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Playoffs Seedings have been set. All Games Will Have a 2-Hour Time Limit for Exception of Semifinals & Championship
No Pets Allowed At New England Baseball Complex & Dean College
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
GBG Northeast 17U Jack Cropper R95
East Coast Sandhogs - McGloin Blake Morningstar R94
CT Grind Connor Johnston R90
New England Scorpions Luc Lavigueur R90
GBG Northeast 17U Michael Oates R90
Canes Tri-State 17U Rodney Pena R90
GBG Northeast 17U Brendan Sencaj R90
GBG Northeast 17U Sean Zaslaw R90
Seacoast Pirates Wells Ryan Devaney R89
Next Level Boston Randy Guzman R89
NEB Americans Julian Nielsen R89
EVO 17U Mavrick Rizy R89
5star Ny 17u Andrew Speranza L89
NEB Americans Jacob Wiberg R89
CT Grind Thomas Galusha R88
Antonelli Baseball 17u Black Michael Geissler R88
Powerhouse Bulldogs Cesar Gonzalez R88
EVO 17U Ben Griffith R88
Sm River Rats Elite Josh Kopetski L88
New England Scorpions Max Marchetti L88
Antonelli Baseball 17u Black Anthony Marino R88
NEB Americans Justin Morris R88
East Coast Sandhogs - McGloin Carson Renner R88
New England Ruffnecks 2023's Teo Spadaccini R88
New England Scorpions Corbin Berard R87
Next Level Boston David Castillo R87
East Coast Sandhogs - McGloin David Castillo R87
Next Level Boston Ruben Diaz L87
5star Ny 17u Vincent Fusco L87
Nor'Easters 17u Runbird National Braydon Gray R87
Minutemen Baseball Ian Laforest R87
Show New England 17u Showcase Cole Mascott R87
5star Ny 17u Jeylem Sepulveda R87
Seacoast Pirates Wells Owen Tahnk R87
Nokona Chiefs 17U Nico Tambascia R87
NorthEast Wildcats Cole Yennaco R87
L & M Baseball 2023/2024 Colby Barker R86
US9Prospects 17 Jordan Barthel R86
Antonelli Baseball 17u Black Andrew Chenevert R86
Antonelli Baseball 17u Black Ronan Donohue R86
Boston Prime U17 Matthew Hirsch R86
New England Ruffnecks 2023's Huxley Holcombe L86
CT Grind Nick Hunkele R86
Nor'Easters 17u Runbird National Jack Lizewski R86
Show New England 17u Showcase Zach Morris R86
Nxtlvl Beast Leuris Portoreal Perez R86
EVO 17U Nolan Puglisi R86
Nor'Easters 17u Runbird New England Kevin Rauktis R86
Nor'Easters 17u Runbird National Evan Ventura R86
Canes Tri-State 17U Stefano Yozzo R86
Nokona Chiefs 16U Carter Bentley R85
Canes Tri-State 17U Keaton Blackwood L85
New England Scorpions Kyle Bourque R85
Seacoast Pirates Amador Luke Campbell R85
Nokona Chiefs 17U Jack Collins R85
Giants Futures 17u Jack Costa R85
New England Ruffnecks 2023's Dagen Darnell R85
Nokona Chiefs 17U Colin Dowdle R85
Sm River Rats Elite Andrew Heffernan R85
Nokona Chiefs 17U Ryan Kane R85
New England Ruffnecks 2023's John Milewski R85
Show New England 17u Showcase Luis Ortiz R85
NorthEast Wildcats Lukasz Rondeau L85
GBG Northeast 17U Nathan Ruehs R85
East Coast Sandhogs - McGloin Jordan Scott Savinon L85
Nxtlvl Beast Christopher Torres L85
Nxtlvl Beast Franklyn Torres R85
Nor'Easters 17u Runbird New England Hunter Ward R85
Seacoast Pirates Wells Charlie Winter R85
Minutemen Baseball Drew Anderson L84
All Access Black Knights 17u Caden Angelo R84
Show New England 17u Showcase Colin Arsenault R84
Route 2 Blue Sox 2023's Jack Aylward R84
Giants Futures 17u Luke Barry R84
NEB Americans Kyle Baudouin R84
Show New England 16u Showcase Robert Brown III R84
EVO 17U Brady Collins R84
All Access Black Knights 17u CJ DiBenedetto R84
MWS Devils 17U Showcase Jack Hansen L84
