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Schedule/Scores Event Info   Pool Standings 17 Event Articles
All Tournament Team
Taconic Rangers5Jason Agresti
Florida Burn Orange 9Tyson Albert
DeMarini Roadrunners9Addison Albright
Team DeMarini - Hayes12Troy Alexander
Evoshield Canes 17U South23Logan Allen
Orlando Scorpions 17U North18Matt Allen
Midwest Elite Baseball5Tanner Allison
Farrah Scout17Luis Amaro
Texas Sun Devils1Aidan Anderson
East Cobb Renegades6Skyler Anderson
Dallas Mustangs Randle25Jamie Andriot
St. Louis Gamers 17U Blue26Gordon Arthaud
6-4-3 DP Jaguars 17U1Parker Austin
2014 On Deck O's-Black15Devin Bagwell
SBA Canes13Matt Ball
Mac-N-Seitz Indians 17U Red8Nick Banman
D-BAT Mustangs Oklahoma 17U32Jeb Bargfeldt
SC Shockwave2Charlie Barnes
Marucci Elite Louisiana3Braedon Barrett
Orlando Scorpions 17U North14Matt Barrington
East Cobb New England Expos3Austin Batchelor
Minnesota Blizzard Blue48Josh Baumgart
Dulin Dodgers 17U9Hunter Beard
PBC PAL 17U6Bruce Bechtel
DeMarini Roadrunners12Seth Beer
Jacksonville Warriors 17U20Keenan Bell
East Cobb Astros 17U29Will Benson
ABA 17U Elite2Matt Berler
Garden State Elite4Brendan Bisset
Orlando Scorpions Prime1Tate Blackman
Team DeMarini - Hayes5Nicholas Blomgren
Evoshield Canes North 17U6Taylor Bloom
NY Gothams32Jesse Bogacz
SF Elite Squad - Prime 17U2Max Boling
Centerfield Baseball Academy1Nick Bollinger
Atlanta Blue Jays25Luke Bonfield
All Star Baseball Academy17Stephen Born
Powermill 17U22Jonah Bozeman
CageRat Baseball Blue5Zach Bracken
Powermill 17U25Jordan Bradshaw
East Cobb Braves 17U10Forrest Bramlett
Marucci Ark-La-Tex 17U3Peyton Braswell
Schaumburg Seminoles14Clark Brinkman
North Jersey Eagles30Cerafino Brito
Baseball U Prospects25Anthony Brocato
Diamond Devils 17U Blue16Bradley Brown
Bandits Baseball34Brian Brown
Florida Burn Navy41Jordan Brown
FTB Chandler 10Logan Browning
Home Plate Chili Dogs 17U Shelton22Matthew Buckalew
2014 On Deck O's-Black21James Mack Buie
Florida Express11Lane Bullock
Marucci Ark-La-Tex 17U4David Michael Burkhalter
DeMarini Roadrunners6Grayson Byrd
Houston Banditos 17U Houston37Cameron Calhoun
New England Ruffnecks21Paul Campbell
Indiana Mustangs15Ryan Campbell
NBS 17U21William Campbell
St. Louis Gamers 17U Blue3Cory Canterbury
Phillies Scout Team24Shane Carrier
Dallas Tigers Hernandez9Bryce Carter
Dulin Dodgers 17U25Clay Casey
Denny Pritchett Jayhawks 17U1John Cassandra
Ohio Elite Ratcliff5Kyle Casserly
ABC Blue18Colter Castleman
Marucci Elite27Joe Cavallaro
Team Elite Prime29Dylan Cease
Victus Diamond Pros 17U16Matt Chanin
Marucci Elite24Brandon Chapman
Akadema Warriors BBA11Conner Chasanov
Ohio Elite Ratcliff16Justin Childers
Indiana Mustangs22Garrett Christman
East Cobb Longhorns 17U4Ty Cohen
Houston Banditos 17U Black2Matthew Collins
Knights Baseball 17U National25Kyle Conger
Knights Baseball 17U National9Jonathan Cook
Orlando Scorpions 17U North44Reese Cooley
Phillies Scout Team7Joshua Cooper
6-4-3 DP Cougars 17U9Conrad Cornell
FTB Louisville Slugger 25Ivan Coutinho
Dulin Dodgers17U21West Covington
Baseball Scoutz3Zach Cowart
