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9U (Minor) 10U (Minor) 11U (Minor) 12U (Minor) 13U (Minor) (54/80) 14U (Minor)
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Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
2 Way Athletics 10u
3 Bowen Beach 37 17 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10u Weeks/Thompson 3/24/2023
5 Colston Frye 50 12 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10u Weeks/Thompson 3/24/2023
10 Grayson George 13 3 Georgia Dream Chasers 10u 3/25/2023
17 Oliver Teti 27 9 Georgia Dream Chasers 10u 3/25/2023
27 Payton Walker 25 5 Georgia Dream Chasers 10u 3/25/2023
13 Luke Zbinden 3 0 Carolina Blue Jays 10u 3/26/2023
643 Dp Jaguars 10u
23 Emory Bridges 21 3 Oregon Park Mavericks 3/25/2023
3 Griffin Cody 56 6 Oregon Park Mavericks 3/25/2023
6 Caleb Cuff 50 6 Georgia Academy Patriots 3/25/2023
2 Landon Kilgo 2 1 Georgia Academy Patriots 3/25/2023
48 Denton Kimberley 22 2 East Cobb Aviators 3/24/2023
18 0 Oregon Park Mavericks 3/25/2023
Total 40 2
18 Easton Mines 37 3 Oregon Park Mavericks 3/25/2023
4 Luke Shipman 40 8 East Cobb Aviators 3/24/2023
11 Noah Thompson 52 8 Georgia Academy Patriots 3/25/2023
1 Cayden Westerfield 45 5 East Cobb Aviators 3/24/2023
Archer Premier Baseball 10u
42 Dawson Cope 40 9 Dingers 10u Elite 3/25/2023
5 Quinn McAllister 62 9 Georgia Jackets 10u - Jain 3/25/2023
44 Kolton Powers 19 9 Dingers 10u Elite 3/25/2023
2 Levi Reid 54 9 Elite Sluggers 10u Fountain 3/25/2023
7 Justice Soto 38 9 Georgia Jackets 10u - Jain 3/25/2023
17 Tyson Wahl 51 9 Elite Sluggers 10u Fountain 3/25/2023
Atlanta Diamondbacks 10u
21 Isaac Ayers 10 2 Beastmode Black 3/25/2023
3 Tyler Davis 75 6 Beastmode Black 3/25/2023
1 Trae Dunford 12 3 Beastmode Black 3/25/2023
10 Talmadge Masiello 47 12 Diamond Kings 10u Black 3/25/2023
2 Stephen Taylor Jr. 76 18 Knuckleheadz 10u Blue 3/25/2023
Beastmode Black
13 Jackson Butler 78 16 Elite Sluggers 10u Fountain 3/25/2023
42 Jacob Richey 30 6 Atlanta Diamondbacks 10u 3/25/2023
33 Austin Traylor 55 6 Atlanta Diamondbacks 10u 3/25/2023
Carolina Blue Jays 10u
5 Wyatt Arledge 16 1 Warriors Baseball Academy 3/25/2023
12 Billy Harrold 36 8 Warriors Baseball Academy 3/25/2023
10 Easton Harrold 41 9 Georgia Bombers 10u Franchise Club 3/25/2023
9 3 2 Way Athletics 10u 3/26/2023
Total 50 12
13 Mason Hudson 40 4 Georgia Bombers 10u Franchise Club 3/25/2023
30 Gavin Lee 16 4 Georgia Bombers 10u Franchise Club 3/25/2023
21 Caysin Lynn 43 9 Warriors Baseball Academy 3/25/2023
Diamond Kings 10u Black
44 Laquan Archie Jr 82 11 Atlanta Diamondbacks 10u 3/25/2023
24 Tripp Clardy 42 4 Elite Sluggers 10u Fountain 3/25/2023
21 Chase Drake 32 9 Elite Sluggers 10u Fountain 3/25/2023
5 Jaxyn Scott 58 12 Georgia Academy Patriots 3/25/2023
Dingers 10u Elite
9 Aiden Fressell 29 3 Archer Premier Baseball 10u 3/25/2023
5 1 Georgia Jackets 10u - Jain 3/25/2023