NorthEast Wildcats Antonio Hicks R84
Nokona Braves Victor Jaramillo R84
GBG Northeast 17U Thomas Martorano L84
Nor'Easters 17u Runbird National Francisco Melendez R84
East Coast Sandhogs - McGloin Jack Messina L84
EVO 17U Tade Riordan R84
Nokona Chiefs 16U Lukas Sharrock R84
Nokona Chiefs 17U Charlie Simulis R84
Sm River Rats Elite Eli Soehren R84
Route 2 Blue Sox 2023's Charlie Walsh R84
MWS Devils 17U Showcase Peter Ward R84
Sm River Rats Elite Carson Black R83
NorthEast Wildcats Dylan Brander R83
Powerhouse Bulldogs Brady Debarge R83
Next Level Boston Nanfer Duarte R83
Nokona Chiefs 16U Sachin Gopal R83
Nokona Chiefs 17U Cooper Hagen L83
US9Prospects 17 Ryan Hawley R83
Show New England 17u Showcase Trevor Kimball L83
5star Ny 17u Kevin Kirk R83
US9Prospects 17 Will Krupa R83
Powerhouse Bulldogs Colin Larson L83
Nor'Easters 17u Runbird National Kodie Legrand R83
US9Prospects 17 Caleb Levesque R83
GBG Northeast 17U Black Owen McCarron R83
Route 2 Blue Sox 2023's Drew McGowan R83
US9Prospects 17 Conor Meehan R83
GBG Northeast 17U Alex Montero R83
NEB Americans Matt Morash L83
NorthEast Wildcats Keegan Parke R83
New England Ruffnecks 2023's Sam Sacerdote R83
Next Level Boston Joe Schlehuber R83
New England Ruffnecks 2023's Jack Sokhos-Drude R83
Nokona Chiefs 17U Aidan Sweeney R83
Sm River Rats Showcase Erik Swenson R83
L & M Baseball 2023/2024 Mike Ucci R83
NEB Americans Aidan Aggarwal R82
Nor'Easters 17u Runbird National Keegan Antelman R82
MWS Devils 17U Showcase Jack Bruno L82
Nokona Chiefs 16U Ryan Burke R82
Antonelli Baseball 17u Black Marco Carrillo R82
GBG Northeast 17U Cam Champney L82
Nokona Chiefs 17U Charlie Collins L82
NorthEast Wildcats Cole Constantine R82
GBG Northeast 17U Andrew Cook R82
NEB Americans David Escobar R82
GBG Northeast 17U Black Josh Gauvain R82
Nokona Chiefs 16U Owen Gray R82
Seacoast Pirates Amador Samuel Grondin L82
GBG Northeast 17U Black Mark Herlihy R82
NEB Americans Jack Lager R82
L & M Baseball 2023/2024 Jack LaRose R82
US9Prospects 17 Cameron Letourneau R82
Nxtlvl Beast Javier Lopez Jr. R82
GBG Northeast 17U Aj Lysko L82
Nokona Chiefs 16U Matthew Mahoney R82
Giants Futures 17u Peter Moor R82
NEB Americans Michael O'Brien L82
East Coast Sandhogs - McGloin Dariel Osoria R82
All Access Black Knights 17u CJ Pierce R82
Seacoast Pirates Wells Jason Pinsonnault R82
Nxtlvl Beast Eliezer Rosario R82
Canes Tri-State 17U Jack Ruditzky R82
Canes Tri-State 17U Edgar Ruiz L82
Nokona Chiefs 16U Jake Shaughnessy L82
Next Level Boston Franklin Sierra R82
Show New England 17u Showcase Casey Watson R82
Show New England 17u American Casey Watson R82
Nxtlvl Beast Bradleigh Wohlers R82
Seacoast Pirates Amador George Young L82
GBG Northeast 17U Black Jaden Arruda R81
Sm River Rats Showcase Kolby Brown R81
MWS Devils 17U Showcase Colin Burchard R81
Boston Prime U17 Andrew Christopher R81
Giants Futures 17u Tim Cooper L81
Sm River Rats Elite Grady Cummings R81
New England Scorpions Casey DeLorenzo R81
CT Grind Joe Derienzo R81
North Shore Freedom Aiden Donovan R81
Antonelli Baseball 17U Gold Aidan Gracey R81
Middlesex Reds Rob Iannetta R81
GBG Northeast 17U Black Daniel Johnson L81
New England Ruffnecks 2023's Ian Keusch R81
Antonelli Baseball 17U Gold Jansen Landen R81
North Shore Freedom Drew Lane R81
New England Scorpions Luciano Leone R81
Route 2 Blue Sox 2023's Oliver Low R81
Seacoast Pirates Wells Ethan Nowak L81
CT Capitals Upperclass Sal Ortiz R81
