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4/16 - The original 8AM game at Kell High School has been moved to Aviation #2 at 8:30AM.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings 1 Event Article
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
5 Star Atlanta 14u
0 Jett Beck 37 4 Sba South 4/15/2023
0 Bryce Fletcher 16 3 Fca Newnan Naturals 4/15/2023
0 Cohen Hansard 52 8 Fca Newnan Naturals 4/15/2023
46 8 East Cobb Colt 45s 14u 4/16/2023
Total 98 16
0 Anthony Kauker 66 10 East Cobb Colt 45s 14u 4/16/2023
0 Adrian Palacios 13 1 Fca Newnan Naturals 4/15/2023
19 6 Sba South 4/15/2023
Total 32 7
0 Andrew Rice 14 0 Fca Newnan Naturals 4/15/2023
643 DP Cougars 14U
8 Aydan Andrade 85 18 Staf Dirtbags 4/16/2023
27 TJ Borow 31 5 643 DP Jaguars 14U 4/16/2023
55 Frankie Boyle 50 6 Motor City Hit Dogs National 4/16/2023
45 Evan Brand 63 9 643 DP Jaguars 14U 4/16/2023
3 Chase Campbell 17 3 The Hood 14u - Black 4/16/2023
28 Cooper Graves 26 5 East Cobb Mudcats 14u 4/15/2023
7 4 643 DP Jaguars 14U 4/16/2023
Total 33 9
13 Amaree Griffin 83 11 Wow Factor Scout 14U 4/15/2023
2 Dylan Honore 45 5 East Cobb Mudcats 14u 4/15/2023
5 3 Motor City Hit Dogs National 4/16/2023
Total 50 8
21 Jack Johnson 27 7 Wow Factor Scout 14U 4/15/2023
5 2 643 DP Jaguars 14U 4/16/2023
Total 32 9
29 6 Motor City Hit Dogs National 4/16/2023
Total 61 15
59 Dawson Lowit 27 3 East Cobb Mudcats 14u 4/15/2023
44 9 The Hood 14u - Black 4/16/2023
Total 71 12
1 Austin Tamborra 33 1 East Cobb Mudcats 14u 4/15/2023
25 3 Motor City Hit Dogs National 4/16/2023
Total 58 4
643 DP Jaguars 14U
1 Aaron Best 29 5 Brookwood Layson 4/15/2023
12 Hap Allen Fleming 35 6 East Cobb Nationals 14u Red 4/15/2023
4 Quinn Herring 25 1 643 DP Cougars 14U 4/16/2023
19 Rylin Lyemance 26 7 East Cobb Nationals 14u Red 4/14/2023
44 Davis Robinson 53 11 643 DP Cougars 14U 4/16/2023
14 Hayes Stephens 29 6 East Cobb Colt 45s 14u 4/14/2023
44 10 Brookwood Layson 4/15/2023
Total 73 16
5 Will Zeigler 12 3 East Cobb Colt 45s 14u 4/14/2023
25 3 Brookwood Layson 4/15/2023
Total 37 6
11 Noah Zinman 39 5 East Cobb Nationals 14u Red 4/14/2023
39 6 643 DP Cougars 14U 4/16/2023
Total 78 11
643 DP Tigers 14U
7 Cameron Denis 33 4 Sba South 4/15/2023
14 Logan Mayers 70 12 East Cobb Mudcats 14u 4/14/2023
9 Michael Prather 81 11 Sba South 4/15/2023
99 Ryder Ritch 50 11 Titans Baseball 14U Blue 4/14/2023
25 Lane Taylor 76 9 Titans Baseball 14U Blue 4/14/2023
1 Connor Zerbenski 27 6 East Cobb Mudcats 14u 4/14/2023
Brookwood Layson
10 Garrett Coe 59 8 TG DBacks 14U National - Furphy 4/15/2023
27 Alex Evans 62 9 643 DP Jaguars 14U 4/15/2023
3 Brody Hahn 19 1 Motor City Hit Dogs National 4/15/2023
25 Cody Hill 36 6 TG DBacks 14U National - Furphy 4/15/2023
13 Jason "Lincoln" Ingemanson 34 1 Motor City Hit Dogs National 4/15/2023
11 Logan Mixon 35 6 Motor City Hit Dogs National 4/15/2023
17 Hayden Strickland 10 1 Motor City Hit Dogs National 4/15/2023
41 7 643 DP Jaguars 14U 4/15/2023
Total 51 8
Devine Baseball 14U
