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Youth Pitching Report

  9U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3 day period. If you pitch more than 9 outs in a day you are required 2 days rest.

  9U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs.

  13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs.

  100 Pitch maximum over 3 days.

  You can pitch in more than one game in a day if you do not exceed your daily limits.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Athletics Baseball 14u
18 Tyler Durrett 37 4 CBA Red 11/7/2020
1 Macon Harrison 0 0 CBA Red 11/7/2020
21 Mason Harrison 19 2 CBA Red 11/7/2020
14 Dylan Malone 33 4 Marucci Elite Texas-Biggers 11/7/2020
99 Jachin Salas 27 5 Marucci Elite Texas-Biggers 11/7/2020
11 0 CBA Red 11/7/2020
Total 38 5
8 Justin Watlington 12 0 CBA Red 11/7/2020
34 Traeson Wynee 16 1 Marucci Elite Texas-Biggers 11/7/2020
2 Luis Armas 18 3 Marucci Elite Texas-Biggers 11/7/2020
56 Anthony Echavarria 43 7 Marucci Elite Texas-Biggers 11/7/2020
7 Matthew Hernandez 0 0 Marucci Elite Texas-Biggers 11/7/2020
62 5 Athletics Baseball 14u 11/7/2020
Total 62 5
12 3 Marucci Elite Texas-Biggers 11/8/2020
Total 74 8
0 Santiago Leija 52 12 Marucci Elite Texas-Biggers 11/8/2020
21 Bryan Morales 21 1 Athletics Baseball 14u 11/7/2020
11 Daniel Moya 9 1 Marucci Elite Texas-Biggers 11/8/2020
Cruz Baseball
3 Ryland Anders 28 6 Friendswood 45'S 11/7/2020
1 Brayden Blackburn 18 3 Friendswood 45'S 11/7/2020
16 Anthony Borja 20 1 Pearland Phantom 14u - Johnson 11/7/2020
10 1 Houston Prodigy 14u 11/8/2020
Total 30 2
23 Lucas Dominguez 27 3 Pearland Phantom 14u - Johnson 11/7/2020
15 Parker Johnson 14 3 Friendswood 45'S 11/7/2020
28 Atticus Radcliffe 21 3 Pearland Phantom 14u - Johnson 11/7/2020
4 3 Houston Prodigy 14u 11/8/2020
Total 25 6
10 Paolo Rappazzo 16 3 Friendswood 45'S 11/7/2020
16 7 Houston Prodigy 14u 11/8/2020
Total 32 10
13 Rylan Reichenau 0 0 Pearland Phantom 14u - Johnson 11/7/2020
22 Luke Zilafro 14 5 Pearland Phantom 14u - Johnson 11/7/2020
27 4 Houston Prodigy 14u 11/8/2020
Total 41 9
Dynasty Black HTX
2 Joshua Arroyo 0 0 Houston Heat - Rafferty 11/7/2020
22 Caden Callaway 18 0 Houston Heat - Rafferty 11/7/2020
24 Benjamin Churchill 8 3 Houston Athletics - De Leon 11/7/2020
83 17 Friendswood 45'S 11/8/2020
Total 91 20
11 Michael Doucet 49 6 Houston Athletics - De Leon 11/7/2020
35 Ben Mayorga 24 6 Houston Heat - Rafferty 11/7/2020
6 Alex Morales 6 1 Friendswood 45'S 11/8/2020
6 1 Friendswood 45'S 11/8/2020
Total 12 2
44 Adrian Najera 32 6 Houston Athletics - De Leon 11/7/2020
12 Nicolas Santos 12 1 Houston Heat - Rafferty 11/7/2020
77 Mason Walls 8 0 Houston Heat - Rafferty 11/7/2020
Friendswood 45'S
22 Ryan Duncan 35 6 Cruz Baseball 11/7/2020
32 Justin Holcomb 38 6 Marucci Elite Texas-Biggers 11/8/2020
24 Eric McGill 30 3 Cruz Baseball 11/7/2020
27 Dane Perry 0 0 Hp Baseball Greene 11/7/2020
91 18 Dynasty Black HTX 11/8/2020
Total 91 18
1 Colton Pleasant 39 7 Hp Baseball Greene 11/7/2020
34 6 Marucci Elite Texas-Biggers 11/8/2020
Total 73 13
2 Aidan Rasmussen 43 5 Hp Baseball Greene 11/7/2020
0 0 Marucci Elite Texas-Biggers 11/8/2020
Total 43 5
23 Walker Winters 19 3 Hp Baseball Greene 11/7/2020
Houston Athletics - De Leon
21 Max Cimino 0 0 Houston Prodigy 14u 11/7/2020
