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FB Velocities
BigStix Gamers 17U Prime John Moses, Jr. R93
Texas Bombers Elite 16U Francisco Hernandez R89
Texas Bombers Elite 16U Yanluis Ortiz R89
eXposure 2019 Fall White John Rhodes R89
Team Rawlings Warriors 16U Blake Wehunt R89
Easley Baseball Club Jack Dougherty R88
Rawlings Southeast Prospects Cameron Hansen R88
Rawlings Southeast Prospects Nick James L88
Rawlings Southeast Prospects Hayden Mullins L88
Triton Rays/GBSA 16U Andrew Washington R88
Texas Bombers Elite 16U Gerardo Cuevas R87
Bullpen Redstitch 108 15U Cole English R87
TPL National Gunnar Henderson R87
TPL National Nate LaRue R87
Texas Bombers Elite 16U Andrew Boyd R86
Texas Bombers Elite 16U Dylan Carmouche L86
BigStix Gamers 17U Prime Treyshaun Prupis R86
A-Team 2020 Black Samuel Roebuck R86
BigStix Gamers 17U Prime Marshall Burford R85
BigStix Gamers 17U Prime Mason Carnes R85
Rawlings Southeast Prospects Will Crain R85
Nelson Baseball School 16U Red Max DeJong R85
TPL Pro Elite Garrett Mangione R85
Triton Rays 17U Andrew Nobles R85
eXposure 2019 Fall White Parker Noland R85
eXposure 2020 Fall Grey Grant Ogle R85
eXposure 2020 Fall White Ross Pendergrass R85
Signature Park Thrashers Zander Sechrist L85
eXposure 2019 Fall White Landon Smiddy R85
BigStix Gamers 17U Prime Tatum Sullivan R85
Sox Baseball Club Austin Bunn R84
Texas Bombers Elite 16U Luis Espinal R84
BigStix Gamers 16U Prime Michael Fowler R84
Elite Training Academy Simon Graf L84
Danville Mustangs AJ Hacker R84
eXposure 2020 Fall White Ryan Hagenow R84
BigStix Gamers 16U Prime Patrick Holloman L84
Easley Baseball Club Justin Jones R84
eXposure 2019 Fall White Owen Kovacs R84
Rawlings Southeast Prospects Hayden Layne R84
Midlands Rebels 16U Scout Team Joshua Ray R84
eXposure 2020 Fall White Bracken Rice R84
BigStix Gamers 17U Prime Joseph Roden R84
Triton Rays 17U Jaylen Thompson R84
Easley Baseball Club Zach Wright R84
BigStix Gamers 16U Prime Ben Abernathy R83
Texas Bombers Elite 16U Nicklaus Baumbach R83
Triton Rays 17U Blake Bennett L83
Triton Rays 43 2020 Brandon Bentley R83
eXposure 2020 Fall White Seth Coffelt L83
A-Team 2020 Black Chase Dollander R83
Triton Rays/GBSA 16U Jahsiah Gilbert R83
BigStix Gamers 17U Select Khalil Hassan R83
Nelson Baseball School 16U Red Andrew Kewin R83
BigStix Gamers 16U Prime Trippe Moore R83
eXposure 2019 Fall White Isaac Moulds R83
Danville Mustangs Evan Payne R83
BigStix Gamers 17U Select Jordan Walker R83
Elite Training Academy Koby Ayala R82
Danville Mustangs Corey Binion R82
eXposure 2019 Fall Grey Asa Blake R82
Easley Baseball Club Chris Braswell R82
TPL National Brayton Brown R82
Sox Baseball Club Logan Frady R82
eXposure 2020 Fall White Rhett Hammontree R82
SBA Canes Marucci Cade Kuehler R82
SBA Canes Marucci Kyle McKernan R82
Elite Training Academy Will Parker R82
eXposure 2020 Fall Grey Nicolas Ringhofer L82
Triton Rays 16U Ben Schorr R82
Team Rawlings Warriors 16U Jacob Via L82
BigStix Gamers 16U Prime Jack Witmer R82
