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FB Velocities
Baseball U PA Brett Antolick R95
Baseball U PA Johansel Brito R89
Baseball U PA Jatnk Diaz R88
Baseball U PA Kieran Keninitz R88
Complete Game Academy Tyler Burger L86
Patriots Select 17u Tyce Fischl R86
Baseball U PA Brad Hood R86
Patriots Select 17u Jason Long R85
Complete Game Academy Judah Miller R85
Pittsburgh Outlaws Austyn Winkleblech R85
Complete Game Academy Landon Kuntzelman R84
Complete Game Academy Frankie Nardo R84
Patriots Select 17u Ethan Woods R84
Central PA Renegades Jordan Negley L83
Baseball U PA Michael Pascoe R83
Beaver Valley Red Brian Reed R83
Mid-State Mavericks 2023/2024 Colden Warren R83
Pittsburgh Outlaws Peter Janoski L82
Mid-State Mavericks 2023/2024 Jordy Polanco R82
Se Elites Liam Rowan L82
Beaver Valley Red Nathan Barr R81
Beaver Valley Red Derek Curry L81
Pittsburgh Outlaws 16U Joe Demoss R81
Central PA Renegades Killian Hollister R81
Baseball U PA Ben Keil R81
Mid-State Mavericks 2023/2024 Ethan Lodish R81
Central PA Renegades Tanner McCoy R81
Pittsburgh Outlaws Owen Mitchell R81
Richmond Braves Nova-The St. James 17U Matt Pole R81
Complete Game Academy Caden Evans R80
Patriots Select 17u Jamal Keith R80
Pittsburgh Outlaws 16U Nathan Lesher R80
Pittsburgh Outlaws Luke Markowski R80
Complete Game Academy Mason Raup R80
Beaver Valley Red Bobby Budacki R79
Pittsburgh Outlaws 16U Coleman Fletcher L79
Beaver Valley Red Jake LaPorte R79
Mid-State Mavericks 2023/2024 Owen Mettle R79
Pittsburgh Outlaws Brock Stacy R79
Central PA Renegades Aiden Cada R78
Mid-State Mavericks 2023/2024 Timmy Cloak L78
Pittsburgh Outlaws 16U Connor Davis R78
Pittsburgh Outlaws 16U Eddie Frizzell R78
Baseball U PA John Guerriero R78
Pittsburgh Outlaws 16U Keegan Kosek R78
Se Elites Henry Parson R78
Mid-State Mavericks 2023/2024 Parker Tarnoci R78
Baseball U PA Abdiel Alba R77
Se Elites Myles McNiff L77
Complete Game Academy Patrick Scheib R77
Patriots Select 17u Noah Beach R76
Baseball U PA Jacob Bobish R76
Se Elites Aj Ellis R76
Beaver Valley Red Logan Irvin R76
Se Elites Dylan Roberts R76
Baseball U PA Trae Sanders L76
Richmond Braves Nova-The St. James 17U Vincent MacDonnell-Monahan L75
Se Elites Jake Solomon L75
Richmond Braves Nova-The St. James 17U Shemi Bukoye R74
Richmond Braves Nova-The St. James 17U Elijah Monsanto R74
Patriots Select 17u Nolan Pritchard R74
Patriots Select 17u Wyatt Yeakle R74
Richmond Braves Nova-The St. James 17U Alessio Azimipour R73
Se Elites Jack Johnson R73
Pittsburgh Outlaws Tyler Lemansky R73
Pittsburgh Outlaws 16U Chad Wright R73
Pittsburgh Outlaws Logan Daniels R72
Pittsburgh Outlaws 16U Logan Daniels R72
Richmond Braves Nova-The St. James 17U Joseph Martinez R71
Central PA Renegades Joey Swartz L71
Richmond Braves Nova-The St. James 17U Davin Bovell R68