ABC Red8Thomas Craig
CFBL Mizuno Elite Blue27Cory Crow
Dallas Mets10Cade Cruce
Houston Banditos 17U Houston21Chase Cryer
South Oakland A's 17U Robinson34Aidan Cullen
643 DP 16U Cougars13Christopher Cullen
North County Padres16Greg Cullen
Knoxville Stars 17U29Drew Curtis
Ironmen Baseball Club12Chandler Dale
Excel Blue Wave1Clayton Daniel
East Cobb Longhorns 17U5Brian Dansereau
Evoshield Canes 17U Central14Joe Darcy
St. Louis Gamers 17U Blue19Josh Davis
Ohio Elite Ratcliff14Chandler Day
SF Elite Squad - Prime 17U5Joseph Depalo
South Charlotte Panthers 201413Alex Destino
East Cobb Astros 17U19Trevor Devine
Houston Kyle Chapman37Derek Dickerson
FTB Worth56Alex Dorso
NBS 17U5Cade Douglas
Demarini Stars 17U Black46Tommy Doyle
Houston Banditos 17U Black8Robert Dugger
Memphis Tigers 17U11Cody Duncan
Baseball U Prospects30Kyle Dunster
Diamond Devils 17U Black4Thomas Durant
Team Tampa Bay Warriors27Noah Dyals
TGBA 17U21Danny Edgeworth
Dallas Mets14Javier Eguia
Indiana Mustangs20Chris Elbrecht
D-BAT Mustangs-Rosar24Seth Elledge
Evoshield Canes South 17U4Austin Embler
Georgia Select 17U24Matthew Entriken
Chain Black10Tyler Epps
Team Elite Prime32Chris Erwin
San Diego Show Blue44Ryan Eto
Diamond Devils 17U Black3Alex Eubanks
East Cobb Padres 17U22Matthew Facciponti
SCORE International 17U20Alex Faedo
CBA Paino32Bailey Falter
Chandler Baseball 17U National21Dominic Farina
Charlotte Megastars16Zach Featherstone
CBA Paino2Bryce Fehmel
Demarini Stars 17U Black22Nick Feight
Rawlings St. Louis Prospects27Brady Feigl
Jacksonville Warriors 17U1Evan Fernandez
Houston Heat Black17Ross Fickessen
SF Elite Squad - TPX3Matt Fierman
Austin Banditos - Schiraldi7Harrison Fife
ABA 17U Elite3Sam Finnerty
Team DeMarini GA 16U Black8Sean Fitzpatrick
Virginia Swamp Things55Collin Fleischer
Action Baseball Club 17U26Tyler Flores
Texas Sun Devils6Kennon Fontenot
Texas Sun Devils10Ti'quan Forbes
Orlando Scorpions Underclass Purple7Nick Fortes
MLI Phantoms White14Daniel Franchi
St. Louis Gamers 17U Blue4Ryan Fritz
Tri-State Arsenal Showcase 12Zachary Gallen
Georgia Monarchs8Cal Garner
Houston Banditos 17U Black22Stone Garrett
Indiana Mustangs14Tony Giannini
Houston Heat Silver6Brett Gilchrist
Lids Indiana Bulls 17U Black5Evan Giles
Home Plate Chili Dogs 17U Maldonado46Ethan Gillis
East Cobb Longhorns 17U18Austin Goff
Orlando Baseball Academy 20143Jack Gonzalez
Home Plate Chili Dogs 17U Maldonado10Daniel Gooden
East Coast Grays/Prospects29Cole Gordon
FTB Chandler 7Nicholas Gordon
Lids Indiana Bulls 17U Black19Taylor Goshen
Bayou City Gators5Daniel Goss
Marucci Elite26Carlo Graffeo
Minnesota Blizzard Blue29TJ Graumann
Pony Express Baseball13Max Gray
2014 On Deck O's-Orange55Josh Greene
Orlando Scorpions Prime5Foster Griffin
East Cobb New England Expos20Dominick Grillo
NJ Marlins37Benjamin Gross
6-4-3 DP Cougars 17U15Sean Guenther
Long Island Titans White4Brandon Haffer-Vivas
Kentucky Baseball Club 17U Clary45Devin Hairston
Houston Banditos 17U Black19Mark Hammel
Dallas Tigers Hernandez24Mitchell Hansen
East Coast Grays/Prospects6Alex Hanson
Evoshield Canes 17U22Jeff Harding, Jr.
