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Boston Blue Jays Joshua Baez R97
PNT Drew Leach R93
PNT Trhea Morse R93
Hunter Pence Baseball 2021 Rachal Caedmon Parker R93
Banditos Texas Calin Knight R92
17U Banditos Black Mason Marriott R92
Banditos Texas Austin McKinney R91
Banditos Texas Jaren Warwick R91
Hunter Pence Baseball 2021 Rachal Dylan Kerbow R90
Boston Blue Jays David Stich R90
PNT Luke Villarroel R90
Boston Blue Jays Dylan Dickert R89
Knights Showcase Baseball Daniel Garza R89
Hunter Pence Baseball 2021 Rachal Connor Lee R89
Boston Blue Jays Christopher Peguero R89
Banditos Texas Christopher Kean R88
PNT Jett Johnston R87
Banditos Texas Robert (Clay) Kennedy R87
Hunter Pence Baseball 2021 Rachal Cody Morse L87
17U Banditos Black Matthew Padilla R87
17U Banditos Black Matthew Tippie R87
CBA TITANS Mattthew Howell L86
Vendetta 2020 Brayden Murphy R86
17U Banditos Black Zane Adams L85
Tx Trappers National Scout Team Black Elian Balmaceda L85
Vendetta 2020 Christian Castillo R85
17U Banditos Black Pierce Levinthal L85
Hunter Pence Baseball 2021 Rachal Jackson Schwank R85
17U Banditos Black Conner Bennett R84
Knights Showcase Baseball Angel Cuellar R84
Knights Showcase Baseball Austin Dean R84
Knights Showcase Baseball Ivan Del Villar R84
Scorpions Team EASTON Camden Kay R84
17U Banditos Black Tyson Luna L84
SETX Gators Max Mims R84
Hunter Pence Baseball 2021 Rachal Hunter Roland R84
Tx Trappers National Scout Team Black Cesar Sanchez Iii R84
Knights Showcase Baseball Moises Jesus Soriano Mendoza L84
Scorpions Team EASTON Steele Bardwell R83
Orioles Scout Team 18U Cameron Duke L83
Orioles Scout Team 18U Carson Hintz R83
17U Banditos Black James Lee R83
PNT Brandon Ramirez R83
Vendetta 2020 Abel Gonzalez L82
17U Banditos Black Carson Hill R82
Scorpions Team EASTON Michael Lopez L82
Tx Trappers National Scout Team Black Calvin Matthews IV R82
Vendetta 2020 Eduardo Moreno R82
Scorpions Team EASTON Marshall Niederhofer R82
SETX Gators Carter Sanders R82
17U Banditos Black Brayden Sharp L82
SETX Gators Levi Whitlock R82
CBA Texas 18’s Jack Zimmer R82
Texas Bluechips Blake Baker L81
Banditos Texas Callum Burton R81
Knights Showcase Baseball Xavier Cantu R81
Scorpions Team EASTON Ty Elder R81
Boston Blue Jays Jacob Gonzalez R81
Vendetta 2020 Humberto Martinez L81
Texas Bluechips Jalen Porter R81
Knights Showcase Baseball Elijah Rivera R81
CBA Texas 18’s Ramon Torres R81
CBA Texas 18’s Easton Andrews R80
Vendetta 2020 Ryan Bazan R80
Tx Trappers National Scout Team Black David Brown R80
Boston Blue Jays Aaron Diaz R80
CBA Texas 18’s Jacob Downs R80
SETX Gators Patrick Dunn R80
CBA Texas 18’s Eric Garcia R80
Scorpions Team EASTON Nicholas Garcia R80
Scorpions Team EASTON Silas Jones L80
Scorpions Team EASTON Evan Murrietta R80
CBA TITANS Sebastian Phillips R80
CBA Texas 18’s Jorrin Simmons R80
Vendetta 2020 Justyn Valdez L80
Orioles Scout Team 18U Jonathan Isbell R79
Banditos Texas Brycen Lee R79
Scorpions Team EASTON John Montenegro R79
Banditos Texas Brayden Musgrove R79
PNT Daniel Villarroel L79
Texas Bluechips Mateo Carrasco R78
17U Banditos Black Damian Cortez R78
CBA TITANS Blake Dorwart R78
CBA TITANS Kyle Hughes R78
CBA Texas 18’s Kaj James L78
Tx Trappers National Scout Team Black Sloan Laird R78
Texas Bluechips Joshua Warren R78
Boston Blue Jays Wesley Zabala R78
Tx Trappers National Scout Team Black Alejandro Zozaya R78
Banditos Texas Alex Arriola R77
PNT Bryce Brown R77
Tx Trappers National Scout Team Black Connor Fulbright R77
Texas Bluechips Carter Hood L77
CBA Texas 18’s Ethan Loera L77
Vendetta 2020 Chrisitan Padua R77
Texas Bluechips Isaiah Tijerina L77
Scorpions Team EASTON Thad Young R77
SETX Gators Devon Andrews R76
Banditos Texas Edward Burton R76
Scorpions Team EASTON Connor Kelley L76
Orioles Scout Team 18U Chandler Molander R76
Knights Showcase Baseball Artie Perez L76
CBA TITANS Isiah Ruiz R76
SETX Gators Miguel Torres-Velasco Jr R76
Tx Trappers National Scout Team Black Everett Bates R75
Tx Trappers National Scout Team Black Ethan Bowen L75
SETX Gators Colton Cox R75
Vendetta 2020 Ian Rincon R75
Texas Bluechips Peyton Starr L75
PNT Coby Bolen L74
Tx Trappers National Scout Team Black Salvador Flores R74
Knights Showcase Baseball Gabriel Rojas R74
SETX Gators Mason Banhart R73
CBA TITANS Tyler Pelton L72
Orioles Scout Team 18U Dustin Robson R72
CBA TITANS Dino Trevino R72
CBA TITANS James Gann R70
Orioles Scout Team 18U Jacob Smith R70
Hunter Pence Baseball 2021 Rachal Cameron Miller R69