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Metal spikes/cleats are prohibited on all turf surfaces, including turf pitching mounds. Please make sure your athletes have alternate footwear this weekend. 
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
13u Cavaliers - Maroon
3 Wyatt Cole 41 9 MW Mutts 10/9/2022
5 3 Precision Baseball 10/9/2022
Total 46 12
17 Sam Harter 92 17 Precision Baseball 10/9/2022
5 Trace Holton 43 5 SOAR Baseball - Messina 13u 10/8/2022
27 Jackson Reed 51 9 Lee's Summit Smash 10/8/2022
44 Landon Rice 57 18 Kansas City Monarchs 10/9/2022
37 Talan Sanders 28 5 SOAR Baseball - Messina 13u 10/8/2022
1 Calahan Wyse 36 5 SOAR Baseball - Messina 13u 10/8/2022
28 6 Lee's Summit Smash 10/8/2022
Total 64 11
A9 Legends
16 Eirik Alford 62 12 Building Champions - Brookside 10/8/2022
2 Deuce Enright 13 3 Us Nationals 10/9/2022
3 Connor Foxworthy 28 6 MW Mutts 10/7/2022
56 11 Us Nationals 10/9/2022
Total 84 17
7 Dyllan O'Berry 28 6 MW Mutts 10/7/2022
4 Maddox Pyle 35 4 Us Nationals 10/9/2022
Aba 13u Pribula
9 Miles Crouch 16 2 Arkansas Patriots 2028- Navy 10/8/2022
3 Will Erisman 50 9 Elite Baseball Select - 13u 10/8/2022
44 Everett Finnell 45 6 Elite Baseball Select - 13u 10/8/2022
40 9 Mac N Seitz 13U - Elledge 10/9/2022
Total 85 15
60 Braden Greenlee 33 4 Arkansas Patriots 2028- Navy 10/8/2022
14 Noah Pribula 68 8 Arkansas Patriots 2028- Navy 10/8/2022
2 Billy Swopes 74 9 Mac N Seitz 13U - Elledge 10/9/2022
Arkansas Patriots 2028- Navy
5 Dax Beam 15 1 Missouri Brewers 10/8/2022
24 Quinn Birdsong 14 3 Raymore Rampage 10/9/2022
43 6 Us Nationals 10/9/2022
Total 57 9
23 Parker Blackburn 39 9 Missouri Brewers 10/8/2022
49 9 Kc Crush 10/9/2022
Total 88 18
21 Journey Byrns 21 3 Kc Crush 10/9/2022
75 14 Us Nationals 10/9/2022
Total 96 17
13 Harrison Dodson 53 9 Kc Crush 10/9/2022
12 Keegan Larson 15 3 Aba 13u Pribula 10/8/2022
3 Carson Meaders 44 5 Missouri Brewers 10/8/2022
9 Cash Myers 51 12 Aba 13u Pribula 10/8/2022
7 Kade Poole 97 13 Raymore Rampage 10/9/2022
Building Champions - Brookside
4 Luke Brewster 37 6 A9 Legends 10/7/2022
8 Jackson Harris 21 0 A9 Legends 10/7/2022
86 Archer Hughes 47 1 A9 Legends 10/8/2022
9 Ben Kramer 33 3 A9 Legends 10/8/2022
3 Brady Ortbals 18 6 Us Nationals Kansas 10/7/2022
15 Christopher Underwood 7 2 A9 Legends 10/7/2022
37 3 Us Nationals Kansas 10/7/2022
Total 44 5
99 Ronan Will 37 3 Us Nationals Kansas 10/7/2022
Elite Baseball Select - 13u
99 Landon Auen 54 12 Prime 27:17 May 10/9/2022
3 Eddie Hill 47 11 Aba 13u Pribula 10/8/2022
4 Oliver Kellogg 75 12 RedHawks 10/9/2022