BPA Team Demarini 25Daniel Harris
East Cobb Braves 17U5Trey Harris
Marucci Elite23Mitch Hart
Orlando Scorpions Prime30Adam Haseley
Schaumburg Seminoles22Tyler Hasper
Memphis Tigers 17U23Colton Hathcock
Powermill 17U17Mack Hathcock
Dallas Tigers Hernandez7Calvin Hernandez
Lexington Baseball Club15Ben Herring
Tiger Baseball 17U13Kain Hewitt
St. Louis Gamers 17U Blue30Caleb Hicks
San Diego Show20Colton Hock
Long Island Storm 17U36Grant Hockin
Moosic Mets14Ryan Hogan
Mac-N-Seitz Indians-Blue23Dylan Holden
Texas Blackhawks3Christian Hollie
TGBA 17U25Tyler Holocombe
Next Level Baseball 17U21Tyler Holton
Demarini Stars 17U Black14Zack Hopeck
Lids Indiana Bulls 17U White6Tyler Houston
Show Baseball 17U Showcase Team18Scott Hovey
Georgia Monarchs26Jordan Howard
Vision Baseball3Vince Hoyt
EJ Sports Warriors8Brian Hsu
Virginia Cardinals24Jake Huggins
Mac-N-Seitz Indians 17U Red27Shane Hummel
Midwest Warducks24Garrett Hutson
Atlanta Blue Jays 16U8Chandler Hyman
Chandler Baseball 2014's25Zach Jancarski
EJ Sports Warriors40Blaine Jarvis
Houston Banditos 17U Black11Jake Jarvis
Ironmen Baseball Club18Brandon Johnson
FTB Chandler 6Cobi Johnson
Vision Baseball6Wesley Johnson
East Cobb Astros 16U Grey14Alonzo Jones
Mountain Expos21Carson Jones
Charlotte Megastars6Eric Jones
Orlando Scorpions Prime12John Jones
CageRat Baseball Blue45Jordan Jones
Texas Sun Devils20Bryce Jordan
SF Elite Squad - TPX7Dalton Jugovic
Illinois Sparks Copp5Joe Jumonville
San Diego Show Blue411Mason Kellett
Marucci Elite6Branden Kelliher
Florida Express24Kyle Kemp
Victus Diamond Pros 17U24Jack Kenny
Top Tier Americans46William Kincanon
ABC Blue33Paul Kirkpatrick
Knoxville Stars 17U12Zak Kitzmiller
212 A's16Levi Koebel
Dallas Tigers Hernandez5Michael Kopech
Syracuse Sports Zone Braves21Cameron Krowiak
BigStix Gamers 17U25Dalton Kuhn
Heat Showcase 10Brandon Lail
FTB Chandler 1Gunnar Lambert
Evoshield Canes 17U12Taylor Lane
Marucci Elite17Alex Lange
Marucci Elite Louisiana9Luke LeBlanc
Florida Burn Navy3Hunter Lee
TBC WW14Nolan Leebrick
FTB Chandler 26Broderick (Brodie) Leftridge
RBA West 17U Elite10Reid Leonard
EJ Sports Warriors19Justin Leung
East Coast Prospects31JG Lipscomb
Team Citius Blue4Lorenzo Lira
Baseball U Prospects38Matthew Littrell
East Cobb Tigers15Taylor Lobus
East Cobb New England Expos5Brandon Lopez
East Cobb Braves 16U7Brock Love
6-4-3 DP Cougars 17U18Charlie Madden
Bayou City Gators34Jerry Maddox
CBA Paino12David Maldonado
Houston Kyle Chapman21Monty Maley
Syracuse Sports Zone Braves0Matt Marsili
6-4-3 DP Cougars 17U6Rabon Martin
Florida Pokers Upperclass Carolina16Jose Martinez Jr.
