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Metal spikes/cleats are prohibited on all turf surfaces, including turf pitching mounds. Please make sure your athletes have alternate footwear this weekend.

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Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
14U Bandit Baseball Academy
30 Jake Bartley 20 3 Tomahawk NT 7/8/2022
18 Austin Bruna 26 6 ABA 14u Hagg 7/7/2022
74 14 Kc Mashups 7/9/2022
Total 100 20
2 Levi Evans 24 2 Southfield Cardinals 7/7/2022
17 0 Upper Deck Wildcats 7/8/2022
Total 41 2
8 Ian Plunkett 29 6 Southfield Cardinals 7/7/2022
48 5 The Mule Club 7/9/2022
Total 77 11
16 1 Kc Mashups 7/9/2022
Total 93 12
13 Blake Proietti 37 3 Upper Deck Wildcats 7/8/2022
5 Landyn Rogers 43 12 Upper Deck Wildcats 7/8/2022
0 0 The Mule Club 7/9/2022
Total 43 12
9 Canyn Taylor 56 8 Southfield Cardinals 7/7/2022
46 12 The Mule Club 7/9/2022
Total 102 20
4 Kayden Thrower 20 6 ABA 14u Hagg 7/7/2022
18 3 Upper Deck Wildcats 7/8/2022
Total 38 9
32 3 The Mule Club 7/9/2022
Total 70 12
24 Nolan Wilkins 49 11 Tomahawk NT 7/8/2022
316 Cervantez
14 Gabe Adams 21 4 Prodigy Baseball Academy 14u 7/7/2022
40 7 Omaha Royals Blue 14U 7/9/2022
Total 61 11
2 Sebastian Bentley 11 3 Omaha Royals Blue 14U 7/8/2022
32 4 Omaha Royals Blue 14U 7/9/2022
Total 43 7
13 Brody Coulter 76 13 Omaha Royals Blue 14U 7/9/2022
11 Grayden Lillig 101 14 Ekc Crusaders 7/8/2022
22 Carson Payne 76 10 The Mule Club 7/7/2022
24 Luke Richardson 15 3 Ekc Crusaders 7/8/2022
42 8 Lawrence Heat 7/10/2022
Total 57 11
38 Logan Rogers 76 10 Omaha Royals Blue 14U 7/8/2022
15 Carson Roth 87 8 Prodigy Baseball Academy 14u 7/7/2022
56 Cavin Rundell 10 3 Ekc Crusaders 7/8/2022
88 16 Prodigy Baseball Academy 14u 7/10/2022
Total 98 19
35 Carter Smith 59 11 The Mule Club 7/7/2022
Mason Smith 24 3 Omaha Royals Blue 14U 7/8/2022
0 Mason Smith 40 9 ABA 14u Hagg 7/9/2022
10 2 Prodigy Baseball Academy 14u 7/10/2022
Total 50 11
17 Isaac Vanderburg 13 2 Prodigy Baseball Academy 14u 7/7/2022
71 9 Lawrence Heat 7/10/2022
Total 84 11
Aba 14 Magruder
21 Nate Brandt 47 9 Kc Mashups 7/7/2022
17 Michael Doege 23 1 Topeka BlueJays 7/8/2022
4 Brayden Jones 50 12 The Mule Club 7/9/2022
1 Eli Magruder 59 7 Strike Zone - 14aa 7/8/2022
19 Jack Quickel 32 5 Lawrence Heat 7/7/2022
27 6 The Mule Club 7/9/2022
Total 59 11
10 Hudson Reid 51 9 Lawrence Heat 7/7/2022
13 Parker Stine 58 7 Strike Zone - 14aa 7/8/2022
