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FB Velocities
Base Eleven Miguel Acosta R79
South Dade Blue Jays Max Boyer R79
Hollywood Heat Orange 13u Sylas Billie R77
TBT Ballers Borrell Jake Carruthers R77
WC Storm National Zorre Wright R77
Parkland Pokers Marcus Hall L75
Base Eleven Luis Covault R74
Turn 2 Baseball 13U Austin Jones L74
Miami Cubs Steven Lopez R74
Victus Elite Brady Miller L74
Base Eleven Diego Solorzano R74
TBT Ballers Borrell Anthony Vargas R74
Swfl Elite Platinum Phoenix Bose R73
South Dade Blue Jays Gianni Kulesz R73
Weston Travel Ball Hawks Red 13u Gabriel Tovar R73
Miami Cubs Kevin A Nunez R72
Base Eleven Leo Reina L72
South Florida Giants 13U Preston Sullivan R72
Base Eleven Fraynder Albornoz R71
TBT Ballers Borrell Michael Cribeiro R71
TBT Ballers Borrell Trey Glaser R71
TBT Ballers Borrell Miguel Roa R71
Base Eleven Diego Rodriguez L71
Swfl Elite Platinum Emmett Russo R71
Parkland Pokers Gavin Andreu R70
Hollywood Heat Orange 13u Jonathan Castillo R70
WC Storm National Pedro Castro R70
Victus Elite Caedon Conn R70
Hollywood Heat Orange 13u Vincent Diaz L70
Camwood Elite Bombers Tucker Engel R70
South Florida Giants 13U Brancaleone Frankie R70
WC Storm National Chris Hong R70
West Coast Wolfpack Fretwell Hunter R70
South Florida Giants 13U Connor King R70
Parkland Pokers Cade Raley R70
WC Storm National David Simpkins R70
TBT Ballers Borrell Manuel Torres R70
Vipers of Venice Stephen Wall R70
Miami Brawlers 13u Kevin Arcia R69
Vipers of Venice Rocco Baer R69
Miami Cubs Sebastian Castillo R69
Parkland Pokers Nicholas Fernandez L69
Jcs sluggers inc Brock Budreau R68
PLO Bulldogs White 13u Caden Corzo R68
Parkland Pokers Reid Dadic R68
South Dade Blue Jays Noah Gamboa R68
Vipers of Venice Colton Hyde R68
Jcs sluggers inc Caleb Johns R68
WC Storm National Jairius Morris R68
Camwood Elite Bombers Markus Rodriguez R68
South Florida Giants 13U Colton Smith R68
Miami Cubs Ernesto Diaz L67
Jcs sluggers inc Jose Gutierrez R67
TBT Ballers Borrell Jeremiah McFarlane R67
Miami Cubs Phoenix Medina R67
Swfl Elite Platinum Ricardo Perez R67
Victus Elite Anthony Tenuto R67
West Coast Wolfpack Tristan Allo R66
Turn 2 Baseball 13U Brody Baxmann R66
Victus Elite Zachary Campbell R66
West Coast Wolfpack William Iglesias R66
Parkland Pokers Jorge Kau R66
South Dade Blue Jays Emmanuel Mercedes R66
West Coast Wolfpack Gabriel Octtaviani Gonzalez R66
Miami Cubs Sebastian Perez R66
TBT Ballers Borrell Koleman Ragan R66
Swfl Elite Platinum Quinton Solis R66
Camwood Elite Bombers Mason Tjosaas R66
Miami Cubs Jayden Cedeño L65
WC Storm National David Macca R65
Weston Travel Ball Hawks Red 13u Nicholas Miller L65
Miami Brawlers 13u Kevin Prieto L65
Swfl Elite Platinum Kayden Davidson R64
Vipers of Venice Trent Fulcher R64
Vipers of Venice Caleb Hermelbracht R64
Miami Cubs Jorge Lacher L64
Miami Brawlers 13u Anthony Laguardia R64
Hollywood Heat Orange 13u Kenneth Miceli R64
Weston Travel Ball Hawks Red 13u Patrick Murphy R64
Victus Elite Nicholas Oliveros R64
Swfl Elite Platinum Peyton Rassbach R64
Base Eleven Javier Rivas L64
Turn 2 Baseball 13U Fernando Valenzuela R64
Miami Cubs Christopher Vasallo R64
Miami Brawlers 13u Brian Alonso R63
South Florida Giants 13U Zachary Antheil R63
Hollywood Heat Orange 13u Matthew Butter R63
South Dade Blue Jays Angel Garcia R63
Camwood Elite Bombers Robert Gonzalez R63
TBT Ballers Borrell Max Johnson R63
Jcs sluggers inc Noah Kiefer R63
Miami Cubs Antonio Lesizza L63
South Dade Blue Jays Niran Perez L63
PLO Bulldogs White 13u Aaron Alter L62
Hollywood Heat Orange 13u Josh Andel R62
Base Eleven James Austin L62
Turn 2 Baseball 13U Alex D'Altrui R62
Hollywood Heat Orange 13u Adriano Diaz R62
Weston Travel Ball Hawks Red 13u Max Dierking R62
South Dade Blue Jays Alejandro Fernandez R62
Vipers of Venice Hudson Palmer R62
Parkland Pokers Jordan Tomas L62
Miami Cubs Julian Zeledon R62
Turn 2 Baseball 13U Brady Lavenia R61
PLO Bulldogs White 13u Christian Morales R61
Miami Brawlers 13u Matthew Noya L61
Camwood Elite Bombers Collin Thess R61
South Florida Giants 13U Rocco Bianco R60
West Coast Wolfpack Rocco Colombo R60
Miami Brawlers 13u David Fraga R60
Victus Elite Penn Kelleher R60
Victus Elite Hunter Nelle R60
WC Storm National Jason Olds L60
South Dade Blue Jays Victor Valladares R60
Jcs sluggers inc Dominic Valverde R60
PLO Bulldogs White 13u Logan Verbel R60
Turn 2 Baseball 13U Logan Weber R60
Miami Brawlers 13u Yassiel Cabre R59
Turn 2 Baseball 13U Sean Collins L59
PLO Bulldogs White 13u Mason Huffman R59
WC Storm National Luke Ledford R59
PLO Bulldogs White 13u Garrett Schnur R59
Vipers of Venice RJ Shields R59
Miami Brawlers 13u Alejandro Prado R58
Weston Travel Ball Hawks Red 13u Daniel Hartmann R57
Miami Brawlers 13u Christian Lezama R57
West Coast Wolfpack Sean Osborn R57
Camwood Elite Bombers Jayden Rodriguez R57
Vipers of Venice Jahkobii Sanchez R57
Vipers of Venice Danilo Bossano R56
Vipers of Venice Chase Caldwell R56
Weston Travel Ball Hawks Red 13u Braden Gottlieb R56
Weston Travel Ball Hawks Red 13u Aaron Ricker R55
Weston Travel Ball Hawks Red 13u Javier Bonfante R54