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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
643 Dp Tigers 12u
13 Jackson Bell 59 12 Home Plate Chili Dogs 12u Rhodes 3/6/2021
6 Tyler Bergman 17 4 Canes Georgia 12u White 3/7/2021
3 Andrew Herrington 4 1 Oregon Park Rangers 3/6/2021
50 12 Canes Georgia 12u White 3/7/2021
Total 54 13
23 Mason Myers 0 0 Home Plate Chili Dogs 12u Rhodes 3/6/2021
40 2 Canes Georgia 12u White 3/7/2021
Total 40 2
21 Zach Nagle 56 17 Oregon Park Rangers 3/6/2021
4 Hayes Stephens 27 6 Home Plate Chili Dogs 12u Rhodes 3/6/2021
Canes Georgia 12u White
25 Ethan Bivins 43 9 Titans Baseball 12u Orange 3/6/2021
57 9 Polecats 3/7/2021
Total 100 18
1 Eli Brock 32 9 Oregon Park Rangers 3/6/2021
59 15 Warriors Baseball Academy 3/7/2021
Total 91 24
17 Connor Dailey 41 9 643 Dp Tigers 12u 3/7/2021
32 Landon Hannah 32 6 Polecats 3/6/2021
25 5 Polecats 3/7/2021
Total 57 11
14 3 Warriors Baseball Academy 3/7/2021
Total 71 14
30 6 643 Dp Tigers 12u 3/7/2021
Total 101 20
44 Brock Newland 35 9 Polecats 3/6/2021
5 Brady Robinson 39 9 Titans Baseball 12u Orange 3/6/2021
17 1 Polecats 3/7/2021
Total 56 10
22 Ty Sabo 10 1 Oregon Park Rangers 3/6/2021
18 3 Polecats 3/6/2021
Total 28 4
24 3 643 Dp Tigers 12u 3/7/2021
Total 52 7
33 Landon Wright 0 0 643 Dp Tigers 12u 3/7/2021
Home Plate Chili Dogs 12u Rhodes
10 Nicholas Caswell 73 9 Polecats 3/7/2021
1 3 Ocee Tg D-Backs 3/7/2021
Total 74 12
13 Garrett Grantham 50 12 Northeast Travelers 3/6/2021
19 Bryson Rambus 72 17 Ocee Tg D-Backs 3/7/2021
6 Carson Shaner 59 10 643 Dp Tigers 12u 3/6/2021
34 Max Threlkeld 13 3 643 Dp Tigers 12u 3/6/2021
19 3 Polecats 3/7/2021
Total 32 6
8 Mason Waters 21 3 643 Dp Tigers 12u 3/6/2021
NBD Prime
15 Sean Cooper 41 5 Ocee Tg D-Backs 3/5/2021
4 Reid Dzikowski 9 2 Team Elite 12U Steel 3/6/2021
10 Matthew Isaacson 6 3 Roswell Green Hornets 3/7/2021
18 Dane Leutenegger 45 6 Roswell Green Hornets 3/7/2021
11 Brayden Long 23 3 Roswell Green Hornets 3/7/2021
7 Maddox McCollum 48 8 Team Elite 12U Steel 3/6/2021
8 Beck Miller 25 3 Ocee Tg D-Backs 3/5/2021
44 Luke Minor 7 0 Team Elite 12U Steel 3/6/2021
27 Nolan Newsham 51 10 Ocee Tg D-Backs 3/5/2021
36 4 Team Elite 12U Steel 3/6/2021
Total 87 14
Northeast Travelers
Chase Alonso 39 4 Home Plate Chili Dogs 12u Rhodes 3/6/2021
9 3 Oregon Park Rangers 3/6/2021
Total 48 7
10 Gavin Bray 13 2 Oregon Park Rangers 3/6/2021
29 6 Titans Baseball 12u Orange 3/7/2021
Total 42 8
6 Crew Franklin 15 3 Home Plate Chili Dogs 12u Rhodes 3/6/2021
36 5 Titans Baseball 12u Orange 3/7/2021
Total 51 8
24 Macade Huff 35 6 Titans Baseball 12u Orange 3/7/2021
45 Micah Huff 36 4 Oregon Park Rangers 3/6/2021
0 0 Titans Baseball 12u Orange 3/7/2021
Total 36 4
7 Reed Jackson 35 3 Oregon Park Rangers 3/6/2021
1 Landon Shoczolek 13 3 Oregon Park Rangers 3/6/2021
8 David Wagner 24 1 Home Plate Chili Dogs 12u Rhodes 3/6/2021
22 1 Titans Baseball 12u Orange 3/7/2021
Total 46 2
Ocee Tg D-Backs
17 Matthew Bronitt 22 6 NBD Prime 3/5/2021
1 Aj Hatton 28 6 NBD Prime 3/5/2021
12 Kellen Marshall 41 4 Team Elite 12U Steel 3/5/2021
42 Bryce Nolan 38 5 Team Elite 12U Steel 3/5/2021
45 12 Home Plate Chili Dogs 12u Rhodes 3/7/2021
Total 83 17
5 Tilden Reams 36 5 Team Elite 12U Steel 3/5/2021
19 Addie Spak 53 6 NBD Prime 3/5/2021
34 6 Home Plate Chili Dogs 12u Rhodes 3/7/2021
Total 87 12
Oregon Park Rangers
3 Wesley Hendrix 77 15 Northeast Travelers 3/6/2021
9 Joseph (J.R.) Hoffman 50 3 Canes Georgia 12u White 3/6/2021
0 Jacob Krivanek 53 12 643 Dp Tigers 12u 3/6/2021
0 Romeo Lorenzo 27 6 643 Dp Tigers 12u 3/6/2021
5 Everett Perkins 37 3 Canes Georgia 12u White 3/6/2021