10 Caleb Delong 33 3 Staf Dirtbags 4/15/2023
12 Bryce Fontenot 62 8 The Hood 14u - Black 4/15/2023
31 Hudson Huff 27 5 Staf Dirtbags 4/15/2023
10 Micah Huff 33 3 Staf Dirtbags 4/15/2023
7 Eli Primm 76 12 The Hood 14u - Black 4/15/2023
19 Jacob Sorrell 84 15 Team Elite 14U Prime - Gray 4/15/2023
11 Jordan Wilkerson 13 6 Staf Dirtbags 4/15/2023
27 Ben Zawacki 26 3 Staf Dirtbags 4/15/2023
East Cobb Braves
Peyton Berry 52 6 Georgia Jackets 14u - American 4/14/2023
25 Benjamin Davidson 70 12 East Side Aces - Hecht 4/16/2023
Malcolm Forte 26 2 Georgia Jackets 14u - American 4/14/2023
12 Nithin Siva 11 0 Georgia Jackets 14u - American 4/14/2023
25 0 East Side Aces - Hecht 4/16/2023
Total 36 0
12 Jaxson Wallace 15 2 Team Elite 14U Prospects 4/14/2023
James Walton 97 12 Team Elite 14U Prospects 4/14/2023
East Cobb Colt 45s 14u
Nolan Crutchley 33 6 East Cobb Nationals 14u Red 4/16/2023
99 Nirven Dalal 27 3 643 DP Jaguars 14U 4/14/2023
19 LJ Gianneschi 16 2 643 DP Jaguars 14U 4/14/2023
42 Nathan Grijalva 31 7 East Side Aces - Schmal 4/14/2023
31 3 East Cobb Nationals 14u Red 4/16/2023
Total 62 10
23 Will Haskin 15 3 East Cobb Nationals 14u Red 4/16/2023
33 Joshua Jordi 83 10 East Side Aces - Schmal 4/14/2023
0 Nicholas Joy 20 1 5 Star Atlanta 14u 4/16/2023
17 Andrew King 33 3 643 DP Jaguars 14U 4/14/2023
43 8 5 Star Atlanta 14u 4/16/2023
Total 76 11
27 Ashton Murphy 61 8 5 Star Atlanta 14u 4/16/2023
77 Will White 42 1 643 DP Jaguars 14U 4/14/2023
East Cobb Mudcats 14u
12 Maddox Baker 26 3 643 DP Cougars 14U 4/15/2023
18 2 Team Elite 14U Prime - Gray 4/16/2023
Total 44 5
7 Braylon Bommersbach 31 3 643 DP Cougars 14U 4/15/2023
4 Aidan Brand 0 0 643 DP Cougars 14U 4/15/2023
22 Josh Duerre 72 6 643 DP Cougars 14U 4/15/2023
27 Carter Lanxton 52 9 643 DP Tigers 14U 4/14/2023
57 9 Team Elite 14U Prime - Gray 4/16/2023
Total 109 18
19 Nick Miller 34 3 643 DP Tigers 14U 4/14/2023
5 Cole Stewart 31 4 643 DP Tigers 14U 4/14/2023
9 3 643 DP Cougars 14U 4/15/2023
Total 40 7
9 Trevor Williams 39 4 Team Elite 14U Prime - Gray 4/16/2023
East Cobb National 14u
24 Jackson Beatty 16 3 Motor City Hit Dogs National 4/15/2023
55 12 East Side Aces - Schmal 4/15/2023
Total 71 15
20 Brock Burrus 31 4 Motor City Hit Dogs National 4/15/2023
15 Cash Fenhagen 47 9 TG DBacks 14U National - Furphy 4/15/2023
25 1 Wow Factor Scout 14U 4/16/2023
Total 72 10
0 Konnor Hooper 0 0 TG DBacks 14U National - Furphy 4/15/2023
22 Noah Nixon 11 3 Motor City Hit Dogs National 4/15/2023
3 Carson Reeves 17 2 TG DBacks 14U National - Furphy 4/15/2023
Brady Wagner 46 8 East Side Aces - Schmal 4/15/2023
13 3 Motor City Hit Dogs National 4/15/2023
Total 59 11
2 Payton Walker 8 1 East Side Aces - Schmal 4/15/2023
14 6 TG DBacks 14U National - Furphy 4/15/2023
Total 22 7
53 7 Wow Factor Scout 14U 4/16/2023
Total 75 14
Andrew Williams 49 2 Motor City Hit Dogs National 4/15/2023
37 10 Wow Factor Scout 14U 4/16/2023
Total 86 12
East Cobb Nationals 14u Red
13 Francisco Garcia 63 15 East Cobb Colt 45s 14u 4/16/2023
Ben Gardner 38 6 643 DP Jaguars 14U 4/14/2023
