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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Gladiators 14U Bailey
13 Spencer Bendy 26 5 Mizuno Morris 10/29/2022
11 Ryder Blythe 27 5 Mizuno - Moreno 10/29/2022
21 Anthony Bravo 21 1 Mizuno - Moreno 10/29/2022
48 8 Houston Bengals 2027 10/30/2022
Total 69 9
24 Jaidon Leger 13 3 Mizuno - Moreno 10/29/2022
5 Kade McReynolds 29 3 Mizuno Morris 10/29/2022
10 Max Robertson 17 1 Mizuno Morris 10/29/2022
2 Jacob Welch 25 6 Mizuno Morris 10/29/2022
34 Luke Wueller 16 2 Mizuno - Moreno 10/29/2022
43 6 Houston Bengals 2027 10/30/2022
Total 59 8
Gladiators- Dziedzic
45 Colt Ashley 50 8 Piranhas Baseball - Tyner 10/30/2022
10 Mason Castolenia 9 2 Piranhas 14U Duff 10/29/2022
19 6 Piranhas 14U Duff 10/30/2022
Total 28 8
21 John Cody 28 3 Piranhas 14U Duff 10/29/2022
6 Madden Dean 34 4 Piranhas Baseball - Tyner 10/29/2022
15 Brendon Hughes 33 6 Piranhas Baseball - Tyner 10/30/2022
34 Cole Midkiff 34 6 Piranhas Baseball - Tyner 10/29/2022
42 Jaedon Ned 36 3 Piranhas 14U Duff 10/30/2022
4 Grahm Pavliska 11 3 Piranhas 14U Duff 10/29/2022
35 6 Piranhas 14U Duff 10/30/2022
Total 46 9
13 Travis Thompson 25 2 Piranhas 14U Duff 10/29/2022
2 Alfred Williams 30 5 Piranhas Baseball - Tyner 10/29/2022
Houston Bengals 2027
5 Gregory Culp 0 0 SP Baseball 10/29/2022
78 12 Mizuno - Moreno 10/30/2022
Total 78 12
7 Jackson Goforth-Rakes 9 3 Mizuno Morris 10/29/2022
12 Jacob Herman 57 5 Mizuno Morris 10/29/2022
3 Cade Morris 62 15 Gladiators 14U Bailey 10/30/2022
2 Brady Parks 22 2 Mizuno Morris 10/29/2022
8 Karson Schulz 44 6 Mizuno - Moreno 10/30/2022
9 Jaxson Smiley 26 6 SP Baseball 10/29/2022
Mizuno - Moreno
7 Bryceten Felps 20 6 Southeast Texas Titans 10/29/2022
73 15 Houston Bengals 2027 10/30/2022
Total 93 21
6 Jake Raney 17 0 Southeast Texas Titans 10/29/2022
42 9 Mizuno Morris 10/30/2022
Total 59 9
13 Grayson Royer 0 0 Gladiators 14U Bailey 10/29/2022
33 6 Southeast Texas Titans 10/29/2022
Total 33 6
59 9 Mizuno Morris 10/30/2022
Total 92 15
24 Jacob Scheiderer 33 4 Gladiators 14U Bailey 10/29/2022
42 11 Piranhas Baseball - Tyner 10/30/2022
Total 75 15
26 3 Houston Bengals 2027 10/30/2022
Total 101 18
9 Dayne Sunderland 49 6 Gladiators 14U Bailey 10/29/2022
43 4 Piranhas Baseball - Tyner 10/30/2022
Total 92 10
Mizuno Morris
11 William Cecka 49 5 Houston Bengals 2027 10/29/2022
2 Christian Chiasson 34 5 Gladiators 14U Bailey 10/29/2022
33 3 Mizuno - Moreno 10/30/2022
Total 67 8
27 Reece Davis 37 3 Houston Bengals 2027 10/30/2022
23 Conner Glaze 34 4 Gladiators 14U Bailey 10/29/2022
51 9 Mizuno - Moreno 10/30/2022
Total 85 13
12 Haegyn Morris 17 3 Gladiators 14U Bailey 10/29/2022
14 3 Mizuno - Moreno 10/30/2022
Total 31 6
4 Luke Nelson 14 1 Houston Bengals 2027 10/29/2022
3 Parker Ross 29 2 Houston Bengals 2027 10/29/2022
Piranhas 14U Duff
