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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
13//14u Horns
2 Owen Conrad 24 3 Seven 23’S 7/22/2023
3 Christian Godfrey 15 3 Ft. Bend Outlaws 7/22/2023
39 6 Seven 23’S 7/22/2023
Total 54 9
50 8 21 BASEBALL ACADEMY 7/23/2023
Total 104 17
7 Joseph Oviedo 28 6 Seven 23’S 7/22/2023
16 6 Ft. Bend Outlaws 7/22/2023
Total 44 12
13 Kaden Sulender 54 9 Bonnain Baseball Academy 7/23/2023
5 Connor Whittington 24 6 Gladiators - Htx 2028 7/23/2023
23 Lou Zamora 4 0 Seven 23’S 7/22/2023
38 9 Ft. Bend Outlaws 7/22/2023
Total 42 9
24 7 21 BASEBALL ACADEMY 7/23/2023
Total 66 16
34 7 Gladiators - Htx 2028 7/23/2023
Total 100 23
99 Jackson Autry 80 15 Wharton County Express 7/23/2023
42 Adrian Castillo 43 6 Bcs Prospects 7/22/2023
1 Kole D'Agostino 10 1 13//14u Horns 7/23/2023
17 Joe Delgadillo III 95 17 13//14u Horns 7/23/2023
13 Fernando Turrubiartes 13 3 Mc Elite 7/22/2023
18 6 Bcs Prospects 7/22/2023
Total 31 9
Bandits Baseball Club
9 Rio Castellanos 54 6 Wharton County Express 7/22/2023
7 Marc Martin 66 15 Texas Bluechips 14u 7/23/2023
87 Cesar Vega 61 12 Texas Bluechips 14u 7/23/2023
50 Andrew Welch 27 6 Wharton County Express 7/22/2023
26 Elijah Yow 83 12 Bcs Prospects 7/23/2023
Bcs Prospects
3 Ashton Aleman 29 1 Crew Baseball Black 7/22/2023
20 3 21 BASEBALL ACADEMY 7/22/2023
Total 49 4
54 11 Bandits Baseball Club 7/23/2023
Total 103 15
5 Samuel Camarillo 25 1 Crew Baseball Black 7/22/2023
25 3 21 BASEBALL ACADEMY 7/22/2023
Total 50 4
10 Braedon Lopez 15 2 Crew Baseball Black 7/22/2023
2 Robert Rico 36 9 Crew Baseball Black 7/22/2023
6 1 Bandits Baseball Club 7/23/2023
Total 42 10
12 Cristian Rodriguez 24 9 21 BASEBALL ACADEMY 7/22/2023
62 15 Td Edge 13u - Solomon 7/23/2023
Total 86 24
Bonnain Baseball Academy
0 Jaden Daughrity 29 4 Zt Elite Ortiz 14u 7/22/2023
6 Juan Hernandez Jr 60 12 Crew Baseball Black 7/23/2023
0 Zackary Martin 32 9 Zt Elite Ortiz 14u 7/22/2023
15 2 Seven 23’S 7/23/2023
Total 47 11
23 Nelson Rivero 25 2 Zt Elite Ortiz 14u 7/22/2023
93 13 Seven 23’S 7/23/2023
Total 118 15
32 John Watterson 62 15 Td Edge 13u - Solomon 7/22/2023
Crew Baseball Black
13 Jacob Arismendez 21 3 Bonnain Baseball Academy 7/23/2023
6 Braylon Barnes 17 1 Wharton County Express 7/23/2023
2 Aaron Chang 58 15 Bcs Prospects 7/22/2023
6 2 Zt Elite Ortiz 14u 7/23/2023
Total 64 17
31 6 Bonnain Baseball Academy 7/23/2023
Total 95 23
11 Zhane Greene 1 1 Bonnain Baseball Academy 7/23/2023
37 Colton Pariseau 57 9 Mc Elite 7/22/2023
43 10 Zt Elite Ortiz 14u 7/23/2023
Total 100 19
0 Travonne Pierite 55 6 Wharton County Express 7/23/2023
19 2 Bonnain Baseball Academy 7/23/2023
Total 74 8
25 Drew Quinio 11 2 Wharton County Express 7/23/2023
Ft. Bend Outlaws
32 Jack Davis 75 15 13//14u Horns 7/22/2023
12 Taylor Martell 68 6 Seven 23’S 7/22/2023
3 Jack Redfearn 74 12 Td Edge 13u - Solomon 7/23/2023
21 Kenneth Woo 47 6 Seven 23’S 7/22/2023
Gladiators - Htx 2028
7 Tyler Albert 26 5 Td Edge 13u - Solomon 7/22/2023
64 Troy Dehoyos 38 5 Wharton County Express 7/23/2023
24 Jake Goodroe 45 7 13//14u Horns 7/23/2023
8 Jaxson McGuire 23 6 Zt Elite Ortiz 14u 7/22/2023
25 7 Wharton County Express 7/23/2023
Total 48 13
26 Jaxon Mogonye 39 7 Td Edge 13u - Solomon 7/22/2023