16 Caden Koon 52 7 Aba 13u Pribula 10/8/2022
8 Camden Nichols 47 9 RedHawks 10/9/2022
17 Thomas Shank 67 9 Kc Crush 10/9/2022
28 Nolan Taylor 31 3 Missouri Brewers 10/8/2022
37 5 Kc Crush 10/9/2022
Total 68 8
34 Kai Wagner 70 11 Missouri Brewers 10/8/2022
22 Jack Dunlap 43 9 Us Nationals 10/8/2022
29 6 FIVE TOOL REBELS 10/9/2022
Total 72 15
3 Caiden Glines 44 9 Us Nationals 10/8/2022
30 Sawyer Golder 39 5 Raymore Rampage 10/8/2022
42 Christain Quijano 73 5 Kc Crush 10/9/2022
16 Kayden Tarter 20 2 Kc Crush 10/9/2022
35 Jackson Wagner 48 5 Raymore Rampage 10/8/2022
51 9 FIVE TOOL REBELS 10/9/2022
Total 99 14
17 Landon Worcester 44 7 Raymore Rampage 10/8/2022
39 4 Kc Crush 10/9/2022
Total 83 11
35 Connor Brooks 46 7 Express 10/9/2022
14 Archie Buttram 12 3 Express 10/9/2022
21 Gus Elliott 36 4 Lee's Summit Smash 10/8/2022
27 Frank Kirchhoff 40 9 SOAR Baseball - Messina 13u 10/8/2022
51 5 Express 10/9/2022
Total 91 14
3 Mikai Williams 60 9 Lee's Summit Smash 10/8/2022
Kansas City Monarchs
9 Sam Busenitz 23 1 Kc Crush 10/8/2022
47 Landon Clark 30 6 Prime 27:17 May 10/8/2022
87 18 KC Monarchs 10/9/2022
Total 117 24
30 Dalton Close 12 1 Prime 27:17 May 10/8/2022
3 Brice Dotson 29 1 Prime 27:17 May 10/8/2022
29 9 KC Monarchs 10/9/2022
Total 58 10
18 Cruz Garcia 17 3 Prime 27:17 May 10/8/2022
57 9 13u Cavaliers - Maroon 10/9/2022
Total 74 12
7 Liam Grover 42 6 Prime 27:17 May 10/8/2022
89 19 Kc Crush 10/8/2022
Total 131 25
62 8 13u Cavaliers - Maroon 10/9/2022
Total 193 33
Kc Crush
16 Cooper Abernathy 18 3 Prime 27:17 May 10/8/2022
12 3 Express 10/9/2022
Total 30 6
44 6 Elite Baseball Select - 13u 10/9/2022
Total 74 12
15 Finnegan Byrne 27 6 Arkansas Patriots 2028- Navy 10/9/2022
17 Joshua Cook 26 3 Prime 27:17 May 10/8/2022
26 6 Elite Baseball Select - 13u 10/9/2022
Total 52 9
9 Benjamin Durant 59 11 Arkansas Patriots 2028- Navy 10/9/2022
7 Braxon Kelly 64 12 Kansas City Monarchs 10/8/2022
24 Spencer Kohl 22 2 Arkansas Patriots 2028- Navy 10/9/2022
5 Rudy Lewis 13 3 Prime 27:17 May 10/8/2022
64 8 Express 10/9/2022
Total 77 11
20 Sohan Sanjanwala 16 3 Prime 27:17 May 10/8/2022
27 Benjamin Silver 9 3 Prime 27:17 May 10/8/2022
38 6 Elite Baseball Select - 13u 10/9/2022
Total 47 9
14 Mason Terstriep 48 9 Kansas City Monarchs 10/8/2022
KC Monarchs
2 Brett Apgar 53 4 Precision Baseball 10/8/2022
42 Colin Arnold 31 2 RedHawks 10/8/2022
4 Vincent Brocato 43 8 Precision Baseball 10/8/2022
7 Bryce Davis 2 1 RedHawks 10/8/2022
77 Gavin Flessner 35 5 RedHawks 10/8/2022
9 Cooper Nichols 16 1 Precision Baseball 10/8/2022