Total 34 4
2 Landon Gibbs 38 7 Georgia Dream Chasers 10u 3/25/2023
10 Hayden McQuiston 42 5 Georgia Jackets 10u - Jain 3/25/2023
7 Davis Ruble 38 4 Georgia Jackets 10u - Jain 3/25/2023
20 1 Georgia Dream Chasers 10u 3/25/2023
Total 58 5
18 Jayden Scott 5 1 Archer Premier Baseball 10u 3/25/2023
15 2 Georgia Jackets 10u - Jain 3/25/2023
Total 20 3
11 Cayson Stinchcomb 37 9 Archer Premier Baseball 10u 3/25/2023
19 4 Georgia Dream Chasers 10u 3/25/2023
Total 56 13
27 Caleb Wade 44 5 Archer Premier Baseball 10u 3/25/2023
East Cobb Astros 10u White
10 Tucker Cable 47 4 Georgia Academy Reds- Mcleroy 3/24/2023
6 Bryce Donahue 37 5 Georgia Academy Reds- Mcleroy 3/24/2023
2 Tristan Hurst 28 6 Kennesaw Generals 10u 3/24/2023
21 Arcadio Pizarro 25 6 Georgia Academy Reds- Mcleroy 3/24/2023
31 Braxton Short 35 6 Kennesaw Generals 10u 3/24/2023
East Cobb Aviators
14 Wyatt Carter 45 6 643 Dp Jaguars 10u 3/24/2023
12 Max Chisholm 65 9 Georgia Academy Patriots 3/24/2023
31 Kace Johnson 18 1 643 Dp Jaguars 10u 3/24/2023
18 3 Georgia Academy Patriots 3/24/2023
Total 36 4
27 Carter Lewis 20 6 Georgia Academy Patriots 3/24/2023
36 Briggs Nestlehutt 22 6 643 Dp Jaguars 10u 3/24/2023
15 Isai Perez 11 0 Georgia Academy Patriots 3/24/2023
Elite Sluggers 10u Fountain
5 Mac Fordham 69 15 Diamond Kings 10u Black 3/25/2023
14 Tatum Fuller 33 6 Beastmode Black 3/25/2023
11 Micah Jarvis 38 6 Archer Premier Baseball 10u 3/25/2023
4 Brody Moss 64 12 Archer Premier Baseball 10u 3/25/2023
3 Kingsley Ross 42 8 Beastmode Black 3/25/2023
Georgia Academy Patriots
9 Gavin Barrera 35 4 East Cobb Aviators 3/24/2023
10 Reeves Esposito 77 14 East Cobb Aviators 3/24/2023
13 Wyatt Fretwell 25 5 Diamond Kings 10u Black 3/25/2023
5 Jace Krumwiede 67 7 643 Dp Jaguars 10u 3/25/2023
23 Ryne Scheetz 26 1 Diamond Kings 10u Black 3/25/2023
3 Cam Toney 50 3 Diamond Kings 10u Black 3/25/2023
40 Declan Wilson 55 8 643 Dp Jaguars 10u 3/25/2023
Georgia Academy Reds- Mcleroy
45 Hunter Cable 43 9 Kennesaw Generals 10u 3/25/2023
11 Oliver Duncan 31 4 East Cobb Astros 10u White 3/24/2023
23 Luke Gregones 18 2 East Cobb Astros 10u White 3/24/2023
1 Brooks Lemeshka 26 3 East Cobb Astros 10u White 3/24/2023
8 Eli McLeroy 41 6 East Cobb Astros 10u White 3/24/2023
7 Wynn Vance 21 6 Kennesaw Generals 10u 3/25/2023
Georgia Bombers 10u Franchise Club
19 Bennett Brannon 13 3 Warriors Baseball Academy 3/25/2023
12 Gabriel Gurkaynak 30 6 Carolina Blue Jays 10u 3/25/2023
3 Justin Kil 30 6 Warriors Baseball Academy 3/25/2023
16 Miller Preslan 24 6 Warriors Baseball Academy 3/25/2023
17 Zachary Probst 43 12 Carolina Blue Jays 10u 3/25/2023
7 Brady Shores 14 3 Warriors Baseball Academy 3/25/2023
Georgia Dream Chasers 10u
2 Carter Brown 46 6 Dingers 10u Elite 3/25/2023
7 Karter Childs 23 6 2 Way Athletics 10u 3/25/2023
5 Houston Daniels 5 3 2 Way Athletics 10u 3/25/2023
