Baseball 18U Misael Leonidas Moreta Jimenez L67
Locked In Baseball Expos 17U Black Sam Perez L67
Locked In Baseball Expos 17U Black Will Gawronski R66
.9ers Baseball Club '23 Christian Larusso R56