eXposure 2019 Fall White Layne Atkins R81
Nelson Baseball School 16U Red Carson Bell R81
Nelson Baseball School 16U Red Zayd Brannigan R81
BigStix Gamers 16U Prime Jim Brown R81
Sox Baseball Club Caleb Cashion R81
BigStix Gamers 16U Prime David Chenoweth R81
eXposure 2020 Fall Grey Tate Daniels R81
Team Rawlings Warriors 16U Jacob Davis R81
Signature Park Thrashers Michael Donnelly R81
Team Rawlings Warriors 16U Peyton Irvin R81
BigStix Gamers 17U Prime Wesley Maxey L81
TPL National Rich Smith R81
eXposure 2019 Fall White Jordan Wilkie R81
Team Rawlings Warriors 16U Caleb Adair R80
Bullpen Redstitch 108 15U Colby Fields R80
Texas Bombers Elite 16U Alex (Tito) Garcia R80
eXposure 2019 Fall Grey Zane Guess R80
Diamond Elite Aces Draylin Holmes R80
A-Team 2020 Black Tyson Knight R80
Midlands Rebels 16U Scout Team Aiden Kyzer R80
Midlands Rebels 16U Scout Team Tai Lizdas R80
Team Rawlings Warriors 16U Sawyer Loggins R80
Sox Baseball Club Austen Millians R80
Triton Rays/GBSA 16U Juilyen Mohammed R80
Elite Training Academy Cameron Orr L80
Triton Rays 16U Zac Rice R80
Elite Training Academy Blake Sagarese R80
Nelson Baseball School 16U Blue Brady Schwickerath R80
Sox Baseball Club Noah Sweatman R80
Georgia Roadrunners 15U Richard Westrop R80
BigStix Gamers 17U Prime Christian Wylder R80
SBA Canes Marucci Calvert Clark R79
eXposure 2019 Fall Grey Nick Collins R79
Easley Baseball Club Jacob Duncan R79
Georgia Roadrunners 15U Johnny Eneberg L79
Loganville Red Devils - Garner Caleb Garner R79
Rawlings Southeast Prospects Brady Harris R79
TPL Pro Elite Leo Harris R79
TPL National Austin Hollis R79
Team Rawlings Warriors 16U Justin Jones R79
SBA Canes Marucci Dylan Koontz R79
Triton Rays/GBSA 16U Dylan McKinnis L79
Team Rawlings Warriors 16U Michael Miller R79
Texas Bombers Elite 16U Alberson Mogollon R79
Bullpen Redstitch 108 15U Brett Orr R79
eXposure 2020 Fall White Drew Patterson L79
Georgia Roadrunners 15U Connor Sampers R79
Midlands Rebels 16U Scout Team Peyton Scruggs R79
Danville Mustangs Cayden Shaver R79
Georgia Scorpions 16U Bryson Trammell R79
Midlands Rebels 16U Scout Team Marcerio Allen R78
Easley Baseball Club Brayden Arendale R78
Loganville Red Devils - Garner Danny Borne L78
USA Showcase Prime Austin Cagle R78
Diamond Academy Legends Evan Cheney R78
Danville Mustangs Dawson Cole R78
SBA Canes Marucci Justin Cooke L78
A-Team 2020 Blue Trevor Creagan R78
Elite Training Academy Drew DeMasi R78
USA Showcase Prime Carson Dennis R78
Danville Mustangs Matthew Gagliano R78
Loganville Red Devils - Garner Dawson Hammonds R78
Loganville Red Devils - Garner Josh Haynes R78
BigStix Gamers 17U Select Jackson Hills R78
BigStix Gamers 16U Prime Carson Huber R78
Easley Baseball Club Matt Koch R78
eXposure 2019 Fall Grey Noah Maples R78
Nelson Baseball School 16U Blue Cole Matthaidess R78
A-Team 2020 Black Alex Matthews R78
BigStix Gamers 17U Select Jaylen Paden R78
eXposure 2019 Fall Grey Mason Padgett R78
A-Team 2020 Black Tyler Reynolds R78
Georgia Roadrunners 15U Zion Taylor R78
