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Youth Pitching Report

  9U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3 day period. If you pitch more than 9 outs in a day you are required 2 days rest.

  9U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs.

  13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs.

  100 Pitch maximum over 3 days.

  You can pitch in more than one game in a day if you do not exceed your daily limits.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
2020 11U Rebels
35 Rylan Binion 23 5 BAM Baseball 9/26/2020
45 Dane Ploeger 30 6 Fort Bend Boom 9/26/2020
BA Broncos
2 Tristan Arghiropol 36 5 Ballerz 11U 9/26/2020
1 Cash Broussard 30 6 Lions Baseball 9/26/2020
20 6 Lone Star Express Blue 9/27/2020
Total 50 12
5 Sam Burke 42 6 Ballerz 11U 9/26/2020
32 Bennett Crowell 10 2 Lions Baseball 9/26/2020
55 Austin Cummings 3 1 Ballerz 11U 9/26/2020
68 9 Lone Star Express Blue 9/27/2020
Total 71 10
3 Camden Slafka 17 3 Lions Baseball 9/26/2020
Ballerz 11U
13 Orlando Garza 47 6 BA Broncos 9/26/2020
3 Trevon Henderson 32 6 BPT Hurricanes 9/26/2020
29 6 Lions Baseball 9/27/2020
Total 61 12
10 Trevor Ledet 43 6 BPT Hurricanes 9/26/2020
24 Ayden Maldonado 23 2 BA Broncos 9/26/2020
35 Lucas McDonald 35 6 Lions Baseball 9/27/2020
17 Luke Parish 31 2 BA Broncos 9/26/2020
40 6 Lions Baseball 9/27/2020
Total 71 8
BAM Baseball
22 Levi Gebhardt 15 4 Houston Bengals 11u Black 9/26/2020
24 2 TEXAS JAVELINAS 9/27/2020
Total 39 6
3 Connor Hallmark 23 1 TEXAS JAVELINAS 9/27/2020
99 Alex Lanier 41 6 2020 11U Rebels 9/26/2020
7 Peyton Lowe 40 3 2020 11U Rebels 9/26/2020
5 Lane McLaughlin 24 2 Houston Bengals 11u Black 9/26/2020
12 Brayden Morales 20 3 TEXAS JAVELINAS 9/27/2020
Connor Morgan 17 0 TEXAS JAVELINAS 9/27/2020
34 Travis Welch 39 6 Houston Bengals 11u Black 9/26/2020
BPT Hurricanes
Peter Banks 44 6 Ballerz 11U 9/26/2020
Peter Hebert 13 1 Ballerz 11U 9/26/2020
Jackson Seel 37 5 Ballerz 11U 9/26/2020
31 6 Lions Baseball 9/26/2020
Total 68 11
Connor Treadway 15 3 Lions Baseball 9/26/2020
Fort Bend Boom
22 Franco Garcia 22 3 2020 11U Rebels 9/26/2020
44 Alexander Gonzales 92 11 Houston Bengals 11u Black 9/26/2020
0 Alexander Mellah 53 3 2020 11U Rebels 9/26/2020
5 Ryan Slivensky 4 1 Houston Bengals 11u Black 9/26/2020
22 Isaiah Smith 25 0 2020 11U Rebels 9/26/2020
G1 Baseball 10U Purple
99 Cooper Bailey 47 5 TEXAS JAVELINAS 9/26/2020
44 Johnathan Bouis 17 3 TEXAS JAVELINAS 9/26/2020
35 Landon Jones 17 3 Spring Branch Warriors 9/26/2020
10 Cayson Morgan 30 6 Spring Branch Warriors 9/26/2020
34 Kaden Murphy 40 3 Spring Branch Warriors 9/26/2020
