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9U 10U (Major) 11U (Major) 12U (Major) 13U 13U 14U (Major)
3/28 - Today's games have been updated on the schedule accordingly. Please double check your game times for accuracy, along with our weather updates to the status of your facility.
3/25: 11:25am: Games will resume at 1pm at East Cobb. The schedule has been updated.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
5 Star Atl 12u
Connor Balazic 29 2 TG D-Backs East Side 12U Patterson 3/27/2021
12 Baron Beccan 24 4 TG D-Backs East Side 12U Patterson 3/27/2021
Izaiah Delossantos 59 9 TG D-Backs East Side 12U Patterson 3/27/2021
4 1 East Cobb Astros 12u Navy 3/27/2021
Total 63 10
Peyton Ferguson 80 15 Service Baseball 12u Force Recon 3/27/2021
Garrison Wade 86 8 East Cobb Astros 12u Navy 3/27/2021
Jakaii Williams 13 0 TG D-Backs East Side 12U Patterson 3/27/2021
Barrett Braves
19 Alex Burnett 37 6 Team Elite 12u Prospects 3/27/2021
2 Dylan Cunningham 43 6 Georgia Bombers 12U Schreiber 3/27/2021
9 Brody Keel 8 1 Georgia Jackets 12U Flanagan 3/26/2021
99 Jack Pierce 54 5 Team Elite 12u Prospects 3/27/2021
8 Elam Rahman 66 8 Georgia Jackets 12U Flanagan 3/27/2021
24 Keenan Rice 88 8 Georgia Jackets 12U Flanagan 3/26/2021
0 Mason Steve 12 2 Georgia Jackets 12U Flanagan 3/27/2021
Carl Black Longhorns
5 James "JD" Aufderheide 20 0 Motor City Hit Dogs 12u Leonard 3/28/2021
3 Bodie Brumlow 26 1 Motor City Hit Dogs 12u Leonard 3/28/2021
7 Joey DiMartino 72 12 Wctb Rail Hawks 12u 3/27/2021
4 Jack Dunn 25 6 Roswell Green Hornets 3/27/2021
22 Carson Kimm 15 3 Roswell Green Hornets 3/27/2021
14 Evan Litschke 81 15 East Cobb 12u National 3/27/2021
34 Thomas McAuley 52 8 Motor City Hit Dogs 12u Leonard 3/28/2021
10 Bode Spence 44 9 Roswell Green Hornets 3/27/2021
Devine Baseball 11u
44 Nathan Hinnant 31 1 Motor City Hit Dogs 12u Leonard 3/26/2021
7 Brady Kotula 52 12 Ninth Inning Royals 12u Luzon 3/27/2021
10 Holden Meers 55 6 Ninth Inning Royals 12u Luzon 3/27/2021
15 2 Service Baseball 12u Force Recon 3/27/2021
Total 70 8
6 Aiden Oates 43 8 Georgia Jackets 12U - Cerione 3/27/2021
13 Hayden Shepherd 32 4 Service Baseball 12u Force Recon 3/27/2021
1 Aadi Talati 34 2 Motor City Hit Dogs 12u Leonard 3/26/2021
25 Connor Toledo 42 5 Georgia Jackets 12U - Cerione 3/27/2021
18 Dylan Verdi 32 3 Service Baseball 12u Force Recon 3/27/2021
Devine Baseball 12u
2 Noah Blumenthal 35 3 East Cobb Astros 12u Orange 3/27/2021
25 5 Franklin Bombers 12u 3/27/2021
Total 60 8
5 Caleb Delong 5 1 Gbsa Rays Gwinnett 3/27/2021
5 Kaiden Howell 22 3 Gbsa Rays Gwinnett 3/27/2021
1 Garrett Klein 48 8 The Hood 12u 3/26/2021
11 Bennett Miles 22 1 East Cobb Astros 12u Orange 3/27/2021
19 Jacob Sorrell 22 4 The Hood 12u 3/26/2021
17 Kaleb Sorrell 46 2 East Cobb Astros 12u Orange 3/27/2021