23 Titan Ellis 51 12 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10u Weeks/Thompson 3/24/2023
8 Ryan Gantt 35 6 Dingers 10u Elite 3/25/2023
22 Cruz Ray 18 3 Dingers 10u Elite 3/25/2023
21 Jaden Villaflor 44 9 2 Way Athletics 10u 3/25/2023
Georgia Jackets 10u - Jain
15 Grant Hohman 29 2 Dingers 10u Elite 3/25/2023
7 Holden Jain 48 6 Dingers 10u Elite 3/25/2023
13 Parker Kuhn 32 6 Archer Premier Baseball 10u 3/25/2023
17 Camden Schier 39 5 Archer Premier Baseball 10u 3/25/2023
27 Jake Sears 54 7 Archer Premier Baseball 10u 3/25/2023
15 Graham Simmons 30 4 Dingers 10u Elite 3/25/2023
Home Plate Chili Dogs 10u Weeks/Thompson
3 Cooper Huffman 0 18 2 Way Athletics 10u 3/24/2023
15 Will Jones 85 10 Georgia Dream Chasers 10u 3/24/2023
18 Caleb Torres 0 6 2 Way Athletics 10u 3/24/2023
13 Garrett Weeks 0 5 2 Way Athletics 10u 3/24/2023
Kennesaw Generals 10u
16 Baylor Adams 59 7 Tg Dbacks 10u Hampton 3/25/2023
14 Silas Andrews 12 1 East Cobb Astros 10u White 3/24/2023
24 Ian Bivins 55 6 East Cobb Astros 10u White 3/24/2023
10 Conner Craddock 64 18 Georgia Academy Reds- Mcleroy 3/25/2023
2 Matthew Nash 46 8 Tg Dbacks 10u Hampton 3/25/2023
27 Mac Smith 26 2 East Cobb Astros 10u White 3/24/2023
Knuckleheadz 10u Blue
45 Bryson Fore 24 2 Tg Dbacks 10u Hampton 3/25/2023
24 Dylan Gutierrez 14 3 Oregon Park Mavericks 3/25/2023
3 Korbin Ray 78 14 Atlanta Diamondbacks 10u 3/25/2023
23 Christopher Rivera 21 1 Atlanta Diamondbacks 10u 3/25/2023
11 2 Tg Dbacks 10u Hampton 3/25/2023
Total 32 3
27 Kolton Salter 61 14 Tg Dbacks 10u Hampton 3/25/2023
1 Gavin Wunsch 31 3 Oregon Park Mavericks 3/25/2023
Oregon Park Mavericks
17 Xavier Dodson 59 10 Tg Dbacks 10u Hampton 3/25/2023
5 Brady Hedgecock 35 4 Tg Dbacks 10u Hampton 3/25/2023
88 Landon Leszczynski 27 3 643 Dp Jaguars 10u 3/25/2023
36 4 Knuckleheadz 10u Blue 3/25/2023
Total 63 7
2 Gavin Nikkhah 54 5 643 Dp Jaguars 10u 3/25/2023
44 Jack Vickrey 14 3 643 Dp Jaguars 10u 3/25/2023
32 2 Knuckleheadz 10u Blue 3/25/2023
Total 46 5
23 Logan Wilm 26 0 Knuckleheadz 10u Blue 3/25/2023
Tg Dbacks 10u Hampton
20 Miles Baker 29 8 Kennesaw Generals 10u 3/25/2023
12 3 Oregon Park Mavericks 3/25/2023
Total 41 11
7 Collin Campbell 53 9 Kennesaw Generals 10u 3/25/2023
8 Bryant Cobb 46 9 Oregon Park Mavericks 3/25/2023
27 Jake Hampton 34 3 Knuckleheadz 10u Blue 3/25/2023
89 Kohler Jones 39 8 Knuckleheadz 10u Blue 3/25/2023
11 Ethan Kang 16 1 Kennesaw Generals 10u 3/25/2023
10 Brando Tabor 36 4 Oregon Park Mavericks 3/25/2023
99 Banks Wright 38 6 Knuckleheadz 10u Blue 3/25/2023
Warriors Baseball Academy
13 Beckham Chase 21 4 Georgia Bombers 10u Franchise Club 3/25/2023
2 Knox Galloway 31 6 Georgia Bombers 10u Franchise Club 3/25/2023
19 Evin Lowe 14 3 Carolina Blue Jays 10u 3/25/2023
8 Gatlin Nelson 29 3 Carolina Blue Jays 10u 3/25/2023
1 Aaron Olszyk 48 5 Georgia Bombers 10u Franchise Club 3/25/2023
7 Nick Ramsey 68 12 Carolina Blue Jays 10u 3/25/2023