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FB Velocities
Little Caesars National 16u Troy Korvick R90
DBacks Elite Johnson 16u Evan Langlois R89
Little Caesars National 16u Hector Roca R89
Midland 16U Tomahawks Kellan Klosterman R88
Kbc 16u Prime Brady Davis R87
Midwest Elite Cooper Fischer R87
Kbc 16u Prime Taylor Penn R87
Kbc 16u Prime Carson Van Haaren R87
Midland 16U Tomahawks Michael Bilo R86
Clutch Sports Academy 2024 - Scout Hawk Bowers R86
Little Caesars National 16u Amaury De Jesus R86
Usa Prime Ohio 16u Aaron England L86
Kbc 16u Prime Jude Farley R86
Little Caesars National 16u Seamus Gallagher R86
Elite Hurricanes Maxwell Hammond L86
Kbc 16u Prime Leighton Harris L86
TKR Reds 24 Macai Moore R86
Little Caesars National 16u Carson Tehan R86
Kbc 16u Prime Chardy Tierney R86
Kbc 16u Prime Chance Todd R86
DBacks Elite Johnson 16u Gage Vota R86
Midwest Elite Owen Johnson R85
USA Prime 16u Ben Asmus R84
Midland 16U Tomahawks Bryce Brannon R84
Cincy Flames - Alkire Cole Carrigan R84
At The Yard Baseball Club Bronson Corpus R84
Canes 16U Finn Schmitt R84
Kbc 16u Prime Landon Scilley R84
Cincy Flames - Alkire Tristan Bezold R83
Clutch Sports Academy 2024 - Scout Gavin Brandstetter R83
Clutch Sports Academy 2024 - Scout Cade Collinsworth R83
Cincy Flames - Alkire Brayden Curlis R83
CBF Buckeyes Aj Dezzutti R83
Pauer Baseball Stevie Doty R83
Canes Ohio Prime Kaden Holman R83
Rawlings Tigers 2024 - Velo Luke Kruer R83
Great Lakes Bombers Elite National Aiden Robinson R83
DBacks Elite Johnson 16u Jacob Stickler R83
Midwest Elite Cooper Sullivan R83
Clutch Sports Academy 2024 - Scout Boyd Thompson R83
TKR Reds 24 Christian Trantino L83
Canes Ohio Prime Max Vincent R83
Midwest Elite Zach Casey R82
Midwest Elite Garrett Given R82
Canes 16U Noah Gromofsky R82
USA Prime 16u Owen McCuan R82
Elite Hurricanes Mark Meyers R82
USA Prime 16u Christopher Milliken R82
Little Caesars National 16u Reggie Sharpe R82
Midland 16U Tomahawks Eddie Tanner R82
TKR Reds 24 Arelius Vendrell R82
DBacks Elite Johnson 16u Cory Viola L82
Canes 16U Andrew Boughter L81
Midland 16U Tomahawks Carson Braun R81
Rawlings Tigers 2024 - Velo Austin Byford R81
DBacks Elite Johnson 16u Camden Johnson R81
Clutch Sports Academy 2024 - Scout Jacob Martin L81
Ohio Spikes-Weisel Cole Miller R81
KY Rampage Maverick Rabe R81
Usa Prime Ohio 16u Isaac Squire R81
DBacks Elite Johnson 16u Alexander Stepaniak R81
Rawlings Tigers 2024 - Velo Sage Stout R81
Pauer Baseball Miles Whitesell R81
Cincy Flames - Alkire Vincent Witte R81
Elite Hurricanes Ryan Arends R80
Cincy Flames - Alkire Tyler Biggs R80
Rawlings Tigers 2024 - Velo Logan Bingham R80
Pauer Baseball Brandon Cokeley R80
Kbc 16u Prime Trenton Cutwright R80
Knights Midwest Seth Ellis R80
Pauer Baseball Zackary Gardner R80
Pauer Baseball Brayden Hubbell R80
Ohio Spikes-Weisel Nick Luchitz R80
Rawlings Tigers 2024 - Velo Bret Perry R80
Ohio Spikes-Weisel Zach Root R80
Little Caesars National 16u Connor Barber R79
Canes 16U Joshua Barnes R79
Kbc 16u Prime Parker Chaney R79
At The Yard Baseball Club Logan Cones R79
Usa Prime Ohio 16u Ryan Dooley R79
Canes Ohio Prime Dale Ellis R79
Pauer Baseball Julian Eversole R79
Knights Midwest Michael Fickle R79
Reds RBI 16U Howell Brock Francis L79
Canes Ohio Prime Ian Ginger R79
Usa Prime Ohio 16u Matty Helms R79
Rawlings Tigers 2024 - Velo Jamison Lewis R79
CBF Buckeyes Drew Mahle R79
Great Lakes Bombers Elite National Luke Stevens R79
Elite Hurricanes Caden Thelen L79
Ohio Spikes-Weisel Savian Wilkins R79
Ohio Bulldogs Baseball Club Ben Williams R79
Midland 16U Tomahawks Jordan Zapata R79
Cincy Flames - Alkire Jacob Alkire R78
Knights Midwest Tyler Barton R78
Canes 16U John Cambert R78