All Access Black Knights 17u Kyle Pescetelli L81
Western Mass Redbirds Jake Petrin R81
Powerhouse Bulldogs Winter Roske R81
5star Ny 17u Nevin Scaperotti R81
Nokona Chiefs 16U Max Stevelman R81
Boston Prime U17 Tyler Wong R81
L & M Baseball 2023/2024 Braden Young R81
NorthEast Wildcats Dean Adams R80
Nokona Chiefs 17U Kevin Barnett L80
Giants Futures 17u Brady Boucher R80
Route 2 Blue Sox 2023's William Cacciatore R80
East Coast Sandhogs - McGloin Makai Day L80
US9Prospects 17 Nico Digioia R80
GBG Northeast 17U Black Nick Famiglietti R80
L & M Baseball 2023/2024 Jack Farrell R80
Powerhouse Bulldogs Brady Fellows R80
Seacoast Pirates Wells Charlie Forrest R80
Sm River Rats Showcase Brock Gibbons L80
CT Capitals Upperclass Joe Guglielmino R80
Route 2 Blue Sox 2023's Zachary Khozozian R80
All Access Black Knights 17u Jaden Maia R80
EVO 17U Travis Moran R80
North Shore Freedom Julian ortiz R80
Canes Tri-State 17U Bobby Portman R80
Route 2 Blue Sox 2023's Christopher Power R80
Nor'Easters 17u Runbird New England Trevor Robichaud L80
Nor'Easters 17u Runbird National Kevin Rourke R80
Seacoast Pirates Wells Joshua Scamman L80
Next Level Boston Brennan Shapiro R80
Show New England 17u Showcase Jacob Shirley R80
Western Mass Redbirds Bobby Trigilio R80
All Access Black Knights 17u Connor Whitehead R80
Boston Prime U17 Casey Williams L80
Route 2 Blue Sox 2023's Micah Bennett R79
Western Mass Redbirds Jackson Duquette R79
All Access Black Knights 17u Cameron Fisher R79
New England Ruffnecks 2023's Gabriel Fitzgerald R79
Nokona Braves Teddy Griswold R79
CT Grind Jake Harmony R79
Route 2 Blue Sox 2023's Nate Hartley L79
Rip City Regional Connor Lavinio R79
MWS Devils 17U Showcase Ethan Lynch R79
Boston Prime U17 John Mignone R79
Western Mass Redbirds Conor Moriarty R79
Boston Prime U17 Finn Parker R79
Powerhouse Bulldogs Jacob Paschetto R79
Nor'Easters 17u Runbird National Conlen Powell L79
New England Ruffnecks 2023's Dimitri Skourides L79
Nokona Braves Anders Snow R79
Sm River Rats Prospects Silas Tibbetts R79
All Access Black Knights 17u Jacob Voisine R79
EVO 17U Dylan White R79
Seacoast Pirates Amador Ben Biagiotti R78
All Access Black Knights 17u Aidan Buck R78
Boston Prime U17 Victor Caira R78
GBG Northeast 17U Black Cody Carchio R78
Minutemen Baseball Cam Carey R78
Nokona Chiefs 16U Leo Colena L78
Canes Tri-State 17U Jobe Congdon R78
EVO 17U Tedy Cove L78
NorthEast Wildcats Brooks Craigue R78
Canes Tri-State 17U Josue Cueto R78
EVO 17U Logan Daniels R78
Show New England 16u Showcase Zachary Faro R78
Seacoast Pirates Wells Noah Fitzgerald L78
Nor'Easters 17u Runbird National Ryan Garner L78
Nokona Chiefs 16U Cj Hartigan R78
Show New England 16u Showcase Michael Moroney Jr. R78
Giants Futures 17u Mike Mullaney R78
Powerhouse Bulldogs Ryan O'Leary L78
Powerhouse Bulldogs Ohm Patel R78
L & M Baseball 2023/2024 Tyler Slack L78
Boston Prime U17 Hunter Stevens R78
Antonelli Baseball 17U Gold Kevin Whalen R78
Minutemen Baseball Josh White R78
Antonelli Baseball 17U Gold Mike Williams R78
NEB Americans Frank Detraglia L77
Show New England 16u American James Driscoll R77
Antonelli Baseball 17U Gold Anthony Herbert L77
Show New England 17u American Justin Jennings R77
Western Mass Redbirds Gavin Rigney R77
Sm River Rats Showcase Zakary Sanders R77
Middlesex Reds Jake Schiano R77
Show New England 16u Showcase Drew Scialdone L77
New England Ruffnecks 2023's Peter Shea L77
