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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
5 Star Carolina Shockers
77 Easton Campbell 10 0 5 Star Heat 12u- Gardiner 10/9/2021
15 2 Complete Game Elite 10/9/2021
Total 25 2
33 1 SBA Futures 12u 10/10/2021
Total 58 3
5 2 Dirtbags Black 12U 10/10/2021
Total 63 5
39 10 Dirtbags Prime Sc 12u 10/10/2021
Total 102 15
15 Colton David 57 9 Complete Game Elite 10/9/2021
30 Nicholas Fiano 14 3 SBA Futures 12u 10/10/2021
13 Landon Harvey 21 3 SBA Futures 12u 10/10/2021
54 8 Dirtbags Prime Sc 12u 10/10/2021
Total 75 11
33 Jackson Neville 12 3 5 Star Heat 12u- Gardiner 10/9/2021
88 16 Dirtbags Black 12U 10/10/2021
Total 100 19
1 Luke Snow 61 8 5 Star Heat 12u- Gardiner 10/9/2021
24 2 SBA Futures 12u 10/10/2021
Total 85 10
5 Star Heat 12u- Gardiner
13 Tyler Colvin 26 3 Dirtbags Black 12U 10/9/2021
27 Jake Hollifield 57 8 5 Star Carolina Shockers 10/9/2021
34 Puckett Hudson 4 0 5 Star Carolina Shockers 10/9/2021
5 Preston Javidi 8 3 Dirtbags Black 12U 10/9/2021
27 5 Rawlings Prospects, Nc - Piscorik 10/10/2021
Total 35 8
10 Levi Josey 14 0 5 Star Carolina Shockers 10/9/2021
9 Jackson Mahoney 18 3 Dirtbags Black 12U 10/9/2021
99 Cooper Morris 83 13 Rawlings Prospects, Nc - Piscorik 10/10/2021
3 Bryson Schmidt 21 6 Dirtbags Black 12U 10/9/2021
1 Eli Thomas 3 0 Dirtbags Black 12U 10/9/2021
5 Star Vipers Stull
Brady Ailshie 56 9 Canes Pirro 12u 10/9/2021
Blake Khanolkar 51 12 Carolina Rockies - Sullivan 10/9/2021
Dean Scofield 16 3 Carolina Rockies - Sullivan 10/9/2021
48 9 SBA Futures 12u 10/10/2021
Total 64 12
Tripp Shelton 27 6 SBA Futures 12u 10/10/2021
Greyson Watts 41 7 Dirtbags 704 12u 10/10/2021
Joe Wilhelm 48 7 Dirtbags 704 12u 10/10/2021
Bulldogs Premier
22 Cohen Bernhardt 0 0 Dirtbags Prime Sc 12u 10/9/2021
5 Michael Carey 17 3 Dirtbags 704 12u 10/9/2021
2 Roman Cataldo 27 2 Dirtbags Prime Sc 12u 10/9/2021
16 Gavin Kuhn 32 2 Dirtbags Prime Sc 12u 10/9/2021
26 5 S.C. Warhawks 10/10/2021
Total 58 7
12 Jaxon Lash 44 7 Dirtbags Prime Sc 12u 10/9/2021
47 10 S.C. Warhawks 10/10/2021
Total 91 17
23 Jordan Richards 54 5 Dirtbags 704 12u 10/9/2021
Canes Pirro 12u
5 Austin Baxter 31 5 5 Star Vipers Stull 10/9/2021
21 Beau Green 19 1 5 Star Vipers Stull 10/9/2021
31 3 Dirtbags Black 12U 10/10/2021
Total 50 4
2 Connor Kullman 9 1 5 Star Vipers Stull 10/9/2021
99 James Lilley 77 11 Carolina Rockies - Sullivan 10/9/2021
17 Zac Phillips 61 15 Complete Game Elite 10/10/2021
26 5 Dirtbags Black 12U 10/10/2021
Total 87 20
24 Connor Presley 13 0 Carolina Rockies - Sullivan 10/9/2021
3 Ellis White 47 8 Dirtbags Black 12U 10/10/2021
Carolina Rockies - Sullivan
12 Pierson Broadus 1 3 Canes Pirro 12u 10/9/2021
8 3 5 Star Vipers Stull 10/9/2021
Total 9 6
9 Jake Duncan 30 3 5 Star Vipers Stull 10/9/2021
40 5 Va Seminoles - Everett 10/10/2021
Total 70 8
30 Brandon Forrest 14 3 Canes Pirro 12u 10/9/2021
56 13 Va Seminoles - Everett 10/10/2021
Total 70 16
88 Gavin Gray 34 3 Canes Pirro 12u 10/9/2021
11 Finnley Maguire 22 1 Canes Pirro 12u 10/9/2021
13 Easton Sanders 16 2 Canes Pirro 12u 10/9/2021
7 Matthew Wright 44 9 5 Star Vipers Stull 10/9/2021
12 0 Va Seminoles - Everett 10/10/2021
Total 56 9
Complete Game Elite
0 Colin Anderson 71 9 Dirtbags Black 12U 10/9/2021
15 2 Canes Pirro 12u 10/10/2021
Total 86 11
9 Ryley James 24 2 Dirtbags Black 12U 10/9/2021
2 Leland McCook 78 8 5 Star Carolina Shockers 10/9/2021
26 4 Canes Pirro 12u 10/10/2021
Total 104 12
8 Brantley McGowan 12 3 5 Star Carolina Shockers 10/9/2021