26 Jay Hernandez 52 6 Motor City Hit Dogs 14u Yates 4/16/2023
Xavier Howard 44 9 East Side Aces - Schmal 4/14/2023
45 Jordan Jones 60 9 643 DP Jaguars 14U 4/14/2023
29 2 Motor City Hit Dogs 14u Yates 4/16/2023
Total 89 11
9 Jordan Stokes 19 4 Motor City Hit Dogs 14u Yates 4/16/2023
23 Jude Stresing 64 12 East Side Aces - Schmal 4/14/2023
East Side Aces - Hecht
5 Lennon Baker 30 1 Georgia Jackets 14u - American 4/14/2023
69 9 East Cobb Braves 4/16/2023
Total 99 10
68 Ellis Couch 91 12 Team Elite 14U Prospects 4/14/2023
99 David Eisenstein 26 1 Team Elite 14U Prospects 4/15/2023
13 Chandler Mathis 12 2 Georgia Jackets 14u - American 4/14/2023
0 Zack Mesimer 24 6 East Cobb Braves 4/16/2023
54 8 Motor City Hit Dogs 14u Yates 4/16/2023
Total 78 14
4 Kendrick Seever 32 1 Team Elite 14U Prospects 4/14/2023
55 9 Motor City Hit Dogs 14u Yates 4/16/2023
Total 87 10
33 Will Sjogren 75 12 Georgia Jackets 14u - American 4/14/2023
East Side Aces - Schmal
24 Joshua Alequin 26 2 East Cobb National 14u 4/15/2023
20 Halen Bennett 52 9 East Cobb Colt 45s 14u 4/15/2023
16 Colton Brown 56 4 East Cobb Colt 45s 14u 4/14/2023
22 Jack Childress 19 2 East Cobb Colt 45s 14u 4/14/2023
6 Luke Darsey 40 8 East Cobb Nationals 14u Red 4/14/2023
28 Jacob Saboura 30 9 East Cobb Nationals 14u Red 4/14/2023
50 9 East Cobb National 14u 4/15/2023
Total 80 18
26 Henry Zaring 22 4 East Cobb Nationals 14u Red 4/14/2023
51 9 East Cobb National 14u 4/15/2023
Total 73 13
East Side Aces - Yandel
2 Jensen Morneau 48 11 Motor City Hit Dogs 14u Yates 4/15/2023
15 Christian Pearson 14 3 The Hood 14u - Black 4/15/2023
12 1 Motor City Hit Dogs 14u Yates 4/15/2023
Total 26 4
10 Jaiden Tse 20 9 Team Elite 14U Prime - Gray 4/16/2023
19 Dylan Walls 36 9 The Hood 14u - Black 4/15/2023
46 12 Motor City Hit Dogs 14u Yates 4/16/2023
Total 82 21
50 Sammy Wilson 44 6 Motor City Hit Dogs 14u Yates 4/15/2023
31 12 Titans Baseball 14U Blue 4/16/2023
Total 75 18
17 Luke Winbush 47 6 The Hood 14u - Black 4/15/2023
Fca Newnan Naturals
22 Nate Brown 47 11 Sba South 4/15/2023
5 Will Downing 0 0 Georgia Jackets 14u - American 4/15/2023
27 Jakob Gonzalez 49 6 Georgia Jackets 14u - American 4/15/2023
26 Braxton Johnson 78 12 Georgia Jackets 14u - American 4/15/2023
28 Jd Raney 41 1 Sba South 4/15/2023
9 Remy Rogers 65 21 5 Star Atlanta 14u 4/15/2023
Georgia Jackets 14u - American
34 Matthew Davis Jr 24 6 East Cobb Braves 4/14/2023
9 2 East Side Aces - Hecht 4/14/2023
Total 33 8
53 9 The Hood 14u - Black 4/16/2023
Total 86 17
24 Davaun Dowdy 40 5 Fca Newnan Naturals 4/15/2023
19 Alex Furlong 58 8 East Side Aces - Hecht 4/14/2023
7 Miles Hasty 61 12 Fca Newnan Naturals 4/15/2023
22 Avery Scott 55 5 East Side Aces - Hecht 4/14/2023
4 Brody Varner 60 9 The Hood 14u - Black 4/16/2023
10 Graham Whittle 17 3 East Cobb Braves 4/14/2023
2 Noah Willis 0 0 Fca Newnan Naturals 4/15/2023
Motor City Hit Dogs 14u Yates
2 Rudy Hauss 59 11 Southeast Barons - Black 4/15/2023
24 Blake Lane 20 4 Southeast Barons - Black 4/15/2023
