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STX Heat 16U Omar Banda R84
STX Heat 16U Erik Kalani Cantu R84
STX Heat 16U Alejandro Torres R83
5 Star Performance Htx 16 Gold Jared Burdette R82
One Elite Navy 16u Cole Tietgens R82
2025 Banditos Williamson Chase Connell R80
One Elite Navy 16u Jayden Montez R80
STX Heat 16U Gael Antonio Ponce R80
Needville Baseball- Aprea Joziah Lerma L79
STX Heat 16U Diego Rivera R79
One Elite Navy 16u Bryan Cardenas L76
5 Star Performance Htx 16 Gold Tyler Dunham R76
One Elite Navy 16u Kaeleb Galindo R76
Needville Baseball- Aprea Ryan Gonzales L76
One Elite Navy 16u Abraham Gonzalez R76
2025 Banditos Williamson Jayton Harral R76
2025 Banditos Williamson Fernando Palomares R76
Needville Baseball- Aprea Kyson Vacek R76
5 Star Performance Htx 16 Gold Jacob Anderson L75
Needville Baseball- Aprea Albert Aprea R75
STX Heat 16U Gabriel Banda R75
5 Star Performance Htx 16 Gold Jacob Fuchs R75
2025 Banditos Williamson Xavier Izaguirre R75
One Elite Navy 16u Logan Shields R75
5 Star Performance Htx 16 Gold Paul Acosta R74
STX Heat 16U Victor Manuel Beltran R74
Needville Baseball- Aprea Luke Guest L74
Needville Baseball- Aprea Jack Park L74
One Elite Navy 16u Lane Zamora L74
Needville Baseball- Aprea Gavin Langlois R73
Fort Bend Texans 16u Jack Rysz R73
Needville Baseball- Aprea Cade Teykl R73
Fort Bend Texans 16u Lorenzo Coronado R72
2025 Banditos Williamson Anthony Cuarenta R72
STX Heat 16U Jose Antonio Jimenez L72
Fort Bend Texans 16u Garrett Randolph R71
Fort Bend Texans 16u Elliott Garcia L68
Fort Bend Texans 16u Lleyton Wojcik R64
Fort Bend Texans 16u Jayden Rodriguez L63