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FB Velocities
East Cobb Astros 16U Connor Shouse R90
East Cobb Astros 16U Jax Phillips R87
Team Elite 17u Black Michael Bright R86
East Cobb Astros 16U Scotty Milbourn R86
2 Way Athletics 2023 Jayden Reid R86
Team Elite 17u Black Logan Bolinger R84
Redmond Dudes 2023s Luke Gurr R84
US Elite-Montgomery Virgil Heath R84
Redmond Dudes 2023s Jacob Petersen R84
Syndicate Baseball Jax Yoxtheimer R84
East Cobb Astros 16U Dimitri Angelakos R83
Xtreme Xposure Baseball Caleb Bennett R83
Diamond Gold Jake Merrick R83
Team Elite 17u Black Timmy Todd R83
East Cobb Prime 17u Corea Ward L83
Syndicate Baseball Pierce Edwards R82
Team Elite 17u White Camden Garfield R82
Diamond Gold Andrew Hill R82
Diamond Gold Carson Hoffmeister R82
2 Way Athletics 2023 Caleb Moran R82
Redmond Dudes 2023s Edgar Nakamura L82
ECB Navy Frye Andrew Nelms R82
Georgia Jackets 17U American Tyler Oneacre R82
East Cobb Prime 17u Jase Phillips R82
2 Way Athletics 2023 Jack Roper R82
Team Elite 17u Black Daniel Simontacchi R82
Georgia Jackets 17U American Jack Tomlinson R82
Georgia Jackets 17U American Tyler Urowsky R82
ECB Navy Frye Kaden Alford R81
Georgia Jackets 17U American Andrew Bentley R81
Team Elite 17u White Avery Bizzell R81
Southwest sox 2024 Jordan Bright R81
Georgia Jackets 17U American Cal Danciak L81
East Cobb Prime 17u Colin Loeffler R81
East Cobb Astros 16U Kevin Maurer L81
Syndicate Baseball J Wyatt Tharpe R81
Syndicate Baseball Hayden Whippert R81
Georgia Jackets 17U American Parker Adams R80
South DeKalb Tribe Jake Carter R80
Gbsa Rays Conway Elijah Grant R80
Georgia Jackets 17U American Cole Harof R80
Diamond Gold Micah Hoffmeister R80
Team Elite 17u White Kalen Milstead L80
Team Elite 17u Grey Kalen Milstead L80
East Cobb Astros 16U William Petteys L80
ECB Navy Frye Hayden Sottile R80
ECB Navy Frye Braden Sperry R80
East Cobb Astros 16U Braden Sperry R80
US Elite-Montgomery Riley Valentine R80
2 Way Athletics 2023 Hunter Waters R80
Orange Sox Baseball Wyatt Williams R80
2 Way Athletics 2023 Landen Baird R79
East Cobb Astros 16U Tyler Bradford R79
Team Elite 17u Grey Nate Coker R79
ECB Navy Frye Jacob Fields R79
Gbsa Rays Conway Jeremiah Hampton R79
Team Elite 17u Black Samuel Hawkins L79
Redmond Dudes 2023s Daniel Kim L79
Team Elite 17u Grey Ryan McGrath R79
ECB Navy Frye Sam Neal L79
East Cobb Colt 45s 16u Orange Reece Sisson R79
Team Elite 17u White Charles Smith R79
US Elite-Montgomery Brodie Baweja R78
Georgia Jackets 17U American Justin Bowman L78
East Cobb Prime 17u Trip Bradley R78
Team Elite 17u Grey Mason Glennon R78
East Cobb Prime 17u JJ Howe R78
Orange Sox Baseball Blane McFarland R78
Team Elite 17u White Thomas Pearce R78
Syndicate Baseball Brody Sims R78
Xtreme Xposure Baseball Tate Thompson R78
South DeKalb Tribe Fabian Walker R78
2 Way Athletics 2023 Gavin Barr R77
Team Elite 17u White Owen Craig R77
Xtreme Xposure Baseball Christopher (CJ) Lincoln L77
Orange Sox Baseball Brayden Mitchell L77
Southwest sox 2024 Jonas Moore R77
Titans Baseball 17u Orange Landon Myler R77
Titans Baseball 17u Orange Zach Blodgett L76
GA Red Tails 16U Jordan Cox R76
East Cobb Colt 45s 16u Orange Patrick Deegan L76
Redmond Dudes 2023s Aidan Gerth R76
Team Elite 17u Grey Koty Hall R76
Atl Lightning 16u Blamble Mark Miller R76
GA Red Tails 16U Anthony Spradling R76
Georgia Jackets 17U American Will Austin R75
Titans Baseball 17u Orange Noah Blythe R75
Redmond Dudes 2023s Zach Boden R75
Titans Baseball 17u Orange Reid Bourgeois R75
Team Elite 17u Grey Payce Gartner R75
Georgia Jackets 17U American Luke Hughes R75
East Cobb Colt 45s 16u Orange Eric Malsom R75
Team Elite 17u Grey John Pierce R75
East Cobb Astros 16U Andy Watters L75
Atl Lightning 16u Blamble Walker Williams R75
South DeKalb Tribe Cartier Atchison R74
2 Way Athletics 2023 Lj Estrada R74
US Elite-Montgomery Mark Fredenburg R74
Titans Baseball 17u Orange Alex Greenwald R74
Team Elite 17u Grey John Philip Harris R74
Gbsa Rays Conway Jeremiah Madden R74
Orange Sox Baseball Grayson Reeder R74
ECB Navy Frye Brian Rivera R74
East Cobb Colt 45s 16u Orange Hill Shropshire R74
South DeKalb Tribe Che Williams R74
East Cobb Prime 17u Mitchell Addison R73
Orange Sox Baseball Trey Glenn R73
2 Way Athletics 2023 Carter Mitchell R73
Redmond Dudes 2023s Madox Nicola L73
Syndicate Baseball Dawson Walters R73
GA Red Tails 16U Jackson Williams R73
Titans Baseball 17u Orange Kaden Baio R72
Georgia Jackets 17U American Davey Bates R72
Gbsa Rays Conway Jarvis Bullard R72
East Cobb Colt 45s 16u Orange Jackson Harwell L72
GA Red Tails 16U Joey Haublein R72
Georgia Jackets 17U American Blythe Keisler L72
GA Red Tails 16U Connor Marston R72
Xtreme Xposure Baseball Kaden Odom L72
Titans Baseball 17u Orange Andrew Perry R72
Atl Lightning 16u Blamble Harrison Smith R72
Southwest sox 2024 Mason Whitaker L72
South DeKalb Tribe Jaryl Williams R72
Atl Lightning 16u Blamble Harrison Balch R71
ECB Navy Frye Kenya Brewer L71
Orange Sox Baseball Cameron Hassan R71
East Cobb Colt 45s 16u Orange Tyler Malsom R71
Southwest sox 2024 Hunter Moore R71
2 Way Athletics 2023 Gavin East L70
Gbsa Rays Conway Stacy Johnson R69
GA Red Tails 16U Duncan Kennedy R69
Atl Lightning 16u Blamble Jared Rovak R69
East Cobb Colt 45s 16u Orange Devyn Strickland L69
Xtreme Xposure Baseball Jayden Wright R69
East Cobb Prime 17u Aidan Altimus L68
GA Red Tails 16U Oscar Cruz R68
Xtreme Xposure Baseball Bradey Newsome R68
Southwest sox 2024 Jesse Chapman Jr R67
Atl Lightning 16u Blamble William Glahn R66
Southwest sox 2024 Jabari Thompson Jr L66