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FB Velocities
Elite Squad 16U National Juhlien Gonzalez R89
Elite Squad 16U National Connor Manning R89
FTB-Tucci 55 Jack Cebert R88
Florida Rebels Lucas Hartman R88
Florida Rebels Karson Ligon R88
FTB-Tucci 55 Christian Olazabal R88
Elite Squad 16U National Samuel Sloan R88
Elite Squad 16U National Justin Webster R88
Florida Hurricanes 16U Platinum Jac Caglianone L87
X Team 2021 Juan Correa R87
Elite Squad 16U National Jorge De Goti R87
ELEV8 Select Rodrigo Pirela R87
Elite Squad 16U National Nicholas Fraginals R86
FTB-Tucci 55 Brady Garcia L86
FBH Angels 16U Elite Pierce Glading R86
Florida Pokers Underclass carolina Jake Keaser R86
Baseball University 2021 Rowland Sebastian Martinez R86
FTB-Tucci 55 Zaylen Perry R86
Elite Squad 16U American Grant Siegel R86
X Team 2021 Yoel Tejeda Jr R86
Elite Squad 16U National Matthew Burns R85
Florida Pokers Underclass carolina Pierce George R85
X Team 2021 Efrain Isturiz Noriega L85
Florida Hurricanes 16U Platinum Jimmy McKinney R85
Elite Squad 16U National Anthony Nelson L85
FTB-Tucci 55 Matthew Prevesk L85
Upper Deck Select 16U Brady Skradski R85
FTB-Tucci 55 Tyler Stone R85
ELEV8 Select Jordan Vera R85
FTB-Tucci 55 Joseph Willis R85
ELEV8 Select Jameson Caro R84
Coastal Prospects John Costa R84
Titans Baseball John Dominguez Jr R84
Florida Hurricanes 16U Platinum Marcos Gamboa R84
Florida Pokers Underclass carolina Nick Gleason R84
Elite Squad 16U American Hunter Pellinger R84
Baseball University 2021 Rowland Gavin Sissel R84
Florida Hurricanes 16U Platinum Reece Soper R84
Florida Hurricanes 16U Platinum Carlos Vega R84
Florida Hurricanes 16U Platinum Brooks Bak R83
FTB-Tucci 55 Garrett Lukas Brewer L83
Florida Pokers Underclass carolina Andrew Brockwell R83
Coastal Prospects Cody Carwile L83
Florida Rebels Tyler Corish L83
Elite Squad 16U National Evan Demurias R83
Original Florida Pokers 2021 Joey Goldstein R83
Team Siege 2021 Prospects Bradley Hernandez R83
FTB-Tucci 55 Michael Quevedo L83
Elite Squad 16U American Jack Sampedro R83
Florida Hurricanes 16U Platinum Dominic Scavone R83
Team Siege 2021 Prospects Connor Wilt R83
FBH Angels 16U Elite Jose Alaniz R82
Upper Deck Select 16U Julian Balzer L82
Baseball University 2021 Rowland Brady Burgess R82
Coastal Prospects Layton Deloach L82
FTB-Tucci 55 Brian Erb R82
Florida Hurricanes 16U Platinum Dan Fields R82
X Team 2021 Michael Fortes R82
Florida Rebels Mason Janz R82
Elite Squad 16U American David Knepper R82
FBH Angels 16U Elite Shane McClanahan R82
X Team 2021 Landon Moore R82
Elite Squad 16U National Joel Pineiro R82
Coastal Prospects Hunter Ramsey R82
Original Florida Pokers 2021 Darius Robinson R82
FBH Angels 16U Elite John Smith R82
Florida Hurricanes 16U Platinum Corey Braun L81
ELEV8 Select Adam Cohen R81
Florida Rebels Aaron Deegan R81
Florida Rebels Michael Doyle R81
Titans Baseball David "Quaid" Goff R81
Baseball University 2021 Rowland Justin Montanez R81
Florida Hurricanes 16U Platinum Jake Nolan R81
