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Merchandise is Being Sold at Field 5 Saturday and Sunday this weekend from 9am-7pm

Game Times for This tournament
1 hour and 45 minutes no new

1 hour 50 minutes no new

2 hours no new 

Everyone please have copies of Berth Certificates and/or School documents stating this years School Year for your players just incase we have any protests!
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
2 Ryan Barberena 69 9 Birds Baseball Academy 11u Navy 11/12/2022
31 William Diaz 67 15 So Cal Royals 11/13/2022
24 Julian Fajardo 57 15 San Diego Hawks (Elite) 11/13/2022
17 Devin Harrington 51 6 Black Diamond Baseball 11/13/2022
13 Andrew Rehnert 26 3 Black Diamond Baseball 11/13/2022
5 Sebastian Ro 12 2 Black Diamond Baseball 11/13/2022
15 3 San Diego Hawks (Elite) 11/13/2022
Total 27 5
21 Jackson Shaw 29 9 Birds Baseball Academy 11u Navy 11/12/2022
28 Brayden Wood 13 0 San Diego Hawks (Elite) 11/13/2022
4 Draco Bravo 42 6 So Cal Royals 11/12/2022
27 Rocky Fanali 38 3 So Cal Royals 11/12/2022
50 Luke Manpearl 30 3 So Cal Royals 11/12/2022
61 9 San Diego Hawks (Elite) 11/13/2022
Total 91 12
5 Graham Pender 39 4 So Cal Aces 11/12/2022
31 3 San Diego Hawks (Elite) 11/13/2022
Total 70 7
22 Luke Voss 51 9 So Cal Aces 11/12/2022
42 9 Next Level Baseball 11/13/2022
Total 93 18
20 Kruse Wilson 44 9 Next Level Baseball 11/13/2022
14 Hutton Wright 23 6 San Diego Hawks (Elite) 11/13/2022
Birds Baseball Academy 11u Navy
25 Oliver Blumberg 30 4 Let Them Play 11U 11/12/2022
7 David Castillo 16 6 San Diego Hawks (Elite) 11/13/2022
35 Marco Castillo 84 13 San Diego Hawks (Elite) 11/13/2022
6 Daniel Garcia 25 2 Let Them Play 11U 11/12/2022
8 Jack Healey 53 9 Armory 11/12/2022
1 Ismael Segura 12 2 Let Them Play 11U 11/12/2022
27 Benjamin Sermeno 14 2 Armory 11/12/2022
31 Jeremiah Torres 62 7 Armory 11/12/2022
Black Diamond Baseball
24 Daniel Minnix 22 3 Next Level Baseball 11/12/2022
18 3 Armory 11/13/2022
Total 40 6
43 3 Let Them Play 11U 11/14/2022
Total 83 9
12 Ayden Samuelu 11 3 Next Level Baseball 11/12/2022
3 Roman Sandoval 29 3 Next Level Baseball 11/12/2022
99 Joseph Serrano 39 6 Crush Baseball - Gruner 11/12/2022
39 9 Armory 11/13/2022
Total 78 15
44 Gage Thomas 11 3 Next Level Baseball 11/12/2022
23 2 Let Them Play 11U 11/13/2022
Total 34 5
34 Andrew Uriostegui 12 6 Crush Baseball - Gruner 11/12/2022
37 6 Let Them Play 11U 11/14/2022
Total 49 12
Caliber Baseball
45 Jordan De Marcelo 14 4 Next Level Baseball 11/12/2022
1 Alexander Gomez 40 9 Crush Baseball - Gruner 11/12/2022
8 Julian Jacobo 42 9 Next Level Baseball 11/12/2022
5 Sosaia Leha'Uli 33 6 Crush Baseball - Gruner 11/12/2022
35 Adrian Llamas Jr. 1 1 Let Them Play 11U 11/13/2022