Triton Rays 16U Samuel Tompkins R78
Georgia Roadrunners 15U Kareh Valentin R78
Triton Rays 16U Carson Villalta R78
TPL National Peyton Wesson L78
TPL Pro Elite Peyton Wesson L78
Nelson Baseball School 16U Red Jack Ryan Wingler R78
Nelson Baseball School 16U Blue Chandler Abrams R77
Nelson Baseball School 16U Red Chandler Abrams R77
Elite Training Academy Ethan Byrd L77
Danville Mustangs Jackson Cole R77
Triton Rays/GBSA 16U Noah Evans R77
Danville Mustangs Stephen Hazlett R77
USA Showcase Prime Colby James R77
A-Team 2020 Blue Ben Mason R77
eXposure 2019 Fall White Jordan Munck R77
eXposure 2019 Fall Grey Jack Oliver L77
eXposure 2019 Fall White Emery Peterson R77
eXposure 2019 Fall Grey Harrison Price R77
Nelson Baseball School 16U Red Tyler Roon R77
Triton Rays 17U Caden Sakey R77
Bullpen Redstitch 108 15U Logan Seehafer L77
Georgia Scorpions 16U Daulton Waddell R77
East Cobb Twins David Warren R77
Diamond Elite Aces Austin Wooten L77
Elite Training Academy Ryan Zak R77
eXposure 2019 Fall Grey Joshua Brown R76
Diamond Academy Legends Lane Cannon R76
USA Showcase Prime Andrew Cash R76
eXposure 2020 Fall Grey Hunter Caywood R76
TPL Pro Elite Alex Crews R76
Diamond Elite Aces Christian Durham R76
Triton Rays 17U Ian Ellerbrock L76
TPL National Eli Fizer R76
Nelson Baseball School 15U Riley Frost R76
Nelson Baseball School 16U Red Leo Giannoni R76
Georgia Scorpions 16U Tyler Gosdin R76
Danville Mustangs Griffin Hall R76
Nelson Baseball School 15U Jason Hayden R76
eXposure 2019 Fall Grey Quentin Ingram R76
Diamond Academy Legends Carson Mccammon R76
BigStix Gamers 17U Select Cade Milner R76
Triton Rays/GBSA 16U Derranyj Russell R76
BigStix Gamers 16U Prime Austin Slate R76
Nelson Baseball School 16U Blue Samuel Sparks R76
Midlands Rebels 16U Scout Team Noah Srulevich R76
SBA Canes Marucci Carson Swaim R76
Triton Rays/GBSA 16U Greg Thornton R76
Diamond Elite Aces Dylan Windham L76
TPL Pro Elite Aj Bonham R75
Nelson Baseball School 16U Blue Cameron Briscoe R75
Diamond Academy Legends Zachary Coots R75
Nelson Baseball School 16U Red David Fevola R75
Sox Baseball Club Will Futral R75
SBA Canes Marucci JP Haggarty R75
Triton Rays/GBSA 16U Tony Hunley R75
TPL National Preston Jones R75
TPL Pro Elite Preston Jones R75
eXposure 2020 Fall Grey Marcus Joyner L75
eXposure 2020 Fall Grey Patton Meeks R75
Nelson Baseball School 16U Red Adam Metivier L75
USA Showcase Prime Joe O'Connor R75
BigStix Gamers 16U Prime Dawson Schwartz R75
Diamond Academy Legends Caiden Scroggins R75
Bullpen Redstitch 108 15U Will Sims R75
Nelson Baseball School 16U Blue Nick Stiles R75
Nelson Baseball School 16U Red Gavin Tuck R75
Team Rawlings Warriors 16U Gage Webb R75
East Cobb Twins Mason Williams R75
Loganville Red Devils - Garner Bowden Witcher L75
Nelson Baseball School 15U Timothy “TJ” Worley R75
Loganville Red Devils - Garner Trenton Burnett R74
eXposure 2020 Fall Grey Matthew Delph L74
BigStix Gamers 17U Select Trevor Dowdy R74
A-Team 2020 Black Lawrence Gallo L74
