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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
14u Offseason Baseball - Garcia
17 Reid Flowers 33 6 Expos Baseball 14u Red 3/4/2023
22 3 Batter'S Box 3/5/2023
Total 55 9
16 Isa Garcia 15 3 Spring Branch Naturals 3/4/2023
71 15 The Unit 2027 3/5/2023
Total 86 18
3 Tyler Hubert 24 3 Expos Baseball 14u Red 3/4/2023
12 Dillard Jennings 18 3 Spring Branch Naturals 3/4/2023
5 Nathan Kalmin 19 3 Spring Branch Naturals 3/4/2023
27 Blake Livingstone 54 9 Batter'S Box 3/5/2023
7 Gabriel Turley 14 3 Expos Baseball 14u Red 3/4/2023
14u Offseason Baseball - Lozano
20 Miles Comarda 44 8 Batter'S Box 3/4/2023
22 Walker O'Pry 34 6 Usa Prime Blacksox 3/4/2023
35 Jackson Suminski 75 7 Batter'S Box 3/4/2023
3 William White 18 3 Usa Prime Blacksox 3/4/2023
14u Offseason Baseball - Ozuna
20 Eric Feighl 22 3 The Unit 2027 3/4/2023
2 Matthew Harris 13 3 The Unit 2027 3/4/2023
21 Gabriel Rahimi 43 3 Spring Branch Naturals Navy 3/4/2023
25 3 The Unit 2027 3/4/2023
Total 68 6
11 Cole Weatherly 41 6 Spring Branch Naturals Navy 3/4/2023
643 14u White
33 Logan Beck 3 0 Katy Revolution 3/4/2023
39 0 Katy Scrappers Baseball 3/4/2023
Total 42 0
7 Landon Foster 9 0 Katy Scrappers Baseball 3/4/2023
8 Fintan Goretzky 74 12 Lynx 14u Gracey 3/5/2023
55 Henry Lynch 14 0 Katy Scrappers Baseball 3/4/2023
13 Cade Reilly 28 0 Katy Revolution 3/4/2023
36 Caden Strupp 19 0 Katy Scrappers Baseball 3/4/2023
26 Ishmael Torres 27 0 Katy Scrappers Baseball 3/4/2023
27 Abrien Venegas 64 0 Katy Revolution 3/4/2023
Alamo City Scrappers
34 Nicholas Appelt 9 0 Expos Baseball 14u Red 3/4/2023
10 Zakarias Brey 4 1 Expos Baseball 14u Red 3/4/2023
25 6 Texas Twelve Black - The Woodlands 3/5/2023
Total 29 7
99 Victor Suggs 62 12 Lynx 14u Gracey 3/4/2023
9 Cody Sutton 69 8 Expos Baseball 14u Red 3/4/2023
27 Noah Thiel 87 12 Texas Twelve Black - The Woodlands 3/5/2023
Banditos - Rowland
2 Mark De La Garza 32 3 Foresters Blue 3/3/2023
15 McCall Hilton 23 3 Foresters Red 3/3/2023
11 Kai Macapaz 22 2 Foresters Blue 3/3/2023
3 Christian Melendez 43 4 Foresters Blue 3/3/2023
40 Kade Merrill 25 1 Foresters Red 3/3/2023
17 Jaden Miller 40 6 Foresters Red 3/3/2023
31 Robert Turney 44 2 Foresters Red 3/3/2023
4 Caleb Caldwell 30 4 Foresters Blue 3/3/2023
37 6 Hp Baseball Jones 3/5/2023
Total 67 10
Ameer Harati 37 2 Foresters Blue 3/3/2023
7 Brody Hillman 30 3 Foresters Red 3/3/2023
15 Gabriel Macharia 30 6 Foresters Red 3/3/2023
99 Deen Marfani 15 1 Foresters Blue 3/3/2023
45 Peyton Milbourn 14 1 Foresters Blue 3/3/2023
