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10/4 8:15PM - Due to a light failure at Woodland High School, the playoff game scheduled for that field has been moved to Sunday morning and has pushed some games back. Please recheck your game times for accuracy
Oct 2 - 4 | 
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings 1 Event Article
FB Velocities
South Charlotte Braves Oliver Camden Wimbish R87
643 DP Tigers 16U Hawkins Alex Karst R86
Ninth Inning Royals 17U Dennis Colin Anderson R84
East Cobb Prime 16U Logan Bryson R84
Georgia Jackets 16U American Nick DiFelice L84
East Cobb Colt 45s 16U Orange Brandon Eck R84
MGBA 16U Paul Green R84
MGBA 16U Jayden Reid R84
Nelson Baseball School 16U Niko Nevarez R83
Canes SE 16U Jack Young R83
East Cobb Colt 45s 16U Orange Crispin Brockington R82
MGBA 16U Kijani Clarington R82
643 DP Tigers 16U Hawkins Sims DeLong R82
Georgia Select 17U Tyler James R82
Bullpen Redstitch 108 17U Jackson Jefferson R82
TG D-backs Taylor Gavin Lynch R82
Canes SE 16U Kole Orshoski R82
East Cobb Prime 16U Ben Stoddard R82
Ninth Inning Royals 17U Dennis Will Tansill R82
East Cobb Prime 16U Steven Vrolijk R82
Nelson Baseball School 16U Lorenzo Atwell R81
Bullpen Redstitch 108 17U Zachary Bailey L81
Falcons Baseball Nathan Beckman R81
ATL Metro RBI 16U Clarence Callaway R81
MGBA 16U Clarence Callaway R81
Georgia Jackets 16U American Hunter Dixon R81
TG D-backs Taylor Kyler Mayo R81
ATL Metro RBI 16U Nicholas Spry R81
MGBA 16U Nicholas Spry R81
Nelson Baseball School 16U Ethan Carroll R80
Academic Patriots 15/16 Lovejoy Stephen Goetze R80
Georgia Select 17U Jesse Greenway R80
South Charlotte Braves Oliver Jim Johnson R80
East Cobb Prime 16U Kolby Kimberly R80
Nelson Baseball School 16U Grant Lester R80
Falcons Baseball Tanner Locsin R80
Canes SE 16U Mason McEntyre R80
Bullpen Redstitch 108 17U Jace Morris R80
Canes SE 17U Michael Oslacky R80
East Cobb Colt 45s 16U Orange Diego Sarabia R80
South Charlotte Braves Oliver Max Schmidly R80
643 DP Tigers 16U Hawkins Niall Todd L80
Georgia Jackets 16U American Parker Adams R79
Canes SE 17U Riley Anderson R79
East Cobb Colt 45s 16U Orange Christian E Baker R79
Nelson Baseball School 16U Derek Brooks R79
Georgia Select 17U Bradley Chatham R79
Canes SE 17U Tyler Chatham L79
Bullpen Redstitch 108 17U Elijah Crawford L79
Canes SE 17U Trent Foster R79
360 Hawks 17U Gregorio Gonzalez L79
Ninth Inning Royals 17U Dennis Michail Harris R79
Georgia Select 17U Josh Johnson R79
643 DP Tigers 16U Hawkins Jacob Leroux L79
TG D-backs Taylor Jake Levinson R79
East Cobb Prime 16U Jake Middleton L79
Bullpen Redstitch 108 17U Keaton Moss R79
Academic Patriots 15/16 Lovejoy Andrew Thompson R79
Georgia Jackets 16U American Andrew Bentley R78
Nelson Baseball School 16U Daniel Berry R78
Georgia Select 17U Gavin Chambers L78
TG D-backs Taylor Owen Easton R78
Ninth Inning Royals 17U Dennis Jason Gilley R78
Canes SE 16U Conner Hilton R78
Smartense 16u White Matteo Lafratta R78
Smartense 16u White Makana Peters R78
TG D-backs Taylor Matthew Shaw R78
Bullpen Redstitch 108 17U Colby Shumate R78
ATL Lightning 16U Shepherd Carson Stout R78
Georgia Select 17U Nolan Wolfe R78
South Charlotte Braves Oliver Thomas Bolt R77
Georgia Jackets 16U American Kage Bossman R77