3 Brady Wendt 60 12 Franklin Bombers 12u 3/27/2021
34 Hunter Williams 10 3 The Hood 12u 3/26/2021
75 14 Gbsa Rays Gwinnett 3/27/2021
Total 85 17
5 0 Franklin Bombers 12u 3/27/2021
Total 90 17
East Cobb 12u American
1 Francisco Garcia 25 4 Georgia Academy Power 12U Holstein 3/26/2021
33 7 East Cobb 12u National 3/28/2021
Total 58 11
42 3 East Cobb Astros 12u Orange 3/28/2021
Total 100 14
Davian Hammonds 31 5 Knights Baseball 12u Platinum 3/27/2021
44 5 East Cobb Astros 12u Orange 3/28/2021
Total 75 10
0 Cameron Layfield 2 1 Georgia Academy Power 12U Holstein 3/26/2021
16 Aidan Lesane 28 6 Georgia Academy Power 12U Holstein 3/26/2021
62 12 Gbsa Rays Gwinnett 3/27/2021
Total 90 18
42 Brady Murray 13 3 Georgia Academy Power 12U Holstein 3/26/2021
49 15 Knights Baseball 12u Platinum 3/27/2021
Total 62 18
24 Bobby Wooten 18 1 Georgia Academy Power 12U Holstein 3/26/2021
75 8 East Cobb 12u National 3/28/2021
Total 93 9
East Cobb 12u National
34 Jackson Beatty 71 12 Carl Black Longhorns 3/27/2021
11 Christopher Bryce 43 9 Roswell Green Hornets 3/27/2021
20 Brock Burrus 39 3 East Cobb 12u American 3/28/2021
30 Taylor Casson 64 15 Wctb Rail Hawks 12u 3/27/2021
Derrick Jones 32 6 East Cobb 12u American 3/28/2021
2 Jayson Parker 33 6 Carl Black Longhorns 3/27/2021
24 3 East Cobb 12u American 3/28/2021
Total 57 9
East Cobb Astros 12u Navy
James Bethea 42 6 TG D-Backs East Side 12U Patterson 3/27/2021
14 1 Motor City Hit Dogs 12u Leonard 3/28/2021
Total 56 7
Abram Gaddis 48 8 Motor City Hit Dogs 12u Leonard 3/28/2021
34 6 Team Elite 12u Prospects 3/28/2021
Total 82 14
0 Tyson Ganas 36 1 Motor City Hit Dogs 12u Leonard 3/28/2021
Christopher "Roscoe" Hayes 72 12 5 Star Atl 12u 3/27/2021
Win Hoots 11 2 Motor City Hit Dogs 12u Leonard 3/28/2021
Dawson Lowit 10 2 Service Baseball 12u Force Recon 3/27/2021
Rylin Lyemance 15 4 Service Baseball 12u Force Recon 3/27/2021
62 9 Team Elite 12u Prospects 3/28/2021
Total 77 13
Ethan McMichael 69 10 Service Baseball 12u Force Recon 3/27/2021
4 Maceo White 45 12 TG D-Backs East Side 12U Patterson 3/27/2021
45 12 TG D-Backs East Side 12U Patterson 3/27/2021
Total 90 24
East Cobb Astros 12u Orange
52 Joseph Contreras 13 3 Motor City Hit Dogs 12u Leonard 3/28/2021
24 Cole Crawford 37 4 Devine Baseball 12u 3/27/2021
23 Jose Doubront 27 5 The Hood 12u 3/27/2021
27 Vaughn Howard 48 6 Motor City Hit Dogs 12u Leonard 3/28/2021
1 Hayes Maginnis 34 9 East Cobb 12u American 3/28/2021
28 Austin Neese 29 6 Franklin Bombers 12u 3/26/2021
41 8 Georgia Bombers 12U Schreiber 3/28/2021
Total 70 14
32 Matthew Westbrook 16 2 Devine Baseball 12u 3/27/2021
Franklin Bombers 12u
10 Aiden Britton 5 1 The Hood 12u 3/27/2021
1 3 Georgia Jackets 12U - Cerione 3/28/2021
Total 6 4
