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Patriot Park North
: No Metal Cleats, No Seeds, No Gum!

NO PETS ALLOWED at Patriot Park North.

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Jul 28 - Aug 1 |  Patriot Park North | Fairfax, VA
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings 1 Event Article
FB Velocities
Richmond Braves 15u Platinum Daniel Nienaber R92
Flood City Grippo Noah Farrell R90
Body Armor Titans Vigeant 2026 Luke Coats R87
Pa Rebels 15u Ryan Fuller R87
Va Cardinals 2026'S Jayden Grant R87
Richmond Braves 15u Platinum Kaleb Smith L87
Body Armor Titans 2026 Quattrini Jonathan Duffy R86
Va Cardinals 2026'S Nathaniel Reed R86
Flood City Grippo Anthony Grippo R85
Richmond Braves 2026 Platinum Cooper Sobota R85
Richmond Braves 15u Platinum Graham Ward R85
Flood City Grippo Madden Weaver R85
Body Armor Titans Vigeant 2026 Cj Alfano L84
Richmond Braves 2026 Platinum Alexander Awad R84
American Dream 15u National Sullivan Campbell R84
Diamond Elite 15u Matthew Feldmann R84
Us Elite Virginia 2026 Nelson Hayes R84
3U3D DeLucia Baseball Chase Kegerise L84
Dig In Nation Kaleb Kennedy R84
Body Armor Titans Vigeant 2026 Aiden Rosen R84
Upper Allen Wildcats Dominic Beck R83
Diamond Elite 15u Lukas Harbour R83
Va Cardinals 2026'S Jack Harmon R83
Richmond Braves 2026 Platinum Matthew McCauley L83
Flood City Grippo Tanner Stroup L83
Xpress Baseball National 15u Zach Burstein R82
Dig In Baseball 15u American Brett Frick R82
Richmond Braves 2026 Platinum Christian Gray R82
Blue Ridge Elite 15u Oscar Hickey R82
Body Armor Titans 2026 Quattrini Jake King R82
Body Armor Titans 2026 Quattrini Matthew Kurz R82
Upper Allen Wildcats Dane Mark R82
Upper Allen Wildcats James Markowitz R82
Richmond Braves 15u Platinum Jake Mutter R82
Flood City Grippo Cody Norman L82
Southern Maryland Senators Logan Powell R82
3U3D DeLucia Baseball Caleb Rupp R82
Flood City Grippo Mason Sparks R82
Blue Ridge Elite 15u Smith Winslow R82
Southern Maryland Senators Cole Barrett R81
Body Armor Titans 2026 Quattrini Liam Brower R81
Richmond Braves 15u Platinum William Haynie R81
American Dream 15u National Peter Hoffman R81
Blue Ridge Elite 15u Isaac Jackson R81
Upper Allen Wildcats Micah Lapila R81
Flood City Grippo Oliver Thornburg R81
Pa Rebels 15u Gavin Trainer R81
Pa Rebels 15u Jonah Trueman R81
Upper Allen Wildcats Grady Weaver R81
Replay Rangers Tucker Whitacre R81
Body Armor Titans Vigeant 2026 Shea Corona R80
Flood City Grippo Colin Dinyar R80
Upper Allen Wildcats Preston Groff R80
3U3D DeLucia Baseball Max Hoopes L80
Richmond Braves 2026 Platinum Bryce Krines R80
Richmond Braves 2026 Platinum Luke Mundie L80
Richmond Braves 15u Platinum Isaac Munoz R80
American Dream 15u National Cason Pope R80
Pa Rebels 15u Will Roth R80
American Dream 15u National Jayden Trofatter R80
Southern Maryland Senators Riley Whitney R80
Body Armor Titans Vigeant 2026 Legend Acosta R79
Southern Maryland Senators Jake Armiger R79
Va Cardinals 2026'S Corbin Dean R79
Diamond Elite 15u William Depew L79
Richmond Braves 15u Platinum Patrick Gibrall R79
Upper Allen Wildcats Spencer Livelsberger L79
Metro Senators 15u Brock Riley R79
Dig In Nation Shaun Rudick R79
Southern Maryland Senators Carson Vercoe R79
Southern Maryland Senators Carson Vercoe R79
Body Armor Titans Vigeant 2026 Bobby Wescott L79
Body Armor Titans 2026 Quattrini Jake Zabbara L79
Richmond Braves 15U American Michael Barder Ii R78
3U3D DeLucia Baseball Gryffin Cappellano R78
Body Armor Titans 2026 Quattrini Aidan Casey L78
Va Cardinals 2026'S Jacob Creswell L78
3U3D DeLucia Baseball Aidan Curley R78
Pa Rebels Maroon Alex Kennedy R78
Pa Rebels 15u Sean Kinzeler R78
Xpress Baseball National 15u Morgan Li L78
Us Elite Virginia 2026 Tate Meier R78