Nxtlvl Beast Gregory Sherokow R77
Seacoast Pirates Amador Michael Thresher L77
Giants Futures 17u Andrew Zagomi R77
Sm River Rats Showcase Nick Binette R76
new york blue sox Bryce Chatman R76
Sm River Rats Prospects Owen Critchley R76
CT Capitals Upperclass Jayden Dombrowski L76
Sm River Rats Showcase Brandon Farinas R76
Nxtlvl Beast Nicholas Gendreau R76
Route 2 Blue Sox 2023's Ryan Huckabone R76
Nokona Braves Nathan Kozlowski L76
Minutemen Baseball Nick Laforest R76
Sm River Rats Prospects Kade Masselli R76
Powerhouse Bulldogs Davey Mazur R76
Antonelli Baseball 17U Gold Will Mueller R76
new york blue sox Rohan Patel R76
Minutemen Baseball Connor Scafidi L76
Western Mass Redbirds Jack Wassung R76
Rip City Regional Jack Wildgoose L76
5star Ny 17u Mark Yorio L76
Rip City Regional Austin Buda R75
CT Capitals Upperclass Caleb Camp R75
Middlesex Reds Will Curley R75
Sm River Rats Prospects Sam Drake R75
Sm River Rats Prospects Jacob Fish L75
Nor'Easters 17u Runbird New England Michael Hill R75
5star Ny 17u Anthony Jaeschke L75
Giants Futures 17u Michael Logiudice R75
new york blue sox Michael Marano L75
Show New England 16u American Ben Workman R75
Seacoast Pirates Amador Camden Andrick R74
Western Mass Redbirds Mason Barcomb R74
Rip City Regional Collin Booth R74
Show New England 16u American Anthony Corvino R74
Show New England 16u Showcase Tyler Feldberg R74
Nor'Easters 17u Runbird National Carter McFadden L74
North Shore Freedom Andrew McKenzie R74
Middlesex Reds Eric Paradis L74
CT Capitals Upperclass Trey Pennington R74
MWS Devils 17U Showcase Zachary Ramaswamy R74
new york blue sox Michael Weninger R74
Nokona Braves Caden Birtz R73
Sm River Rats Showcase Kaden Delano R73
Show New England 16u American John Horgan R73
Show New England 17u American Tyler Jacobs R73
Nokona Braves Ryan McCausland L73
North Shore Freedom Ben Mullin R73
Show New England 16u American Cameron Norton R73
Show New England 17u American Mason Rosner R73
Nor'Easters 17u Runbird New England Zachary Schare R73
Rip City Regional Jackson Shelsy R73
NEB Americans Ty Walsh L73
Show New England 16u American Jacob Behn R72
new york blue sox Sean Delaney R72
Antonelli Baseball 17U Gold Paul Foster L72
Show New England 17u American Henry Paquette R72
L & M Baseball 2023/2024 Jeremey Vitiello R72
Rip City Regional Walker Abdallah R71
CT Capitals Upperclass Frank Kula R71
Middlesex Reds Sean McCobb L71
Show New England 17u American Tyler Outridge R71
Antonelli Baseball 17U Gold John Porter R71
NorthEast Wildcats Mitchell Regan R71
North Shore Freedom Satchel Rubin R71
Show New England 16u Showcase Chris Trodden R71
Sm River Rats Prospects Jack Clark R70
new york blue sox Cameron Forbes R70
Show New England 16u Showcase Zach Introne R70
Show New England 16u Showcase Drew Mullaney R70
Rip City Regional Tommy Mullin R70
CT Capitals Upperclass Benjamin Post L70
Middlesex Reds Keith Vreeland R70
Nxtlvl Beast Michael Quiros L69
Nor'Easters 17u Runbird New England Nicholas Shaw L69
Show New England 17u American James Thompson R69
Nokona Braves Luke Whitney R69
MWS Devils 17U Showcase Charlie Doyle R68
Nor'Easters 17u Runbird New England Alfred (Aj) Laskowski R67
Middlesex Reds Tyler Muse R67
Nor'Easters 17u Runbird New England Carter Colucci R66
North Shore Freedom Christopher Giordano R65
Show New England 16u American Enrico Vega R65
new york blue sox Michael Iannacchino L63