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Youth Pitching Report

  9U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3 day period. If you pitch more than 9 outs in a day you are required 2 days rest.

  9U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs.

  13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs.

  100 Pitch maximum over 3 days.

  You can pitch in more than one game in a day if you do not exceed your daily limits.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
G1 (8U)
13 Travis Adame 50 6 So Cal Bombers 9U 11/22/2020
27 Adrian Gomez 24 3 Vegas Vortex 11/21/2020
20 3 So Cal Bombers 9U 11/22/2020
Total 44 6
15 Mateo Gonzales 73 7 Southern Nevada Baseball 11/22/2020
99 Christian O'Dell 18 3 So Cal Bombers 9U 11/22/2020
23 Maximiliano Parada 18 3 Vegas Vortex 11/21/2020
98 Aiden Perales 24 3 Vegas Vortex 11/21/2020
97 Roman Romero 43 5 Southern Nevada Baseball 11/22/2020
Gbg Vegas
13 Anthony Bautista 74 15 MV Renegades 11/22/2020
58 Caleb Melgoza 19 0 So Cal Bombers 9U 11/21/2020
15 3 MV Renegades 11/22/2020
Total 34 3
16 Jace Robinson 31 6 MV Renegades 11/21/2020
23 3 So Cal Bombers 9U 11/21/2020
Total 54 9
42 Ren Rollo 15 1 So Cal Bombers 9U 11/21/2020
50 Kingston Shuford 62 9 MV Renegades 11/21/2020
24 Aiden Woodward 33 8 So Cal Bombers 9U 11/21/2020
MV Renegades
4 Kalias Aka 46 9 Gbg Vegas 11/21/2020
23 5 Gbg Vegas 11/22/2020
Total 69 14
8 Michael Bicera 15 3 Vegas Vortex 11/22/2020
24 Landon Edwards 8 1 Gbg Vegas 11/21/2020
14 Jose Garcia 14 3 So Cal Bombers 9U 11/21/2020
20 2 Gbg Vegas 11/21/2020
Total 34 5
2 Carter Kurki 45 6 So Cal Bombers 9U 11/21/2020
11 Jaden McCauley 25 2 Gbg Vegas 11/21/2020
67 13 Gbg Vegas 11/22/2020
Total 92 15
99 Hudson Reyes 32 6 Vegas Vortex 11/22/2020
So Cal Bombers 9U
11 Anthony De La Garza 31 3 MV Renegades 11/21/2020
40 3 G1 (8U) 11/22/2020
Total 71 6
44 Talin Gray 45 4 MV Renegades 11/21/2020
Brady Murray 34 1 MV Renegades 11/21/2020
24 Anthony Perez 40 6 Gbg Vegas 11/21/2020
15 1 G1 (8U) 11/22/2020
Total 55 7
5 Hudson Riccardi 52 6 Gbg Vegas 11/21/2020
47 5 G1 (8U) 11/22/2020
Total 99 11
Southern Nevada Baseball
25 Austin Bustamante 73 9 G1 (8U) 11/22/2020
9 Carter Hurley 49 9 Vegas Vortex 11/21/2020
50 Nicholas Tomasino 37 6 G1 (8U) 11/22/2020
Vegas Vortex
Otto Braverman 6 1 G1 (8U) 11/21/2020
41 3 Southern Nevada Baseball 11/21/2020
Total 47 4
0 Carson Brenner 28 3 MV Renegades 11/22/2020
Shayden Chopra 23 3 Southern Nevada Baseball 11/21/2020
Gio DeNardo 27 0 G1 (8U) 11/21/2020
Cache Malan 12 0 G1 (8U) 11/21/2020
27 Garrett Nelson 43 2 G1 (8U) 11/21/2020
19 0 MV Renegades 11/22/2020
Total 62 2
Brandon Smith 17 3 G1 (8U) 11/21/2020
38 3 Southern Nevada Baseball 11/21/2020
Total 55 6
47 4 MV Renegades 11/22/2020
Total 102 10