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FB Velocities
Power Baseball 2026 Blue Sebastian Rolon R86
Power Baseball 2026 Blue Ayden Gonzalez R83
Power Baseball 2026 White Noah Martinez R83
Jacksonville Indians Bane Barker R82
Ballers Baseball - 15u Griffin Donay R82
Power Baseball 2026 Blue Xavier Rodriguez L82
Gsb Prospects 2026 Zorre Wright R82
Power Baseball 2026 Blue Blake Brewer R81
Southern Squeeze 2026 Orlando Jacob Calton R81
Florida Hardballers Ethan Franklin R81
CG Prospects William Hoblitzell R81
North Brandon Navigators Hayden Porter R81
North Brandon Navigators Saxon Shah R81
Gsb Prospects 2026 Jace Carlson R80
5 Star Tampa Black Ryan Engley R80
Wow Factor Cf Elite Drew Fenley R80
Power Baseball 2026 Gold Robbie Mungovan R80
Power Baseball 2026 Blue Bryce Niebrugge R80
Power Baseball 2026 Blue Tyler Nunez R80
Power Baseball 2026 White Jackson Perrin R80
Scorpions South Florida 2026 Daniel Silveria R80
5 Star Tampa Black Dillon Singleton L80
Florida Hardballers Katcher Streit R80
SBA CLUBHOUSE 2026 Braeden Strickland R80
Southern Squeeze 2026 Orlando Ian Copeland R79
Southern Squeeze 2026 Orlando Black Ian Copeland R79
Jacksonville Indians Andrew Detlefsen R79
Gsb Prospects 2026 Kenneth Dozier R79
Power Baseball 2026 Gold Tyler Goldberg R79
SBA CLUBHOUSE 2026 Trey Hendrickson R79
SBA CLUBHOUSE 2026 Ismael Rodriguez R79
Power Baseball 2026 Blue Tripp Rosenberger R79
Rba Legends Jayden Russell R79
Power Baseball 2026 White Curtis “Cj” Sayler R79
Power Baseball 2026 White Nathan Colon R78
Central Florida 5'S Noah Crews R78
Rba Legends Dylan Czerwinski R78
Wow Factor Cf Elite Elijah Jenkins R78
Soflo Wolf-Pack Cameron Morgan R78
Scorpions South Florida 2026 Nicholas Potter R78
Power Baseball 2026 Gold Aidan Ross R78
SBA CLUBHOUSE 2026 Nathaniel Sabino R78
Power Baseball 2026 White Harrison Smith L78
Ballers Baseball - 15u Aaron Walsh R78
Jacksonville Indians Tyler Baird R77
Bolts Baseball 15u Adriel Camejo R77
Southern Squeeze 2026 Orlando Cade Campbell R77
Kingdom Baseball 15u Christian Gomez L77
5 Star Tampa Black Jacob Liadis R77
Gsb Prospects 2026 Santiago Nucete R77
Bombers Joaquin Perez R77
Power Baseball 2026 White Micah Philbin R77
Southern Squeeze 2026 Orlando Black Ryan Pyka R77
Southern Squeeze 2026 Orlando Connor Rein L77
Florida Hardballers Brayden Richardson R77
CG Prospects Carlos Rivera R77
Scorpions South Florida 2026 Ethan Rosario R77
Gsb Prospects 2026 Eduardo Vasquez R77
SBA CLUBHOUSE 2026 Brayden Aungst R76
Florida Hardballers Rhett Burford R76
North Brandon Navigators Tyler Campillo L76
Kingdom Baseball 15u Charlie Capozzoli R76
Power Baseball 2026 Gold James Carroll R76
Central Florida 5'S Ashton Clark R76
Wily Mo Dragons Red Jr Eichmann R76
Soflo Wolf-Pack Anthony Giz R76
SBA CLUBHOUSE 2026 Andrew Ippolito R76
Fl Dodgers 2026 Rankin Kaeson Johns R76
Power Baseball 2026 White Ethan Lemoyne R76
South Tampa Knights 15u Luca Pleasants R76
Soflo Wolf-Pack Jacob Ramos L76
Power Baseball 2026 White Brandon Rupsingh R76
Soflo Wolf-Pack Gabriel Stevens R76
Power Baseball 2026 Gold Jackson Swann R76
Wily Mo Dragons Red Carlo Tirado R76
Gsb Prospects 2026 Drew Erickson R75
Florida Hardballers Tanner Ford R75
SBA CLUBHOUSE 2026 Koltyn Furtado R75
Bolts Baseball 15u Joshua Goldberg R75
Durant High School Tanner Gonser R75
Durant High School Shawn Graves R75
Scorpions South Florida 2026 Trey Hollandsworth R75
Fl Dodgers 2026 Rankin Brian Malice R75
Durant High School Zachary Nero R75
Power Baseball 2026 White Gavin Rood R75
Wily Mo Dragons Red Jimmy Spencer R75
