2003 National Showcase
We’re confident that Davis was one of the top prospects in Lincoln based on his athletic ability and the variety of plus tools he flashed. We’re just not sure how good Davis is as his game performance didn’t match up to his tools. First impressions might be Davis’s 6th tool. He has an excellent athletic body at 6-2, 200 lbs, has an easy, natural athletic gait to all his actions and really looks like he enjoys competing. The first impression of Davis’ bat was just as good, as he put on a great batting practice display. He hit 4 balls out of the park into the wind in fair territory, plus a couple more that just curled foul, and blasted one ball over the berm and walkway in right field clear over the second fence and into the parking lot. Davis takes a full, hard cut and generates very good bat speed with some lift at the end. His load and trigger in batting practice was calm and easy but that disappeared during the game, thus the source of one problem. Facing live pitching, Davis rose up on his toes as he loaded and dropped down quickly as he started his swing, thus dramatically changing his eye level as the ball approached the plate. He also showed problems keeping his hands back and struggled making contact with off-speed pitches. We’d heard that Davis was a low to mid 90’s guy off the mound and playing third base showed good arm strength throwing across the diamond. While he did touch 90 mph in his stint off the mound, Davis was more of a raw arm strength thrower than a pitcher and strongly rates as a better hitting prospect at this point for us. Despite all the above, Chris can easily correct the mechanical flaw. This leaves us with one big time prospect with a truck load of ability. Scouts are going to follow him very closely, as well they should. He has outstanding potential. Chris is a good student as well.