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Please refer to the "Schedule/Scores" tab on the event page for a revised schedule for this weekend. There will be a 1 hour 30 minute time limit on all pool play games. We are now taking 10 teams to the playoffs. All games Monday 6/19 will be regular 2 hour time limit. This event is now a 3 game guarantee. ALL GAMES SCHEDULED AT CHARLES DAY ON SUNDAY HAVE BEEN MOVED TO ST. JOSEPH HIGH SCHOOL JV
Schedules will be released 5 days prior to the start of every event.
All Schedule Requests must be submitted to no less than 2 weeks prior to the schedule being released.
Requests are not guaranteed, but we try our best to accommodate.

Jun 16 - 19 |  Riverbank Park | Newark, NJ
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings 1 Event Article
FB Velocities
Pa Rebels 15u Ryan Fuller R87
Atlantic Reign Ethan Lee R86
Baseball Performance Center Will Hickman R85
Baseball Performance Center Will Hickman R85
Northeast Supreme 2026 National Jack Kennedy R85
Team Francisco Notorious 9 15u Elijah Outlaw R85
NY Gothams 2026 Select Benjamin Santos-Olson R85
Atlantic Reign Junzen Sarza R85
East Coast Ghost Scout 15u Danny DiTullio L84
North Jersey Ghost 26 National Jj Drennan R84
3U3D DeLucia Baseball Chase Kegerise L84
East Coast Ghost Scout 15u Aiden Ogando R84
East Coast Ghost Scout 15u Mathew Riendeau R84
East Coast Ghost Scout 15u Jimmy Gallagher R83
15 AL Austin Havertine R83
Team BEAST 2026 National Jack Pfeifer R83
RCBC Ghost 15U Nationals Michael Uccio R83
Team Francisco Notorious 9 15u Dylan Wilkinson R83
RCBC Ghost 15U Nationals Jason Bassett R82
East Coast Ghost Scout 15u Chase Brandt L82
Full Count Prospects Andrew Kessler R82
RCBC Ghost 15U Nationals Anthony Molinini R82
Keystone State Bombers Shane Monaghan R82
Morris County Cubs 15U Navy Jonathan Moore R82
Team Francisco Notorious 9 15u Mateo Morales L82
Iron Nine Baseball Logan Revock R82
North Jersey Ghost 26 National Bryan Sunga R82
Hustle Baseball Bryan Sunga R82
East Coast Ghost Scout 15u Dylan Zammit R82
Hustle Baseball Jordan Burwell L81
Keystone State Bombers Walker Carroll L81
Tbt Ny Ballers 2026 Michael Colon R81
Northeast Ghost 15u Nikolas Costanzo R81
Team Francisco Notorious 9 15u Michael Gardner R81
NY Gothams 2026 Select Yandel German R81
Morris County Cubs 15U Navy Dean Kaletcher R81
Full Count Prospects James Kehoe R81
East Coast Ghost Scout 15u Colin Kroner R81
North Jersey Ghost 26 National Jake Long R81
North Jersey Ghost 26 National Caden Lozito R81
North Jersey Ghost 26 National Akhil Penkala R81
East Coast Ghost Scout 15u Ryan Petruska L81
Hustle Baseball Trevor Rascher R81
Keystone State Bombers Chase Shollenberger B81
Atlantic Reign Frank Sommo R81
Baseball Performance Center Christian Williams R81
RCBC Ghost 15U Nationals Nicholas Zarski R81
Keystone State Bombers American Zachary Zuber R81
Atlantic Reign Nick Atme R80
NY Gothams 2026 Select Frailyn Capellan R80
Hudson Valley Select National Kayden Durkin L80
Delaware Elite Baseball Club Alex Gannon R80
East Coast Ghost 15u Ronan Kiely R80
Team Francisco Notorious 9 15u Ryan Palm R80
3U3D DeLucia Baseball Caleb Rupp R80
Keystone State Bombers Camryn Simes R80
15 AL Cooper Speacht L80
Atlantic Reign Jack Walsh R80
East Coast Ghost 15u James Whalen R80
Keystone State Bombers American Angelo Billiard R79
Team Francisco Notorious 9 15u Michael Diorio L79
Morris County Cubs 15U Navy Tanner Gaboda R79
Team BEAST 2026 National Dean Kirschbaum R79
Pro Skills 15U Luke Rogers L79
