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All Tournament Team
AZ Athletics 17U Orange7Cole Anderson
All Star Baseball Academy 18U9Benjamin Ayala
AZ Baseball Club - Dodgers88Cody Bergkamp
So Cal Elite42Dillon Bigcrane Jackson
All Star Baseball Academy 18U15Christian Camacho
Naturals Baseball1Xavier Carrasco
Team Nutty Buddy Select26Austin Casillas
All Star Baseball Academy 18U21Jake Colombo
T-Rex Baseball Club6Clay Crookham
Arizona RBI 18U5Kai Davis
Tucson Cowboys 2Jacob DeAnda
Team Nutty Buddy Select9Garrett Doane
West Valley Pilots - Black2Jake Dunn
Angels Amateur Baseball Red6Schyler Dush
Dbacks Elite Scout Team13Jaxxon Fagg
Angels Amateur Baseball White10Kobie Foppe
AZ Athletics 17U Orange1Tyler Frost
AZ Pro Scout Team6Harry Gard
AZ Baseball Club - Dodgers68Josh Gath
Tucson Cowboys 14Justin Hammergren
Angels Amateur Baseball Grey3James Harrington
All Star Baseball Academy 17U25Degan Harte
West Coast Clippers13Andrew Hermanson
Arizona RBI 18U10Mark Hernandez
So Cal Elite7Chris Ibarra
All Star Baseball Academy 18U20Zach Johnston
T-Rex Baseball Club10Reed Jones
All Star Baseball Academy 18U5Riley Joyce
AZ Athletics 18U Black23Mike Kistler
AZ Baseball Club - Dodgers25Joel Kuhnel
All Star Baseball Academy 17U20Turner Lace
Team Nutty Buddy National21Leon LaJeunesse
Team Nutty Buddy Select21Leon LaJeunesse
AZ Pro Scout Team20Drew Lawrence
All Star Baseball Academy 17U22Calvin LeBrun
West Coast Clippers9Eli Lingos
AZ Athletics 17U Orange5Alejo Lopez
AZ Athletics 18U Black13Royal Love
Angels Amateur Baseball Grey22Alex Marrujo
Team Nutty Buddy American39Alex Marrujo
AZ Athletics 18U Black20Seth Martinez
So Cal Elite66Joseph Mauldin
Dbacks Elite Scout Team30Jeremy McCuin
AZ Athletics 17U Orange34Zachary McLeod
PROspects 18U Sheldon Molbley
AZ Athletics 18U Black25Troy Nelson
So Cal Elite12Chris Nimtz
All Star Baseball Academy 17U31Kyle Palmer
AZ Athletics 18U Black16Brick Paskiewicz
All Star Baseball Academy 17U27Jack Peck
AZ Athletics 18U Black6Anthony Race
T-Rex Baseball Club34Chance Randall
All Star Baseball Academy 18U3Sammy Rimer
Team Nutty Buddy American31Joe Roche
AZ Athletics 18U Black4Josh Rojas
Angels Amateur Baseball Red9Preston Ryan
AZ Athletics 18U Black47Andres Salazar
AZ Pro Scout Team32Michael Salazar
AZ Pro Scout Team34Zach Scott
Arizona Pilots 18U - White13Austin Sigrist
AZ Athletics 17U Orange6Payton Squier
Tucson Cowboys 9Vincent Tarantola
All Star Baseball Academy 18U4Chris Tate
Arizona RBI 18U6Xavier Terrazas
West Coast Clippers10Justin Toerner
Angels Amateur Baseball Red12Kaden Tomlinson
Dbacks Elite Scout Team7Cole Tucker
AZ Pro Scout Team33Matthew Waldren
West Coast Clippers42Brad Wegman
T-Rex Baseball Club1Corey Wheaton
AZ Athletics 17U Orange33Corey Wilson
All Star Baseball Academy 18U11Jett Wodiuk
Naturals Baseball5Tyler Zavala