Nelson Baseball School 16U Blue Scott Patrick Garland R74
Nelson Baseball School 16U Blue Bryan Jones R74
Nelson Baseball School 16U Blue Carter McWilliams R74
Elite Training Academy Mauri Miller R74
Diamond Elite Aces Chase Russell-Howland R74
BigStix Gamers 17U Select Will Sanders R74
Georgia Scorpions 16U Jonathan Watkins R74
Georgia Roadrunners 15U Anthony Woeltje R74
Loganville Red Devils - Garner Matthew Yarbray R74
Elite Training Academy Alex Boodram R73
Georgia Roadrunners 15U Connor Bradley R73
Triton Rays/GBSA 16U Michael Fegins L73
Nelson Baseball School 16U Blue Noah Garland R73
Diamond Academy Legends Evan Griffin R73
Georgia Scorpions 16U Elijah Bleu Johnston R73
Nelson Baseball School 16U Blue Fisher Keith R73
Georgia Roadrunners 15U Landon Ladd R73
Triton Rays/GBSA 16U Zion Lockhart R73
Georgia Scorpions 16U Easton Oxenreider R73
Nelson Baseball School 15U Michael Pardee R73
Diamond Elite Aces Christian Pollard R73
SBA Canes Marucci JD Suarez R73
Sox Baseball Club Andrew Villiger R73
Diamond Elite Aces Christian Allen R72
A-Team 2020 Black Harrison Booker R72
Signature Park Thrashers Jamir Brooks R72
Diamond Academy Legends Hunter Hegwood R72
Nelson Baseball School 15U Kaleb King L72
A-Team 2020 Blue Zachary Kitchens R72
BigStix Gamers 17U Select Wyatt Lee R72
A-Team 2020 Black Jack Lombardo R72
Signature Park Thrashers Josh Merritt L72
East Cobb Twins Chris O'Connor L72
Nelson Baseball School 16U Blue Ryne Oria R72
Signature Park Thrashers Bryson Potts R72
Signature Park Thrashers Kevin Smith R72
Midlands Rebels 16U Scout Team Jake Amodio R71
Diamond Elite Aces Joe Carolan R71
eXposure 2020 Fall Grey Cooper Cavanagh R71
A-Team 2020 Blue Brice Clack R71
Loganville Red Devils - Garner Chandler Haulk R71
Diamond Academy Legends Noah Newman R71
USA Showcase Prime Hunter Payne R71
Nelson Baseball School 15U Nicolas Romero R71
Georgia Scorpions 16U Andrew Shropshire R71
East Cobb Twins Jack West R71
Triton Rays/GBSA 16U Kefon Wright L71
Easley Baseball Club Jack Bridges R70
USA Showcase Prime Noah Crawford R70
Bullpen Redstitch 108 15U Andrew Ginther R70
Team Rawlings Warriors 16U Caden Kopaniasz L70
Easley Baseball Club Cameron Lancaster L70
Diamond Academy Legends Drew Meade R70
A-Team 2020 Black Joshua Rush R70
Diamond Elite Aces Logan Sharpton L70
Diamond Academy Legends Logan Streetman R70
eXposure 2020 Fall Grey Brant Bagley R69
Sox Baseball Club Jack Bukowski R69
eXposure 2020 Fall Grey Brody Cardin R69
Georgia Roadrunners 15U Aaron Corbin R69
A-Team 2020 Blue Camrin Dunbar R69
Nelson Baseball School 15U Dillon Nohr R69
East Cobb Twins Jack Pry L69
Triton Rays/GBSA 16U Austin Brown R68
Georgia Roadrunners 15U Austin Eanes R68
A-Team 2020 Blue Aj Hasan R68
Nelson Baseball School 15U Andrew Pendleton R68
BigStix Gamers 17U Select Jay Wadsworth L68
eXposure 2020 Fall Grey Ian Campbell L66
USA Showcase Prime Jude Dioguardi R65
Georgia Scorpions 16U Mack Morris R65
Triton Rays 17U Reese Watson R65
Nelson Baseball School 15U Nick Addison L57