Pa Rebels 15u Will Roth R79
Morris County Cubs 15U White Liam Shelton R79
Keystone State Bombers American Braydon Bown R78
RCBC Ghost 15U Nationals Robert Cruz R78
NY Gothams 2026 Select Joaquin Del Pino R78
Keystone State Bombers American Alex Derderian R78
Hudson Valley Select National John Esposito R78
3U3D DeLucia Baseball Jacob Hafer L78
Northeast Supreme 2026 National Shane Jelenevsky R78
5 Star Northeast 15u Carr Nathan Kleppinger R78
Pa Rebels 15u Ryan McGowan R78
Triple Crown Baseball Kyle Morsell R78
Northeast Supreme 2026 National Jake Wall R78
Northeast Ghost 15u Michael Welsh R78
Body Armor Titans 2026 Quattrini Jake Zabbara L78
Delaware Elite Baseball Club Grady Anderson L77
Uncommon 2026 Black Jack Bittenbender R77
Triple Crown Baseball Aiden Carlson R77
Body Armor Titans 2026 Quattrini Jonathan Duffy R77
RCBC Ghost 15U Nationals Anthony Garofalo L77
Team Francisco Notorious 9 15u Anthony Gerbasio R77
Team BEAST 2026 National Jack Gustav R77
Pro Skills 15U Jackson Hager R77
Pa Rebels 15u Sean Kinzeler R77
Delaware Elite Baseball Club Peter McCarron Jr R77
Delaware Elite Baseball Club Sean McGuigan R77
5 Star Northeast 15u Carr Joey Ortiz L77
RCBC Ghost 15U Nationals Nicholas Pleszewicz R77
Hudson Valley Select National Brayden Rakov R77
Keystone State Bombers Bennett Sheppard R77
North Jersey Ghost 26 National Ben Siegel R77
Full Count Prospects Jackson Trego R77
Baseball Performance Center Mason Walls R77
Keystone State Bombers American Logan Zynn R77
Iron Nine Baseball Gabe Arato R76
Mvp New York 2026 Coady Bailey R76
Keystone State Bombers Andrew Carlisle R76
Uncommon 2026 Black Karson Davenport R76
North Jersey Ghost 26 National Jacob Diaz L76
North Jersey Ghost 15U Jacob Diaz L76
Delaware Elite Baseball Club Jake Digennaro R76
Delaware Elite Baseball Club Tanner Emmertz L76
Iron Nine Baseball Nicolas Erminio R76
Keystone State Bombers American Aj Feleppa R76
Ws Hawks Julian Glasgow R76
Keystone State Bombers Adrian Gonzalez R76
Northeast Supreme 2026 National Ryan Guzman R76
Atlantic Reign Irei Hashimoto R76
15 AL Blake Havertine R76
Tbt Ny Ballers 2026 Chase Kaplan R76
Body Armor Titans 2026 Quattrini Jake King R76
North Jersey Ghost 26 National Charlie Krasnove R76
Body Armor Titans 2026 Quattrini Matthew Kurz R76
Zoned Redhawks Elite Michael Lobosco R76
Team Beast 2026 American Michael Mijuca R76
Ws Hawks Ravi Palkhiwala R76
Full Count Prospects Isaiah Robinson R76
NY Gothams 2026 Select Fernando Rodriguez R76
Deck Dogs 15U Michael Schade R76
5 Star Northeast 15u Carr Tyson Sumner R76
Uncommon 2026 Gold Stokes Tate R76
Keystone State Bombers Jonathan Willard L76
Body Armor Titans 2026 Quattrini Liam Brower R75
Baseball Performance Center Jacob Budd R75
Hudson Valley Select National Christopher Carton R75
East Coast Ghost 15u Noah Feldman L75
Team BEAST 2026 National Joshua Gomez R75
Pa Rebels 15u Luke Hagan L75
5 Star Northeast 15u Carr Evan Hoult R75
North Jersey Ghost 26 National Jack Ilaria R75
East Coast Ghost 15u Zack Martin R75
Zoned Redhawks Elite Aiden McCarthy L75
110baseball Ryan McCormack R75
Hustle Baseball Justin Meakem L75
Triple Crown Baseball Frank Pedone R75
Pa Rebels 15u Adam Price R75
Body Armor Titans 2026 Quattrini Alex Rahner R75
Mvp New York 2026 Luke Rebore-Costanzo R75
Pa Rebels 15u Carter Reed R75
North Jersey Ghost 15U Johny Ring L75
Tbt Ny Ballers 2026 Jd Santulli R75
Zoned Redhawks Elite Ben Sokolowski R75
Mvp New York 2026 Ty Stark R75
Iron Nine Baseball Liam Sullivan R75
110baseball Ronald Trinidad R75