MGBA 16U Khamari Bush L77
643 DP Tigers 16U Hawkins Matthew Cooney L77
ATL Lightning 16U Giordano Chase Lavalley R77
ATL Lightning 16U Shepherd Chris McDonald R77
Academic Patriots 15/16 Lovejoy Noah McMahon R77
Ninth Inning Royals 17U Dennis Preston Morgan R77
Georgia Jackets 16U American Tyler Oneacre R77
360 Hawks 17U Ryan Owen R77
643 DP Tigers 16U Hawkins Garrett Reid R77
Georgia Jackets 16U American Trevor Toth L77
Dunwoody Diablos Daniel Turner R77
Ninth Inning Royals 17U Dennis Zach Campbell R76
360 Hawks 17U Rhaylin Carvajal R76
Nelson Baseball School 16U Harrison Childers R76
East Cobb Colt 45s 15u Orange Michael Fallon R76
643 DP Tigers 16U Hawkins Canyon Fennelly R76
Canes SE 17U Caleb Floyd R76
360 Hawks 17U Collin Hart R76
Nelson Baseball School 16U Brady Martel R76
South Charlotte Braves Oliver Jack Morrisette R76
Academic Patriots 15/16 Lovejoy Jackson Rogers L76
East Cobb Colt 45s 15u Orange Drew Sisco R76
South Charlotte Braves Oliver Tebbit Smith R76
TG D-backs Taylor Aaron Garner R75
ATL Metro RBI 16U William "Logan" Geter L75
East Cobb Prime 16U Wyatt Liskey L75
Georgia Select 17U Ryan Mahoney R75
643 DP Tigers 16U Hawkins Michael Mattison R75
Academic Patriots 15/16 Lovejoy Colton Mazur R75
Bullpen Redstitch 108 17U Ezra Poole R75
ATL Lightning 16U Shepherd Zach Posel R75
Smartense 16u White Blake Riley R75
East Cobb Prime 16U Wes Shannon L75
East Cobb Prime 16U Caiden Townsend R75
Ninth Inning Royals 17U Dennis Alec Wasserman R75
Smartense 16u White Benjamin Watry R75
ATL Lightning 16U Shepherd Bobby Yarbrough R75
Canes SE 16U Walker Altman L74
Nelson Baseball School 16U Doug Anderson R74
ATL Lightning 16U Giordano Ryan Fallmann R74
MGBA 16U Myles Gordon R74
ATL Lightning 16U Giordano John Gregory R74
Georgia Jackets 16U American Kevin Jackson Jr L74
ATL Lightning 16U Shepherd Hayden Leddy R74
East Cobb Prime 16U Nick Olson R74
ATL Lightning 16U Shepherd Eli Simon R74
ATL Metro RBI 16U Brent Sims R74
MGBA 16U Brent Sims R74
360 Hawks 17U Trey Woolley R74
Dunwoody Diablos Grant Alderman R73
ATL Lightning 16U Giordano Jack Cayce R73
Dunwoody Diablos Sam Coan R73
MGBA 16U Johnny (LJ) Estrada R73
ATL Lightning 16U Giordano Tommy Gillette R73
Smartense 16u White Faris Kamel R73
TG D-backs Taylor Spencer Katzman R73
Nelson Baseball School 16U Tee Knight L73
MGBA 16U Nathaniel Leverette R73
643 DP Tigers 16U Hawkins Nate Levine L73
Canes SE 16U Brenton McGinnis R73
South Charlotte Braves Oliver Davin Metheny R73
Smartense 16u White Max Minton R73
East Cobb Prime 16U Brady O'Tuel R73
East Cobb Colt 45s 15u Orange Tyler Payne R73
East Cobb Prime 16U Garren Ramey L73
ATL Metro RBI 16U David Raygoza R73
Smartense 16u White Davis Wilson R73
ATL Lightning 16U Giordano Gregory Egan R72
ATL Lightning 16U Shepherd Zach Hanson R72
Academic Patriots 15/16 Lovejoy Thomas Mayer R72
Canes SE 16U Carson Sewell L72
ATL Lightning 16U Shepherd Ethan Vayle R72
ATL Lightning 16U Giordano Reid Pemberton R71
Smartense 16u White Eric Walsh R71
Academic Patriots 15/16 Lovejoy Cade Boling R70
Dunwoody Diablos Jackson Cheek L70
ATL Metro RBI 16U Keith Copeland R70
Dunwoody Diablos Casey Zaccara R69
ATL Lightning 16U Giordano Liam Corbally R68
Smartense 16u White Anderson Judd R68
Nelson Baseball School 16U John LoCurto R62