24 Austin Weissman 41 4 RedHawks 10/8/2022
Lee's Summit Smash
10 Charlie Briseno 13 1 13u Cavaliers - Maroon 10/8/2022
0 0 MW Mutts 10/9/2022
Total 13 1
19 Brendan Honey 79 9 Aba 13u Pribula 10/9/2022
17 Grant James 40 6 13u Cavaliers - Maroon 10/8/2022
46 6 MW Mutts 10/9/2022
Total 86 12
30 Carson McBride 45 3 13u Cavaliers - Maroon 10/8/2022
45 7 MW Mutts 10/9/2022
Total 90 10
5 Kaleb Miller 34 11 FIVE TOOL REBELS 10/8/2022
35 Carson Soeken 41 5 FIVE TOOL REBELS 10/8/2022
40 4 MW Mutts 10/9/2022
Total 81 9
11 3 Aba 13u Pribula 10/9/2022
Total 92 12
2 James Wasson 20 2 13u Cavaliers - Maroon 10/8/2022
3 1 MW Mutts 10/9/2022
Total 23 3
Mac N Seitz 13U - Elledge
3 Drew Aadland 54 9 Raymore Rampage 10/8/2022
29 Sam Cohen 57 6 Raymore Rampage 10/8/2022
2 Zach Johnson 80 13 Us Nationals 10/8/2022
31 Brodee Rawlins 5 0 Raymore Rampage 10/8/2022
34 Grady Samuel 7 1 Us Nationals 10/8/2022
Missouri Brewers
0 Declan Cooper 46 6 Arkansas Patriots 2028- Navy 10/8/2022
10 Theodore Fisher 14 3 Elite Baseball Select - 13u 10/8/2022
3 Camden Gross 0 0 Arkansas Patriots 2028- Navy 10/8/2022
31 6 Elite Baseball Select - 13u 10/8/2022
Total 31 6
11 Mason Jones 37 6 Arkansas Patriots 2028- Navy 10/8/2022
7 Aaden Kampert 46 9 Elite Baseball Select - 13u 10/8/2022
MW Mutts
8 Will Brown 31 1 13u Cavaliers - Maroon 10/9/2022
17 Michael Dobbs 60 9 Missouri Brewers 10/9/2022
27 Gabriel Escobar 34 6 Us Nationals Kansas 10/7/2022
53 9 Missouri Brewers 10/9/2022
Total 87 15
7 Cole Graves 22 6 Us Nationals Kansas 10/7/2022
62 9 Lee's Summit Smash 10/9/2022
Total 84 15
13 Carter Hansen 52 2 A9 Legends 10/7/2022
5 Keegan Hoelting 30 6 Us Nationals Kansas 10/7/2022
45 7 Lee's Summit Smash 10/9/2022
Total 75 13
2 Jordan Martinek 40 5 A9 Legends 10/7/2022
21 1 13u Cavaliers - Maroon 10/9/2022
Total 61 6
24 Mason Mayhew 24 0 13u Cavaliers - Maroon 10/9/2022
4 Laithen Paulsen 29 5 13u Cavaliers - Maroon 10/9/2022
0 Gavin Sumner 32 3 A9 Legends 10/7/2022
9 2 Lee's Summit Smash 10/9/2022
Total 41 5
Precision Baseball
30 Carson Conner 26 3 KC Monarchs 10/8/2022
14 Mason Crawford 34 3 RedHawks 10/8/2022
7 Hudson Dumler 35 9 KC Monarchs 10/8/2022
32 6 13u Cavaliers - Maroon 10/9/2022
Total 67 15
48 Luke Neland 75 12 13u Cavaliers - Maroon 10/9/2022
38 9 SOAR Baseball - Messina 13u 10/9/2022
Total 113 21
27 Jake Phelps 22 5 SOAR Baseball - Messina 13u 10/9/2022
13 Jack Renze 17 3 KC Monarchs 10/8/2022
44 Bronson Skelton 43 9 RedHawks 10/8/2022
Prime 27:17 May
8 Luke Congrove 10 1 Kc Crush 10/8/2022
34 Logan Hepner 31 6 Kc Crush 10/8/2022
27 Max Larson 91 15 Kansas City Monarchs 10/8/2022