1 Cooper Daniel 37 3 East Cobb Astros 12u Orange 3/26/2021
7 Jasper Duffy 3 0 East Cobb Astros 12u Orange 3/26/2021
0 0 The Hood 12u 3/27/2021
Total 3 0
3 Gabe Hendriks 82 14 Georgia Jackets 12U - Cerione 3/28/2021
17 Caleb Lear 41 2 East Cobb Astros 12u Orange 3/26/2021
70 17 Devine Baseball 12u 3/27/2021
Total 111 19
27 Teegan O'Day 28 4 The Hood 12u 3/27/2021
2 Taylen Vaughn 65 11 The Hood 12u 3/27/2021
Gbsa Rays Gwinnett
3 Chase Carmichael 0 0 Knights Baseball 12u Platinum 3/26/2021
55 6 Georgia Academy Power 12U Holstein 3/27/2021
Total 55 6
10 Justin Harris 12 0 Knights Baseball 12u Platinum 3/26/2021
0 Gage Litton 80 9 East Cobb 12u American 3/27/2021
1 Zachary Martinez 60 12 Devine Baseball 12u 3/27/2021
86 9 Georgia Academy Power 12U Holstein 3/27/2021
Total 146 21
0 Jackson Reynolds 39 3 Knights Baseball 12u Platinum 3/26/2021
31 3 Devine Baseball 12u 3/27/2021
Total 70 6
30 Marcus Salom-Maceira 0 0 Knights Baseball 12u Platinum 3/26/2021
4 Collin Thomas 27 6 Knights Baseball 12u Platinum 3/26/2021
29 Chad Woolcock 15 3 Knights Baseball 12u Platinum 3/26/2021
Georgia Academy Power 12U Holstein
13 Rj Battersby 10 1 East Cobb 12u American 3/26/2021
3 1 Knights Baseball 12u Platinum 3/27/2021
Total 13 2
24 Brady Gresehover 57 12 Gbsa Rays Gwinnett 3/27/2021
4 Konnor Hooper 57 5 Knights Baseball 12u Platinum 3/27/2021
9 Eddie Jimenez 25 4 Gbsa Rays Gwinnett 3/27/2021
7 Will Kingston 34 4 Knights Baseball 12u Platinum 3/27/2021
5 Preston Schug 61 8 East Cobb 12u American 3/26/2021
22 Heath Ward 49 6 East Cobb 12u American 3/26/2021
1 Jackson Wootton 45 2 Knights Baseball 12u Platinum 3/27/2021
Georgia Bombers 12U Schreiber
2 Miller Crane 33 3 Team Elite 12u Prospects 3/26/2021
24 2 East Cobb Astros 12u Orange 3/28/2021
Total 57 5
44 Brady Flock 25 9 Barrett Braves 3/27/2021
4 Brycen Norman-Jimill 34 6 Team Elite 12u Prospects 3/26/2021
44 6 East Cobb Astros 12u Orange 3/28/2021
Total 78 12
99 Carter Schultz 42 7 Team Elite 12u Prospects 3/26/2021
14 Brooks Smallwood 2 2 Team Elite 12u Prospects 3/26/2021
27 1 East Cobb Astros 12u Orange 3/28/2021
Total 29 3
10 Bryan Smith 52 9 Georgia Jackets 12U Flanagan 3/27/2021
Georgia Jackets 12U - Cerione
25 Cooper Elzey 51 11 Devine Baseball 11u 3/27/2021
12 Bresden Fabirkiewicz 34 3 Motor City Hit Dogs 12u Leonard 3/27/2021
15 Braxton Glaze 68 9 Franklin Bombers 12u 3/28/2021
4 Nicholas Mapp 45 6 Ninth Inning Royals 12u Luzon 3/26/2021
21 Taylor Markakis 4 1 Devine Baseball 11u 3/27/2021
16 Coe Puckett 41 9 Motor City Hit Dogs 12u Leonard 3/27/2021
24 Nick Tobia 38 5 Franklin Bombers 12u 3/28/2021
7 Walker Waggoner 46 6 Ninth Inning Royals 12u Luzon 3/26/2021
Georgia Jackets 12U Flanagan
33 Parker Acrey 53 7 Barrett Braves 3/27/2021
44 Jack Burke 47 8 Georgia Bombers 12U Schreiber 3/27/2021