7 Jace Vernon 51 4 TEXAS JAVELINAS 9/26/2020
Houston Bengals 11u Black
1 Johnathan Corcolis 15 0 BAM Baseball 9/26/2020
60 9 PROSPECT U HOUSTON 9/27/2020
Total 75 9
4 Kade Cromartie 37 6 Fort Bend Boom 9/26/2020
24 Peyton McBride 36 6 Fort Bend Boom 9/26/2020
6 Preston Pulsipher 30 3 BAM Baseball 9/26/2020
10 Ryker Rumbaugh 16 3 BAM Baseball 9/26/2020
7 Austin Stroud 44 6 BAM Baseball 9/26/2020
9 Juan Tello 3 0 BAM Baseball 9/26/2020
Houston Royals
2 Oliver Absmeier 43 8 Fort Bend Boom 9/27/2020
Owen Bloom 26 2 Lone Star Express Blue 9/26/2020
Dionicio (DD) Echevarria 91 18 TEXAS JAVELINAS 9/26/2020
Garner Laguarta 30 4 Lone Star Express Blue 9/26/2020
Hunter Sage 46 12 Ballerz 11U 9/27/2020
Diego Williams 66 9 Lone Star Express Blue 9/26/2020
1 0 Fort Bend Boom 9/27/2020
Total 67 9
Houston Royals Gold
6 Walker Adams 6 1 Spring Branch Warriors 9/27/2020
9 Hutton Brown 0 5 RC Elite Mizuno 9/26/2020
37 5 Spring Branch Warriors 9/27/2020
Total 37 10
13 Charlie Green 15 3 Team Houston 9/27/2020
0 Hudson Hamilton 0 1 RC Elite Mizuno 9/26/2020
20 3 Team Houston 9/27/2020
Total 20 4
34 Tripp Merren 18 3 Team Houston 9/27/2020
7 Charlie Randolph 0 1 Tabasco Cats - Red 9/26/2020
2 Jackson Suminski 45 5 Tabasco Cats - Red 9/26/2020
1 Benjamin Wylie 25 3 Team Houston 9/27/2020
11 Jake Zarr 4 6 Spring Branch Warriors 9/27/2020
Lions Baseball
13 Hutch Burrow 19 1 BPT Hurricanes 9/26/2020
4 Dillan Dayal 10 1 BA Broncos 9/26/2020
35 Tyler Elam 28 3 BA Broncos 9/26/2020
11 Keller Parr 22 3 BPT Hurricanes 9/26/2020
6 Cooper Purdy 29 5 BA Broncos 9/26/2020
43 James Sasser 30 5 BPT Hurricanes 9/26/2020
Lone Star Express Blue
13 Britt Cooper 85 15 Timbergrove Thunder Blue 9/26/2020
15 Colton McMullen 0 1 Houston Royals 9/26/2020
19 Carson Riffe 52 3 Timbergrove Thunder Blue 9/26/2020
5 Connor Spilman 0 13 Houston Royals 9/26/2020
Jack Bielamowicz 31 9 Tabasco Cats - Red 9/26/2020
67 11 Houston Bengals 11u Black 9/27/2020
Total 98 20
Jack Freeman 22 3 BPT Hurricanes 9/27/2020
Erick Garcia 29 3 Tabasco Cats - Red 9/26/2020
65 9 BPT Hurricanes 9/27/2020
Total 94 12
Blake Horak 25 6 Team Houston 9/26/2020
15 4 Houston Bengals 11u Black 9/27/2020
Total 40 10
Ryan Nowak 23 6 Team Houston 9/26/2020
Henry Pharr 23 0 Team Houston 9/26/2020
RC Elite Mizuno
4 Brody Allen 31 3 Texas Bluechips 11U 9/26/2020
21 3 Tabasco Cats - Red 9/27/2020
Total 52 6
34 Maximus Barrett 0 6 Houston Royals Gold 9/26/2020
20 6 Tabasco Cats - Red 9/27/2020
Total 20 12
6 Brady Bouska 0 3 Houston Royals Gold 9/26/2020
3 Cayden Carnes 66 12 PROSPECT U HOUSTON 9/27/2020
9 Jaxon Jorgensen 28 6 Timbergrove Thunder Blue 9/27/2020
Tanner McAlpin 19 3 Texas Bluechips 11U 9/26/2020