Houston Heat Silver20Nick Masarik
Carolina Reds5Josh Massey
All Star Baseball Academy10Matt Maul
Virginia Swamp Things12Alexander Mauricio
Orlando Scorpions Prime22Ronnie May
Dallas Tigers Hernandez13Garrett McCain
SF Elite Squad - Prime 17U21Brandon McCalla
Baseball U Prospects24Jake McCarthy
Dulin Dodgers17U6Jesse McCord
Pony Express Baseball16Nicholas McCormick
Denny Pritchett Jayhawks 17U16Daniel McCrary
Syracuse Sports Zone Braves26Aidan McDermott
Team DeMarini - Hayes21Satchel McElroy
NBS 17U34Casey McGourk
SBA Canes28Zach McIlroy
Heat Showcase 38Josh McLain
Demarini Stars 17U Black49Jake McSteen
BPA Team Demarini 34Chris Meert
SF Elite Squad - Prime 17U29Danny Melgarejo
FTB Chandler 25Evan Mendoza
9ers Baseball Club-17U21Russell Messler
SCORE International 17U9Matthew Meyer
Richmond Braves 17U National3Cole Migliorini
Demarini Stars 17U Black7Brian Mims
Fort Bend Texans 17U8Chris Mitchell
West End Baseball 17's3Graham Mitchell
GBC Prepstars 17U4Jake Moebius
Florida Express17Richard Moesker
CBA Paino21Kyle Molnar
Florida Hardballers 17U7Zack Money
Marucci Elite18Handsome Monica
Excel Blue Wave25Hayden Moore
Carolina Reds14Cody Mordecai
ABA 17U Elite7Matt Morgan
CCB Elite6Kyle Morrison
Marucci Ark-La-Tex 17U26Stephen Morrison
Long Island Titans White1Frank Moscatiello
FTB Chandler 23Ryan Mountcastle
Rawlings St. Louis Prospects33Tyler Muehling
Team DeMarini - Hayes96Adrian Munoz
Baseball "U"nited18Connor Murphy
Shamrock Baseball 17U27Cooper Murphy
South Florida Bandits South17Byron Murray
Dallas Tigers Hernandez12Parker Mushinski
Houston Kyle Chapman6Dane Myers
ABD Hawaii21Bryce Nagata
CBA Paino17Niko Navarro
Diamond-Simcox 17U Blue3Will Neely
St. Louis Pirates13Zachary Neff
Richmond Braves 17U National10Tyler Nelin
St. Louis Gamers 17U Blue33Ian Nelson
New England Ruffnecks7Nick Neshe
Vision Baseball19Jamell Newson
Marucci Ark-La-Tex 17U27Jonathan Nickelson
Orlando Scorpions 17U North2Gavin Niquette
South Charlotte Panthers 201421Doug Norman
Demarini Stars 17U Black35Kyle Norman
SGV Arsenal23Manuel Olloque
North County Padres9Tanner Olthoff
San Diego Show18Luis Ortiz
Dulin Dodgers 17U25Hagen Owenby
TBC WW2James Paisley
Illlinois Sparks Bajenski35Bryan Pall
Baseball Parks of America14Peter Papcun
Houston Heat Black13Montana Parsons
East Cobb New England Expos0Steve Passatempo
DeMarini Roadrunners2DJ Pearson
East Coast Grays17Garrett Peek
Home Plate Chili Dogs 17U Maldonado14Carter Perkins
Dulin Dodgers 17U16Rob Perteet
Fort Bend Texans 17U14Will Peters
Florida Express3Donovan Petrey
Pony Express Baseball21Eric Petruzzi
SGV Arsenal33Aaron Pinto
MLI Phantoms White24Brett Pisaneschi
Schaumburg Seminoles38River Pitlock