9 Xose Uvalle 6 1 Foresters Blue 3/3/2023
25 3 Foresters Red 3/3/2023
Total 31 4
11 3 Hp Baseball Jones 3/5/2023
Total 42 7
3 Juan Vasquez III 31 6 Hp Baseball Jones 3/5/2023
Batter'S Box
Matthew Baasen 33 6 Usa Prime Blacksox 3/4/2023
Kyler Goss 58 9 Usa Prime Blacksox 3/4/2023
Tristin Ulrich 59 15 14u Offseason Baseball - Lozano 3/4/2023
Tyler Witt 64 15 Houston Buffalos 3/5/2023
Epa14u Gold
Emmett Baldwin 79 12 Magnolia Strikers 14 Red 3/5/2023
Kaden Brennan 61 10 Texas Legends 3/4/2023
14 0 Magnolia Strikers 14 Red 3/5/2023
Total 75 10
Brady Broadus 30 3 H-Town Hawks 14u 3/4/2023
12 3 Spring Branch Naturals 3/5/2023
Total 42 6
Ethan Hiemer 78 12 14u Offseason Baseball - Lozano 3/5/2023
Hunter Morton 73 9 Spring Branch Naturals 3/5/2023
Alex Wiggins 61 9 H-Town Hawks 14u 3/4/2023
Hayden Wilkinson 9 2 Texas Legends 3/4/2023
32 3 14u Offseason Baseball - Lozano 3/5/2023
Total 41 5
Expos Baseball 14u Red
48 Gavin Blasingame 59 7 14u Offseason Baseball - Garcia 3/4/2023
1 Ander Peterson 5 0 14u Offseason Baseball - Garcia 3/4/2023
18 3 Alamo City Scrappers 3/4/2023
Total 23 3
24 Christopher Reese 50 6 Alamo City Scrappers 3/4/2023
2 Braedan Tep 22 2 14u Offseason Baseball - Garcia 3/4/2023
Foresters Blue
9 Oscar Burger 9 2 Banditos - Rowland 3/3/2023
10 Hunter Edmonds 21 6 Foresters Red 3/5/2023
23 Khris Fuentes 61 12 Thunder 3/5/2023
35 Ryan Gutierrez 15 3 BASEBALL STARZ 14U SILVER 3/3/2023
25 3 Thunder 3/5/2023
Total 40 6
6 Travis Ruch 34 6 BASEBALL STARZ 14U SILVER 3/3/2023
31 6 Td Edge 14u - Bailey 3/5/2023
Total 65 12
22 William Schultz 31 6 Banditos - Rowland 3/3/2023
17 3 Td Edge 14u - Bailey 3/5/2023
Total 48 9
11 Adam Sloan 20 3 Td Edge 14u - Bailey 3/5/2023
38 9 Foresters Red 3/5/2023
Total 58 12
17 Itsuki Yoneda 36 4 Banditos - Rowland 3/3/2023
Foresters Red
45 Westy Bennett 10 0 BASEBALL STARZ 14U SILVER 3/3/2023
2 Brady Brewer 36 7 BASEBALL STARZ 14U SILVER 3/3/2023
1 John Moscicki 41 6 Banditos - Rowland 3/3/2023
21 John Nugent 39 5 BASEBALL STARZ 14U SILVER 3/3/2023
3 Owen Tharp 44 6 Banditos - Rowland 3/3/2023
H-Town Hawks 14u
3 Evan Brown 46 9 Epa14u Gold 3/4/2023
8 Will Dagley 14 5 Texas Legends 3/4/2023
5 Grayson Luengas 12 3 Epa14u Gold 3/4/2023
1 Hudson Markham 72 10 Texas Legends 3/4/2023
Houston Buffalos
7 Nicholas Castro 58 9 Just Dawgs Grey 3/3/2023
0 Hudson Cozart 22 6 Texas Tigers 3/3/2023
Xavier Deleon 30 3 Texas Tigers 3/3/2023
Houston Heat 14u Roberts
9 Jonah Irvine 51 9 Hp Baseball Jones 3/4/2023
4 Derek McCarthy 51 9 Magnolia Strikers 14 Red 3/4/2023
