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All pool play games will have a 2-hour time limit.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
2 Way Athletics 14u
23 Harrison Bell 14 3 NBS 14u Black 9/11/2022
22 Grayson Bennett 52 5 NBS 14U Red 9/9/2022
12 Landon Hallman 8 2 NBS 14U Red 9/9/2022
34 6 NBS 14u Black 9/11/2022
Total 42 8
31 Brody McLean 15 1 East Cobb Colt 45'S 14u 9/10/2022
3 Hunter Norton 41 0 NBS 14U Red 9/9/2022
34 Grant Oravetz 27 3 NBS 14U Red 9/9/2022
8 2 East Cobb Colt 45'S 14u 9/10/2022
Total 35 5
17 Evan Walker 106 14 East Cobb Colt 45'S 14u 9/10/2022
8 Dylan Wilson 50 10 NBS 14U Red 9/9/2022
5 Star National Black
0 Walker Brannen 8 1 NBS 14u Black 9/10/2022
58 9 Complete Game 14U 9/10/2022
Total 66 10
7 Payton Chadwick 94 17 NBS 14u Black 9/10/2022
25 Gabe Grubbs 9 3 NBS 14u Black 9/10/2022
7 Kaden Gutierrez 28 8 NBS 14U Red 9/11/2022
13 Steven Hafeychuck 0 0 NBS 14U Red 9/11/2022
22 Bradley Lenz 12 1 NBS 14U Red 9/11/2022
40 Casey von Waldner 47 12 Complete Game 14U 9/10/2022
6 Andrew Wahiwe 13 3 NBS 14U Red 9/11/2022
Canes Tennessee 14u
11 Bryson Azarigian 23 3 Dunwoody Diablos 14u Bass 9/10/2022
29 Kaleb Cilk 38 5 Fca Newnan Naturals 9/11/2022
6 Nathan Early 17 2 Dunwoody Diablos 14u Bass 9/10/2022
42 Dylan Fulton 43 7 Fca Newnan Naturals 9/11/2022
17 Noah Hagan 54 9 Dunwoody Diablos 14u Bass 9/10/2022
10 Matthew Heimpel 18 1 Dunwoody Diablos 14u Bass 9/10/2022
0 Owen McMahan 29 3 Wow Factor GA Nicholson 9/10/2022
10 2 Fca Newnan Naturals 9/11/2022
Total 39 5
35 Logan Roselli 35 5 Wow Factor GA Nicholson 9/10/2022
10 4 Fca Newnan Naturals 9/11/2022
Total 45 9
8 Liam Stabile 38 9 Wow Factor GA Nicholson 9/10/2022
15 Noah Suggs 17 0 Dunwoody Diablos 14u Bass 9/10/2022
Reid Davis 79 12 Fca Newnan Naturals 9/10/2022
Luke Dickerson 81 15 Wow Factor GA Nicholson 9/11/2022
Carter Kinley 41 5 Wow Factor SE Scout 14U 9/10/2022
Will Siler 37 3 Fca Newnan Naturals 9/10/2022
Thomas Strickland 76 16 Wow Factor SE Scout 14U 9/10/2022
Complete Game 14U
34 Tanner Bachelder 23 4 NBS 14u Black 9/10/2022
74 9 Dunwoody Diablos 14u Bass 9/11/2022
Total 97 13
25 Malachi Duncan 38 2 Dunwoody Diablos 14u Bass 9/11/2022
3 Trip Fowler 86 17 NBS 14u Black 9/10/2022
11 Conner Paist 64 9 5 Star National Black 9/10/2022
13 Layton Sowinski 62 12 5 Star National Black 9/10/2022
Dunwoody Diablos 14u Bass
24 Connor Bok 32 2 GBSA Rays 14u 9/11/2022
4 Anderson Easom 51 8 Canes Tennessee 14u 9/10/2022
1 Alejandro Espelosin 29 6 Canes Tennessee 14u 9/10/2022
9 Matthew Hoover 19 5 GBSA Rays 14u 9/11/2022
33 Lands Kelly 35 7 GBSA Rays 14u 9/10/2022
3 Spencer Leftoff 36 3 GBSA Rays 14u 9/11/2022
7 Jack McCreary 57 15 East Cobb Colt 45'S 14u 9/11/2022
29 Harrison Mills 52 8 GBSA Rays 14u 9/10/2022
27 Bradyn Oblas 47 6 GBSA Rays 14u 9/11/2022
2 Vince Reiss 14 1 GBSA Rays 14u 9/11/2022
31 Britt Smith 58 12 Complete Game 14U 9/11/2022
East Cobb Colt 45'S 14u
50 Eli Ampel 29 1 Dunwoody Diablos 14u Bass 9/11/2022
8 Max Caplovitz 29 1 2 Way Athletics 14u 9/10/2022
6 Carson Craig 50 9 2 Way Athletics 14u 9/10/2022
Nirven Dalal 8 3 2 Way Athletics 14u 9/10/2022
Xavier Howard 52 11 Dunwoody Diablos 14u Bass 9/11/2022