8 Eli Walters 37 6 Kc Mashups 7/7/2022
35 Andrew Wolverton 65 11 Topeka BlueJays 7/8/2022
ABA 14u Hagg
50 Joe Banman 74 12 Upper Deck Wildcats 7/7/2022
32 Tanner Hagg 29 3 Upper Deck Wildcats 7/7/2022
4 Sebastian Minderman 49 5 14U Bandit Baseball Academy 7/7/2022
6 Kieran Myers 81 9 Southfield Cardinals 7/8/2022
10 Brody Nelson 65 6 316 Cervantez 7/9/2022
3 Teddy Sayers 58 4 14U Bandit Baseball Academy 7/7/2022
28 Danny Skoczek 91 12 Tomahawk NT 7/8/2022
17 Gabe Zolla 42 1 316 Cervantez 7/9/2022
Ekc Crusaders
9 Mayson Buscher 15 4 Prodigy Baseball Academy 14u 7/8/2022
19 Zachary Fritzemeyer 39 8 Omaha Royals Blue 14U 7/7/2022
47 5 Lawrence Heat 7/9/2022
Total 86 13
24 Jared Hubbard 52 7 Windy City White 7/7/2022
13 Levi Kroesen 46 7 Prodigy Baseball Academy 14u 7/8/2022
John Lavin 34 7 Omaha Royals Blue 14U 7/7/2022
29 8 316 Cervantez 7/8/2022
Total 63 15
17 2 Prodigy Baseball Academy 14u 7/8/2022
Total 80 17
10 Wyatt Prescott 79 9 316 Cervantez 7/8/2022
22 3 Lawrence Heat 7/9/2022
Total 101 12
30 Logan Sheely 49 9 Windy City White 7/7/2022
35 8 Lawrence Heat 7/9/2022
Total 84 17
22 Jon Stark 19 2 Prodigy Baseball Academy 14u 7/8/2022
0 0 Lawrence Heat 7/9/2022
Total 19 2
3 Jett Wilckens 31 6 Omaha Royals Blue 14U 7/7/2022
0 0 Lawrence Heat 7/9/2022
Total 31 6
Kc Mashups
6 Ethan Booker 18 5 Topeka BlueJays 7/8/2022
85 14 14U Bandit Baseball Academy 7/9/2022
Total 103 19
8 Brodie Fetters 22 3 Strike Zone - 14aa 7/7/2022
10 Hunter Garbelman 38 7 Aba 14 Magruder 7/7/2022
32 5 Topeka BlueJays 7/8/2022
Total 70 12
12 Brayden Morgan 43 6 Strike Zone - 14aa 7/7/2022
15 2 Aba 14 Magruder 7/7/2022
Total 58 8
7 Jacob Nash 39 3 Strike Zone - 14aa 7/7/2022
24 4 Topeka BlueJays 7/8/2022
Total 63 7
24 Cooper Richardson 54 9 Lawrence Heat 7/8/2022
50 Ryan Roberson 63 5 Aba 14 Magruder 7/7/2022
11 1 Lawrence Heat 7/8/2022
Total 74 6
1 Ty Whitley 48 2 Lawrence Heat 7/8/2022
35 Triston Wurm 40 6 Lawrence Heat 7/8/2022
Lawrence Heat
11 Cooper Born 84 18 Topeka BlueJays 7/9/2022
15 Karson Bowers 18 3 Topeka BlueJays 7/7/2022
23 3 Strike Zone - 14aa 7/8/2022
Total 41 6
0 0 Ekc Crusaders 7/9/2022
Total 41 6
58 7 The Mule Club 7/10/2022
Total 99 13
9 Tahj Edwards 16 0 Strike Zone - 14aa 7/8/2022
27 Darin Fehr 15 3 Topeka BlueJays 7/7/2022
36 6 Aba 14 Magruder 7/7/2022
Total 51 9
46 9 Ekc Crusaders 7/9/2022
Total 97 18
13 Devin Foster 30 2 Aba 14 Magruder 7/7/2022
46 7 Kc Mashups 7/8/2022
Total 76 9
34 Nathan Friedman 23 3 Topeka BlueJays 7/7/2022