20 Luke Plunkert 51 6 Canes Georgia 12u White 3/6/2021
2 Cole Young 0 0 643 Dp Tigers 12u 3/6/2021
10 Brandon Cowart 16 3 Canes Georgia 12u White 3/6/2021
48 9 Canes Georgia 12u White 3/7/2021
Total 64 12
13 McRae Ellis 8 3 Warriors Baseball Academy 3/6/2021
39 9 Canes Georgia 12u White 3/7/2021
Total 47 12
41 10 Home Plate Chili Dogs 12u Rhodes 3/7/2021
Total 88 22
29 Cameron Graham 25 6 Warriors Baseball Academy 3/6/2021
33 4 Home Plate Chili Dogs 12u Rhodes 3/7/2021
Total 58 10
35 JT Tow 28 8 Canes Georgia 12u White 3/6/2021
29 3 The Norcross 3/7/2021
Total 57 11
4 Brody Varner 45 6 The Norcross 3/7/2021
5 Ethan Wearing 49 9 Warriors Baseball Academy 3/6/2021
37 9 The Norcross 3/7/2021
Total 86 18
18 Greyden Wilson 18 6 Canes Georgia 12u White 3/6/2021
14 1 Home Plate Chili Dogs 12u Rhodes 3/7/2021
Total 32 7
Roswell Green Hornets
7 Diego Crespo 37 3 NBD Prime 3/7/2021
31 Finn Cunliffe 76 17 Tg D-Backs East Side 12u Glickman 3/5/2021
17 Michael Harding 67 8 The Norcross 3/5/2021
1 Joshua Justan 47 3 NBD Prime 3/7/2021
9 Christian Lundt 24 1 NBD Prime 3/7/2021
28 Ayden North 30 6 The Norcross 3/5/2021
8 Blake Porche 26 3 NBD Prime 3/7/2021
10 Graham Whittle 14 0 The Norcross 3/5/2021
Team Elite 12U Steel
28 Evan Burton 42 6 Ocee Tg D-Backs 3/5/2021
8 Baret Harless 22 3 The Norcross 3/6/2021
23 Trennon Henson 37 6 The Norcross 3/6/2021
13 Gavin Hunt 34 3 Ocee Tg D-Backs 3/5/2021
15 Noah Layton 16 3 NBD Prime 3/6/2021
21 1 The Norcross 3/6/2021
Total 37 4
18 Beckett Newland 29 4 Ocee Tg D-Backs 3/5/2021
13 2 The Norcross 3/6/2021
Total 42 6
19 Joseph Nystrom 36 6 NBD Prime 3/6/2021
20 Durham Roach 43 6 NBD Prime 3/6/2021
Tg D-Backs East Side 12u Glickman
47 Reid Bauer 32 9 Warriors Baseball Academy 3/7/2021
3 Aryan Desai 5 3 The Norcross 3/6/2021
42 8 Warriors Baseball Academy 3/7/2021
Total 47 11
11 Nolan Fahrner 74 15 The Norcross 3/6/2021
27 Christian Pearson 30 6 Roswell Green Hornets 3/5/2021
1 Parker Troughton 24 3 Roswell Green Hornets 3/5/2021
28 Connor Zerbenski 57 9 Roswell Green Hornets 3/5/2021
The Norcross
33 Maddox Degon 33 7 Roswell Green Hornets 3/5/2021
33 4 Polecats 3/7/2021
Total 66 11
13 Anthony Kauker 59 9 Team Elite 12U Steel 3/6/2021
5 Adrian Palacios 22 6 Roswell Green Hornets 3/5/2021
20 5 Tg D-Backs East Side 12u Glickman 3/6/2021
Total 42 11
46 Landon Rawlins 66 11 Polecats 3/7/2021
10 Owen Szczepanik 45 10 Tg D-Backs East Side 12u Glickman 3/6/2021
21 Gianmarco Vega 34 1 Tg D-Backs East Side 12u Glickman 3/6/2021
18 3 Team Elite 12U Steel 3/6/2021
Total 52 4
24 Kcaj Walker-Smith 23 3 Roswell Green Hornets 3/5/2021
Titans Baseball 12u Orange
23 Asher Black 26 1 Warriors Baseball Academy 3/6/2021
21 Justin Boronat 67 7 Northeast Travelers 3/7/2021
8 Duncan Crist 9 3 Northeast Travelers 3/7/2021
26 Daniel Evangelista 17 1 Warriors Baseball Academy 3/6/2021
11 Brendan Hurst 60 8 Canes Georgia 12u White 3/6/2021
45 Colton Ingram 22 3 Canes Georgia 12u White 3/6/2021
7 Jack Klim 54 8 Warriors Baseball Academy 3/6/2021
54 Bennett McDonald 30 6 Canes Georgia 12u White 3/6/2021
1 Carson Thomas 40 8 Northeast Travelers 3/7/2021
Warriors Baseball Academy
17 Trevor Baker 15 3 Polecats 3/6/2021
8 Aaron Childress 0 0 Polecats 3/6/2021
35 6 Titans Baseball 12u Orange 3/6/2021
Total 35 6
58 14 Canes Georgia 12u White 3/7/2021
Total 93 20
4 Lawson Ferguson 20 6 Titans Baseball 12u Orange 3/6/2021
15 3 Tg D-Backs East Side 12u Glickman 3/7/2021
Total 35 9
2 Parker Hope 34 7 Polecats 3/6/2021
61 15 Tg D-Backs East Side 12u Glickman 3/7/2021
Total 95 22
22 Nolan Jones 28 4 Canes Georgia 12u White 3/7/2021
29 Ashton Murphy 17 3 Polecats 3/6/2021
24 Asher Smith 9 3 Polecats 3/6/2021