7 Collin Vann 32 3 Hp Baseball Jones 3/4/2023
3 Aidan Vasek 14 3 Magnolia Strikers 14 Red 3/4/2023
Hp Baseball Jones
60 Trenton Fruia 38 5 Texas Twelve Black - The Woodlands 3/4/2023
32 Nicholas Golden 53 9 Houston Heat 14u Roberts 3/4/2023
57 Carter Green 8 3 Houston Heat 14u Roberts 3/4/2023
16 Jayden Phelps 59 12 Texas Twelve Black - The Woodlands 3/4/2023
14 Jesse Reyes 6 1 Texas Twelve Black - The Woodlands 3/4/2023
Just Dawgs Grey
Zane Brewer 3 3 Thunder 3/3/2023
Gage Collins 28 3 Houston Buffalos 3/3/2023
6 2 Thunder 3/3/2023
Total 34 5
Cooper Holliday 17 3 Thunder 3/3/2023
65 11 Texas Legends 3/5/2023
Total 82 14
Carson Jones 22 3 Houston Buffalos 3/3/2023
Kross Kilgo 24 1 Thunder 3/3/2023
Reece Robinson 14 0 Houston Buffalos 3/3/2023
Carson Utsey 12 0 Houston Buffalos 3/3/2023
Mason Woods 27 3 Thunder 3/3/2023
21 4 Texas Legends 3/5/2023
Total 48 7
Katy Revolution
Kaden Ashraf 10 0 643 14u White 3/4/2023
2 Ryan Gonzales 27 0 643 14u White 3/4/2023
4 1 Houston Heat 14u Roberts 3/5/2023
Total 31 1
Tyler Grissom 9 0 Td Edge 14u - Bailey 3/4/2023
Matthew McKay 29 2 Td Edge 14u - Bailey 3/4/2023
14 Roberto Moreno 28 0 643 14u White 3/4/2023
51 8 Houston Heat 14u Roberts 3/5/2023
Total 79 8
Jaden Song 32 4 Td Edge 14u - Bailey 3/4/2023
Katy Scrappers Baseball
2 Kyle Gage 28 0 643 14u White 3/4/2023
34 Eli Parrish 51 0 643 14u White 3/4/2023
12 Caleb Ritter 17 0 643 14u White 3/4/2023
13 Luis Santos 58 6 Td Edge 14u - Bailey 3/4/2023
0 Tyler Watkins 50 3 Td Edge 14u - Bailey 3/4/2023
17 0 643 14u White 3/4/2023
Total 67 3
56 15 Just Dawgs Grey 3/5/2023
Total 123 18
15 Hendrik Yep Garcia 65 15 Katy Revolution 3/5/2023
Lynx 14u Gracey
27 Thomas Denney 35 2 Spring Branch Naturals 3/4/2023
12 Gavin Geiser 26 4 Spring Branch Naturals 3/4/2023
22 Colton Matherne 35 6 Alamo City Scrappers 3/4/2023
5 Cullen McGarr 47 6 Spring Branch Naturals 3/4/2023
13 Alessandro Sanchez 24 3 Alamo City Scrappers 3/4/2023
Magnolia Strikers 14 Red
34 Jayden Burns 50 6 Houston Heat 14u Roberts 3/4/2023
5 Dylan Caldwell 43 5 Texas Twelve Black - The Woodlands 3/4/2023
35 Micah Davis 52 7 Texas Twelve Black - The Woodlands 3/4/2023
Jett Pate 62 9 Houston Heat 14u Roberts 3/4/2023
Spring Branch Naturals
Samuel Bray 32 3 14u Offseason Baseball - Garcia 3/4/2023
Preston Hopkins 24 3 14u Offseason Baseball - Garcia 3/4/2023
Tyler Kent 33 6 Lynx 14u Gracey 3/4/2023
Andrew Macia 47 4 14u Offseason Baseball - Garcia 3/4/2023
Carson Pratt 68 12 14u Offseason Baseball - Ozuna 3/5/2023
Jaxon Sletten 27 6 Lynx 14u Gracey 3/4/2023