21 Dalton Thomas 22 6 Timbergrove Thunder Blue 9/27/2020
14 Jacob Townsend 39 6 Texas Bluechips 11U 9/26/2020
42 3 Tabasco Cats - Red 9/27/2020
Total 81 9
Spring Branch Warriors
3 Keegan Ahrens 37 7 G1 Baseball 10U Purple 9/26/2020
23 Nathaniel Long 2 1 G1 Baseball 10U Purple 9/27/2020
4 Grant Pinion 45 9 G1 Baseball 10U Purple 9/27/2020
6 Nathan Sandidge 12 0 G1 Baseball 10U Purple 9/26/2020
5 William Sloan 40 8 G1 Baseball 10U Purple 9/27/2020
27 Street Stedham 43 5 G1 Baseball 10U Purple 9/26/2020
14 1 G1 Baseball 10U Purple 9/27/2020
Total 57 6
Tabasco Cats - Red
1 Hudson Crowder 35 3 Houston Royals Gold 9/26/2020
20 Kellar Gann 14 3 Houston Royals Gold 9/26/2020
50 6 RC Elite Mizuno 9/27/2020
Total 64 9
9 Casey Gregson 40 6 PROSPECT U HOUSTON 9/26/2020
4 Bryce Kazawic 15 0 Houston Royals Gold 9/26/2020
10 Andrew Moreno 33 6 PROSPECT U HOUSTON 9/26/2020
0 6 RC Elite Mizuno 9/27/2020
Total 33 12
2 Max Saldana 36 2 Houston Royals Gold 9/26/2020
21 Jaxson Weger 33 3 PROSPECT U HOUSTON 9/26/2020
Team Houston
1 Trilian Fletcher 16 2 Texas Bluechips 11U 9/26/2020
8 Emanuel James 28 4 Texas Bluechips 11U 9/26/2020
2 Ace Roberts 24 0 PROSPECT U HOUSTON 9/26/2020
19 Matthew Rodriguez 34 5 PROSPECT U HOUSTON 9/26/2020
10 2 Houston Royals Gold 9/27/2020
Total 44 7
32 Karson Swearengin 26 1 Houston Royals Gold 9/27/2020
25 Elijah Terrell 59 7 Houston Royals Gold 9/27/2020
25 Collin Vann 43 4 PROSPECT U HOUSTON 9/26/2020
27 Max Walding 57 4 Texas Bluechips 11U 9/26/2020
Texas Bluechips 11U
Koen Davis 17 4 RC Elite Mizuno 9/26/2020
Ryan Henrichs 55 7 Team Houston 9/26/2020
Cody Howe 33 5 RC Elite Mizuno 9/26/2020
Kole Kennemer 9 3 Team Houston 9/26/2020
95 15 BA Broncos 9/27/2020
Total 104 18
Dominick Morgan 28 2 Team Houston 9/26/2020
Nolan Stem 53 6 RC Elite Mizuno 9/26/2020
11 Santo Aranzeta II 9 3 Houston Royals 9/26/2020
4 Cash Brooks 26 6 Houston Royals 9/26/2020
39 6 2020 11U Rebels 9/27/2020
Total 65 12
20 Noah Gilfoil 16 6 Houston Royals 9/26/2020
50 9 2020 11U Rebels 9/27/2020
Total 66 15
1 Jacob Grimm 26 4 G1 Baseball 10U Purple 9/26/2020
26 4 Houston Royals 9/26/2020
Total 52 8
15 3 BAM Baseball 9/27/2020
Total 67 11
14 Pierce Herrera 28 2 G1 Baseball 10U Purple 9/26/2020
21 Pierce Jasper 28 2 Houston Royals 9/26/2020
2 Carter Meredith 29 0 G1 Baseball 10U Purple 9/26/2020
29 6 Houston Royals 9/26/2020
Total 58 6
28 Andrew Thomas 15 3 BAM Baseball 9/27/2020
27 Garrett Wheless 15 3 Houston Royals 9/26/2020
40 6 Texas Bluechips 11U 9/27/2020
Total 55 9
Timbergrove Thunder Blue
5 Conor Eagleton 26 6 Lone Star Express Blue 9/26/2020
7 Lukas Schoene 69 12 Lone Star Express Blue 9/26/2020