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Seeds 9 and 10 were swapped due to organization protection (TPA vs TPA)

Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
Dirtbags 13U Black Kai Christensen R83
Carolina Rockies 13U Culler Charles Isaac R78
SmarTense Select 13U Jordan Johnson R78
Dirtbags 13U East Nicholas Yelverton R78
Forbes Baseball Academy Gage Graziano R77
Dirtbags 13U Black Colton Haire R77
SmarTense Select 13U Alex Harrington R77
5 Star Powermill 13U Jowers Noah Chavez R76
SmarTense Select 13U Diego DeJesus R76
SmarTense Select 13U Nolan Elrod L75
T24 Carsten Green R75
Carolina Rockies 13U Culler Grant Kirk R75
Forbes Baseball Academy Christopher Resue R75
5 Star Powermill 13U Jowers Nate Dietz R74
Dirtbags 13U East Rhett Britt R73
Dirtbags 13U Black Logan D'Amico R73
Carolina Rockies 13U Culler Hayden Gentry R73
Carolina Rockies 13U Culler Will Holden R73
TPA Nationals 13u Grey Grey McMahon R73
T24 Mylo White L73
Forbes Baseball Academy Aidan Woods R73
Dirtbags 13U Black Amos Rich R72
SmarTense Select 13U Hunter Harrington R71
SmarTense Select 13U Smith McGarvey L71
T24 Wyatt McSwain R71
Forbes Baseball Academy Hayden Reed L71
Rawlings SE M.A.D. Mavericks Luke Roth R71
T24 Tyler Scott R71
Dirtbags 13U East Nolan Winfield R71
Dirtbags 13U Black Harrison Ailshie L70
Forbes Baseball Academy Judge Dillow R70
Dirtbags 13U East Kellen Smith R70
TPA Nationals 13u Grey William Benson R69
Rawlings SE M.A.D. Mavericks Hunter Blanton R69
T24 Anthony Marano R69
Rawlings SE M.A.D. Mavericks Tate McLean R69
Dirtbags 13U Black Cameron Tarkenton R69
Carolina Rockies 13U Culler Zane Culler R68
T24 Dawson Parton R68
Dirtbags 13U Black Nick Rumbley R68
TPA Nationals 13u Grey Sam Snyder R68
SmarTense Select 13U Cole Dennis R67
Carolina Rockies 13U Culler John Kirkpatrick R67
Dirtbags 13U East Tyler Mears R67
T24 Zeke Pruitt R67
Rawlings SE M.A.D. Mavericks Andrew Day R66
5 Star Powermill 13U Jowers Gavin Harper R66
Dirtbags 13U East Tyler Jones R66
T24 Larson Montgomery R66
SmarTense Select 13U William Myhand L66
Dirtbags 13U Black Cam Sharpe R66
TPA Nationals 13U Black Oliver Swartz L66
Main Baseball Academy 13U Dick Vermaas R66
TPA Nationals 13u Grey Jacob Cesarz R65
Carolina Rockies 13U Culler Cody Hager R65
Main Baseball Academy 13U Blake Manley R65
Forbes Baseball Academy Jackson Whaley R65
Main Baseball Academy 13U Jayden Wise R65
TPA Nationals 13u Grey Reed Harvey R64
Dirtbags 13U East Blayde Hinton R64
Carolina Rockies 13U Culler Jaxon Holloman L64
Rawlings SE M.A.D. Mavericks Evan Pevahouse L64
Carolina Rockies 13U Culler Ricardo Velez R64
Main Baseball Academy 13U Hunter Bendle R63
Rawlings SE M.A.D. Mavericks Christian Huntzinger R63
Main Baseball Academy 13U Jack Irwin R63
5 Star Powermill 13U Jowers Owen Klees R63
TPA Nationals 13U Black Wyatt Lytle R63
5 Star Powermill 13U Jowers Jw Meeks R63
Rawlings SE M.A.D. Mavericks Gavin Miller R63
TPA Nationals 13u Grey Jacob Reeves L63
TPA Nationals 13u Grey Andrew Staples R63
5 Star Powermill 13U Jowers Beau Woodson R63
5 Star Powermill 13U Jowers Cody Garber R62
Rawlings SE M.A.D. Mavericks Cameron Skaggs L62
Rawlings SE M.A.D. Mavericks Max Dohanos R61
Main Baseball Academy 13U Tyler Kniebbe L61
TPA Nationals 13U Black Andrew Wessels L61
Main Baseball Academy 13U Skyler Courtney R60
5 Star Powermill 13U Jowers Micah Newman R60
Main Baseball Academy 13U Ethan Zagers R60
Carolina Rockies 13U Culler Chase Koonts R59
TPA Nationals 13U Black Dane Purdy R59
Dirtbags 13U East Chase Taylor R59
Forbes Baseball Academy Connor Patlan R58
Main Baseball Academy 13U Trinden Treichel R58
TPA Nationals 13U Black Connor McGeehan R56