34 Lucas Prigmore 25 8 13//14u Horns 7/23/2023
4 Carter Stone 6 0 Wharton County Express 7/23/2023
Ethan Zamaripas 36 6 Zt Elite Ortiz 14u 7/22/2023
Mc Elite
44 Zane Blakley 10 1 21 BASEBALL ACADEMY 7/22/2023
25 3 Crew Baseball Black 7/22/2023
Total 35 4
7 Hagan Brewington 17 0 Crew Baseball Black 7/22/2023
8 Luke Brown 23 5 21 BASEBALL ACADEMY 7/22/2023
34 6 Texas Bluechips 14u 7/23/2023
Total 57 11
10 Luke Hutsen 44 6 Crew Baseball Black 7/22/2023
32 6 Texas Bluechips 14u 7/23/2023
Total 76 12
Seven 23’S
16 Billy Burrhus 15 3 13//14u Horns 7/22/2023
12 3 Ft. Bend Outlaws 7/22/2023
Total 27 6
22 6 Bonnain Baseball Academy 7/23/2023
Total 49 12
35 Corey Kahn 5 1 13//14u Horns 7/22/2023
85 15 Wharton County Express 7/23/2023
Total 90 16
7 Peyton Lowe 13 3 Ft. Bend Outlaws 7/22/2023
80 6 Zt Elite Ortiz 14u 7/23/2023
Total 93 9
14 Gentry Macrory 20 2 13//14u Horns 7/22/2023
66 12 21 BASEBALL ACADEMY 7/23/2023
Total 86 14
42 Quinn Macrory 10 3 Ft. Bend Outlaws 7/22/2023
9 Jaxson Smith 18 2 Ft. Bend Outlaws 7/22/2023
60 6 Bonnain Baseball Academy 7/23/2023
Total 78 8
8 Davis Windsor 46 3 13//14u Horns 7/22/2023
72 15 Bonnain Baseball Academy 7/23/2023
Total 118 18
Td Edge 13u - Solomon
34 Emery Downing 33 6 Bcs Prospects 7/23/2023
10 Gavin Franciosa 53 12 Ft. Bend Outlaws 7/23/2023
43 Payne Griffith 26 2 Bonnain Baseball Academy 7/22/2023
34 8 Bcs Prospects 7/23/2023
Total 60 10
32 Thomas Grubert 37 6 Gladiators - Htx 2028 7/22/2023
50 4 Mc Elite 7/23/2023
Total 87 10
999 Carson Hale 51 6 Gladiators - Htx 2028 7/22/2023
29 5 Mc Elite 7/23/2023
Total 80 11
999 Mason Malek 49 6 Bonnain Baseball Academy 7/22/2023
15 Caleb Mosley 27 4 Bonnain Baseball Academy 7/22/2023
12 Bode Solmose 27 3 Ft. Bend Outlaws 7/23/2023
Texas Bluechips 14u
Lionel Avalos 55 9 Bandits Baseball Club 7/23/2023
Matthew Dickson 52 9 Ft. Bend Outlaws 7/23/2023
Rafael Garcia 73 12 Mc Elite 7/23/2023
Jesse Guerin 15 3 Mc Elite 7/23/2023
19 3 Bandits Baseball Club 7/23/2023
Total 34 6
Lynden Melo 34 6 Td Edge 13u - Solomon 7/23/2023
17 6 Ft. Bend Outlaws 7/23/2023
Total 51 12
Carson Menard 40 9 Td Edge 13u - Solomon 7/23/2023
Texas Bluechips 14u Navy
Geovanny Alvarado 27 3 Texas Bluechips 14u 7/22/2023
Matthew Dickson 41 6 Texas Bluechips 14u 7/22/2023
Rafael Garcia 10 3 Texas Bluechips 14u 7/22/2023
29 3 Wharton County Express 7/22/2023
Total 39 6
William Simmons 20 6 Texas Bluechips 14u 7/22/2023
Wharton County Express
8 Brayden Macek 35 5 Bandits Baseball Club 7/22/2023
28 2 Gladiators - Htx 2028 7/23/2023
Total 63 7
27 Victor Perez 47 7 Bandits Baseball Club 7/22/2023
37 10 Gladiators - Htx 2028 7/23/2023
Total 84 17
2 Robert Reed III 37 9 Texas Bluechips 14u 7/22/2023
21 Randy Ruiz 35 6 Texas Bluechips 14u 7/22/2023
29 9 Crew Baseball Black 7/23/2023
Total 64 15
99 Luke Tidmore 103 15 21 BASEBALL ACADEMY 7/23/2023
Zt Elite Ortiz 14u
25 Jerry Colchado 50 6 Seven 23’S 7/23/2023
21 Conor Hale 28 3 Crew Baseball Black 7/23/2023
88 Aidan Hinojosa 47 4 Gladiators - Htx 2028 7/22/2023
4 Charles Hopson 28 3 Gladiators - Htx 2028 7/22/2023
0 Caleb Manrique 54 15 Bonnain Baseball Academy 7/22/2023
0 Aaron Martinez 30 4 Crew Baseball Black 7/23/2023
99 Hunter McKirahan 36 6 Seven 23’S 7/23/2023
7 Paul Ramirez 11 5 Crew Baseball Black 7/23/2023