21 Jake Martin 48 3 Let Them Play 11U 11/13/2022
22 Malakai Montecino 30 5 Next Level Baseball 11/12/2022
30 5 Let Them Play 11U 11/13/2022
Total 60 10
Crush Baseball - Gruner
3 Aiden Arica 24 2 Black Diamond Baseball 11/12/2022
16 0 Let Them Play 11U 11/13/2022
Total 40 2
9 Dylan Baptista 31 9 Caliber Baseball 11/12/2022
60 12 So Cal Aces 11/13/2022
Total 91 21
35 Cylis Friberg 28 8 Caliber Baseball 11/12/2022
8 1 Black Diamond Baseball 11/12/2022
Total 36 9
44 6 Let Them Play 11U 11/13/2022
Total 80 15
8 Nolan Gruner 14 1 Caliber Baseball 11/12/2022
4 Mason Henry 38 2 Black Diamond Baseball 11/12/2022
24 3 So Cal Aces 11/13/2022
Total 62 5
33 Noah Vazquez 28 5 Black Diamond Baseball 11/12/2022
Let Them Play 11U
77 Ashten Aguailar 28 5 San Diego Hawks (Elite) 11/12/2022
28 6 Caliber Baseball 11/13/2022
Total 56 11
Jagger Climer 56 9 Crush Baseball - Gruner 11/13/2022
8 Gianni Donati 16 1 San Diego Hawks (Elite) 11/12/2022
32 Ernesto "AJ" Juarez 25 3 San Diego Hawks (Elite) 11/12/2022
55 9 Black Diamond Baseball 11/13/2022
Total 80 12
1 Jett Schoolcraft 20 3 Black Diamond Baseball 11/13/2022
0 Jesse Soberal Jr 35 2 San Diego Hawks (Elite) 11/12/2022
27 Tyler Tanabe 48 9 Birds Baseball Academy 11u Navy 11/12/2022
46 6 Caliber Baseball 11/13/2022
Total 94 15
Next Level Baseball
3 Dylan Hottle 76 18 Caliber Baseball 11/12/2022
17 Taisei Kamiyama 54 13 Batrs 11/13/2022
9 Rey Ramirez 59 6 Black Diamond Baseball 11/12/2022
30 Becker Schjei 71 6 Black Diamond Baseball 11/12/2022
42 Jax Vallandigham 47 5 Batrs 11/13/2022
San Diego Hawks (Elite)
27 George Alexiou 58 4 Let Them Play 11U 11/13/2022
10 Kellen Bieri 91 18 Birds Baseball Academy 11u Navy 11/13/2022
3 Carter Boman 36 3 Let Them Play 11U 11/12/2022
19 Grant Hammons 31 6 Armory 11/12/2022
49 9 Batrs 11/14/2022
Total 80 15
25 Brandon Kihara 57 9 Armory 11/12/2022
32 9 Batrs 11/13/2022
Total 89 18
35 Cole Woodruff 45 5 Let Them Play 11U 11/13/2022
So Cal Aces
2 Jack Alexander 14 3 Batrs 11/12/2022
55 Koban Franklin 33 5 Batrs 11/12/2022
60 9 Crush Baseball - Gruner 11/13/2022
Total 93 14
8 Callen Gonzalez 32 6 So Cal Royals 11/12/2022
38 5 Crush Baseball - Gruner 11/13/2022
Total 70 11
11 Frankie Lorenzetti 31 6 So Cal Royals 11/12/2022
56 Matthew Mendoza 38 7 Batrs 11/12/2022
27 Gavin Vogt 31 6 So Cal Royals 11/12/2022
So Cal Royals
31 Matthew Iniguez 7 3 So Cal Aces 11/12/2022
38 4 Batrs 11/12/2022
Total 45 7
99 Max Mejia 33 5 Batrs 11/12/2022
22 1 Armory 11/13/2022
Total 55 6
6 Jerimiah Ortega 40 8 Armory 11/13/2022
23 Issac Regalado 29 3 So Cal Aces 11/12/2022
36 3 Armory 11/13/2022
Total 65 6
26 isanti ruiz 46 12 So Cal Aces 11/12/2022
3 Robbie Tabares III 9 3 Batrs 11/12/2022
12 0 Armory 11/13/2022
Total 21 3