Elite Squad 16U American Lukas Peterson L81
ELEV8 Select Joseph Phan R81
Titans Baseball Coby Radulesco R81
Baseball University 2021 Rowland Ben Vazquez R81
Florida Grinders 2021 Steven Vetter R81
Florida Pokers Underclass carolina Brandon Andrade R80
Team Siege 2021 Prospects Christian Banks R80
Baseball University 2021 Rowland Dylan Callaghan R80
X Team 2021 Dillon Cerone R80
X Team 2021 Jacob Dorn L80
ELEV8 Select Sebastian Garrido L80
Upper Deck Select 16U Ryan Hopping R80
Elite Squad 16U American Jakob Kustin R80
X Team 2021 Moses Lopez L80
Elite Squad 16U American Cameron McDuffy R80
FBH Angels 16U Elite Gavin Moore L80
X Team 2021 Brandon Morrison R80
Original Florida Pokers 2021 Tyler Novik R80
FBH Angels 16U Elite Anton Ortega L80
Coastal Prospects Charlie Pellicer R80
FBH Angels 16U Elite Griffin West R80
X Team 2021 Josue Roberto Zuany R80
Florida Grinders 2021 Dalvin Callado R79
Baseball University 2022 Maruszak Charlie Dicampli R79
Baseball University 2022 Maruszak Cole Gonzalez R79
Baseball University 2021 Rowland Stephen Heslin R79
Baseball University 2021 Rowland Jackson Hutton R79
Original Florida Pokers 2021 Kolby Miller R79
Original Florida Pokers 2021 Michael Pomper R79
Upper Deck Select 16U Aiden Pryzgoda L79
FBH Angels 16U Elite Jaden Ross R79
Florida Hurricanes 16U Platinum Andrew Ward R79
Original Florida Pokers 2021 Steven Mason R78
Florida Hurricanes 16U Platinum Matthew Pizzarello L78
Upper Deck Select 16U Benjamin Schleeper R78
Baseball University 2021 Rowland Jackson Stebleton L78
Florida Rebels Chase Yniguez R78
Florida Pokers Underclass carolina Ethan Zimmerman R78
Upper Deck Select 16U Michael Baumgardner R77
Florida Rebels Ezra Brennan R77
Upper Deck Select 16U Michael Brooks R77
Florida Grinders 2021 Anthony Bushem R77
Florida Grinders 2021 Ahmad Dayem R77
Florida Grinders 2021 Daniel Garvin L77
Original Florida Pokers 2021 Ryan Leiman R77
Team Siege 2021 Prospects Stephen Murnane L77
Team Siege 2021 Prospects Donovan Smyth R77
Coastal Prospects Caden Townsend R77
Baseball University 2022 Maruszak Andrew Canody R76
Florida Pokers Underclass carolina Matthew Fernandez L76
Titans Baseball Cameron Goff R76
Upper Deck Select 16U Cole Hewatt L76
Titans Baseball Wyatt Hinchey R76
Elite Squad 16U American Justin Martin R76
Team Siege 2021 Prospects Angel Martinez R76
Titans Baseball Zachary Schooley L76
Original Florida Pokers 2021 David Schreibman R76
Original Florida Pokers 2021 Aiden Williams L76
Baseball University 2022 Maruszak Wade Woodaz R76
Florida Rebels Colin Redding L75
Baseball University 2021 Rowland Tyler Smith R75
Team Siege 2021 Prospects Lucas Winkel L75
Coastal Prospects Hunter Keen R74
Florida Grinders 2021 Evan Leff L74
Elite Squad 16U American Luke Rier L74
Team Siege 2021 Prospects Kobe Griffin R73
FBH Angels 16U Elite Tyler Markiewicz R73
Team Siege 2021 Prospects Zachary Masnikoff R73
Team Siege 2021 Prospects Jimmy Reynolds R73
Florida Grinders 2021 Rylan Townsend R73
Team Siege 2021 Prospects Kyle Hendrick R72
Titans Baseball Hunter Pritchard R72