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14U Freshman Sophomore Underclass Upperclass
10/26 - Please be sure to check the Weather Updates tab for the latest status updates on the weekend.
Due to not everyone getting a second game in we seeded off of everyones first pool game. Win V Loss, RA, then RS
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings 3 Event Articles
FB Velocities
Georgia Scorpions 2022 Jonathan Omar Vigoa R86
East Cobb Colt 45s 16U Frye Barrett Bocca R84
Devine Baseball 16U Nate Kerpics R83
East Cobb Colt 45s 16U Frye Jack Butler R82
East Cobb Colt 45s 16U Frye Tysen Benford R81
East Cobb Colt 45s 16U Frye Cole Brewer R81
East Cobb Colt 45s 16U Frye Adam Brooks R81
East Cobb Colt 45s 16U Frye Trey Griffin R81
643 DP Jaguars 15U Alex Karst R81
Georgia Scorpions 2022 Andon Lewis R81
360 Hawks 16U Graham Stogner R81
643 DP Cougars 15U Bishop Charlie Bell R80
643 DP Cougars 15U Pedraza AJ DeMastrie R80
STB 15U West Hunter Dixon R80
643 DP Cougars 15U Pedraza Barrett Eldridge R80
Next Level Baseball 15u/16u Aiden Hirsch R80
643 DP Cougars 15U Bishop Jax Lewis R80
643 DP Cougars 15U Pedraza Zachary Lyles L80
STB 15U West JD Rediger R80
360 Hawks 16U Amir Streeter R80
643 DP Cougars 15U Pedraza Hayden Bernard R79
STB 15U West Dylan Carter R79
East Cobb Colt 45s 15U Jake Freedman R79
Next Level Baseball 15u/16u Jacob Hawkins R79
643 DP Jaguars 15U Jacob Leroux L79
Barrett Braves 16U Ryder Moye L79
East Cobb Precision 16U Campbell Tyler Mullin R79
STB 15U West Michael Preiser R79
East Cobb Colt 45s 16U Frye Parker Spring L79
Georgia Jackets 15U American Gavin Lynch R78
643 DP Cougars 15U Pedraza Garrett Reid R78
Georgia Jackets 15U American Trevor Toth L78
East Cobb Precision 16U Campbell Tyler Williams R78
Georgia Scorpions 2022 Blake Zabala R78
Ninth Inning Royals 16U Torres Isaac Coronado R77
643 DP Cougars 15U Bishop Sims DeLong R77
East Cobb Precision 16U Campbell Aden Farran R77
STB 15U West Jackson Frank R77
Georgia Scorpions 2022 Aiden Hosford R77
East Cobb Colt 45s 16U Frye Will Jenkins L77
643 DP Cougars 15U Pedraza Zeke Kimbrell R77
643 DP Jaguars 15U Eric Paloski R77
Georgia Jackets 15U American Parker Adams R76
Georgia Jackets 15U American Tyler Bak L76
East Cobb Red Sox Clayton Bloomstran R76
East Cobb Colt 45s 15U Marco Cabrera R76
Georgia Jackets 15U American Jacob Hefner R76
East Cobb Precision 16U Campbell Will Hequembourg R76
Next Level Baseball 15u/16u Larson Leporin R76
STB 15U West Lucas Meehan L76
Bullpen Redstitch 108 15U Peyton Morefield R76
643 DP Cougars 15U Bishop Maxwell Morey R76
East Cobb Red Sox Daniel Powell R76
643 DP Cougars 15U Pedraza Jake Tucker L76
STB 15U West Logan Blankenship R75
Temple Elite Christopher Cole R75
East Cobb Colt 45s 15U Lawson Folds R75
643 DP Cougars 15U Pedraza Carson Kerce R75
East Cobb Precision 16U Campbell Jacob Kruger L75
643 DP Jaguars 15U Brayden May L75
Ninth Inning Royals 16U Torres Daniel Turner R75
East Cobb Angels 15U Brayden Baumgardner R74
Georgia Jackets 15U American Blake Brown R74
East Cobb Precision 16U Campbell Hunter Cook R74
Temple Elite John Davis R74
East Cobb Colt 45s 16U Frye Will Drew R74
Ninth Inning Royals 16U Torres Jason Gilley R74
Georgia Scorpions 2022 David Lawrence R74
Temple Elite AJ Lipham R74
Temple Elite Cade McNeese R74
Georgia Stars Baseball Academy Allen Rucker R74
643 DP Jaguars 15U Kirby Sandefur L74
360 Hawks 16U Chase Thomas R74
Ninth Inning Royals 16U Torres Carson Tillotson R74
643 DP Cougars 15U Bishop Niall Todd L74
643 DP Cougars 15U Bishop Brandon Trichell R74
STB 15U West Grant Witczak R74
Georgia Scorpions 2022 Jace Armstrong R73
643 DP Cougars 15U Bishop Alex Bestermann R73
East Cobb Angels 15U Jack Chatman R73
East Cobb Precision 16U Campbell Hayden Fox R73
Bullpen Redstitch 108 15U Hayden Henderson L73
Next Level Baseball 15u/16u Brandon Hoang R73
Temple Elite Carter Kittrell L73
643 DP Cougars 15U Bishop Jake Lawson L73
643 DP Cougars 15U Pedraza Michael Mattison R73
Bullpen Redstitch 108 15U Aaron Nobles R73
East Cobb Colt 45s 15U Miles Owen R73
Ninth Inning Royals 16U Torres Ryan Schatte L73
East Cobb Colt 45s 16U Frye Luke Tener L73
643 DP Cougars 15U Bishop Ryan Novak L72
Georgia Jackets 15U American Evan Wood L72
643 DP Cougars 15U Pedraza Nate Levine L71
East Cobb Red Sox Charlie Chandler R70
Temple Elite J. Turner Fricks R70
Bullpen Redstitch 108 15U Robert Murphy R70
East Cobb Red Sox Gavin Ruegger L70
East Cobb Red Sox Ty Baker R69
643 DP Jaguars 15U Will Brown R69
East Cobb Precision 16U Campbell Hank Sisson R69
East Cobb Colt 45s 16U Frye Tate Smith L69
Barrett Braves 16U Stryder Allen R68
East Cobb Angels 15U Matt Clark L68
Bullpen Redstitch 108 15U Brayden Lawrence L68
East Cobb Angels 15U Albert Moore Jr. R68
Georgia Stars Baseball Academy Alexander Egan R66
Georgia Jackets 15U American Cam Yeager R66