Parker Sletten 14 6 14u Offseason Baseball - Ozuna 3/5/2023
Spring Branch Naturals Navy
Van Carpenter 32 3 14u Offseason Baseball - Ozuna 3/4/2023
Noah Kerr 24 6 14u Offseason Baseball - Ozuna 3/4/2023
Carter Maedgen 35 5 The Unit 2027 3/4/2023
Ford Stiles 50 7 The Unit 2027 3/4/2023
Td Edge 14u - Bailey
7 Joshua Diaz 4 1 Katy Revolution 3/4/2023
17 Timothy Killam 6 1 Katy Revolution 3/4/2023
11 Davis Lee 26 6 Katy Revolution 3/4/2023
12 5 Alamo City Scrappers 3/5/2023
Total 38 11
99 Dante Mitchell 28 9 Katy Scrappers Baseball 3/4/2023
2 Jayden Mouton 5 1 Katy Revolution 3/4/2023
14 Isaac Trencher 86 16 Alamo City Scrappers 3/5/2023
Texas Legends
32 Carter Brookhouser 33 6 Epa14u Gold 3/4/2023
3 Jackson Cote 52 9 H-Town Hawks 14u 3/4/2023
27 Matthew Fagan 18 3 H-Town Hawks 14u 3/4/2023
1 Devin Lancaster 47 6 Epa14u Gold 3/4/2023
34 Josiah Lisenbe 63 9 Expos Baseball 14u Red 3/5/2023
26 Max Sherrill 52 9 Expos Baseball 14u Red 3/5/2023
Texas Tigers
11 Kaleb Adams 24 6 Spring Branch Naturals Navy 3/5/2023
52 Peyton Clark 45 3 Spring Branch Naturals Navy 3/5/2023
42 Cameron Collier 69 6 Houston Buffalos 3/3/2023
8 Gavin Gomez 58 4 Thunder 3/3/2023
7 Xadrian Gomez 72 15 Banditos - Rowland 3/5/2023
10 Adam Gonzales 12 0 Houston Buffalos 3/3/2023
32 Josiah Perez 48 5 Thunder 3/3/2023
Texas Twelve Black - The Woodlands
4 Elijah Jaeger 58 9 Hp Baseball Jones 3/4/2023
13 Major Judy 31 6 Magnolia Strikers 14 Red 3/4/2023
22 Micah Miller 26 6 Hp Baseball Jones 3/4/2023
11 Cole Roberts 40 9 Magnolia Strikers 14 Red 3/4/2023
The Unit 2027
26 Carter (C.J.) Baros 53 12 Usa Prime Blacksox 3/5/2023
11 Brayden Maldonado 11 3 14u Offseason Baseball - Ozuna 3/4/2023
24 Cade Park 13 1 Spring Branch Naturals Navy 3/4/2023
25 Trenton Ross 31 9 14u Offseason Baseball - Ozuna 3/4/2023
Total 75 18
7 James Terrazas 29 9 Spring Branch Naturals Navy 3/4/2023
Total 43 12
19 Holt Yackel 26 5 Spring Branch Naturals Navy 3/4/2023
1 Jack Archer 39 6 Just Dawgs Grey 3/3/2023
77 Andrew Kirklin 24 1 Just Dawgs Grey 3/3/2023
42 Maxwell Law 27 5 Texas Tigers 3/3/2023
43 9 H-Town Hawks 14u 3/5/2023
Total 70 14
19 Joshua Pisio 30 4 Texas Tigers 3/3/2023
14 Hudson Schwartz 39 5 Just Dawgs Grey 3/3/2023
11 Max Steele 3 3 H-Town Hawks 14u 3/5/2023
Usa Prime Blacksox
25 Garrett Hermis 11 3 14u Offseason Baseball - Lozano 3/4/2023
22 Jimmy Kearns 6 0 Batter'S Box 3/4/2023
3 Holden Parr 10 0 Batter'S Box 3/4/2023
24 Kaden Schleier 68 9 14u Offseason Baseball - Lozano 3/4/2023
1 Massimo Tomei 49 12 Batter'S Box 3/4/2023