53 7 Canes Pirro 12u 10/10/2021
Total 65 10
1 Carter Smith 9 2 Canes Pirro 12u 10/10/2021
25 Trent Thomas 0 0 Dirtbags Black 12U 10/9/2021
Dirtbags 704 12u
13 Kaden Clayton 53 9 5 Star Vipers Stull 10/10/2021
8 Lincoln McDaniel 24 6 Bulldogs Premier 10/9/2021
22 Reed Osborne 38 4 Bulldogs Premier 10/9/2021
44 Sean Rodesiler 28 2 S.C. Warhawks 10/9/2021
43 4 5 Star Vipers Stull 10/10/2021
Total 71 6
16 Tyler Sharp 14 2 5 Star Vipers Stull 10/10/2021
2 Caleb Simmons 6 0 Bulldogs Premier 10/9/2021
Zade Zoubir 54 9 S.C. Warhawks 10/9/2021
Dirtbags Black 12U
98 Hampton Gibbs 50 9 5 Star Heat 12u- Gardiner 10/9/2021
9 John Hanzel Jr 16 3 Complete Game Elite 10/9/2021
34 6 Canes Pirro 12u 10/10/2021
Total 50 9
24 Tyler Jackson 19 1 5 Star Carolina Shockers 10/10/2021
98 Chase Meyers 45 5 5 Star Carolina Shockers 10/10/2021
5 Cameron Register 57 9 Complete Game Elite 10/9/2021
44 Caden Scott 54 12 5 Star Carolina Shockers 10/10/2021
19 Ethan Stewart 65 9 Canes Pirro 12u 10/10/2021
23 Devan Welch 42 6 5 Star Heat 12u- Gardiner 10/9/2021
Dirtbags Prime Sc 12u
27 Jacob Ballew 40 7 Rawlings Prospects, Nc - Piscorik 10/9/2021
1 Cash Conner 51 8 Bulldogs Premier 10/9/2021
7 Tatum Manning 21 7 Rawlings Prospects, Nc - Piscorik 10/9/2021
48 Tucker Siffri 10 1 Bulldogs Premier 10/9/2021
60 12 5 Star Carolina Shockers 10/10/2021
Total 70 13
12 Harrison Ward 6 1 Rawlings Prospects, Nc - Piscorik 10/9/2021
34 6 5 Star Carolina Shockers 10/10/2021
Total 40 7
Rawlings Prospects, Nc - Piscorik
2 Evan Clark 41 8 Dirtbags Prime Sc 12u 10/9/2021
22 6 5 Star Heat 12u- Gardiner 10/10/2021
Total 63 14
1 Josh Conti 17 1 Va Seminoles - Everett 10/9/2021
14 Eli Huston 27 3 Va Seminoles - Everett 10/9/2021
12 Thomas Piscorik 34 3 Va Seminoles - Everett 10/9/2021
35 8 S.C. Warhawks 10/10/2021
Total 69 11
8 Trent Sparks 31 5 Va Seminoles - Everett 10/9/2021
63 9 S.C. Warhawks 10/10/2021
Total 94 14
32 Dean Tober 37 6 Dirtbags Prime Sc 12u 10/9/2021
7 Graham Virag 62 12 5 Star Heat 12u- Gardiner 10/10/2021
S.C. Warhawks
7 Hunter Christensen 20 3 Dirtbags 704 12u 10/9/2021
2 Callen Flowers 39 3 Rawlings Prospects, Nc - Piscorik 10/10/2021
27 Parker Holladay 72 15 Bulldogs Premier 10/10/2021
11 Thomas Macchio 58 7 SBA Futures 12u 10/9/2021
32 9 Rawlings Prospects, Nc - Piscorik 10/10/2021
Total 90 16
0 Sean "Mac" Milligan 5 3 Bulldogs Premier 10/10/2021
4 Dylan Mueller 14 3 Rawlings Prospects, Nc - Piscorik 10/10/2021
99 Colton Price 11 0 SBA Futures 12u 10/9/2021
23 Brady Quirk 53 9 Dirtbags 704 12u 10/9/2021
35 3 Rawlings Prospects, Nc - Piscorik 10/10/2021
Total 88 12
SBA Futures 12u
17 Ivan Andino 63 15 Va Seminoles - Everett 10/10/2021
99 Knox Goodyear 28 9 Va Seminoles - Everett 10/9/2021
7 Alex Hampton 49 7 5 Star Vipers Stull 10/10/2021
33 Bryson Josey 49 7 5 Star Carolina Shockers 10/10/2021
10 Levi Kerr 32 8 5 Star Vipers Stull 10/10/2021
42 Cal Royce 4 1 S.C. Warhawks 10/9/2021
12 2 5 Star Vipers Stull 10/10/2021
Total 16 3
8 Hudson Simmons 57 8 S.C. Warhawks 10/9/2021
21 Derek Vazquez 19 5 5 Star Carolina Shockers 10/10/2021
Va Seminoles - Everett
2 Landry Davis 9 2 SBA Futures 12u 10/9/2021
16 Lewis Dunn 40 6 SBA Futures 12u 10/10/2021
38 Landyn Foltz 58 6 SBA Futures 12u 10/10/2021
34 Charlie Harrington 73 5 SBA Futures 12u 10/9/2021
10 Daniel Liso 29 7 Carolina Rockies - Sullivan 10/10/2021
11 Fitz McClure 46 9 Rawlings Prospects, Nc - Piscorik 10/9/2021
21 Grayson Stewart 55 10 Carolina Rockies - Sullivan 10/10/2021