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Payment is due Tuesday before the event! Payment is the only way to secure your spot non-payment will result to being waitlisted! Payment deadlines are only a thing if we are not at max capacity. If we are at max capacity, the first teams to pay in full are the ones that get to play! PLEASE PAY AS IT IS THE ONLY WAY TO SECURE YOUR SPOT IN THE EVENT...
Gate Fees:
These are at the discretion of each park and can change without notice

Baseball USA: $10/person CASH ONLY
- 18& under FREE
- Active Military & Veterans FREE with ID
- First Responders FREE with ID
- NO Senior Citizen Discounts

Premier Baseball of Texas: $10/person OR $20/Car MAX (CASH ONLY)
-$5 Veterans, First Responders, and Senior Citizens
- NO Coaches get in free. ALL coaches are required to pay the entry fee. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Schiel Road: $10/ Person CARD ONLY + tax
- 2 Coaches in Free (Required to check-in with Gate Employee)
- Military/First Responder $5 WITH ID
- Senior Citizen $5

Lone Star Sports Complex: $10/person CASH OR CARD

Catch 2 Dugout: $10/car - CASH ONLY

Big League Dreams: $8 CASH OR CARD

- 2 coaches free (Required to sign in)

Diamonds at Daily Park: $10/person OR $20/car MAX (CASH OR CARD)
Jun 17 - 18 |  Baseball USA | Houston, TX
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
Warhawks Jaden Hurndon R79
Warhawks Kevin Johnson R77
Needville Konnor Bittner R72
Pbf Wall 13 Alec Achterberg R70
Pbf Wall 13 Talon Burkland R70
Lone Star PRIME Isaac Castro L70
Lone Star PRIME Alexander Sablatura R70
Needville Cash Raska R69
Needville James Lopez R68
Warhawks Ty Riggs R68
Sugar Land Elite 12u Bryce Lee R67
Pride 13u Grey Eli Suter R67
Prime Blacksox Hardwick Graden Krug R66
Lone Star PRIME Madden Evans R65
Prime Blacksox Hardwick Jesse Garcia 3 R65
Prime Blacksox Hardwick Riggs Hardwick L65
Sugar Land Elite 12u Brady Lee R65
South Texas Sliders 13u Ortiz Luke Peace L65
Lone Star PRIME Kason Edwards L64
Needville Owen Ondruch R64
Needville Levi Baranowski R63
Warhawks Drake Boles R63
Needville Owen Kaminski R63
Warhawks Elijah Reed R63
Prime Blacksox Hardwick Mark Wittliff R63
Prime Blacksox Hardwick Robert Cavazos R62
Pbf Wall 13 Nolan Dearbonne R62
Pride 13u Grey Vincent Kouns III L62
A+ Drillers Black Sterling McCormack R62
Warhawks Nathan Netro R62
South Texas Sliders 13u Ortiz Anderson Weiss L62
Needville Brayden Garrie L61
Lone Star PRIME Mason Holman R61
Lone Star PRIME Blake Johnson R61
Warhawks Roberto Mendez R61
Sugar Land Elite 12u Alexzander Gutierrez R60
Sugar Land Elite 12u Blake Legrand R60
Pride 13u Grey Jaxon Morley R60
Pride 13u Grey Colton Riewe R60
Needville Cain Todd L60
Sugar Land Elite 12u Ashton Pierce L59
A+ Drillers Black Landen Vaughan R59
Pride 13u Grey Weston Burns R58
Needville Mason Mathems R58
A+ Drillers Black Jake Powitzky L58
Sugar Land Elite 12u Zachary Zimmerman R58
Pride 13u Grey Jonathan Barnett R57
LV Bears 13U Eddie Barrientos L57
A+ Drillers Black Max Couste R57
Sugar Land Elite 12u Adrian Hernandez L57
Sugar Land Elite 12u Jack Rice R57
LV Bears 13U Ross Scull R57
South Texas Sliders 13u Ortiz Santiago Villarreal L57
Prime Blacksox Hardwick Landon Hertsenberg R56