17 Calen May 34 6 Elite Baseball Select - 13u 10/9/2022
23 Elian Nunez 33 6 Kc Crush 10/8/2022
22 Myles Peltz 10 2 Kc Crush 10/8/2022
65 6 Elite Baseball Select - 13u 10/9/2022
Total 75 8
19 Colston Wallace 27 3 Kc Crush 10/8/2022
6 3 Kansas City Monarchs 10/8/2022
Total 33 6
Raymore Rampage
4 Brock Barbarick 19 3 Mac N Seitz 13U - Elledge 10/8/2022
6 1 Arkansas Patriots 2028- Navy 10/9/2022
Total 25 4
11 Drew Lyon 15 2 Mac N Seitz 13U - Elledge 10/8/2022
8 1 Arkansas Patriots 2028- Navy 10/9/2022
Total 23 3
13 Mac Northcraft 80 13 Arkansas Patriots 2028- Navy 10/9/2022
8 Joshua Schumacher 68 18 Express 10/8/2022
9 Jake Wood 75 13 Mac N Seitz 13U - Elledge 10/8/2022
27 Nolan Ash 2 1 KC Monarchs 10/8/2022
6 1 Elite Baseball Select - 13u 10/9/2022
Total 8 2
7 Rowan Bonnot 51 12 Elite Baseball Select - 13u 10/9/2022
44 Sean Burns 17 3 KC Monarchs 10/8/2022
31 2 Elite Baseball Select - 13u 10/9/2022
Total 48 5
20 Denton Eddy 45 6 Precision Baseball 10/8/2022
2 Chase Hemmer 38 8 KC Monarchs 10/8/2022
23 Barrett Padberg 21 1 Precision Baseball 10/8/2022
3 Owen Wilde 33 6 Precision Baseball 10/8/2022
51 6 Elite Baseball Select - 13u 10/9/2022
Total 84 12
SOAR Baseball - Messina 13u
Will Fleenor 92 11 Precision Baseball 10/9/2022
Jordan Hamilton 42 8 13u Cavaliers - Maroon 10/8/2022
Corbin Hopkins 38 10 13u Cavaliers - Maroon 10/8/2022
65 3 FIVE TOOL REBELS 10/8/2022
Total 103 13
Noel LeVasseur 61 15 Building Champions - Brookside 10/9/2022
47 Cristian Wood 17 3 FIVE TOOL REBELS 10/8/2022
24 3 Building Champions - Brookside 10/9/2022
Total 41 6
Us Nationals
35 Jamie Billups 20 3 Express 10/8/2022
64 9 A9 Legends 10/9/2022
Total 84 12
9 1 Us Nationals Kansas 10/9/2022
Total 93 13
3 Brody Carleson 31 6 Mac N Seitz 13U - Elledge 10/8/2022
18 Gavin Guadagnano 78 11 Express 10/8/2022
8 Kingston Lopez 29 1 Express 10/8/2022
33 5 Arkansas Patriots 2028- Navy 10/9/2022
Total 62 6
17 Graham McCluer 85 14 Arkansas Patriots 2028- Navy 10/9/2022
4 Hayden Russi 48 9 Mac N Seitz 13U - Elledge 10/8/2022
49 9 Us Nationals Kansas 10/9/2022
Total 97 18
19 Brody Short 39 7 A9 Legends 10/9/2022
9 49 Us Nationals Kansas 10/9/2022
Total 48 56
Us Nationals Kansas
34 Hudson Evans 0 0 MW Mutts 10/7/2022
44 12 Building Champions - Brookside 10/7/2022
Total 44 12
10 Ashton Gakstatter 10 1 MW Mutts 10/7/2022
5 Bijan Kamerzell 16 3 Building Champions - Brookside 10/7/2022
1 Kaiden Porta 29 6 MW Mutts 10/7/2022
14 3 Us Nationals 10/9/2022
Total 43 9
4 Larson Robinson 47 6 MW Mutts 10/7/2022
20 Taylen Thorup 26 3 MW Mutts 10/7/2022