North Brandon Navigators Wyatt Tackitt R75
Gsb Prospects 2026 Gavin Touchton R75
Florida Hardballers Fletcher Veige L75
Kingdom Baseball 15u Brayden Wait R75
SBA CLUBHOUSE 2026 Cashis Williams R75
Power Baseball 2026 White Zach Brauer L74
Southern Squeeze 2026 Orlando Sean Elliott R74
CG Prospects Maykol Fernandez R74
Wily Mo Dragons Red Jack Grzanka R74
Bolts Baseball 15u Justin Margelos R74
CG Prospects George Mariani Iv R74
South Tampa Knights 15u Caden Mitchell R74
Soflo Wolf-Pack Erick Nodal R74
Wily Mo Dragons Red Adonys Nova Sepulveda L74
Kingdom Baseball 15u Denver Patton R74
South Tampa Knights 15u Jack Perkins R74
South Tampa Knights 15u Nathan Porath R74
Bombers Adrian Vargas R74
Kingdom Baseball 15u Caden Wait R74
Rba Legends Jason Wuerz R74
Scorpions South Florida 2026 Christopher Batista R73
SBA CLUBHOUSE 2026 James Boone R73
Ballers Baseball - 15u Cooper Carbonara R73
South Tampa Knights 15u Cason Cooper R73
North Brandon Navigators Luis Coyé R73
Kingdom Baseball 15u Aiden Cubero R73
Wow Factor Cf Elite Kelan Elliott R73
North Brandon Navigators Theodore Figueroa R73
Ballers Baseball - 15u Josh Lacy R73
Jacksonville Indians Boston Nystrand R73
Scorpions South Florida 2026 Finn O'Brien R73
Southern Squeeze 2026 Orlando Black Gavin Oehlers R73
South Tampa Knights 15u Leo Schreiner L73
North Brandon Navigators Nathan Warren R73
South Tampa Knights 15u Trenton Albritton R72
Kingdom Baseball 15u Gavin Badua R72
Gsb Prospects 2026 Kaleb Bermudez R72
Rba Legends Tyler Cushenbery R72
Florida Hardballers Anthony Dang R72
Fl Dodgers 2026 Rankin Carson Duffy R72
CG Prospects Evan Eagle R72
Bombers Carson Erb L72
Power Baseball 2026 Gold Tyler Kniebbe L72
SBA CLUBHOUSE 2026 Jordan Lendo R72
South Tampa Knights 15u Joseph Powrie R72
Power Baseball 2026 Gold Samuel Sabella R72
Central Florida 5'S Jefferson Sanchez L72
Southern Squeeze 2026 Orlando Black Noah Wardeh R72
CG Prospects Jackson Winterberg R72
Jacksonville Indians Carson Bullard L71
Bolts Baseball 15u Ethan Cottom R71
Southern Squeeze 2026 Orlando Black Blake Echols L71
Bx3 Alejandro Fernandez R71
Fl Dodgers 2026 Rankin Riley Lee L71
Kingdom Baseball 15u Logan Melde R71
Power Baseball 2026 Gold John Minerva R71
Bx3 Juan Oliva R71
SBA CLUBHOUSE 2026 Gavin Sanabria L71
Bombers David Santiago R71
Bolts Baseball 15u Aiden Tinkey R71
5 Star Tampa Black Brayden VanFossen R71
Florida Hardballers Grant Welch R71
CG Prospects Grant Brooks R70
Southern Squeeze 2026 Orlando Lucas Castro L70
Bolts Baseball 15u Brayden Crow L70
SBA CLUBHOUSE 2026 Xayvier Fitzpatrick R70
Southern Squeeze 2026 Orlando David Garcia R70
Fl Dodgers 2026 Rankin Henry Harris R70
Bx3 Gavin Marte R70
Bolts Baseball 15u Jordan Poppell L70
Bombers Zander Siokis R70
Scorpions South Florida 2026 Jonah Weissmann L70
Bombers Dominic Cavone R69
Bombers Francis Cavone R69
CG Prospects Noah Corps R69
Rba Legends Collin Hager R69
Bx3 Niran Perez L69
Southern Squeeze 2026 Orlando Brandon Simms R68
Central Florida 5'S Keano Vega R68
Wow Factor Cf Elite Luis Aguirre R67
Bolts Baseball 15u Tony Marshowsky L67
Durant High School Bryce Purkey R67
Southern Squeeze 2026 Orlando Black Aidan Craver R66
Southern Squeeze 2026 Orlando Aidan Craver R66
Wily Mo Dragons Red Marco Marinez R66
Durant High School Kylon Spare R66
Bx3 Michael Del Calvo L65
Soflo Wolf-Pack Kenneth Miceli R65
Durant High School Brennan Bailey R64
Durant High School Jack Egger R64
Florida Hardballers Bowen Reeves L64
Fl Dodgers 2026 Rankin Turner Farah R61
Southern Squeeze 2026 Orlando Black Nicholas Smith R60
Southern Squeeze 2026 Orlando Nicholas Smith R60