3 2 Aba 14 Magruder 7/7/2022
Total 26 5
15 5 Kc Mashups 7/8/2022
Total 41 10
60 8 The Mule Club 7/10/2022
Total 101 18
8 Joshua Galbreath 19 3 Strike Zone - 14aa 7/8/2022
62 9 Ekc Crusaders 7/9/2022
Total 81 12
20 3 Topeka BlueJays 7/9/2022
Total 101 15
1 Logan Harris 24 3 Topeka BlueJays 7/7/2022
16 1 Kc Mashups 7/8/2022
Total 40 4
37 3 316 Cervantez 7/10/2022
Total 77 7
12 Fabian Molina 0 0 Ekc Crusaders 7/9/2022
2 Kyle Sikes 29 4 Aba 14 Magruder 7/7/2022
22 3 Kc Mashups 7/8/2022
Total 51 7
12 3 The Mule Club 7/10/2022
Total 63 10
38 9 316 Cervantez 7/10/2022
Total 101 19
7 Brady Wollesen 19 3 Aba 14 Magruder 7/7/2022
42 5 Strike Zone - 14aa 7/8/2022
Total 61 8
39 5 316 Cervantez 7/10/2022
Total 100 13
Omaha Royals Blue 14U
0 Brody Anderson 52 7 The Mule Club 7/7/2022
51 6 316 Cervantez 7/9/2022
Total 103 13
27 Jakub Brown 45 8 Ekc Crusaders 7/7/2022
55 8 Windy City White 7/9/2022
Total 100 16
35 Sam Cooper 46 6 The Mule Club 7/7/2022
7 1 Windy City White 7/9/2022
Total 53 7
47 6 316 Cervantez 7/9/2022
Total 100 13
4 Max Erickson 96 14 Windy City White 7/8/2022
21 Carson Kortan 38 9 316 Cervantez 7/9/2022
17 Spencer Kussman 32 3 316 Cervantez 7/8/2022
30 4 316 Cervantez 7/9/2022
Total 62 7
5 Louis Nelson 25 5 The Mule Club 7/7/2022
42 5 316 Cervantez 7/8/2022
Total 67 10
20 4 Windy City White 7/8/2022
Total 87 14
9 Trevor Sabatka 15 3 Ekc Crusaders 7/7/2022
78 10 316 Cervantez 7/8/2022
Total 93 13
15 Benjamin Sweeney 39 8 Ekc Crusaders 7/7/2022
64 9 Windy City White 7/9/2022
Total 103 17
Prodigy Baseball Academy 14u
21 Harry Archer 29 4 316 Cervantez 7/7/2022
89 15 Tomahawk NT 7/9/2022
Total 118 19
5 Dominic Cadiz 43 5 316 Cervantez 7/7/2022
5 1 Ekc Crusaders 7/8/2022
Total 48 6
35 Logan Conley 22 2 The Mule Club 7/8/2022
20 2 Tomahawk NT 7/9/2022
Total 42 4
89 16 Southfield Cardinals 7/9/2022
Total 131 20
1 Colton Curtis 14 3 Windy City White 7/7/2022
0 Brodie Davidson 44 6 The Mule Club 7/8/2022
22 Cooper Hummel 29 6 Ekc Crusaders 7/8/2022
29 4 316 Cervantez 7/10/2022
Total 58 10
15 Marquez McCant 16 3 Windy City White 7/7/2022
13 Hayden Meschon 45 3 Windy City White 7/7/2022
28 1 316 Cervantez 7/10/2022
Total 73 4
3 Dillon Nutter 44 3 Windy City White 7/7/2022
55 Kyle Oakley 24 3 316 Cervantez 7/7/2022
52 6 The Mule Club 7/8/2022
Total 76 9
10 Wyatt Rhodes 42 6 Ekc Crusaders 7/8/2022
51 9 316 Cervantez 7/10/2022
Total 93 15
Southfield Cardinals
33 Maxwell Bates 62 9 Tomahawk NT 7/7/2022
