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Metal spikes/cleats are prohibited on all turf surfaces, including turf pitching mounds. Please make sure your athletes have alternate footwear this weekend.

Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Attention coaches: Visit your team page to enter probable pitcher(s) for each game.
Participating Teams
National RankPlaceTeamClassificationFromCoach
  KC Flight (20-4-0 in 2022) 13AAA Kansas City, MO Steven Walter
  Storm-Jasper (8-6-0 in 2022) 13AA Kansas City, MO
  Killer Bees (7-6-2 in 2022) 13AA Topeka, KS James Hurla
  13U Bandit Baseball Academy (2-5-1 in 2022) 13AA Abilene, KS Justin Coup
  Barnstormers 13U Wohler (23-12-1 in 2022) 13AA Manhattan, KS Nick Wohler
  Emporia Reds (4-6-0 in 2022) 13AA Emporia, KS
  Homefield Baseball Academy - Porta (21-20-2 in 2022) 13AA Olathe, KS
  KC Storm Chasers (3-18-0 in 2022) 13AA Kansas City, MO Brian Engel
  KS Renegades (4-4-0 in 2022) 13AA Shawnee, KS
  Mammoth Sports Academy - Steel (21-8-1 in 2022) 13AA Meriden, KS Josh Skahan
  NBA - Marucci Jones (9-6-1 in 2022) 12AAA Olathe, KS Chad Clutchey
  NBA Marucci Jones (5-21-1 in 2022) 13AA Olathe, KS Scott Jones
  Patriots (5-5-1 in 2022) 13AA Kansas City, MO Wesley Holloway
  Seneca Storm (9-11-0 in 2022) 13AA Seneca, KS
  SOAR Academy 13u Balsamo (13-24-0 in 2022) 13AA Kansas City, MO Johnny Balsamo
  Teamwork Sports Storm (20-14-2 in 2022) 13AA Kansas City, MO
  Topeka Rebels (0-11-1 in 2022) 13AA Topeka, KS Jason Gray