24 Matthew Arguijo 42 5 Gladiators- Dziedzic 10/29/2022
10 Cole Bond 15 0 Piranhas Baseball - Tyner 10/29/2022
9 1 SP Baseball 10/30/2022
Total 24 1
12 Dakota Darby 20 2 Piranhas Baseball - Tyner 10/29/2022
0 0 Gladiators- Dziedzic 10/29/2022
Total 20 2
27 Kaden Fasulo 30 3 Piranhas Baseball - Tyner 10/29/2022
53 8 SP Baseball 10/30/2022
Total 83 11
22 Logan Frioux 25 3 Piranhas Baseball - Tyner 10/29/2022
99 Jadyn Henry 23 2 Gladiators- Dziedzic 10/29/2022
5 Brenden Jennings 13 2 Gladiators- Dziedzic 10/29/2022
25 3 Gladiators- Dziedzic 10/30/2022
Total 38 5
6 Logan Reed 33 5 Gladiators- Dziedzic 10/29/2022
27 8 Gladiators- Dziedzic 10/30/2022
Total 60 13
9 Cane Ritchey 31 1 Gladiators- Dziedzic 10/30/2022
Piranhas Baseball - Tyner
27 Brooks Burns 20 3 Gladiators- Dziedzic 10/29/2022
37 3 Mizuno - Moreno 10/30/2022
Total 57 6
4 1 Gladiators- Dziedzic 10/30/2022
Total 61 7
2 Nash Chambless 10 3 Piranhas 14U Duff 10/29/2022
21 2 Southeast Texas Titans 10/30/2022
Total 31 5
15 Rylan Chesser 9 3 Gladiators- Dziedzic 10/29/2022
68 14 Gladiators- Dziedzic 10/30/2022
Total 77 17
4 Kolt Holden 0 0 Gladiators- Dziedzic 10/29/2022
5 Kane Rodgers 19 3 Piranhas 14U Duff 10/29/2022
21 Brady Tran 27 3 Gladiators- Dziedzic 10/29/2022
33 12 Southeast Texas Titans 10/30/2022
Total 60 15
3 Reid Tyner 34 6 Piranhas 14U Duff 10/29/2022
27 3 Mizuno - Moreno 10/30/2022
Total 61 9
22 Bryce Walker 15 0 Mizuno - Moreno 10/30/2022
34 Lathan Weaver 42 5 Gladiators- Dziedzic 10/29/2022
11 0 Gladiators- Dziedzic 10/30/2022
Total 53 5
39 6 Mizuno - Moreno 10/30/2022
Total 92 11
Southeast Texas Titans
14 Caden Barlow 22 3 SP Baseball 10/29/2022
24 Scott Helt 16 2 Mizuno - Moreno 10/29/2022
12 0 SP Baseball 10/29/2022
Total 28 2
9 Ethan Jones 34 5 SP Baseball 10/29/2022
37 5 Piranhas Baseball - Tyner 10/30/2022
Total 71 10
4 Oliver Mosenteen 38 5 Mizuno - Moreno 10/29/2022
43 4 Piranhas Baseball - Tyner 10/30/2022
Total 81 9
3 Colby O'Neal 12 0 Mizuno - Moreno 10/29/2022
19 0 Piranhas Baseball - Tyner 10/30/2022
Total 31 0
6 Mason Richardson 14 1 Mizuno - Moreno 10/29/2022
21 Darel Vega 6 1 Mizuno - Moreno 10/29/2022
34 1 SP Baseball 10/29/2022
Total 40 2
0 0 Piranhas Baseball - Tyner 10/30/2022
Total 40 2
18 Edwin Vega 31 2 Mizuno - Moreno 10/29/2022
SP Baseball
Jonah Balka 38 2 Southeast Texas Titans 10/29/2022
0 Eli Demes 19 0 Houston Bengals 2027 10/29/2022
9 Christyan Hellberg 27 2 Southeast Texas Titans 10/29/2022
31 0 Piranhas 14U Duff 10/30/2022
Total 58 2
0 Jonah Lawrence 1 0 Piranhas 14U Duff 10/30/2022
0 Nicholas Miller 22 2 Houston Bengals 2027 10/29/2022
43 5 Piranhas 14U Duff 10/30/2022
Total 65 7
0 Ryan Patterson 16 1 Southeast Texas Titans 10/29/2022
57 2 Houston Bengals 2027 10/29/2022
Total 73 3
0 0 Piranhas 14U Duff 10/30/2022
Total 73 3
0 Darren Smith 6 0 Southeast Texas Titans 10/29/2022
0 Trey Young 16 1 Piranhas 14U Duff 10/30/2022