9 3 Upper Deck Wildcats 7/9/2022
Total 71 12
39 8 Prodigy Baseball Academy 14u 7/9/2022
Total 110 20
40 Jonathan Bowers 34 2 14U Bandit Baseball Academy 7/7/2022
13 2 Tomahawk NT 7/7/2022
Total 47 4
3 Amare Christian 41 9 ABA 14u Hagg 7/8/2022
80 10 Prodigy Baseball Academy 14u 7/9/2022
Total 121 19
12 Raymond Fair 28 1 Tomahawk NT 7/7/2022
9 Marty Graney 76 15 Upper Deck Wildcats 7/9/2022
7 Keith Hopkin 1 3 14U Bandit Baseball Academy 7/7/2022
33 6 Upper Deck Wildcats 7/8/2022
Total 34 9
8 Kevin Hopkin 47 12 14U Bandit Baseball Academy 7/7/2022
55 9 Upper Deck Wildcats 7/8/2022
Total 102 21
11 Ellis Threadcraft II 21 3 ABA 14u Hagg 7/8/2022
Strike Zone - 14aa
34 Lincoln Bell 19 3 Kc Mashups 7/7/2022
35 Jonah Janssen 62 15 Topeka BlueJays 7/7/2022
33 Thomas Kenefake 24 3 Topeka BlueJays 7/7/2022
32 0 Lawrence Heat 7/8/2022
Total 56 3
Carter Laird 48 9 Aba 14 Magruder 7/8/2022
27 Luke Neland 39 3 Lawrence Heat 7/8/2022
16 Aidan Penka 54 12 Kc Mashups 7/7/2022
49 7 Topeka BlueJays 7/9/2022
Total 103 19
13 Chris Rocha 40 3 Lawrence Heat 7/8/2022
25 Tanav Sood 43 6 Aba 14 Magruder 7/8/2022
Jacob Viger 43 6 Lawrence Heat 7/8/2022
54 10 Topeka BlueJays 7/9/2022
Total 97 16
The Mule Club
55 Josh Burnett 21 6 Windy City White 7/8/2022
8 3 14U Bandit Baseball Academy 7/9/2022
Total 29 9
46 Oliver Defenbaugh 33 5 Lawrence Heat 7/10/2022
0 Kellen Frey 35 6 Omaha Royals Blue 14U 7/7/2022
52 11 Aba 14 Magruder 7/9/2022
Total 87 17
5 James Gerlach 30 4 Windy City White 7/8/2022
Nicholas Huckabey 23 3 Omaha Royals Blue 14U 7/7/2022
42 3 Windy City White 7/8/2022
Total 65 6
50 9 Aba 14 Magruder 7/9/2022
Total 115 15
13 Adam Hurd 39 6 14U Bandit Baseball Academy 7/9/2022
41 7 Lawrence Heat 7/10/2022
Total 80 13
28 Maverick Martin 9 1 Omaha Royals Blue 14U 7/7/2022
39 7 Prodigy Baseball Academy 14u 7/8/2022
Total 48 8
4 Charlie Morgan 69 8 Prodigy Baseball Academy 14u 7/8/2022
1 Dawson Parrott 95 20 316 Cervantez 7/7/2022
8 0 Windy City White 7/8/2022
Total 103 20
8 Braiden Schmitt 21 6 Omaha Royals Blue 14U 7/7/2022
63 9 14U Bandit Baseball Academy 7/9/2022
Total 84 15
15 Dane Shackelford 30 2 Lawrence Heat 7/10/2022
Tomahawk NT
12 Jesiah Dawson 25 2 Southfield Cardinals 7/7/2022
48 9 Upper Deck Wildcats 7/7/2022
Total 73 11
17 Kaden Kelley 47 9 ABA 14u Hagg 7/8/2022
24 Jermaine Kenady 28 2 14U Bandit Baseball Academy 7/8/2022
40 3 Prodigy Baseball Academy 14u 7/9/2022
Total 68 5