Joshua Jordi 14 3 NBS 14U Red 9/9/2022
0 Nicholas Joy 42 9 NBS 14U Red 9/9/2022
34 Nick Wright 27 5 2 Way Athletics 14u 9/10/2022
Fca Newnan Naturals
22 Nate Brown 60 5 Wow Factor SE Scout 14U 9/9/2022
5 Will Downing 31 5 CBA 14U BLUE 9/10/2022
26 Braxton Johnson 69 8 CBA 14U BLUE 9/10/2022
7 Knox Lofstad 25 1 Wow Factor SE Scout 14U 9/9/2022
14 4 Canes Tennessee 14u 9/11/2022
Total 39 5
65 Oliver Patterson 52 9 Canes Tennessee 14u 9/11/2022
84 Hudson Reed 31 4 Wow Factor SE Scout 14U 9/9/2022
64 Carson Roberts 27 1 CBA 14U BLUE 9/10/2022
31 3 Canes Tennessee 14u 9/11/2022
Total 58 4
9 Remy Rogers 52 7 Wow Factor SE Scout 14U 9/9/2022
GBSA Rays 14u
David Bankston 35 4 Dunwoody Diablos 14u Bass 9/11/2022
21 3 Wow Factor SE Scout 14U 9/11/2022
Total 56 7
Nicholas Barnes 26 2 Dunwoody Diablos 14u Bass 9/10/2022
Luke Colston 2 1 Wow Factor SE Scout 14U 9/11/2022
Dylan Hobert 9 3 Wow Factor SE Scout 14U 9/11/2022
Zachary Koslowski 17 0 Dunwoody Diablos 14u Bass 9/10/2022
25 1 Dunwoody Diablos 14u Bass 9/11/2022
Total 42 1
Gage Litton 45 6 Dunwoody Diablos 14u Bass 9/10/2022
46 6 Dunwoody Diablos 14u Bass 9/11/2022
Total 91 12
Casey McBride 52 8 Dunwoody Diablos 14u Bass 9/11/2022
Evan Shaw 1 0 Wow Factor SE Scout 14U 9/11/2022
Collin Thomas 66 15 Wow Factor GA Nicholson 9/10/2022
7 1 Dunwoody Diablos 14u Bass 9/10/2022
Total 73 16
Chad Woolcock 19 6 Dunwoody Diablos 14u Bass 9/10/2022
67 11 Wow Factor SE Scout 14U 9/11/2022
Total 86 17
NBS 14u Black
9 Chase Beasley 74 9 5 Star National Black 9/10/2022
3 Cole Bentley 54 10 Complete Game 14U 9/10/2022
35 Alex Burke 27 5 Complete Game 14U 9/10/2022
17 Hayden Henry 39 4 Complete Game 14U 9/10/2022
1 Conner Oliver 40 9 5 Star National Black 9/10/2022
28 Jace Owens 20 6 2 Way Athletics 14u 9/11/2022
11 Hunter Redden 13 2 2 Way Athletics 14u 9/11/2022
NBS 14U Red
24 Gage Aikens 40 6 East Cobb Colt 45'S 14u 9/9/2022
13 Zach Bass 10 3 East Cobb Colt 45'S 14u 9/9/2022
6 Aj Brooks 44 9 2 Way Athletics 14u 9/9/2022
10 Ben Chastain 55 6 5 Star National Black 9/11/2022
31 Kevin Krantz 51 3 5 Star National Black 9/11/2022
26 Charles "Wynn" Stephens 42 4 East Cobb Colt 45'S 14u 9/9/2022
15 Landon Wade 26 5 2 Way Athletics 14u 9/9/2022
22 Kingston Wright 30 3 2 Way Athletics 14u 9/10/2022
25 Gavin Young 2 0 2 Way Athletics 14u 9/9/2022
Wow Factor GA Nicholson
11 Elliott Arant 46 6 CBA 14U BLUE 9/11/2022
9 Carver Couch 22 3 GBSA Rays 14u 9/10/2022
8 Caden Crawford 61 6 CBA 14U BLUE 9/11/2022
7 Cole Foley 17 0 Canes Tennessee 14u 9/10/2022
6 Bradley Hendricks 31 2 GBSA Rays 14u 9/10/2022
5 Tyler Jordan 50 8 Canes Tennessee 14u 9/10/2022
3 Ryland Meredith 47 4 GBSA Rays 14u 9/10/2022
Ayden Rivers 37 9 Canes Tennessee 14u 9/10/2022
1 Maddox Storm 10 3 GBSA Rays 14u 9/10/2022
Wow Factor SE Scout 14U
5 Cooper Boswell 33 3 Fca Newnan Naturals 9/9/2022
10 Ben Brannen 23 0 GBSA Rays 14u 9/11/2022
4 Blake Chupp 62 13 Fca Newnan Naturals 9/9/2022
6 Max Harris 53 9 CBA 14U BLUE 9/10/2022
2 Tanner Hoekwater 20 2 Fca Newnan Naturals 9/9/2022
54 4 GBSA Rays 14u 9/11/2022
Total 74 6
12 Reid Morton 57 12 CBA 14U BLUE 9/10/2022
37 6 GBSA Rays 14u 9/11/2022
Total 94 18
11 Brody Spann 57 8 GBSA Rays 14u 9/11/2022