18 3 ZT Elite National -Nava 11/8/2020
Total 18 3
34 Sawyer Parvis 22 3 Dynasty Black HTX 11/7/2020
57 Garritt Romero 66 15 Dynasty Black HTX 11/7/2020
25 Joey Uschold 73 10 Houston Prodigy 14u 11/7/2020
99 Caleb Woodcock 24 2 Houston Prodigy 14u 11/7/2020
8 Luke Worrell 65 9 ZT Elite National -Nava 11/8/2020
Houston Heat - Rafferty
25 Diego Alpuing 33 9 Houston Prodigy 14u 11/7/2020
34 Samuel Buzbee 67 10 ZT Elite National -Nava 11/8/2020
3 Zackary Downey 42 3 Houston Prodigy 14u 11/7/2020
30 Hunter Gilbert 29 1 Dynasty Black HTX 11/7/2020
0 Noah Lorenz 0 0 Houston Prodigy 14u 11/7/2020
22 Jj Martinson 29 6 Houston Prodigy 14u 11/7/2020
0 Josh Matte 53 6 Dynasty Black HTX 11/7/2020
27 5 ZT Elite National -Nava 11/8/2020
Total 80 11
Houston Prodigy 14u
4 Johnny Broussard 46 14 Cruz Baseball 11/8/2020
8 Cooper Brown 14 3 Houston Heat - Rafferty 11/7/2020
7 Jaxon Lanclos 32 4 Cruz Baseball 11/8/2020
42 Hayden Murphy 81 15 Houston Athletics - De Leon 11/7/2020
19 Drake Sturm 59 15 Houston Heat - Rafferty 11/7/2020
Hp Baseball Greene
0 Kaden Flisowski 28 3 Friendswood 45'S 11/7/2020
0 Hardy Johnston 5 1 ZT Elite National -Nava 11/7/2020
7 Rocky Medina 3 1 Friendswood 45'S 11/7/2020
0 Matthew Rawls 26 3 Friendswood 45'S 11/7/2020
0 Kole Townsend 55 9 Friendswood 45'S 11/7/2020
9 Jackson Young 63 9 ZT Elite National -Nava 11/7/2020
Marucci Elite Texas-Biggers
28 Jackson Babcock 21 1 CBA Red 11/7/2020
10 Joey Constantino 29 8 CBA Red 11/7/2020
11 Chris Guerra 11 3 CBA Red 11/7/2020
5 2 CBA Red 11/8/2020
Total 16 5
61 15 Friendswood 45'S 11/8/2020
Total 77 20
9 Mason Murphy 81 12 Athletics Baseball 14u 11/7/2020
20 Caden Salamanca 0 0 CBA Red 11/7/2020
25 Ty Thames 0 0 CBA Red 11/7/2020
71 16 CBA Red 11/8/2020
Total 71 16
Pearland Phantom 14u - Johnson
77 Ethan Celedon 21 7 Cruz Baseball 11/7/2020
0 Mason Galvan 32 6 Usa Prime Houston - Smith/Veeder 11/7/2020
8 Cash Martinez 27 3 Usa Prime Houston - Smith/Veeder 11/7/2020
27 Evan Perez 36 5 Cruz Baseball 11/7/2020
10 Austin Silva 0 0 Cruz Baseball 11/7/2020
7 Jacob Turner 25 6 Usa Prime Houston - Smith/Veeder 11/7/2020
Usa Prime Houston - Smith/Veeder
1 Jordan Enyart 28 6 ZT Elite National -Nava 11/7/2020
3 Eli Holseth 0 0 Pearland Phantom 14u - Johnson 11/7/2020
0 0 Pearland Phantom 14u - Johnson 11/7/2020
Total 0 0
20 6 ZT Elite National -Nava 11/7/2020
Total 20 6
11 Thomas Lehane 42 6 ZT Elite National -Nava 11/7/2020
4 Adam Northern 22 3 Pearland Phantom 14u - Johnson 11/7/2020
7 Nicholas Smart 14 0 Pearland Phantom 14u - Johnson 11/7/2020
0 Nolan Veeder 14 3 Pearland Phantom 14u - Johnson 11/7/2020
21 Henry Zone 39 6 Pearland Phantom 14u - Johnson 11/7/2020
ZT Elite National -Nava
18 Wyatt Bickers 27 6 Usa Prime Houston - Smith/Veeder 11/7/2020
36 6 Houston Athletics - De Leon 11/8/2020
Total 63 12
36 6 Houston Athletics - De Leon 11/8/2020
Total 99 18
32 John Dolan 29 6 Hp Baseball Greene 11/7/2020
64 9 Houston Athletics - De Leon 11/8/2020
Total 93 15
64 9 Houston Athletics - De Leon 11/8/2020
Total 157 24
8 Logan Johnson 37 3 Hp Baseball Greene 11/7/2020
30 Bryson Session 27 3 Hp Baseball Greene 11/7/2020
7 Logan Shields 22 6 Usa Prime Houston - Smith/Veeder 11/7/2020
22 Jaylen Walker 15 3 Usa Prime Houston - Smith/Veeder 11/7/2020
2 Miles Young 39 6 Usa Prime Houston - Smith/Veeder 11/7/2020