Rawlings Tigers 2024 - Velo Nate Davidson R78
Canes Ohio Prime Jake Derifield R78
Great Lakes Bombers Elite National Paul Downey R78
Canes 16U Eric Geddes R78
Canes Ohio Prime Ethan Page R78
USA Prime 16u Luke Rinehart R78
Cincy Flames - Alkire Sam Scuglik R78
Elite Hurricanes Matthew Seurnyck R78
Rawlings Tigers 2024 - Velo Brentley Spaw R78
TKR Reds 24 Danny Trentacosta R78
DBacks Elite Johnson 16u Nicholas Wetmore R78
Midwest Elite Aidan Booth R77
Elite Hurricanes Drew Drennan R77
Reds RBI 16U Howell Aidan Ewing R77
Canes Ohio Prime Aiden Fassold R77
Ohio Spikes-Weisel Wyatt Fether R77
Pauer Baseball Carmack Trenton Kendrick R77
Pauer Baseball Gabe Ledbetter R77
KY Rampage Ross Lucas R77
Reds RBI 16U Howell Mikias Maher R77
CBF Buckeyes Ryan McNamara R77
At The Yard Baseball Club Jack Moore R77
At The Yard Baseball Club Anthony Procaccino R77
TKR Reds 24 Matthew Puccio L77
Cincy Flames - Alkire Nick Rinala L77
Rawlings Tigers 2024 - Velo Morgen Scherzinger R77
USA Prime 16u Korbin Smith R77
Great Lakes Bombers Elite National Sam Stoll R77
CBF Buckeyes David Zambounis L77
Ohio Bulldogs Baseball Club Parker Elliff R76
Great Lakes Bombers Elite National Braden Fox R76
Canes Ohio Prime Jacob Gozdiff R76
Cincy Flames - Alkire Luke Hubbard R76
Canes Ohio Prime Luke Kirklin R76
Pauer Baseball Nate Lloyd R76
Ohio Spikes-Weisel Jack Nauer R76
Knights Midwest Zach O'Connell R76
Rawlings Tigers 2024 - Velo Dylan Roberts L76
Knights Midwest Eric Schmulewitz R76
USA Prime 16u Zach Short L76
KY Rampage Lucas Slusher L76
Great Lakes Bombers Elite National Nicholas Stoyanovich R76
USA Prime 16u Alexander Tushim R76
Ohio Spikes-Weisel Sebastian Wilkins R76
At The Yard Baseball Club Aiden Williford R76
Canes Ohio Prime Michael Zipperer R76
Usa Prime Ohio 16u Ben Bayer R75
Pauer Baseball Carmack Sam Fullenkamp R75
Pauer Baseball Zach Hennigan L75
Canes 16U Samuel Hoffman R75
Ohio Bulldogs Baseball Club Mason Johnson R75
Canes 16U Micah Jones R75
KY Rampage Andrew Ketron R75
Ohio Spikes-Weisel Hunter Langenfeld L75
Reds RBI 16U Howell Spencer Lind R75
Clutch Sports Academy 2024 - Scout Andrew Moralez L75
Midwest Elite Max Purper R75
Reds RBI 16U Howell Cameron Rosel R75
Little Caesars National 16u Andrew Stalker R75
Usa Prime Ohio 16u Ammon Vaughn R75
KY Rampage Nick Veid R75
KY Rampage Eli Wagner L75
CBF Buckeyes Makhi Williams L75
Great Lakes Bombers Elite National Jonathan Aurilia R74
Midwest Elite Sam Blank R74
TKR Reds 24 Joseph Chelales L74
At The Yard Baseball Club Bryce Corpus R74
Elite Hurricanes Andrew Deibel R74
Pauer Baseball Carmack Turner Ebersole R74
Knights Midwest Matthew Herr R74
Ohio Bulldogs Baseball Club Trey Hicks R74
CBF Buckeyes Brett Kappel R74
KY Rampage Nathan Muench R74
Usa Prime Ohio 16u Ethan Rapp R74
Elite Hurricanes Caleb Vanderlugt R74
KY Rampage Race Webb R74
Pauer Baseball Carmack Tyler Wright R74
Usa Prime Ohio 16u Ben Fitch R73
Canes 16U Ethan Green R73
Reds RBI 16U Howell Mj Green R73
Pauer Baseball Carmack D'Shaun Harper R73
Ohio Spikes-Weisel Brandon Jackson R73
DBacks Elite Johnson 16u Joaquin Maldonado L73
Great Lakes Bombers Elite National Luke Osburn L73
CBF Buckeyes Griffin Petrocci R73
Pauer Baseball Carmack Isaac Shults R73
Pauer Baseball Carmack Jason Burcham R72
Knights Midwest Ben Tuke R72
TKR Reds 24 Ryan Vidal R72
Kbc 16u Prime Quinten Webster R72
Usa Prime Ohio 16u Brock Wissel R72
KY Rampage Andrew Showell R71
Ohio Bulldogs Baseball Club Tim Stockman L71
Ohio Bulldogs Baseball Club Landon Flint R70
Ohio Bulldogs Baseball Club Adam Smith L70
Pauer Baseball Carmack Alec Davenport R69
KY Rampage Miles Shires R69
TKR Reds 24 joseph loCascio R68
KY Rampage Kadin Wright R68
Reds RBI 16U Howell Ian Su R67
Kbc 16u Prime Aubrey Kearns R66