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Youth Pitching Report

  9U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3 day period. If you pitch more than 9 outs in a day you are required 2 days rest.

  9U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs.

  13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs.

  100 Pitch maximum over 3 days.

  You can pitch in more than one game in a day if you do not exceed your daily limits.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
5 Isaiah Cerda 7 2 Marucci Elite Texas-Kluesner 11/7/2020
7 2 Houston Brewers 11/7/2020
Total 14 4
22 Gavin Fikac 7 1 Houston Brewers 11/7/2020
23 Aaron Gholson 31 6 Marucci Elite Texas-Kluesner 11/7/2020
31 6 Houston Brewers 11/7/2020
Total 62 12
11 Craig Harris Ii 31 6 Marucci Elite Texas-Kluesner 11/7/2020
31 6 Houston Brewers 11/7/2020
Total 62 12
13 Jake Holmes 32 3 Houston Brewers 11/7/2020
15 Bryan Hood 23 1 Marucci Elite Texas-Kluesner 11/7/2020
23 1 Houston Brewers 11/7/2020
Total 46 2
9 Maddox Johnson 23 2 Houston Brewers 11/7/2020
20 Jimmy Welnack 32 6 Houston Brewers 11/7/2020
Houston Brewers
2 Delfino Guerra Jr. 10 1 Twelve 10u Gold - McKee 11/8/2020
29 Antonio Montemayor 32 9 Twelve 10u Gold - McKee 11/7/2020
12 Adam Morales 12 2 Twelve 10u Gold - McKee 11/8/2020
0 0 The Baseball Club-Lightning 10u 11/8/2020
Total 12 2
42 Earon Ramirez 49 12 Twelve 10u Gold - McKee 11/8/2020
24 Anthony Torres 0 0 The Baseball Club-Lightning 10u 11/8/2020
1 Evan Villalon 35 9 Dirtbags 11/7/2020
Ktn Athletics
7 Reece Abbott 31 12 Scorpions Team Easton 10u 11/7/2020
27 3 The Baseball Club-Lightning 10u 11/7/2020
Total 58 15
30 4 Marucci Elite Texas-Kluesner 11/8/2020
Total 88 19
3 Colby Adams 41 6 Scorpions Team Easton 10u 11/7/2020
44 Dylan Chevalier 30 3 The Baseball Club-Lightning 10u 11/7/2020
99 Kolby Spillars 81 14 Marucci Elite Texas-Kluesner 11/8/2020
Marucci Elite Texas-Kluesner
13 Matthew Butler 42 3 Twelve 10u Gold - McKee 11/7/2020
7 Kingston Kluesner 16 3 Twelve 10u Gold - McKee 11/7/2020
16 3 Ktn Athletics 11/8/2020
Total 32 6
39 6 The Baseball Club-Lightning 10u 11/8/2020
Total 71 12
34 Bowen Landry 12 0 Twelve 10u Gold - McKee 11/7/2020
52 3 The Baseball Club-Lightning 10u 11/8/2020
Total 64 3
23 Nathaniel Long 15 3 Twelve 10u Gold - McKee 11/7/2020
80 12 Ktn Athletics 11/8/2020
Total 95 15
9 Jacob Quach 83 5 Dirtbags 11/7/2020
Scorpions Team Easton 10u
11 Cole Carman 0 0 The Baseball Club-Lightning 10u 11/8/2020
23 Landon Hardy 52 6 The Baseball Club-Lightning 10u 11/8/2020
9 Hunter Larue 78 12 The Baseball Club-Lightning 10u 11/8/2020
8 Max Moncur 83 15 Ktn Athletics 11/7/2020
The Baseball Club-Lightning 10u
74 Kiran Chilakapati 25 0 Ktn Athletics 11/7/2020
48 4 Houston Brewers 11/8/2020
Total 73 4
10 Tyler Coffman 47 9 Marucci Elite Texas-Kluesner 11/8/2020
9 William Cooper 21 3 Ktn Athletics 11/7/2020
23 6 Scorpions Team Easton 10u 11/8/2020
Total 44 9
0 0 Houston Brewers 11/8/2020
Total 44 9
34 Aidan McMurray 11 0 Houston Brewers 11/8/2020
7 Robert McNair 13 3 Ktn Athletics 11/7/2020
0 0 Scorpions Team Easton 10u 11/8/2020
Total 13 3
8 Caden Nuckles 0 0 Marucci Elite Texas-Kluesner 11/8/2020
27 Gus Penrod 17 0 Ktn Athletics 11/7/2020
3 Tate Tully 32 3 Ktn Athletics 11/7/2020
13 Samuel Willingham 57 15 Scorpions Team Easton 10u 11/8/2020
42 Truitt Wynn 0 0 Houston Brewers 11/8/2020
Twelve 10u Gold - McKee
12 Cade Abril 25 3 Dirtbags 11/8/2020
21 Cannon Mora 56 6 Dirtbags 11/8/2020
8 Carter Riley 53 2 Houston Brewers 11/7/2020
32 Wyatt Sonsel 48 4 Houston Brewers 11/7/2020
3 Jagger Williams 48 12 Marucci Elite Texas-Kluesner 11/7/2020