63 8 East Cobb Nationals 14u Red 4/16/2023
Total 83 12
10 4 East Side Aces - Hecht 4/16/2023
Total 93 16
7 Adam Pawczuk 78 11 East Side Aces - Yandel 4/16/2023
4 Grady Preston 94 17 East Side Aces - Hecht 4/16/2023
15 Connor Smith 45 2 Southeast Barons - Black 4/15/2023
28 6 East Side Aces - Yandel 4/15/2023
Total 73 8
77 Rocco Stefanovski 46 5 East Cobb Nationals 14u Red 4/16/2023
88 Cameron Vanecek 94 14 East Side Aces - Yandel 4/15/2023
Motor City Hit Dogs National
10 Jayden Amos 0 0 643 DP Cougars 14U 4/16/2023
24 Peyton Coldicott 4 3 Southeast Barons - Black 4/15/2023
53 12 Brookwood Layson 4/15/2023
Total 57 15
15 Donovan Glosser 14 3 East Cobb National 14u 4/15/2023
59 14 643 DP Cougars 14U 4/16/2023
Total 73 17
20 3 Sba South 4/16/2023
Total 93 20
8 Alexander Henriquez-Collado 0 0 Brookwood Layson 4/15/2023
1 Garrett Hilborn 30 6 Southeast Barons - Black 4/15/2023
34 3 643 DP Cougars 14U 4/16/2023
Total 64 9
31 Harry Chubb Jones Jr. 71 12 East Cobb National 14u 4/15/2023
16 Graham Keen 71 11 Wow Factor Scout 14U 4/16/2023
3 Joshua Leonard 0 0 643 DP Cougars 14U 4/16/2023
1 Colton McCaleb 13 3 643 DP Cougars 14U 4/16/2023
52 Finnian O'Loughlin 70 15 Sba South 4/16/2023
5 Peyton Price 32 10 Wow Factor Scout 14U 4/16/2023
Sba South
0 Tyson Brantley 67 11 Fca Newnan Naturals 4/15/2023
23 Michael Hodge 93 18 643 DP Tigers 14U 4/15/2023
0 Aden Rucker 40 4 Fca Newnan Naturals 4/15/2023
22 Ryan Trout 95 10 Motor City Hit Dogs National 4/16/2023
12 Davis Upshaw 30 12 5 Star Atlanta 14u 4/15/2023
19 Bobby Wooten 28 5 Motor City Hit Dogs National 4/16/2023
Southeast Barons - Black
21 Garrett Dart 12 1 The Hood 14u - Black 4/15/2023
22 Drew Fuentes 34 1 Motor City Hit Dogs National 4/15/2023
5 Daniel Gilroy 16 2 The Hood 14u - Black 4/15/2023
9 Brody Keel 45 3 Motor City Hit Dogs National 4/15/2023
Ryan Lawing 7 2 Motor City Hit Dogs National 4/15/2023
55 11 The Hood 14u - Black 4/15/2023
Total 62 13
34 Jack Mikels 28 6 Motor City Hit Dogs 14u Yates 4/15/2023
Felix Perez 76 12 Motor City Hit Dogs 14u Yates 4/15/2023
12 Chase Schneider 37 7 The Hood 14u - Black 4/15/2023
33 Tyler Younger 27 2 Motor City Hit Dogs National 4/15/2023
Staf Dirtbags
3 Bodie Brumlow 53 8 Team Elite 14U Prime - Gray 4/15/2023
13 McRae Ellis 8 2 Team Elite 14U Prime - Gray 4/15/2023
63 17 643 DP Cougars 14U 4/15/2023
Total 71 19
28 Carson Kimm 41 9 Devine Baseball 14U 4/15/2023
14 Evan Litschke 16 3 Devine Baseball 14U 4/15/2023
0 Carter Lyle 39 3 Devine Baseball 14U 4/15/2023
26 Lucas Pietro 35 6 Devine Baseball 14U 4/15/2023
7 Truitt Stafford 26 3 Team Elite 14U Prime - Gray 4/15/2023
Team Elite 14U Prime - Gray
53 Ashton Baer 40 5 Staf Dirtbags 4/15/2023
40 Cohen Carter 8 3 Staf Dirtbags 4/15/2023
5 Ian Leshynski 20 3 Staf Dirtbags 4/15/2023
24 1 East Side Aces - Yandel 4/16/2023
Total 44 4
Worth Lundy 69 10 Devine Baseball 14U 4/15/2023
75 Landon Rawlins 66 15 East Cobb Mudcats 14u 4/16/2023
22 Durham Roach 40 7 East Side Aces - Yandel 4/16/2023
39 Syler Smith 19 0 Staf Dirtbags 4/15/2023