Rawlings St. Louis Prospects24Mitchell Plassmeyer
Vision Baseball33Grayson Ponder
Phillies Scout Team5Chris Prescott
Kentucky Baseball Club 17U Coffman15Jared Proctor
Longshots Baseball Teal4Joe Provenzano
Lids Indiana Bulls 17U White9Jerred Quartier
MVP Baseball85Willie Quiros
Atlanta Blue Jays8Raphael Ramirez
FTB Chandler9Milton Ramos
Chandler Baseball 2014's32Nick Raquet
All Star Baseball Academy44Keifer Rawlings
East Cobb Braves 17U14Addison Reed
Knights Baseball 17U National99Cody Reed
2014 On Deck O's-Orange20Ethan Reep
Powermill 17U2Kaycee Reese
St. Louis Gamers 17U Blue1Jakson Reetz
Marucci Elite1Jakson Reetz
SBA Canes6Devin Renfroe
Tiger Baseball 17U2Jesse Rentz
Diamond Devils 17U Blue21Trent Revis
So Cal NTT2Austin Reynolds
Excel Blue Wave5Josh Rich
CageRat Baseball Blue7Cory Richer
Midwest Elite Baseball13Randy Righter
Marucci Elite8TJ Riles
Dulin Dodgers 17U24Austin Riley
San Diego Show Blue8Andy Rios
Team Tampa Bay Warriors1Ricardo Rivera
Texas Blackhawks13Kenniel Rivera-Gonzalez
Evoshield Canes 17U South21Josh Roberson
GBC Prepstars 17U24Caleb Robinson
Tri-State Arsenal Showcase 228Ty Robinson
Orlando Scorpions Prime2Brendan Rodgers
MVP Baseball24Alec Rodriguez
Florida Burn Navy24Chandler Rodriguez
Florida Pokers Upperclass Carolina2Chris Rodriguez
Florida Pokers Upperclass Carolina8Oscar Rodriguez
Indiana Prospects12Gage Rogers
Illinois Sparks Copp21Dylan Rosa
Baseball Parks of America21Joe Rotelli
Baseball U Prospects34Evelino Ruibal
All Star Baseball Academy21Devin Ruiz
6-4-3 DP Cougars 17U16Aaron Rzucidlo
Show Baseball 17U Showcase Team22Connor Sahlin
East Cobb Astros 16U Grey31Tim Salvadore
Orlando Scorpions Prime14Carson Sands
Florida Pokers Upperclass Carolina6Alex Sarmiento
Home Plate Chili Dogs 17U Shelton5Andrew Sarsany
Team Citius Red7Derek Scheible
Taconic Rangers20Patrick Schetter
South Oakland A's 17U Robinson33Garrett Schilling
Columbia Angels7Colten Schmidt
Windward MACS 17U23Alex Schnell
Florida Burn Navy32Garrett Schrantz
SC Shockwave9John Patrick Sears
RBA West 17U Elite11Bodie Sheehan
Orlando Scorpions 17U North59Joe JJ Shimko
All Star Baseball Academy1Austin Shirley
St. Louis Pirates2Evan Siegler
NBS 17U4Noah Sims
ABA 17U Elite10Hunter Slater
Tri-State Arsenal Showcase 177Devin Smeltzer
Tiger Baseball 17U27Avery Smith
Pony Express Baseball5Brenden Smith
East Coast Prospects27Colt Smith
ABD Hawaii1Eric Sniffen
Demarini Stars 17U Black27Ben Socher
North County Padres43Scott Souter
St. Louis Pirates Chad Spanberger
Garden State Elite16Steven Spatucci
Legends Black24Chase Spears
Florida Burn Navy5Zach Spivey
Demarini Stars 17U White37Kyle Staats
Mid-Atlantic Rookies Baseball23Deon Stafford, Jr.
