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9U (Open) 10U (Open) 11U (Major) 12U (Major) 12U (AAA)
Please return all foul balls to the Diamondkast scorekeeper. Please arrive 1 hour early to all scheduled games
Please return all foul balls to Diamondkast scorekeeper. 

Please have all waivers filled out before your first pitch.

For pitching rules: Click Event Info Tab: Pitching Report.

Please arrive 1 hour before scheduled game time, in case of early finish in previous game.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Brooklyn Bulldogs 12 Orange
6 Robert Aronczyk 23 6 East Coast Ghost 12U BLACK 6/10/2023
32 Thomas Corkery 5 3 Untamed 12u Blue 6/11/2023
20 Kieran Kapoor 58 8 East Coast Ghost 12U BLACK 6/10/2023
13 Carson Kassabian 33 6 Untamed 12u Blue 6/11/2023
8 Johnny Rouse 64 7 OOTP Cyclones Prospects (2029) 6/10/2023
9 Kasander Ruey-Kamuf 38 6 Untamed 12u Blue 6/11/2023
27 Jesse Schein 38 3 Untamed 12u Blue 6/11/2023
12 Julian Shore 39 8 OOTP Cyclones Prospects (2029) 6/10/2023
East Coast Ghost 12U BLACK
David Cantin 68 10 Brooklyn Bulldogs 12 Orange 6/10/2023
Jaxon Costanzo 54 9 Jersey Shore Wildcats 6/10/2023
Mason Cuff 25 2 Jersey Shore Wildcats 6/10/2023
35 6 Sticks Northeast 12U Figuereo 6/11/2023
Total 60 8
Lucas Funk 33 5 Jersey Shore Wildcats 6/10/2023
28 6 Northeast United 12u 6/11/2023
Total 61 11
33 4 OOTP Cyclones Prospects (2029) 6/11/2023
Total 94 15
Bronx Gambino 21 6 Brooklyn Bulldogs 12 Orange 6/10/2023
39 12 Sticks Northeast 12U Figuereo 6/11/2023
Total 60 18
Matthew Luchi 43 7 OOTP Cyclones Prospects (2029) 6/11/2023
Griffin West 69 9 Northeast United 12u 6/11/2023
East Coast Ghost 12u Gray
0 Jaydon Alemany 17 4 Marlboro Mustangs 12u (Granese) 6/10/2023
45 5 Sticks Northeast 12U Figuereo 6/10/2023
Total 62 9
Erik Finne 81 14 Marlboro Mustangs 12u (Granese) 6/10/2023
RJ Rivera 37 3 Northeast United 12u 6/11/2023
Angelo Squitieri 50 6 Sticks Northeast 12U Figuereo 6/10/2023
Kingdon Watt 56 7 Northeast United 12u 6/11/2023
Eep Bandits 12u
5 Julius Beltran 49 9 Untamed 12u Blue 6/10/2023
17 Jacob Cabeza 49 9 Untamed 12u Blue 6/10/2023
15 Dylan Difo 30 6 Rockland Elite Red 6/11/2023
3 Kaleb Mercado 46 1 Northeast United 12u 6/10/2023
8 Jordan Parrish 65 8 Northeast United 12u 6/10/2023
27 1 Rockland Elite Red 6/11/2023
Total 92 9
9 Johan Pengel 18 2 Northeast United 12u 6/10/2023
83 8 Rockland Elite Red 6/11/2023
Total 101 10
11 Maasai Viala 27 1 Northeast United 12u 6/10/2023
Jersey Shore Wildcats
4 Brad Bateman 29 3 OOTP Cyclones Prospects (2029) 6/9/2023
7 Vincent Garibaldi 55 5 East Coast Ghost 12U BLACK 6/10/2023
55 Tyler Heyward 32 0 OOTP Cyclones Prospects (2029) 6/9/2023
11 Cole Kerstetter 17 0 OOTP Cyclones Prospects (2029) 6/9/2023
99 Jude Laforge 77 11 East Coast Ghost 12U BLACK 6/10/2023
12 Charlie Mahony 41 4 Sandlot Baseball Academy Davis 6/11/2023
77 Robinson Stio 42 5 Sandlot Baseball Academy Davis 6/11/2023
Marlboro Mustangs 12u (Granese)
21 Finn Alexander 46 9 NY Sluggers Giants 6/11/2023
13 Anthony Granese 61 7 Sticks Northeast 12U Figuereo 6/9/2023
4 Vince Marchese 44 6 East Coast Ghost 12u Gray 6/10/2023
27 Ethan Mecchi 57 8 NY Sluggers Giants 6/11/2023
12 Kaydn Salfarlie 39 8 East Coast Ghost 12u Gray 6/10/2023
24 Joshua Zung 33 9 Sticks Northeast 12U Figuereo 6/9/2023
Northeast United 12u
0 Andrew Edwards 50 5 East Coast Ghost 12U BLACK 6/11/2023
0 Cole Erickson 77 10 East Coast Ghost 12u Gray 6/11/2023