Richmond Braves 2026 Platinum Maddux Rothell R78
Va Cardinals 2026'S Camden Rybak R78
Southern Maryland Senators Gavin Sherman R78
Southern Maryland Senators Ivan Sypa L78
Blue Ridge Elite 15u Drew Wade R78
Pa Rebels Maroon Zach Ward R78
American Dream 15u National Kason Brown R77
Va Cardinals 2026'S Nathan Butler R77
Diamond Elite 15u Aiden Delaney L77
American Dream 15u National Cassius Grimsley R77
Metro Senators 15u Jack Halfhill R77
Dig In Nation Jonathan Hall R77
American Dream 15u National Gavin Jackson R77
Flood City Grippo Parker Lamb R77
Pa Rebels 15u Adam Price R77
Blue Ridge Elite 15u Cooper Pritchard R77
Pa Rebels 15u Jason Reynolds R77
Southern Maryland Senators Dylan Rice R77
American Dream 15u National Jack Semanisin R77
Dig In Nation Matthew Shioutakon L77
Xpress Baseball National 15u Gavin Speigel R77
Upper Allen Wildcats Dylan Crow R76
Dig In Nation Marcus Dober R76
Dig In Nation Andrew Kirk R76
Team Coastal 2026 Benjamin Krause R76
Dig In Baseball 15u American Brandon Peang R76
Xpress Baseball National 15u Will Piester R76
Dig In Baseball 15u American Ethan Pletter R76
Pa Rebels 15u Carter Reed R76
Team Coastal 2026 Garrett Simon L76
3U3D DeLucia Baseball Blake Umberger R76
Dig In Baseball 15u American Ryan Vanhuysen R76
3U3D DeLucia Baseball Dillon Walls R76
Dig In Baseball 15u American Shane Beebe R75
Dig In Baseball 15u American Jacob Bender R75
Richmond Braves 2026 Platinum Jacob Boyd R75
Richmond Braves 2026 Platinum Jude Burr R75
Body Armor Titans 2026 Quattrini Michael Carr R75
Blue Ridge Elite 15u Eric Davis L75
Dig In Baseball 15u American Parker Freer R75
Pa Rebels Maroon Tim Fries L75
Body Armor Titans 2026 Quattrini Michael Iammatteo L75
Southern Maryland Senators Seth Massey L75
Diamond Elite 15u Jack Mehlberg R75
Replay Rangers Jj Mitchell R75
Xpress Baseball National 15u Ian Parrish R75
Pa Rebels Maroon Cooper Romanczuk R75
Dig In Nation Matt Strahan R75
Pa Rebels Maroon Cole Antonelli R74
Dig In Nation Zach Bernstein R74
Richmond Braves 15U American Joshua Gilliam R74
Body Armor Titans 2026 Quattrini Alex Golub R74
Pa Rebels 15u Luke Hagan L74
Us Elite Virginia 2026 Benjamin Hunter R74
Metro Senators 15u Ryan Marulli L74
Metro Senators 15u Andrew McGee R74
Metro Senators 15u Connor McHale L74
Body Armor Titans Vigeant 2026 Shane Meehan R74
Blue Ridge Elite 15u Carson Raines R74
Richmond Braves 15U American Nekhi Baird R73
Metro Senators 15u Nick Ferrara R73
3U3D DeLucia Baseball Nathan Lord R73
Team Coastal 2026 Noah Monroe R73
Metro Senators 15u Jack Ross R73
Replay Rangers Alex Russell R73
Team Coastal 2026 Connor Thompson R73
Team Coastal 2026 Michael Willis R73
Diamond Elite 15u Jackson Carter R72
Us Elite Virginia 2026 Lucas Driscoll R72
Pa Rebels Maroon Jayden Luistro L72
Xpress Baseball National 15u Mikey Ma R72
Richmond Braves 15U American Caleb Noble L72
Diamond Elite 15u Aidan Schaefer R72
Southern Maryland Senators Oliver Stevens R72
Pa Rebels Maroon Logan Zynn R72
Xpress Baseball National 15u Tony Diller L71
Us Elite Virginia 2026 Cillian Lyster R70
Dig In Baseball 15u American Zach Magee L70
Us Elite Virginia 2026 Teddy Montgomery L70
Replay Rangers Ethan Portanova R70
Replay Rangers Sam Walsh R70
Team Coastal 2026 Matthew Bailey R69
Replay Rangers Giovanni Gagliardi R69
Xpress Baseball National 15u Alan Garten L69
Xpress Baseball National 15u Kyle Levinson R69
Dig In Nation Jonathan Senker R69
Xpress Baseball National 15u Brennan Lublin R68
Replay Rangers Ryan Gallagher R67
Richmond Braves 15U American Hunter Hicks R67
Richmond Braves 15U American Joshua King R67
Us Elite Virginia 2026 Noah Munoz R67
Replay Rangers Zach Brody R64
Richmond Braves 15U American Noah Vest R64
Richmond Braves 15U American Nicholas Vaughan L63
Replay Rangers Jacob White R63