2006 California Underclass
Eric Alcantar is a 2007 1B/P from Venice HS, residing in Los Angeles, CA, with a 6'1" 186 lb. frame. Has a strong athletic type build and a good frame. Offensively he has a strong upper body and uses that upper body a lot in his swing. He certainly has some strength but his lower half does not have much flexion. The result is that he can and will hammer mistakes up in zone but will struggle with average breaking stuff in the bottom of the zone. He has some pop in his zone and decent bat speed so his power can play, but not as an average hitter. His hips work early, also suggesting that breaking balls are going to be troublesome. Alcantar is strong but he made inconsistent contact. Defensively his arm tracks pretty well and he showed decent hands. His footwork was fine around the bag and he can be an average defender at the college level. He should be considered a follow prospect for local colleges and could benefit from time at a JC to get the reps at the plate.