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Gates will open at 7:00 AM
Concession on site.
Daily Entry Fee: $10 per person (CASH ONLY)  - Kids 12 & under Free
Event Pass $35 (CASH ONLY)
Schedule/Scores Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
Mizuno Blacksox Tj Cox R88
Freshwater Storm Red Jeffrey Gonzalez R88
Freshwater Storm Red Dylan Dieguez L87
Freshwater Storm Red Grayson Adams L86
Mizuno Blacksox Braison Crews R86
PBC Elite Platinum Jorge De Cardenas R86
Freshwater Storm Red Brady Guthrie R85
PBC Elite Platinum Brendan Martel R85
Platinum Prime Brandon Morrison R85
Orlando Lookouts Jose Olmeda R85
East Coast Baseball (Ecb) Ben Berisko R84
Hit Factory Blue 18u Palmer Bringgold R84
naturals florida 18u Anthony Gomez R84
Freshwater Storm Red William Hagen R84
Palm Beach Diamond Ducks Red 2022 Andy Ricardo Vila R84
PBC Elite Platinum Zack Robinson R84
East Coast Baseball (Ecb) Zack Robinson R84
Freshwater Storm Red Deven Shepard R84
Platinum Prime Austin Farris R83
Orlando Lookouts Bryan Figueroa R83
Freshwater Storm Blue Jacob Hoppe R83
Sf Storm 18u Jamal Johnson R83
Freshwater Storm Red Jayden Lopez L83
East Coast Baseball (Ecb) Darius Robinson R83
East Coast Baseball (Ecb) Kevin Rodriguez R83
Platinum Prime Juan Rodriguez Jr. R83
East Coast Baseball (Ecb) Duilio Baltodano R82
Freshwater Storm Blue Paul Janeczko R82
PBC Elite Platinum Tyler Mecchella L82
Bolts Michael Mercado R82
KC Prospects Holton Miller R82
Freshwater Storm Orange Cayton Moore R82
PBC Elite Platinum Trevor Robb L82
Freshwater Storm Blue Jacob Vermeire R82
Lion Mode Gold Israel Diaz R81
naturals florida 18u Brady Hamil R81
PBC Elite Platinum Jake Marcantonio R81
Bolts David Martinez R81
Freshwater Storm Orange Mason Owen R81
Vipers Baseball Club 2021’S Matt Perez L81
PBC Elite Upperclass Zachary Rodriguez R81
Freshwater Storm Blue William Slinkard L81
Palm Beach Diamond Ducks Red 2022 Shaun Wadsworth R81
Hit Factory Blue 18u Carson Caso L80
KC Prospects Charlie DeZube R80
Mizuno Blacksox Mason Diefenbach R80
Platinum Prime Jacob Matthews Jr. R80
Freshwater Storm Purple Seth Powers L80
Palm Beach Diamond Ducks Red 2022 Antonio Rolle R80
Freshwater Storm Blue David Rusnak L80
Hit Factory Blue 18u Preston Shembekar R80
Sf Storm 18u Andrew Ward R80
Palm Beach Diamond Ducks Red 2022 Trevor Alou R79
Palm Beach Diamond Ducks Red 2022 Ryan Cunningham R79
Mizuno Blacksox Keegan Kinsley L79
Palm Beach Diamond Ducks Red 2022 James Lynch R79
Sf Storm 18u Nate Martin R79
KC Prospects Tucker Miller R79
Freshwater Storm Orange Austin Raulerson R79
Bolts Ryan Willis R79
Lion Mode Gold Angel Luis Gonzalez R78
PBC Elite Platinum Max Joy R78
Freshwater Storm Orange Chet Julich R78
Platinum Prime Evan Leff L78
naturals florida 18u Connor Spells R78
Palm Beach Diamond Ducks Red 2022 Hector Camacho L77
Freshwater Storm Purple Aidan Charletta R77
KC Prospects Corbin Finch L77
Freshwater Storm Blue Tyler Hoppe R77
Freshwater Storm Red Edgar Quintana R77
Sf Storm 18u Jeremy Rosenberg L77
naturals florida 18u Khamani Wright R77
Freshwater Storm Purple Robbie Behrens R76
PBC Elite Platinum Tyler Chinpire R76
Orlando Lookouts Angel Manuel Gonzalez Santana R76
KC Prospects Bryce Hanson R76
Vipers Baseball Club 2021’S Preston Lang R76
Sf Storm 18u Connor Nightingale R76
Palm Beach Diamond Ducks Red 2022 Robert Throop R76
Orlando Lookouts Mitchell Wuthrich (We-trick) L76
Mizuno Blacksox Emery Coleman L75
Mizuno Blacksox Xavier Hernandez R75
Orlando Lookouts Daniel Hoffman Jr R75
PBC Elite Upperclass Nate Taylor R75
PBC Elite Upperclass Tanner Fairbank R74
Freshwater Storm Purple Hunter Leech L74
Freshwater Storm Orange Sam Gabet R73
Lion Mode Gold Erick Garcia R73
PBC Elite Upperclass Brock Hamilton R73
naturals florida 18u Shane Koedyker R73
Freshwater Storm Purple Brady Novack R73
PBC Elite Upperclass Enzo Vertucci R73
Sf Storm 18u Kyle Gomez R72
naturals florida 18u Kyle Gomez R72
KC Prospects Daniel Keller R72
Vipers Baseball Club 2021’S Brit Kostura L72
Freshwater Storm Purple Vic Patel L72
Lion Mode Gold Evan Rothe R72
Sf Storm 18u Dylan Bridges R71
Bolts Cody Day R71
Mizuno Blacksox Bryce Ward R71
Orlando Lookouts Jonathan Leguillu R70
PBC Elite Platinum Adalberto Zapata III L68
PBC Elite Upperclass Luke Pfister L67
PBC Elite Upperclass Vincent Fuoco R65
PBC Elite Upperclass Dylan Feeney L59