10 Davis Ferguson 20 3 Team Elite 12u Prospects 3/27/2021
14 Jackson Greene 22 3 Team Elite 12u Prospects 3/27/2021
8 Brian Guy 13 3 Barrett Braves 3/26/2021
15 5 Barrett Braves 3/27/2021
Total 28 8
42 Walker May 22 2 Team Elite 12u Prospects 3/27/2021
5 Landon Nessl 47 6 Team Elite 12u Prospects 3/27/2021
7 Cooper Rudin 21 3 Barrett Braves 3/26/2021
15 0 Team Elite 12u Prospects 3/27/2021
Total 36 3
17 Mookie Smolin 0 0 Barrett Braves 3/26/2021
21 Lucas Zustiak 18 3 Barrett Braves 3/26/2021
Knights Baseball 12u Platinum
11 Caleb Carpenter 28 6 East Cobb 12u American 3/27/2021
77 Noah Clark 45 6 East Cobb 12u American 3/27/2021
50 Matthew Dickey 23 3 East Cobb 12u American 3/27/2021
64 Dakota Hull 37 3 Georgia Academy Power 12U Holstein 3/27/2021
13 Bek Ramer 44 6 Georgia Academy Power 12U Holstein 3/27/2021
8 Gage Reeves 38 6 Gbsa Rays Gwinnett 3/26/2021
20 Maddox Tanner 20 3 Georgia Academy Power 12U Holstein 3/27/2021
28 3 East Cobb 12u American 3/27/2021
Total 48 6
1 Blain White 28 6 Gbsa Rays Gwinnett 3/26/2021
Motor City Hit Dogs 12u Leonard
33 Anderson Adams 28 3 Ninth Inning Royals 12u Luzon 3/27/2021
30 7 East Cobb Astros 12u Navy 3/28/2021
Total 58 10
24 Peyton Coldicott 20 2 East Cobb Astros 12u Orange 3/28/2021
26 Carson Liedel 67 12 Carl Black Longhorns 3/28/2021
27 Andrew Mahoney 75 8 East Cobb Astros 12u Navy 3/28/2021
22 Cash Moczydlowsky 29 6 Devine Baseball 11u 3/26/2021
1 Aiden Pack 26 1 East Cobb Astros 12u Orange 3/28/2021
3 Danny Palumbo 37 6 Ninth Inning Royals 12u Luzon 3/27/2021
41 3 East Cobb Astros 12u Orange 3/28/2021
Total 78 9
14 Rafael Valdovinos 57 12 Georgia Jackets 12U - Cerione 3/27/2021
5 2 East Cobb Astros 12u Orange 3/28/2021
Total 62 14
20 Koltyn Watters 11 1 East Cobb Astros 12u Orange 3/28/2021
Ninth Inning Royals 12u Luzon
34 Jackson Allen 48 9 Georgia Jackets 12U - Cerione 3/26/2021
12 Quill Howell 72 12 Devine Baseball 11u 3/27/2021
22 Thomas Strang 49 5 Motor City Hit Dogs 12u Leonard 3/27/2021
7 Nicholas Swanson 48 4 Motor City Hit Dogs 12u Leonard 3/27/2021
25 Lane Taylor 53 6 Devine Baseball 11u 3/27/2021
11 Jeremy Wolf 31 6 Georgia Jackets 12U - Cerione 3/26/2021
Roswell Green Hornets
7 Diego Crespo 39 11 Carl Black Longhorns 3/27/2021
23 7 Wctb Rail Hawks 12u 3/27/2021
Total 62 18
31 Finn Cunliffe 82 7 East Cobb 12u National 3/27/2021
17 Michael Harding 16 1 Wctb Rail Hawks 12u 3/27/2021
1 Joshua Justan 25 3 The Hood 12u 3/27/2021
63 8 Wctb Rail Hawks 12u 3/27/2021
Total 88 11
28 Ayden North 23 5 The Hood 12u 3/27/2021
57 7 Carl Black Longhorns 3/27/2021
Total 80 12
8 Blake Porche 33 2 The Hood 12u 3/27/2021
3 0 East Cobb 12u National 3/27/2021
Total 36 2
10 Graham Whittle 34 4 The Hood 12u 3/27/2021
15 1 Wctb Rail Hawks 12u 3/27/2021
Total 49 5
Service Baseball 12u Force Recon