3 Lucas Wheeler 36 4 Staf Dirtbags 4/15/2023
51 Colt Williams 41 4 Devine Baseball 14U 4/15/2023
Team Elite 14U Prospects
84 Gavin Bray 76 14 Wow Factor Scout 14U 4/15/2023
83 George Dickinson 52 7 East Side Aces - Hecht 4/14/2023
41 Nicholas Mapp 39 6 East Cobb Braves 4/14/2023
82 Patrick McCann 43 9 East Cobb Braves 4/14/2023
47 Maddox McCollum 46 8 East Side Aces - Hecht 4/14/2023
76 Jj Sims 44 7 Wow Factor Scout 14U 4/15/2023
TG DBacks 14U National - Furphy
17 Matthew Bronitt 27 5 East Cobb National 14u 4/15/2023
Kayden Cheng 29 3 Brookwood Layson 4/15/2023
Ryan Keating 3 1 Brookwood Layson 4/15/2023
Knox Overstreet 78 17 Titans Baseball 14U Blue 4/16/2023
Jonathan White 40 9 East Cobb National 14u 4/15/2023
Lyndon Williams 50 4 Brookwood Layson 4/15/2023
Nick Wright 0 0 East Cobb National 14u 4/15/2023
37 6 Brookwood Layson 4/15/2023
Total 37 6
Noah Wright 30 1 East Cobb National 14u 4/15/2023
The Hood 14u - Black
17 Andrew Biggers 39 6 East Side Aces - Yandel 4/15/2023
5 Quin Brown 34 4 Georgia Jackets 14u - American 4/16/2023
Cade Goodmark 21 4 643 DP Cougars 14U 4/16/2023
Mason Kennerly 50 6 643 DP Cougars 14U 4/16/2023
42 Walker May 58 11 Devine Baseball 14U 4/15/2023
1 Landon Nessl 56 9 Southeast Barons - Black 4/15/2023
42 7 Georgia Jackets 14u - American 4/16/2023
Total 98 16
12 John Paolino 64 12 Southeast Barons - Black 4/15/2023
22 Mason Peek 25 3 Devine Baseball 14U 4/15/2023
12 2 643 DP Cougars 14U 4/16/2023
Total 37 5
99 James Sharp 50 9 Devine Baseball 14U 4/15/2023
50 5 Georgia Jackets 14u - American 4/16/2023
Total 100 14
Will Wazevich 2 1 Georgia Jackets 14u - American 4/16/2023
28 0 643 DP Cougars 14U 4/16/2023
Total 30 1
34 Lucas Zustiak 92 15 East Side Aces - Yandel 4/15/2023
Titans Baseball 14U Blue
22 Rocco Baxter 42 8 643 DP Tigers 14U 4/14/2023
39 8 East Side Aces - Yandel 4/16/2023
Total 81 16
23 Asher Black 56 9 643 DP Tigers 14U 4/14/2023
2 Weston Clements 37 8 TG DBacks 14U National - Furphy 4/16/2023
6 McCayden Hufstetler 9 0 643 DP Tigers 14U 4/14/2023
27 3 Wow Factor Scout 14U 4/15/2023
Total 36 3
9 Templar Mack 35 9 Wow Factor Scout 14U 4/15/2023
15 Davis Parker 58 6 Wow Factor Scout 14U 4/15/2023
4 Brantley Patch 24 3 643 DP Tigers 14U 4/14/2023
33 4 East Side Aces - Yandel 4/16/2023
Total 57 7
1 Carson Thomas 47 10 TG DBacks 14U National - Furphy 4/16/2023
Wow Factor Scout 14U
3 Gavin Andreu 28 6 Team Elite 14U Prospects 4/15/2023
22 Sylas Billie 37 6 643 DP Cougars 14U 4/15/2023
49 14 East Cobb National 14u 4/16/2023
Total 86 20
4 Caden Coleman 36 3 East Cobb National 14u 4/16/2023
15 Anthony Diaz 47 12 Team Elite 14U Prospects 4/15/2023
10 Andy Espinoza 14 3 Team Elite 14U Prospects 4/15/2023
43 6 643 DP Cougars 14U 4/15/2023
Total 57 9
45 9 Motor City Hit Dogs National 4/16/2023
Total 102 18
47 Jorge Kau 67 15 Titans Baseball 14U Blue 4/15/2023
33 Santiago Ponte 42 6 Titans Baseball 14U Blue 4/15/2023
13 Zachary Tavarez 38 4 643 DP Cougars 14U 4/15/2023
58 10 Motor City Hit Dogs National 4/16/2023
Total 96 14