Heat Showcase 14Austin Staley
TGBA 17U11Mitch Stallings
Midwest Warducks1Hunter Steinmetz
Orlando Scorpions 17U Black20Patrick Stephens
Carolina Cubs 17U16Dillon Stewart
PBC PAL 17U44Spencer Stockton
Dallas Tigers Hernandez11Travis Stone
MPi: Miami Pro Instruction38Jorge Suarez
East Cobb New England Expos18Sean Sullivan
SF Elite Squad - Louisville Slugger35Freddie Sultan
New England Ruffnecks8Kevin Superko
Baseball U Prospects39Tyler Swiggart
TSR Academy Selects7Kenneth Tabor
East Cobb Braves 17U36Hunter Tackett
Evoshield Canes Central 17U22Ryan Tapp
Evoshield Canes 17U11Hunter Taylor
New England Ruffnecks27John Thomas
Next Level Baseball 17U2Andrew Toelken
East Cobb Astros 17U3Stephen Tomlinson
Legends Black13Hudson Treu
Team DeMarini - Hayes1Alex Troop
Game Ready Athletics - Cavs28Brandon Truesdell
East Cobb Braves 17U8Bo Tucker
Houston Banditos 17U Black7Justin Twine
Palm Beach Select33Justin Tworek
Home Plate Chili Dogs 17U Shelton36Armond Upshaw
Houston Banditos 17U Black1Skyler Valentine
Evoshield Canes 17U North8Philip Van Keuran
Orlando Baseball Academy 201446Carter Varga
Dallas Patriots 17U Sherard35Brad Vassar
East Cobb Prospects 17U3Nik Verbeke
SGV Arsenal8Michael Vokulich
ABA 17U Elite5Jake Walters
D-BAT Mustangs Oklahoma 17U29Bryce Ward
Memphis Tigers 17U10Jackson Ward
Orlando Scorpions Prime7Logan Warmoth
New England Ruffnecks29Sid Warrenbrand
Ostingers Baseball Academy Select 17U9Tanner Watkins
Syracuse Sports Zone Braves8Nick Wegmann
Taconic Rangers8Jack Weiller
Marucci Elite11Keith Weisenberg
Texas Blackhawks29Cooper Westland
Orlando Scorpions 17U Purple23Tim Whalen
Longshots Baseball Teal24Chris Whelan
Marucci Ark-La-Tex 17U35Patrick Whipple
NCBA Golden Spikes23Greg White
Chain Baseball41Landon Whitman
Syracuse Sports Zone Braves6Dale Wickham
ABA 17U Elite31Tristan Widra
East Coast Grays/Prospects23Blake Wiggins
Lexington Baseball Club13Chase Williamson
Team DeMarini GA 16U Black1Noah Wilmot
Georgia Select 17U3Wesley Wommack
Chain Baseball3Trevor Wood
East Coast Prospects27Dallas Woolfolk
East Cobb Longhorns 17U21Cody Worthy
Knights Baseball 17U National10Kyle Wright
East Cobb Renegades15John Young
East Cobb Tigers 17U8Ryan Young
Marucci CBA31Stephen Young
9ers Baseball Club-17U37Mike Zibrin
SCORE International 17U10Nelson Zulueta