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Please note: the payment deadline for this event is September 20. In an effort to improve our processes moving forward & release the tournament schedule earlier, teams not paid by this deadline will be automatically removed from the event. Thank you for your cooperation.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings

11AA Top Flight Bracket

#8 Velocity Academy 11u Red 8  #1 Baseknocks 11u-Weikel 10      
GM: 26 | 10/3 | 8:00 AM
18 @ Blue Valley Sports Complex
  GM: 30 | 10/3 | 12:00 PM
18 @ Blue Valley Sports Complex
#9 Missouri Savages 7  #8 Velocity Academy 11u Red 7  #1 Baseknocks 11u-Weikel 11   
     GM: 34 | 10/3 | 4:00 PM
18 @ Blue Valley Sports Complex
#5 NKC Rangers 10  #4 Topeka Diamondbacks 6  #4 Topeka Diamondbacks 6   
GM: 27 | 10/3 | 8:00 AM
19 @ Blue Valley Sports Complex
  GM: 31 | 10/3 | 12:00 PM
19 @ Blue Valley Sports Complex
#12 Fury 0  #5 NKC Rangers 0     #1 Baseknocks 11u-Weikel 4
        GM: 36 | 10/3 | 6:00 PM
18 @ Blue Valley Sports Complex
#7 Kc Warriors 9  #2 St Joseph Hustle 4      #6 KC Heat 15
GM: 28 | 10/3 | 10:00 AM
18 @ Blue Valley Sports Complex
  GM: 32 | 10/3 | 2:00 PM
18 @ Blue Valley Sports Complex
#10 Tornadoes 8  #7 Kc Warriors 16  #6 KC Heat 8   
     GM: 35 | 10/3 | 4:00 PM
19 @ Blue Valley Sports Complex
#6 KC Heat 5  #3 Kc Blues 4  #7 Kc Warriors 5   
GM: 29 | 10/3 | 10:00 AM
19 @ Blue Valley Sports Complex
  GM: 33 | 10/3 | 2:00 PM
19 @ Blue Valley Sports Complex
#11 KC Clutch 4  #6 KC Heat 18      
11AA Lower Flight Bracket

#8 Strike Zone - 11U 8  #1 TNT Sandlot - White 4      
GM: 37 | 10/3 | 8:00 AM
20 @ Blue Valley Sports Complex
  GM: 38 | 10/3 | 10:00 AM
20 @ Blue Valley Sports Complex
#9 Clutch Performance Academy-Reid 0  #8 Strike Zone - 11U 13  #4 Aba 11u Turner 4   
     GM: 42 | 10/3 | 2:00 PM
20 @ Blue Valley Sports Complex
  #4 Aba 11u Turner 6  #8 Strike Zone - 11U 7   
  GM: 39 | 10/3 | 10:00 AM
21 @ Blue Valley Sports Complex
  #5 Barnstormers 11U Lare 5     #3 Staley Sluggers 4
        GM: 44 | 10/3 | 4:00 PM
21 @ Blue Valley Sports Complex
  #2 Warbirds Kc Baseball Club 9      #8 Strike Zone - 11U 10
  GM: 40 | 10/3 | 12:00 PM
20 @ Blue Valley Sports Complex
  #7 SOAR Academy 11u Russell 1  #2 Warbirds Kc Baseball Club 1   
     GM: 43 | 10/3 | 2:00 PM
21 @ Blue Valley Sports Complex
  #3 Staley Sluggers 9  #3 Staley Sluggers 9   
  GM: 41 | 10/3 | 12:00 PM
21 @ Blue Valley Sports Complex
  #6 KC Blaze - Skeed 1