42 Grant Barden 68 12 5 Star Atl 12u 3/27/2021
2 Brady Flesner 40 2 5 Star Atl 12u 3/27/2021
5 Deacon Hensley 46 6 East Cobb Astros 12u Navy 3/27/2021
3 Liam Hilton 57 6 East Cobb Astros 12u Navy 3/27/2021
0 Peyton James 55 7 TG D-Backs East Side 12U Patterson 3/27/2021
13 Ryan Johansen 58 8 TG D-Backs East Side 12U Patterson 3/27/2021
1 Kobe Moore 20 3 TG D-Backs East Side 12U Patterson 3/27/2021
3 1 5 Star Atl 12u 3/27/2021
Total 23 4
7 Jackson Watts 60 12 Devine Baseball 11u 3/27/2021
Team Elite 12u Prospects
38 Frankie Boyle 51 7 Georgia Jackets 12U Flanagan 3/27/2021
27 Calvin Brown 36 2 Georgia Jackets 12U Flanagan 3/27/2021
37 Jackson Haug 38 6 Georgia Bombers 12U Schreiber 3/26/2021
11 Will Holliday 21 6 Barrett Braves 3/27/2021
14 Andres Jimenez 12 3 Georgia Bombers 12U Schreiber 3/26/2021
42 4 East Cobb Astros 12u Navy 3/28/2021
Total 54 7
31 Harrison Luke 34 7 Georgia Bombers 12U Schreiber 3/26/2021
74 8 East Cobb Astros 12u Navy 3/28/2021
Total 108 15
32 Case Martin 35 2 Georgia Bombers 12U Schreiber 3/26/2021
24 0 East Cobb Astros 12u Navy 3/28/2021
Total 59 2
21 Max Rogozinski 43 6 Georgia Jackets 12U Flanagan 3/27/2021
1 1 East Cobb Astros 12u Navy 3/28/2021
Total 44 7
22 Syler Smith 42 6 Barrett Braves 3/27/2021
TG D-Backs East Side 12U Patterson
21 Joshua Alequin 48 8 5 Star Atl 12u 3/27/2021
25 Lucas Balzer 70 9 East Cobb Astros 12u Navy 3/27/2021
13 TJ Borow 7 1 5 Star Atl 12u 3/27/2021
44 Jack Childress 44 3 East Cobb Astros 12u Navy 3/27/2021
88 Maddox Corya 62 18 Service Baseball 12u Force Recon 3/27/2021
7 Devin Krohn 62 18 Wctb Rail Hawks 12u 3/28/2021
27 Jensen Morneau 49 6 East Cobb Astros 12u Navy 3/27/2021
50 Sammy Wilson 47 6 5 Star Atl 12u 3/27/2021
The Hood 12u
24 Matthew Branicki 15 3 Devine Baseball 12u 3/26/2021
38 2 East Cobb Astros 12u Orange 3/27/2021
Total 53 5
9 Miles Braun 69 7 Franklin Bombers 12u 3/27/2021
11 Lucas Clark 32 2 Devine Baseball 12u 3/26/2021
35 Charlie Dobbie 20 6 Franklin Bombers 12u 3/27/2021
25 Ayden Grubel 18 0 East Cobb Astros 12u Orange 3/27/2021
2 Jayden Hinton 9 0 East Cobb Astros 12u Orange 3/27/2021
27 Luke Moorhead 82 15 Roswell Green Hornets 3/27/2021
99 James Sharp 63 10 Devine Baseball 12u 3/26/2021
7 1 East Cobb Astros 12u Orange 3/27/2021
Total 70 11
Wctb Rail Hawks 12u
David Eisenstein 65 9 Roswell Green Hornets 3/27/2021
Adrien Islas 23 6 East Cobb 12u National 3/27/2021
58 11 TG D-Backs East Side 12U Patterson 3/28/2021
Total 81 17
Harry Chubb Jones Jr. 19 3 East Cobb 12u National 3/27/2021
19 3 Roswell Green Hornets 3/27/2021
Total 38 6
38 7 TG D-Backs East Side 12U Patterson 3/28/2021
Total 76 13
Caden Lawton 45 9 East Cobb 12u National 3/27/2021
Jordan Stokes 47 6 Roswell Green Hornets 3/27/2021
Kcaj Walker-Smith 78 11 Carl Black Longhorns 3/27/2021