0 Luke Fazulak 6 2 Untamed 12u Blue 6/10/2023
6 2 East Coast Ghost 12u Gray 6/11/2023
Total 12 4
0 Christopher Haines 30 1 Untamed 12u Blue 6/10/2023
0 Nick Mandio 57 8 Eep Bandits 12u 6/10/2023
0 Brandon Rangel 9 1 Eep Bandits 12u 6/10/2023
0 Walker Snee 20 2 Eep Bandits 12u 6/10/2023
75 10 East Coast Ghost 12U BLACK 6/11/2023
Total 95 12
0 Jason Sporer 55 9 Untamed 12u Blue 6/10/2023
NY Sluggers Giants
92 Alexander Annunziato 67 7 Sandlot Baseball Academy Davis 6/10/2023
34 Deiri Bodre 5 1 OOTP Cyclones Prospects (2029) 6/11/2023
10 Thomas Bowers 29 3 Rockland Elite Red 6/10/2023
25 3 OOTP Cyclones Prospects (2029) 6/11/2023
Total 54 6
27 Joseph Calderon 32 2 Rockland Elite Red 6/10/2023
23 Bryan Cuevas 29 3 Rockland Elite Red 6/10/2023
37 6 Sandlot Baseball Academy Davis 6/10/2023
Total 66 9
2 Sandy Jr De La Rosa 0 0 Sandlot Baseball Academy Davis 6/10/2023
0 0 Rockland Elite Red 6/10/2023
Total 0 0
24 Steven Degree 46 6 Marlboro Mustangs 12u (Granese) 6/11/2023
17 Omar Henriquez 5 1 Rockland Elite Red 6/10/2023
6 2 Sandlot Baseball Academy Davis 6/10/2023
Total 11 3
32 12 Marlboro Mustangs 12u (Granese) 6/11/2023
Total 43 15
16 Ryan Lemm 36 9 Rockland Elite Red 6/10/2023
39 2 OOTP Cyclones Prospects (2029) 6/11/2023
Total 75 11
11 Jesse Soberal Jr 47 6 OOTP Cyclones Prospects (2029) 6/11/2023
81 Brice Staples 14 0 Marlboro Mustangs 12u (Granese) 6/11/2023
OOTP Cyclones Prospects (2029)
22 Cody Alicea 31 6 Jersey Shore Wildcats 6/9/2023
61 12 Brooklyn Bulldogs 12 Orange 6/10/2023
Total 92 18
20 Vincent Donofrio 63 11 East Coast Ghost 12U BLACK 6/11/2023
8 James Esposito 97 13 NY Sluggers Giants 6/11/2023
99 Tim Hansen 9 3 Brooklyn Bulldogs 12 Orange 6/10/2023
Rockland Elite Red
24 Ray Burdette 26 2 NY Sluggers Giants 6/10/2023
4 Lucas Coseo 27 3 Sandlot Baseball Academy Davis 6/10/2023
63 6 Eep Bandits 12u 6/11/2023
Total 90 9
6 Logan Cox 31 3 Eep Bandits 12u 6/11/2023
99 Liam Guyre 14 3 Eep Bandits 12u 6/11/2023
42 Spencer Izenman 78 11 NY Sluggers Giants 6/10/2023
1 Dylan Kass 26 3 Eep Bandits 12u 6/11/2023
3 Michael Monda 86 15 Sandlot Baseball Academy Davis 6/10/2023
2 Mike Montijo 44 5 NY Sluggers Giants 6/10/2023
Sandlot Baseball Academy Davis
12 Nicholas Hricenak 25 3 NY Sluggers Giants 6/10/2023
35 6 Rockland Elite Red 6/10/2023
Total 60 9
24 Nathanael Kayal 85 11 Jersey Shore Wildcats 6/11/2023
6 Graham Kelly 8 1 Jersey Shore Wildcats 6/11/2023
7 Thomas Mackrell 25 4 NY Sluggers Giants 6/10/2023
26 Chase Magnot 80 12 Rockland Elite Red 6/10/2023
34 Matty Seitzinger 67 5 NY Sluggers Giants 6/10/2023
Sticks Northeast 12U Figuereo
Sage Caesar 37 8 East Coast Ghost 12u Gray 6/10/2023
99 Cole Campbell 15 6 Marlboro Mustangs 12u (Granese) 6/9/2023
26 Benjamin Huang 25 4 Marlboro Mustangs 12u (Granese) 6/9/2023
Justin Mahoney 30 4 East Coast Ghost 12u Gray 6/10/2023
TJ Muhlfeld 19 1 East Coast Ghost 12u Gray 6/10/2023
13 Daniel Sangemino 6 1 Marlboro Mustangs 12u (Granese) 6/9/2023
68 15 East Coast Ghost 12U BLACK 6/11/2023
Total 74 16
Brady Scheurer 24 2 East Coast Ghost 12u Gray 6/10/2023
5 Campbell Singleton IV 35 5 Marlboro Mustangs 12u (Granese) 6/10/2023
Untamed 12u Blue
10 Thomas Cookerly 52 9 Brooklyn Bulldogs 12 Orange 6/11/2023
9 D.J. De La Fuente 72 6 Northeast United 12u 6/10/2023
2 Malcolm Hall 54 9 Eep Bandits 12u 6/10/2023
6 Gavin Keough 28 6 Brooklyn Bulldogs 12 Orange 6/11/2023
99 Devin Murray 43 9 Eep Bandits 12u 6/10/2023
36 5 Northeast United 12u 6/10/2023
Total 79 14