16 Joshua Kursell 50 9 Southfield Cardinals 7/7/2022
40 9 Prodigy Baseball Academy 14u 7/9/2022
Total 90 18
10 Jakob Sturgeon 25 3 ABA 14u Hagg 7/8/2022
31 4 Prodigy Baseball Academy 14u 7/9/2022
Total 56 7
15 Ethan Vaughn 9 3 Upper Deck Wildcats 7/7/2022
9 2 ABA 14u Hagg 7/8/2022
Total 18 5
32 6 14U Bandit Baseball Academy 7/8/2022
Total 50 11
14 Cameron Zaas 38 6 Upper Deck Wildcats 7/7/2022
39 6 14U Bandit Baseball Academy 7/8/2022
Total 77 12
7 2 Prodigy Baseball Academy 14u 7/9/2022
Total 84 14
Topeka BlueJays
5 Trevon Creager 77 8 Lawrence Heat 7/7/2022
85 Lucas Cross 18 3 Lawrence Heat 7/7/2022
72 15 Aba 14 Magruder 7/8/2022
Total 90 18
Rylan Harris 0 0 Aba 14 Magruder 7/8/2022
27 Corban McCall 54 7 Strike Zone - 14aa 7/7/2022
Hunter McGrann 1 0 Strike Zone - 14aa 7/9/2022
25 Austin Mueller 89 17 Lawrence Heat 7/9/2022
44 Makade Orton 42 8 Kc Mashups 7/8/2022
14 Aiden Scott 64 9 Strike Zone - 14aa 7/7/2022
0 0 Lawrence Heat 7/7/2022
Total 64 9
38 4 Kc Mashups 7/8/2022
Total 102 13
30 Keaton Stoner 94 14 Strike Zone - 14aa 7/9/2022
2 Hunter Tenbrink 27 3 Kc Mashups 7/8/2022
21 3 Strike Zone - 14aa 7/9/2022
Total 48 6
Upper Deck Wildcats
7 Brody Boeckman 57 6 14U Bandit Baseball Academy 7/8/2022
44 5 Southfield Cardinals 7/9/2022
Total 101 11
23 Marcus Boganowski 45 9 Southfield Cardinals 7/9/2022
13 Aven Fisher 32 4 14U Bandit Baseball Academy 7/8/2022
21 Tyren Foust 33 7 Tomahawk NT 7/7/2022
27 Jeter Gonzalez 35 6 ABA 14u Hagg 7/7/2022
27 5 14U Bandit Baseball Academy 7/8/2022
Total 62 11
39 6 Southfield Cardinals 7/8/2022
Total 101 17
10 Jayson Neal 67 4 Southfield Cardinals 7/8/2022
6 Madeline Pitts 53 8 Tomahawk NT 7/7/2022
11 2 14U Bandit Baseball Academy 7/8/2022
Total 64 10
34 3 Southfield Cardinals 7/9/2022
Total 98 13
14 Mikey Silva 15 3 Southfield Cardinals 7/8/2022
15 Landyn Ziegenhirt 57 9 ABA 14u Hagg 7/7/2022
Windy City White
0 Jacksen Almond 43 9 Omaha Royals Blue 14U 7/8/2022
23 Tommy Beyna 47 4 The Mule Club 7/8/2022
34 Connor Dominick 3 1 Ekc Crusaders 7/7/2022
38 Max Glimco 29 6 Prodigy Baseball Academy 14u 7/7/2022
7 Michael Murphy 49 9 Omaha Royals Blue 14U 7/8/2022
30 Joey O'Neill 61 9 Ekc Crusaders 7/7/2022
14 Max Santana 62 5 The Mule Club 7/8/2022
11 Sean Stolfi 32 4 The Mule Club 7/8/2022
20 Noah Sur 38 6 Prodigy Baseball Academy 14u 7/7/2022
61 10 Omaha Royals Blue 14U 7/9/2022
Total 99 16
25 Angelo Vitale 36 8 Ekc Crusaders 7/7/2022
32 5 Omaha Royals Blue 14U 7/9/2022
Total 68 13