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East Cobb Astros 13U Orange Hayes Maginnis R81
East Cobb National 13u Brody Hurd R80
9th Hour All-Stars – Padres Robert Jackson lll L79
East Cobb National 13u Taylor Casson R77
East Cobb Astros 13U Navy Carter Hullett R76
East Cobb Astros 13U Orange Jayzen Johnson R76
East Cobb Astros 13U Navy Jayzen Johnson R76
East Cobb National 13u Gianmarco Vega L76
East Cobb Astros 13U Orange Lincoln Barton R75
East Cobb National 13u Genis Lopez Jr L75
East Cobb National 13u Christopher Bryce L74
East Cobb National 13u Red Cash Fenhagen R74
9th Hour All-Stars – Padres Joshua McCall R74
East Cobb Astros 13U Navy Jack Rowlette R74
East Cobb National 13u Jackson Beatty L73
East Cobb Astros 13U Navy Chip Dickens R73
East Cobb Astros 13U Navy Johnson Dubose R73
East Cobb National 13u Red Andrew Williams R73
East Cobb National 13u Red Ben Gardner R71
9th Hour All-Stars – Padres Nicholas Barnes R68
9th Hour All-Stars – Padres Ezra Gandy R68
9th Hour All-Stars – Padres Ethan Jones R67
East Cobb National 13u Red Jordan Jones R67
9th Hour All-Stars – Padres Connor Maxwell-Campbell R65
East Cobb National 13u Brock Burrus L61
9th Hour All-Stars – Padres DJ Jones R60
9th Hour All-Stars – Padres Bryson McRunnels R60