East Coast Ghost 15u William Vasquez R75
Ws Hawks Benjamin Ziemer R75
110baseball Zach Adelstein R74
Hustle Baseball Xavier Andujar L74
Morris County Cubs 15U White Justin Bachman R74
15 AL Colin Carey R74
Uncommon 2026 Black Will Christian L74
North Jersey Ghost 26 National Joey Chvasta R74
RCBC Ghost 15U Nationals Daniel Cronin R74
East Coast Ghost 15u Jack Dugo III R74
Uncommon 2026 Black Tristan Fanning R74
Deck Dogs 15U Nicholas Gilroy R74
Team Francisco Notorious 9 15u Dominick Lauria L74
Ws Hawks Xavier Lehmann R74
Triple Crown Baseball Ryan Miller R74
NY Gothams 2026 Select Nikhil Parikh L74
Full Count Prospects Mikey Pellegrino R74
Keystone State Bombers American Chase Prange R74
Morris County Cubs 15U White Justin Smith R74
Pa Rebels 15u Hudson Swan R74
Pa Rebels 15u Jonah Trueman R74
North Jersey Ghost 15U David Acevedo R73
Northeast Supreme 2026 National Ishan Basnet L73
15 AL Kayden Baumgardner R73
South Jersey Ghost 15u Andrew Boerner L73
Mvp New York 2026 Joshua (Jt) Bonventre R73
Zoned Redhawks Elite Shane Borer R73
RCBC Ghost 15U Nationals Nicholas Chirelli R73
Pro Skills 15U Luke Colonna R73
Atlantic Reign Jt Deriso L73
Zoned Redhawks Elite Michael Drelich L73
Team Beast 2026 American John Drew R73
East Coast Ghost 15u Zachary Kreindel L73
Triple Crown Baseball Brody Mantz R73
Uncommon 2026 Black Jonathan Moore R73
Uncommon 2026 Gold Alex Moritz R73
Full Count Prospects Apoorva Nigam R73
Morris County Cubs 15U White Nathaniel Norin R73
Northeast Ghost 15u Joseph Novellino R73
Keystone State Bombers American Jon O'Maille L73
110baseball Kenneth Osorio Jr R73
Tbt Ny Ballers 2026 Swaraaj Pujari R73
Team Francisco Notorious 9 15u Nicolas Rahaman R73
110baseball James Reiner R73
Uncommon 2026 Gold Alex Rivera R73
Team Beast 2026 American Michael Saracino R73
Mvp New York 2026 Logan Vogel L73
Team Francisco Notorious 9 15u Nick Albert R72
Team BEAST 2026 National Anthony Aquilino R72
Body Armor Titans 2026 Quattrini Aidan Casey L72
Team Beast 2026 American Connor Dekenipp R72
Zoned Redhawks Elite Jude Fraunberger R72
Tbt Ny Ballers 2026 Shamar Gray L72
Ws Hawks Bennett Harrison R72
Morris County Cubs 15U Navy Maxwell Kelly R72
South Jersey Ghost 15u Reed Miller R72
Pro Skills 15U Eddie Ruminski R72
NY Gothams 2026 Select Nathaniel Schnirman L72
Uncommon 2026 Gold Jackson Starace R72
South Jersey Ghost 15u Humza Durrani L71
Iron Nine Baseball Brian Jordan R71
North Jersey Ghost 15U Ryder Rabinowitz R71
Hustle Baseball CJ Tedesco R71
110baseball Jack Zagariello R71
Team Beast 2026 American Luke Bartolo L70
Hustle Baseball Gianmarco Canziani R70
Northeast Ghost 15u Colin Davis R70
15 AL Davis Grunwell R70
Mvp New York 2026 Brody Lahoz L70
Deck Dogs 15U Nate Lewis R70
South Jersey Ghost 15u Mason Musciano R70
Team Beast 2026 American Chris Rizzo R70
Deck Dogs 15U Corey Warner L70
North Jersey Ghost 15U Luca Burrier R69
Deck Dogs 15U Thomas Chung R69
Uncommon 2026 Black Nathan Gordon R69
5 Star Northeast 15u Carr Connor Landau R69
Ws Hawks Apollo Quijano R69
North Jersey Ghost 15U Jonathan Colon R68
Northeast Supreme 2026 National Dalyan Henriquez R68
Tbt Ny Ballers 2026 Aidan Dunsky R67
Team Beast 2026 American Dominick Fazio R67
Pro Skills 15U Derek Friedman L67
Iron Nine Baseball Harrison Thorburn L67
Pro Skills 15U Teddy Jones R66
North Jersey Ghost 15U Joe Schettino L65
North Jersey Ghost 15U Noah Mueller R64
South Jersey Ghost 15u Alex Abruzzo L62
Deck Dogs 15U Charlie Robinson R60
North Jersey Ghost 15U Jake Loureiro R58